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About the Author
Annie Jacobsen is a journalist and the author of the New York Times best-sellers Area 51 and Operation Paperclip. A graduate of Princeton University, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two sons.
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Title Page
Chapter One: The Evil Thing
Chapter Two: War Games and Computing Machines
Chapter Three: Vast Weapons Systems of the Future
Chapter Four: Emergency Plans
Chapter Five: Sixteen Hundred Seconds Until Doomsday
Chapter Six: Psychological Operations
Chapter Seven: Techniques and Gadgets
Chapter Eight: RAND and COIN
Chapter Nine: Command and Control
Chapter Ten: Motivation and Morale
Chapter Eleven: The Jasons Enter Vietnam
Chapter Twelve: The Electronic Fence
Chapter Thirteen: The End of Vietnam
Chapter Fourteen: Rise of the Machines
Chapter Fifteen: Star Wars and Tank Wars
Chapter Sixteen: The Gulf War and Operations Other Than War
Chapter Seventeen: Biological Weapons
Chapter Eighteen: Transforming Humans for War
Chapter Nineteen: Terror Strikes
Chapter Twenty: Total Information Awareness
Chapter Twenty-One: IED War
Chapter Twenty-Two: Combat Zones That See
Chapter Twenty-Three: Human Terrain
Chapter Twenty-Four: Drone Wars
Chapter Twenty-Five: Brain Wars
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Pentagon’s Brain
Also by Annie Jacobsen
List of Interviews and Written Correspondence
About the Author
Copyright © 2015 by Anne M. Jacobsen
Cover design by Allison J. Warner
Cover art by Mclek/Shutterstock
Author photograph by Hilary Jones
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ISBN 978-0-316-37165-0
The Pentagon's Brain Page 55