Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom Page 6

by Alara Branwen

  Estelar turned and lay with his back on the bed while the tiger girl worked gentle magic with her hands. She kissed the tip of his throbbing cock and ran her tongue around the head. Precum flowed from the opening and ran down the underside of his member. She gathered some of it in her palm and spread it over his cock, making her movements over it smoother.

  She continued for several minutes, enticing the head, teasing his member until it was bright red. Estelar’s body temperature rose several degrees. He started to sweat and his heart pounded in his ears.

  The tiger girl removed her hands from his member and looked at him with a half-lidded eye. “You wouldn’t mind getting me prepped, would you?”

  Without a word Estelar rose from the bed and walked behind the tiger girl. Tatarna arched into the bed and lifted her rear into the air. The elf moved her tail aside and found her pink pussy lips beneath the pucker of her ass.

  The elf wet his fingers and brushed his digits across the tiger girl’s thin labia. He gingerly stroked, taking his time to enjoy its smoothness. Her sex grew hot under his touch and moisture began to form. When it was sufficiently moist Estelar spread her lips and slipped his middle and ring finger into her.

  A little whine escaped Tatarna’s lips. She angled her legs wider, giving the elf better access to her box. He thrust his fingers into her hot folds and small squishing noises escaped. Estelar’s forefinger circumnavigated her heated muff. When he was convinced that it was evenly distributed his moistened finger slipped inward and flicked across the little nub at the top.

  Tatarna gasped. Estelar thrust his fingers more rapidly into the tiger girl as he rabidly rubbed small circles around her hardening clit. Moisture freely flowed from her honey box into the elf’s hand.

  Tatarna moaned into the bedding as the elf’s digits penetrated her. His fingers grazed across several small sensitive spots and brought numbing ecstasy into her mind. The agonizing pleasure continued for several minutes before she called out for him to stop.

  “I want you to take me now,” Her voice was lust laden.

  Estelar stood on his knees on the bed and placed a hand on the cat girl’s back. She lowered herself and angled her legs as widely as she could. With her tail in hand, Estelar pushed his member into the tiger girl’s moist sex. Her muscles closed around his invading cock and he released a small moan.

  The elf pumped his hips against the plump asscheeks of the tiger girl, his cock pushing deeply into her. The head grazed along the undulating walls of her pussy and teased all of the pleasure centers within. Estelar lifted himself a few inches and leaned forward to run kisses down his partner’s back.

  He was rewarded with little gasps and yips when his lips came into contact with the soft fur on her spine. Estelar gently smacked her ass as it bounced.

  The tiger girl grunted. “Do that again.”

  Estelar increased the tempo of his thrusting. “What do you say if you want someone to do something?”

  “Please, slap my ass again.”

  “Much better.” Estelar’s hand connected with a loud muffled thump against her right ass cheek.

  He squeezed the bouncing orange globe before bringing his hand down on it again. Estelar pulled her tail and the tiger girl’s ears folded back and she let out a loud moan.

  The elf hammered his member into her moist, ribbed cavern. The bed beneath them rattled with each titantic thrust. Estelar pulled back on her tail and laid a heavy smack across her ass every few seconds. Soon there was a large red mark beneath her fur where his hand repeatedly connected.

  A whirling pool formed in Estelar’s stomach and his calves went numb. He slowed his pace and released the tiger girl’s tail. There was something he wanted to see, or rather feel, before he went off.

  He wrapped his arms around Tatarna’s middle and pulled her back onto his chest. The tiger girl complied and pressed her furred back against the elf’s smooth chest. Estelar’s palms slid up her stomach. Her belly fur tickling his skin, until he came to her massive breasts. He gently gripped them and kneaded the large soft mounts. His mind soared. Her fur gave her breasts a downy feel that made them feel all the more spectacular. He rested his head against the tiger girl’s shoulder and lost himself in playing with her breasts.

  The elf’s member throbbed in the Tiger girl. She started moving herself on his cock, grinding her back against her partner’s stomach. Estelar’s thumbs teased her nipples and they grew hard under his touch. He took them between his thumb and forefinger and twisted.

  “Fuck yes,” Tatarna cried out as her body bounced faster. The elf continued to squeeze her nipples, applying a little more pressure with each passing moment. The tiger responded by rocking her hips even faster on his member. The whirlpool in Estelar’s stomach swirled faster. It bore its weight down on his crotch and his calves became absolutely numb.

  Estelar thrust back into the cat girl. Their bodies moved together frantically, creating a heavenly friction that gradually lulled the elf’s mind into a haze. He turned Tatarna’s head toward his and kissed her. Their tongues wildly tussled as they continued their savage display of passion.

  The moment gradually ascended and their mind’s blanked. Their furious movements pushed them to the edge. A powerful thrust from the elf spread the heavy feeling of the whirlpool in his stomach throughout his body. The next sent a torrent of cum from his cock into the tiger girl.

  Tatarna bounced a few more times before her pussy tightened around her partner’s member. She cried out and shivered as she experienced climax. She stayed there for a few moments before rising from the bed and putting her clothes back on.

  “I hope you enjoyed your welcoming gift,” Tatarna said.

  “I did, it was great,” Estelar said. “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I haven’t cum like that in a long time. A lot of the other members don’t put as much effort into sex. They just hump until they shoot their loads. You could teach them a thing or two.”

  The elf laughed. “I’m hardly the best, but I’d be happy to school them anytime.”

  The tiger girl made small, half-circular movements with her toes into the floor. “Hey, uh, I have a strange question.”

  “Knowing me, I have a stranger answer.”

  “There’s some stuff I want to try some - weird stuff. When we get the chance, would you want to try it later?”

  Estelar’s eyebrows furrowed. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that question. “Depends on what it is but, I’m pretty open minded, I think.”

  “Okay I - well - yeah. We can talk about it later. Anyway, Larkin wanted me to tell you that in a couple of hours, you and your friend Padwin would be going on a mission for the guild.”

  “Do you know what it is?”

  Tatarna shook her head. “He just said get outfitted in your armor and meet him in his office off of the common room.”

  The tiger woman walked toward the door and placed her hand on the handle. Before she exited she looked back over her shoulder. “Good luck on your first mission. When you get back, maybe we can have another go.”

  Tatarna slipped out of the door and closed it behind her.

  Estelar fell back on his bed, looked around at the room, and smiled. The Crimson Warrior guild house was already starting to feel like home.


  Estelar and Padwin stood in the Crimson Warrior common room on plush red carpet. Red banners hung on the walls with the guild’s insignia in black. Guild members, some in red armor and others not, sat around tables drinking ale and conversing among each other about this and that. There weren’t many guild members in the room, but those that were there looked fearsome.

  Man and elf stood tall and proud in their dark red leather armor with swords strapped to their waists. The guild’s newest members received appraising looks from everyone. Estelar felt like he was on display as hard eyes looked he and his friend over. From a far corner of the room, he saw Tatarna sitting with two other women, a busty halfling and a very muscul
ar orc woman. They all smiled at him and he felt himself flush.

  The door in front of the men opened and a small breasted blond elf woman clad in nothing but a see through slip of red clothing greeted them.

  “Larkin wants to see you now.”

  She led them through a small waiting room and down some steps into an even smaller and dark room lit by a hovering ball of white light. Behind a desk sat Larkin reading a book, with several open jars containing various fluids and unsavory things floating in them sitting in front of him. The young woman joined Larkin behind the desk and he looked up at his two guests.

  “Padwin, Estelar, welcome to my humble little office. How are you finding your stay at the Crimson Warrior guild thus far?”

  “It’s amazing,” Estelar said.

  “I loved it, but I have a question,” Padwin said. “How did you know I like girls with big butts?”

  Larkin smiled and shrugged. “I have my ways. Now that you’ve experienced the guild’s hospitality, it’s time to get to work. I have your first assignment. You will be given horses and supplies that will last you the entire day. Ride to Caspadel and travel along the main road that leads to the city. When you come across anyone, whether it be a lone traveller or a merchant’s wagon, I want you to rob them. If you are accosted by the authorities, or you get into a tough fight, even if you know you can win, run. Don’t fight them. When night falls, I want you to ride back here and deliver the money you obtained.”

  They both nodded. They were given a map to Caspadel and set out on their task.

  Unlike trying to skin a deer, riding a horse seemed to be a skill that all players were innately programmed with. Estelar situated a red mask over his face and closed his eyes as the wind whipped through his hair. He rode tall on his bay mare while Padwin seemed to be enjoying himself as well atop his chestnut. They travelled for a short time before they finally reached the road that led to the city.

  They turned their horses and started trotting away from the city gates in the distance. A few minutes passed and they heard conversation coming up the road ahead. Padwin took out a red bandanna and tied it over his face. Once it was fastened, they rode forward.

  Two male humans in brightly colored tunics were loudly talking to each other. Estelar rode in front of them and drew his arming sword. “Stand and deliver,” he said in his gruffest voice.

  The two humans gasped.

  “Awesome, two bandit mobs,” one said.

  “Let’s waste these guys and take their horses,” said the other.

  One of them drew a sword and clumsily swung it around. “You will never take my hard earned money, you ruffian.”

  He took two running steps forward and swung his sword around in a wide arc, leaving his body open. Estelar responded by planting his boot in the man’s face. He fell back and dropped his sword.

  Padwin dismounted and drew his own weapon. “Give us your money and we won’t hurt you.”

  The other man drew his sword and crouched. “You’ll have to take it over my dead body.”

  Padwin ran forward and struck with his sword. The two traded blows and circled around. Estelar was about to dismount and help his friend but it was clear Padwin had the advantage. He was faster on his feet and his blows shook the other combatant’s arms.

  After a few seconds of fighting Padwin pulled off a tripping maneuver that brought him down to the ground. He held the sword to the downed warrior’s throat.

  “Deliver up your money and we’ll leave you in peace.”

  Both of the men complied and the bandits rode away with a few silver and copper pieces.

  The next person they came upon was a young woman with white mouse ears sticking out of her bright red hair, walking peacefully walked along the road. Estelar rode up and demanded her coin purse. She handed it up without a struggle.

  They passed two ogres and a richly dressed man on horseback before they found another target, a chubby old man in a yellow poncho leading a mule driven cart. From the back of the cart, many various wares could be seen. Padwin drew his horse in front of the cart and the old man stopped.

  “Stand and deliver,” Padwin said.

  The old man calmly lifted his staff and shouted. “Glac Pugnus.”

  A chunk of ice in the shape of a fist slammed into Padwin and knocked him off his horse. The old man aimed his staff at Estelar and fired another ice fist. The elf kicked his horse in the ribs and it moved forward in time to dodge the attack.

  The old man rose and pointed his staff at Padwin. Another ice fist slammed into his friend. Estelar wanted to grab Padwin and ride away, but there’d be no way he could do so without getting hit by several ice blasts.

  Another ice blast hit Padwin and the color drained from his face. One more hit could kill him. There was no other way out of this, the elf had to attack.

  Estelar charged forward on his horse and kept his head low. Two ice fists passed over his head. Before his horse crashed into the donkey drawing the cart, the elf turned his horse to the side. He leapt from his saddle and crashed into several items in the cart. His character status screen opened.

  Estelar Lvl. 4

  HP: 95%(-5%)

  Stamina: 90%



  The old man turned his staff on Estelar. The elf quickly drew his sword and knocked it to the side as the magician finished his command word, sending the ice fist skyward. The old man brought his staff around and it connected on the elf’s jaw with a crunch.

  Estelar Lvl. 4

  HP: 85%(-10%)

  Stamina: 90%


  Jaw Broken

  Estelar’s world spun but he kept his wits about him. He knew if he let up for a second, the old man would kill him. He pumped his sword in front of him, striking voraciously at the old man. His attacks lacked any kind of finesse, but the old man was not a warrior. In a few seconds the magic-user was dead. His body faded and rose from the ground as a blue flame.

  Your skill with swords has increased to 1!

  You made it to level 5!

  The elf heard several horses clopping in the distance. He had to get out as quickly as possible. Estelar grabbed the mage’s staff and stuffed a few items from the cart in a bag and placed it in his inventory.

  To his dismay, he found that his horse had run off, however Padwin’s was still there. He gathered up his friend and placed him in the saddle. He then hopped on behind him and rode away from the scene as quickly as he could.

  “Hey,” Estelar heard in the distance.

  The elf kneed the horse’s ribs and he ran faster. The movement jostled his jaw, sending conflagrations of pain through his nerves. He rode hard for an hour before he came upon the Shumpet city gates. The sun was still high in the sky and Larkin said he wanted them to stay out until nightfall, however given the peaked state he and his friend were in, he doubted he could convince anyone to part with their valuables.


  The guards at the gate didn’t question Padwin and Estelar’s deplorable state, nor did anyone look up at them as the elf drug his human friend through the common room at the Winged Wench. The bartender led them downstairs.

  It took Estelar a great deal of effort, but he managed to get his friend to the common room. He looked around at the other Crimson Warriors in the room and expected some help, but none paid them any mind. The elf thought he saw a couple of compassionate glances, but they quickly turned away when he looked at the ones that made them.

  Estelar knocked on the door to Larkin’s office and it was answered by the elf female that let them in earlier. She disappeared and reappeared in the doorway a few minutes later. “Larkin said he’ll see you.”

  The elf carried Padwin to a chair in the waiting room and sat him down. Larkin came out of his office and scowled.

  “Gentlemen, you’re back much sooner than I expected. What happened?”

  Estelar pointed to his jaw and shook his head. Larkin took a look at him and nodded.
/>   “Serena, could you come here please?”

  The slender elf female walked over to him and he whispered into her ear. She nodded and went into the common room. A few minutes later she returned with two women, the busty halfling and the muscular orc woman Estelar saw earlier.

  “Would you ladies mind performing some healing on these two gentlemen?” Larkin said to the orc and halfling.

  They both smiled and nodded. Estelar gave Larkin a strange look but he ignored it.

  “Serena, I will be in my office. Please come get me when they are healed.” Larkin walked back into his office and left Padwin and Estelar with the three women.

  Estelar shrugged and the Orc grinned. “I take it you don’t know the easiest way to heal in this game.”

  The elf shook his head.

  “There is healing magic and you can use bandages,” the halfling said. “But we have found something else that works a little better and is much more fun.”

  Estelar shrugged.

  “Get your armor off and we’ll show you.”

  The elf pulled off his armor and the women took off Padwin’s. When they were done, the orc woman gently pushed Estelar into a chair.

  “Which one of us do you think is sexier, me or the halfling?”

  Estelar looked at the halfling woman and was instantly entranced by her large breasts. She was a little chubby, but that only made her more attractive to the elf. He imagined her bouncing on his cock, those big beautiful tits jumping while she pleasured his member.

  The orc female was tall, a good half-foot taller than him and had very chiseled muscles. He didn’t know if he would enjoy the sight of her hard body in the nude. He wasn’t sure if he’d like running his lips up her perfect green skin, brushing his fingers across her tight ass while her strong hands gently stroked his cock.


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