The Life After War Collection

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The Life After War Collection Page 450

by Angela White

  Britani shuddered. “I can’t. I’m scared.”

  Gus stroked his fingers over her cheek the way she liked, leaning in. “I’m joining the Eagles. Do it with me.”

  Britani froze for an instant and then wrapped her arms around him. “No. I forbid it.”

  Gus chuckled. “I’m gonna go help our people. You be careful here. These folks are upset right now.”

  “You telling me not to start trouble?” she demanded.

  “Are you.”

  She chuckled at the correction, emotions welling up to change the mirth into tears. She pressed her lips to his in terror. This was what she’d been afraid of–the waiting.

  Gus enjoyed her attention for a moment and then ended the embrace. He joined the small rescue crew that Angela had drafted, chin up in pride at having been chosen. She’d appeared to each of them and directed them with hand codes. They didn’t know what they were facing yet. Angela said she didn’t know either, that all she could hear was someone begging for help and someone promising to kill her as soon as they were rescued. She had asked Gus to be there when that happened, to help keep her alive. He’d been honored then and he felt honored now as he joined the team. He was useful to the boss. It’s what everyone here wanted.

  Britani was angry that Gus had been infected with the desire to serve, but she couldn’t gather enough rage to follow through on her threat. She settled for stomping to their line of wounded and frazzled doctor to help if she could.


  Angela met Gus and the others at the entrance to the tunnel on the second level. Neil and Kenn had been in here yesterday and found a cave-in.

  Angela nodded to the security standing in the corridor. She led her small group by them without explaining what was happening. She’d lied to Gus and the others. That voice had been threatening to kill Marc as soon as they were rescued. There was no explanation she could give for her rage.

  “You’re not going.”

  Angela spun to find Adrian and Kyle coming into the passage.

  “I’ll shout and wake him up if you say one word in argument.” Adrian gestured at Gus. “Will you make sure she gets back?”

  Gus regarded Angela. “What do you say?”

  Angela sighed. The assassin wanted Marc, but they would settle for her in order to get to him. “Take me to the new mess.”

  Adrian knew better than to gloat. He kept his thoughts blank as he and Kyle took their places.

  “Kyle has lead.”

  Adrian’s order was followed in relief. None of the men she’d chosen had liked Angela going in her condition.

  Angela was angry, but she also hadn’t wanted to wake Adrian to take Marc’s place and she liked Kyle too much to ask him to do it.

  “Can we go slow?”

  Gus shrugged at her lifted brow. “I don’t want Britani to know I didn’t help.”

  Angela snorted. “You’ve helped since it happened, Gus. And you were just given guard duty over the boss.”

  Gus hadn’t thought about it that way. He was grinning as he escorted Angela to the relative safety of their camp.


  “It’s daytime.” Mike yawned, shivering.

  The adults woke and made sure that the teens did too. All of them were very cold and very hungry.

  “We’ll start digging again in a few minutes.” Zack wanted everyone to be alert enough to help without getting hurt by morning clumsiness. They had cleared a small dent in the rubble pile before sleeping, but Zack doubted they would get through before the weather or lack of supplies killed them.

  “Do you hear that?” Timmy was lying near the rubble pile.

  Everyone quieted to listen.

  Zack frowned, rubbing his hands together. “Sounds like an engine.”

  Lawrence perked up. “Around here?”

  “We hid vehicles at each exit.” Zack listened harder. “Doesn’t sound like a car, though.”

  “No. More like…”

  “Digging equipment?”

  The boys let out a small shout as they realized what it could mean.

  “We’ll be okay.” Zack motioned the boys toward the rubble. “Let’s meet them in the middle.”

  Behind them, Lawrence and Donald watched without comment, each eager to get inside and do their duty.


  Kyle moved closer to the mound of stone… “I hear Zack. That’s his laugh. Wait.” Kyle gestured. “They need help. Keep digging!” He began shifting rock, not understanding why Zack was laughing when the others were shouting. He tried to listen to the fight as he and the group flung debris aside.


  “I’ll kill you!”


  The gunshot caused Kyle’s team to work faster. If that had been one of the good guys, the clock was ticking.

  “Look out!”

  Adrian and Kyle shifted a big stone over to reveal a narrow crack that revealed Lawrence placing his gun against Wade’s head. He pulled the trigger.


  Adrian and Kyle jumped aside as Greg and Daryl hit the pile with a battering ram made of a ceiling beam that had fallen during the quake. They broke through, stumbling over bodies as Lawrence fired again.


  Allan shot Lawrence in the hip and then again in the chest. The man fell, firing into the ceiling.

  Bleeding from a trim, Zack shoved Timmy and Mike into the warmer tunnel and then himself. Allan and Donald followed, leaving the fresh fighters to deal with Lawrence as he crawled toward the gun he’d dropped.

  “I have to kill her!”

  Kyle came through the hole, Glock racked. “Go to sleep.” He fired twice.

  Kyle scanned the bodies and motioned Adrian to grab one of them. “Let’s go.”

  The rest of the lost sheep also went through the hole. Everyone was eager to put the rocks back until Angela was ready to attack. The rest of the corridor was clear. They’d been able to view daylight.


  “You need to sleep now.”

  Tonya didn’t glance up from the leg she was holding in place for the doctor to finish splinting. “I will.”

  Kenn edged her out of the way with his big body. He had just returned from surveying the tunnels with Neil. It had taken them longer than expected. “I’ve got it.”

  “You’ll stay with the doctor?” Tonya had to insist or she wouldn’t be able to rest. “Assign someone and stay until they get here?”

  “My word on it. Neil’s updating the boss when he figures out where she is. I’m off duty for now.”

  “Thank you.” Tonya pressed a quick kiss to Kenn’s stubby cheek. “Wake me in five hours.”

  “I will.” Kenn didn’t worry over the lie. She needed more than five hours. He was just glad that he didn’t have to worry about someone trying to kill her like they were with Angela.

  “Get him on his feet. I’m done.”

  Kenn and Jimmy helped the camp member stand. He was led away by a family member who didn’t say a word of thanks.

  Kenn understood and resented it at the same time. They’d had to wait for injuries that were serious. Because of it, they’d suffered more than necessary. At the same time, some of those folks would have died and a broken leg was little compared to a life.

  “Next?!” The doctor’s tired bark echoed.

  Kenn swept the bottom floor, where a medical area was being set up for the wounded that couldn’t be transported upstairs yet. He watched Tonya curl up near Samantha, who hadn’t moved or even moaned in hours. Few people believed she would survive.


  Jimmy and Kenn turned at the same time to see Doug staggering from the chamber where they’d been dumping bodies down the pit.

  Kenn caught the doctor as he fainted, lowering the man to the ground, but he couldn’t look away from Doug. Covered in blood and other gore, he was like a zombie from the old horror films. The fact that he’d just come from the dead pool didn’t help the impression. “Doug?”

bsp; The big man nodded slowly, hand coming up. “I feel strange.”

  Still not convinced things were okay, Kenn inched a hand toward his gun belt. “Strange, how?”

  Doug stared at him with bleary, unblinking eyes. “I’m really hungry.”

  Oh, shit! Kenn panicked, retreating. “Uh, we’ve got MREs.”

  “Doug!” Romeo flew toward the big man. He was one of the last kids waiting to be carried upstairs.

  Doug caught the boy before Kenn could intervene.

  Do I shoot?!

  “Easy, grunt.” Angela had been drawn by Kenn’s panic. It didn’t happen often. She swept the scene and burst out laughing.

  Doug stared in confusion as the boy hugged him. “I missed something.”

  Angela was still laughing.

  Kenn flushed. “I’ve gotta get more sleep.”

  Chapter Nine



  “I found something.” Neil came to Angela. He scanned Doug, figured out what had happened and dismissed the gentle giant as luckier than most. Neil handed Angela a small, bent card.

  Angela stared at the numbers, trying to remember the ranges.

  “I don’t remember either.” Neil scanned Sam and found her the same.

  Angela put the card into the pocket of her jeans, distractedly wishing for clean clothes. “When Samantha wakes up, ask her. She spent a lot of time in that cubby. I’d bet she knows. Until then, there’s nothing we can do about it without locating the rest of the medication boxes. I should have had multiple stashes around the cave.”

  “With more food and water.” Neil regretted not thinking of it before the quake. Like the other council members, he’d believed it was better to keep their supplies together to prevent theft. “A lot of the camp wants you to stop digging. Kenn and I were listening while we scouted. There are two places we can try.”

  “What about you?”

  Neil shrugged. “Refugees or the UN, doesn’t matter. They both suck. If we can get the meat gathered and start rebuilding, maybe we should stay in.”

  “What about water?”

  Neil hadn’t been into the water room yet, but he’d come by it when he carried Sam to the doctor. “Low?”

  “Less than a week’s worth.” Angela stretched, back cracking in painful, delightful pops. “We’ll have a few days beyond that, of course, because we’re finding personal stashes, but right about the time that the UN arrives, we’ll all be getting very thirsty.”

  “Bad time for it.”

  “Yes. We have to clear a way out and get to snow for water collection–all while the refugees see and hear us.”

  “We have to create a distraction for them.” Kenn handed Angela a sheet of crumpled paper that she shoved into her pocket with the radiation badge.

  “Maybe.” Angela refused to commit. “If not, I have other ideas. We’ll need the equipment for it. The weather isn’t nice right now.”

  “We don’t notice it because we’re so far underground?” Neil scanned the exits, restless despite all the walking.

  “Yes.” She rotated toward the ladder. “That’s one of the biggest reasons I agreed to bring us here.”

  The men heard the loathing in her tone, the regret, but there was little any of them could say. Safe Haven had voted on it. Adrian had led them here and she’d helped, pushed. That weight wouldn’t ease without serious payments.

  Doug spoke to Kenn. “What do you need?”

  “For you to go to the showers. Neil will escort you.” Kenn swept Doug’s attire. “You’re creeping me out.”

  “Why do I need an escort?”

  “So you don’t get shot before you get there.” Neil led Doug to the rear of the bottom floor where a portable shower had been rigged up. A soft fire nearby was keeping the cleaned water hot.

  Neil waved off the surprise and cries as Doug was noticed.

  Kenn hefted the unconscious doctor over a shoulder and put him down by Tonya so he could watch over them both.

  Satisfied things were as under control as they could be for this situation, Kenn began rooting through debris piles that hadn’t been touched yet. He would salvage anything they could use.

  When Neil returned, he scanned Samantha again and then joined Kenn.

  Kenn sensed that Neil needed to talk about Jeremy, but he wasn’t sure what to say. I’m sorry, wasn’t enough.

  “Have your gifts shown up yet?”

  Kenn stared in surprise, guilt making his voice crack. “What?”

  Neil tugged to dislodge a dented flashlight. “You heard me.”

  Faced with the old lies and the need to hide, Kenn was too tired to keep it going. “Thoughts, sometimes. Nothing else yet.”

  Neil grunted in disappointment. He’d been hoping Kenn was a healer. Cody was too young, Angela was too weak, Conner and Kendle weren’t here, and that left little Leeann. Neil didn’t want to ask if she could. It felt wrong, even though it might save Samantha’s life.

  “Leave the kid alone.” Kenn paused, thinking of how valuable Samantha was. “Talk to the boss first, at least.”

  Neil nodded stiffly. He would, but if Angela said no, he wouldn’t listen.

  “I don’t believe the kid can help. If she could, Angela would have her under guard.”

  “Maybe that’s why Angela doesn’t.” Neil had considered that. “To protect her.”

  Kenn shrugged. It was possible. “Still, leave her alone unless you get permission.”

  “Easy for you to say.” Neil glowered. “Your woman is fine.”

  Kenn glanced over in time to see the knife coming down. No, she isn’t!

  Tonya punched the nun in the throat, knocking the woman away from her.

  The nun tripped over her grimy skirt and fell. The knife clattered across the stone.

  “Devil child! One of them!”

  Kenn and Neil hurried to restrain the woman, but with the doctor knocked out and the drugs still missing, all they could do was gag her and tie her hands.

  Angela and Marc reached them at the same time, followed by groups of Eagles and camp members.

  Kenn locked eyes with Marc. She tried to kill Tonya!

  Marc adjusted for the knowledge that Kenn could communicate mentally now. Marc had been expecting it for a while.

  “It’s okay…” Angela placed a hand on the shrieking woman’s shoulder. “Easy.”

  The nun drooped and then fell over.

  “That’s better.” Angela knelt by the woman and arranged her so that she would be comfortable. Angela also untied the gag and ropes. “She’ll sleep for a few hours and forget this. When she wakes up, she’ll need a guard. Forgetting won’t change how she feels.”

  Listening from the ladder above the chaos, Billy froze. Forgetting didn’t change how I feel, he recognized. I have a job waiting for me and it isn’t here. I need to go.

  “Pass the word that we’ll hold a camp meeting during dinner, which will be after everyone wakes up.” Angela ended the conversation. “We’ll do updates and make choices. Until then, try to sleep.”

  She gave Marc a warm look. “I’ll be around.”

  Marc smiled. Then he waved Gus along instead of an Eagle. Like Angela, he knew who the remaining unvetted people were. Gus wasn’t on that list.


  This is a mandatory camp meeting.” Angela held up a tattered notebook. “Please sign in. We’re trying to get an update on anyone who may still be missing.” Angela handed it to the closest person. “We’ll start with what we know, allow everyone to ask questions that weren’t covered, and then we’ll vote.” She waved at Kenn. “He’ll tell you how and when we’re getting out. This part, we’re not voting on. You will not be allowed to endanger the rest of us because you can’t wait two more days to leave. We’ve all suffered down here. You’re not alone.”

  Kenn stepped up to the front of the mess that had been repaired. Having power on the top level had allowed them to salvage flooring from the debris and weld it into enough of the ledges
to create a new floor. Not sturdy enough to hold them all at the same time, half the camp was sitting in the tunnel and reading room.

  “We drew some maps. The roads south are clear, but we believe the UN will use those. Avoid all roads south. If you’re leaving, go west and circle around, and then head south.” Kenn swept the crowd that was short over a hundred. “Any of you are welcome to meet us at the coast. Safe Haven will always be your home.”

  Angela approved the add-in, remembering a time when she had fed those types of lines to the Marine. Now, he’d learned to be compassionate on his own.

  “After we clear the tunnel, Eagles will scout the exit and search for the stash of vehicles. Then those cars and trucks have to be prepped. They won’t fire up after months of being frozen.” Kenn heard the mutters and rolled his mental eye. All set to run out there, but you forgot about the cold, the refugees and not having wheels ready to roll. That’s why we call you sheep, he thought snottily. You don’t think. You just react.

  Angela stayed expressionless, but around Kenn, a few of the other descendants nodded in savage agreement. Angela understood, but she didn’t view them that way. These were her people, like them or not.

  Standing nearby, Jennifer agreed with Angela the most. She understood the sentiments of the descendants, but she couldn’t help loving them. Even the ones she wanted to beat on still held value. They were America’s chosen survivors.

  “We’re going to pool the supplies and distribute as fairly as we can. It will be based on the number in the group. For example, if half the camp stays, half the supplies stay. If a quarter of the camp leaves, they get a quarter of the supplies to split. Marc is supervising distribution.”

  Marc didn’t expect arguments and there weren’t any. Everyone knew he would be fair, but they also knew he wouldn’t tolerate theft, coercion, or whining about amounts.

  “We need to know your decision at the end of this meeting. You can put it by your name on the sign-in sheet if you want or write it on a different page. Just make sure I see it.”

  “How are we splitting the power?” Tony didn’t care about the beans and bullets. “Who gets the magic?!”


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