Hexed With Sass

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Hexed With Sass Page 2

by Lia Davis

  She took her bottom lip between her teeth and studied the bottle and iron bench, her brows drawn. God, he hoped she could reverse whatever spell she placed on him.

  “I’m not sure. It was a gardening spell, supposed to work on the garden. I had no idea it would affect a person.” She moved past him and opened the back door to her home. He followed her inside.

  “It can be reversed, can’t it?” He couldn’t live the rest of his life turning things to plants.

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she mumbled to herself, but with his wolf senses he heard her. “I could ask the Elders. No, that won’t work. I’m on my last warning.”

  “Last warning for what?” Dread settled deeply inside him. He couldn’t be stuck like this forever.

  She cringed and closed her eyes. After a long few moments, she opened them and faced him. “I’m not a very good witch. I mean, I’m a good witch. I’m just not very good at being one.”

  “Figures.” He threw his hands up and paced the small kitchen. “There’s got to be something you can do, someone you can ask.”

  She frowned and the sour scent of disappointment mixed with sadness drifted from her before she left the room.

  Fuck. Feeling like an ass, he followed her into the living room. Once inside, he froze. Two of the walls were covered in floor-to-ceiling shelves with books filling them. Upon closer inspection, he noted a little more than half of them were magical volumes of some sort.

  “They were my mother’s.”

  He glanced at her when she spoke in a hushed tone. She stood in front of one of the bookcases with her arms wrapped around her waist. Crossing the room to her, he reached out but didn’t dare touch her. The last thing he needed was to turn her into a bush.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

  She sighed. “You didn’t. I’m use to people talking down to me.”

  Ouch. Did he talk down to her? “I can’t live like this.”

  “I understand that,” she snapped and started pulling books off the shelf. A moment later, she dumped them on the coffee table and sat on her knees in front of them.

  A red curl escaped her ponytail and swung in her face. He wanted to tuck it behind her ear, but he didn’t know if it would grow flowers or not. Fuck. Why him? “What’s your name?”

  She lifted her gaze to his and stared at him for a long moment. Her lips pursed and lines creased her forehead as if she were annoyed. Maybe she was, but she wasn’t the one spelled. Finally, her features softened and she said, “Pepper. Please sit.”

  Pepper. It was an odd name. Then again, most witches were a little strange anyway. Lost in her beauty, he sat on the sofa on the other side of the coffee table from her. She averted her eyes and her cheeks colored. Then he remembered he didn’t have any clothes.

  While shifters didn’t have any problem with nudity, others found it uncomfortable. He glanced around, grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over his lap. Green leaves sprouted in the fabric of the blanket and spread, followed by small pink flowers. He growled at the sight of his lower half covered in plant life.

  Pepper stared at the flowers and twisted her mouth so one corner raised. “It seems to be in your hands.”


  “The spell. Which makes sense because you stepped in the potion after knocking it out of my hand.” She sent him a narrowed-eyed, pursed-lip expression.

  His heart swelled at the sight. She was beautiful and all his. So if he had to spend the next couple of days or even longer with her, he would make sure to seduce her into being his mate.

  His sassy little witch.


  “Do you have a middle name?”

  From her position on the floor in front of the coffee table, Pepper glanced up at Wes with raised brows. Now he wanted to know about her? Their whole meeting was turned upside down. Ugh. Why did she have sex with him? At least he stopped demanding her to fix his green thumb and fingers issue. “Why do you need to know?”

  “You are mine.”

  “So you keep telling me.” She groaned out the words, then added, “I also know that with wolves, it’s the female who makes the final decision.” He looked down at the spell journals. After a brief pause, she decided to tease him a little about her name. “Shaker.”

  He jerked his gaze back to her and it was all she could do to keep from laughing. “Seriously?” He paused and studied her. “You’re teasing.”

  “You don’t like my name?”

  “I like pepper. On my food.” A gleam in his eyes told her he was teasing back.

  She rolled her eyes. “My birth name is Margaret Ann. Everyone used to call me Peggy.”

  “Used to? Why did it change?” He leaned forward and his vine-covered blanket slipped off his lap. Pepper tried not to ogle as she told him the story. “I helped out at the coven’s daycare a few times a week. A few years ago, one of the toddlers said my name and it sounded like pepper. So all the kids started calling me Pepper. It stuck.”

  He nodded and smiled at her. Her heartrate kicked up a few beats per second. “It fits you. But I like Peg.”

  She shrugged and began sifting through the open book in front of her. The urge to tell him he could call her anything he wanted was on the tip of her tongue. So yeah. She needed to focus on getting him free of the spell and sending him on his way, before she slept with him again and became addicted. The last thing she needed was another heartache.

  “My real name is Wesley. I was named after my mother’s father. I prefer Wes.”

  “I like Wesley.” She glanced up once more. The blanket had slipped a little more off his lap. “You need clothes. Unfortunately, I don’t have any that will fit you. There hasn’t been a man here since—”

  “Since what?”

  She shook her head, not wanting to talk about the father who walked out on them when she was a toddler. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Relief rippled through her when he didn’t press for an answer. Instead he said, “I could go home and get clothes. I need to let my family know I’ll be away for a few days.”

  Frowning, Pepper had hoped to reverse the spell by morning and he’d be on his way. Then she could go on with her sad, lonely life. “All right. I’ll be here searching my mom’s notes.”

  She tried to smile, but when she spoke about her mom, she choked and had to swallow the lump in her throat.

  Wes stared at her with a frown that creased his forehead. The muscles in his temples twitched, then his nostrils flared slightly. He was scenting her mood. Holding his stare, she closed off her emotions. The one ability she’d mastered at a very young age.

  She smiled at the low growl he gave before disappearing through the back door. Only then did she relax. Damn. Standing, she grabbed the Book of Shadows and flipped to the happiness spell. Surely it didn’t mean a wolf would stumble upon her and make her happy?

  No. No man or spell could make her happy. That was something she’d have to do herself. With a second bottle of wine.

  Turning to the kitchen, she tried to push away the images of Wes’s naked body in her living room and the feel of him inside her as he pinned her to the outside wall of the house. Oh gods. She was doomed. Helpless against the sex god reincarnated.


  Wes lurked in the shadows of Wolfe Pack den, not wanting anyone to see him. In and out. That was what he aimed for. He didn’t want to have to explain to his family where he was or where he would be. Yes, he’d have to tell them he would be gone a few days, but he intended to leave them a note.

  Yep. That was him. A chicken. Being the youngest meant everyone was in his business, saying they were protecting him. More like controlling his life. When they found out about the spell, they’d insist on trying to help in some way.

  One reason not to tell them he found his mate.

  When he reached his back door, he shifted to human and entered his house. The scents of his brother, sister, and brother-in-law made him groan. They were there,
waiting. Fuck.

  He didn’t address them as he padded to his bedroom. Nosy bunch. No doubt his parents sent them over since he hadn’t told anyone where he was going. Or why he wasn’t at the scenting ceremony.

  Gah. He yanked the closet door open, relieved the thing didn’t sprout greenery. Did the spell only work on organic objects like natural metals and materials? If so, then the backpack would definitely be growing things once he touched it. Gritting his teeth, he pulled out the backpack from the top shelf and tossed it onto the bed as quickly as he could. He stared at it like it would spring up from the bed and attack.

  Man, you’ve lost it.

  Just then, he caught the sight of his sister, Ruthanne, standing in the doorway, her arms folded and her expression blank. She was the oldest of the three and more like a mother bear than a wolf. And she’d become more protective since getting pregnant.

  Sending her a glare, he noted her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her blue eyes followed him to the bed. “Where are you going?”

  He didn’t respond right away to her sharp tone. She didn’t need to know. Hell, he was thirty years old. When would they stop treating him like a pup? “There is something I need to take care of. I’ll be back in a few days.”

  Movement at the door made him pause just before he reached out to open his dresser drawer. His brother, Rolan, and Ruthanne’s mate, Carter, had joined her. His sister moved inside the room to allow the males to enter.

  What the hell? Could he not have privacy in his own bedroom? Rolan sat on Wes’s bed like he owned the place.

  Wes sent out a warning growl, which his siblings ignored. “I don’t need to check in with you every second of the day.”

  His sister’s expression softened and she advanced toward him. Here it comes. He rolled his eyes and focused on the knob of the drawer. He needed gloves. But if he opened it quickly enough, maybe it wouldn’t sprout leaves. Hopefully the knob was a manmade material.

  Ruthanne placed a hand on his shoulder and he cringed. When several moments went by and she didn’t whine about plant life growing from her hand, he glanced at her over his shoulder. Concern was heavy in her gaze.

  With a sigh, he turned to face them. “I found a potential mate.” He held his hands up and continued before they had a chance to start making mating arrangements. “I need to handle this on my own. She’s…reluctant, so I need to take it slow.”

  It wasn’t a complete lie. She did show some resistance, but he also felt her recognition that they were mates.

  Carter nodded toward him. “She has also cursed you.”

  What? No. Carter was a witch, a powerful one at that. If he said Wes was cursed, then it was true. But how? Pepper was too timid to deal in black magic. Wasn’t she? “How…what are you talking about?”

  Carter grunted then said, “I feel the magic around you. It’s slight, but it’s there. And definitely a curse.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Carter dipped his brows and nodded. “She might not have known she did it though. The energy surrounding you is odd.”

  Wes glanced at the bed and groaned when he noticed the green leaves covering the pack. “I need gloves.” He walked into the closet and dug into the pocket of his leather jacket for his gloves.

  Veins and flowers sprouted on the leather and quickly spread to other articles of clothing hanging in the closet. Fuck. It was getting worse.

  After putting on the gloves, he stalked to the dresser, ignoring his siblings. From the corner of his eye, he saw Carter open the closet. Then the male laughed, drawing the attention of Ruthanne and Rolan. Pulling out a few T-shirts and jeans, he grumbled about nosey family.

  The faster he got out of there, the better.

  “I was right about the curse being odd.” Carter laughed harder and Wes thought the male was going to wet himself.

  “Laugh it up, witch,” Wes growled. Witch. Carter used dark magic on occasion… “Couldn’t you fix this?” Wes held his hands up.

  Carter shook his head. “I can’t undo another witch’s hex. Only she can.”

  Figures. His brothers continued to smile like idiots. Wes pointed at both males. “Fuck off.”

  Ruthanne approached him, her lips pressed together as if trying to hold in her burst of laughter. “Ignore my mate. This can be undone, right? Mom and Dad’s anniversary is next week and you have to be there.”

  His chest tightened at the plea in his sister’s eyes. “I’ll be there. Promise.”

  He zipped up the pack and dropped it on the floor, then shifted into his wolf. Ruthanne knelt and fastened the waist strap around his chest and a second one around his neck. Their family loved to hike and spend days in the woods camping in both human and wolf forms. She modified their packs to fit around them while in wolf form. There was also a third hidden strap that, if alone, they could slip their heads into easily.

  Wes licked her cheek in a thank you. She cupped his large head in her hands. “Call if you need anything. Love you, little brother.”

  When she let go, he walked by her, rubbing against her legs, then nodding at Rolan and Carter before taking off down the hall and out the large dog door in the back entrance.

  They may be huge pains in the asses, but they were his family.

  He and Pepper would have to find the cure soon. He could already feel it taking over his senses.

  Chapter Three

  Pepper combed through each page of the Book of Shadows but didn’t see anything that indicated the spell she used was any more than a gardening potion. Puzzled, she cleaned up the living room. When she placed the last book on the shelf, she heard scratching at the back door.

  Wes. At least he’s in wolf form. She hoped.

  She opened the door and stared down at the silver wolf. A low growl rumbled from him as he entered the kitchen. She kicked the door shut with her foot and turned to him. “What?”

  Just then he shifted and lifted a brow at her, nothing on but the backpack he had in wolf form. “You should keep your door locked.”

  It was her turn to lift a brow, well, two brows. She had never mastered the single raised eyebrow thing. “I live in a coven. There are a lot of highly sensitive witches who live here. In fact, they most likely know you are here.”

  Frowning, she averted her gaze and padded into the living room. She didn’t want everyone knowing she had company. Especially a male wolf shifter.

  His heavy footsteps closed in behind her. “You should still have your door locked.”

  She whirled around, crashing into his bare chest. He gripped her arms gently, as if trying to steady her. Good thing because her knees felt like jelly when his heat surrounded her, consuming her. Taking a deep breath and shaking off the drugging desire, she stepped out of his hold. It was too tempting to step closer to him and get lost in his arms. “Do you lock your doors in your den?”

  He narrowed his gaze, then one corner of his mouth twitched. “That’s different.”

  Oh no, he didn’t. “Why? Because you’re a shifter, bigger, and stronger than me? Because I’m a helpless witch who is banned from magic?”

  She whirled around to give him her back. As soon as she did, he was there. His thick arms wrapped around her waist and his naked body pressed against her back. Evidence of his arousal pressed into her hip. Gods help her.

  Magic wound around them and her skirt and blouse were soon covered in multi-colored flowers. A giggle bubbled up at the sight and soon turned into laughter.

  He squeezed a little tighter as if trying to punish her for laughing. The growl in her ear rumbled throughout her body, making her ache for him all the more. “I have a nosy family who can’t give me a moment of peace.”

  Some of that desire melted away as his words settled in. He had a family. One that loved him enough to be in his life. She had no one. No wonder he thought she needed to lock the doors. The wolf within him thought she needed protecting.

  It was empowering and sad at the same time. Her chest tightened and s
he pushed at his arms, wanting out of the cage he placed her in. She wasn’t helpless.

  After he released her, she moved a few feet from him. “I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing that for a long time.”

  A knock sounded on her door and her heart dropped to her bare feet. Who was there at this time of night? She glanced to Wes before moving to see who it was. After peering through the peephole, she squeezed her eyes shut. Crap. It was Josh from the council.

  Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and letting it out slowly, she opened the door and forced a smile.

  As the youngest member on the council, Josh was the easiest on the eyes and her nerves. His long, dark brown hair was bound by a leather tie at his nape. A strong jawline added a stern, yet handsome quality to his features.

  Yet, he never made sparks ignite. Not like Wes did since showing up in her backyard.

  Josh roamed his gaze over her and frowned. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes,” she said instantly, then remembered her skirt and blouse were covered in flowers. A giggle bubbled. Wes’s low growl from behind her fueled the onset of giggles. “I’m sorry, sir. I was experimenting with a new garden spell and spilt some.” She fanned out her skirt. “I guess I need to tone it down a little.”

  One corner of Josh’s mouth twitched. She swore she saw a shadow of a smile. “I would say so.” His gaze flicked up when Wes closed the distance.

  Pepper held her breath and fought a groan as Wes’s body heat wrapped around her. “Josh, this is Wes from the Wolfe—”

  Josh held a hand out to Wes. “The Wolfe Pack. I know. Josh Cummings, coven Elder.”

  After an intense moment, Wes extended his hand. Pepper held her breath, waiting. “Nice to meet you.”

  Pepper released a relieved sigh when Josh’s hand didn’t start growing flowers. Focusing on Josh, she asked, “Can I help you with anything?”

  “I was walking home after a council meeting and thought I’d come check on you.”

  They did that on occasion since her mom passed. She figured it was to make sure she didn’t blow up the house or anything else that could happen with her misfiring powers. “I’m fine. Wes is here to keep me company.”


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