Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom

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Unexplored - Rise of the Crimson Kingdom Page 12

by Alara Branwen

  “Sucks for them.” Padwin turned the elf’s head so Estelar could face him. “All of the crap we’re doing isn’t cool. Robbing and killing innocent players isn’t what I expected to be doing when I started playing this game, but if I wasn’t doing it there wouldn’t be anything for me to enjoy about this game. My real life sucks and I come to this game to escape. Without the guild, I wouldn’t have anything to escape to.”

  Estelar drummed his fingers on his knee. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Padwin did have a point. He was always excited to log on to Unexplored right after he was done with all of his real world stuff, and a big reason was what the guild provided.

  He could afford to get smashed many times over and had all of the pussy he could ever want. Moreover, he actually had friends he could talk to. The elf looked at all of his companions. It wasn’t like the real world where the only people who talked to him were those that wanted something, he had friends he could actually spend time with. Larkin, though frightening, had always been good to his word and handsomely rewarded him with gold for his work for the guild.

  The Crimson warriors had infused life into his life, and that was something he couldn’t deny. He took a deep breath and nodded.

  “If you feel that way, you should find a way to leave the guild,” Padwin said, “or at least keep your thoughts to yourself. Just remember the goblin man.”

  “I think you need to find new friends.” Estelar heard the catgirl’s words echo in his head. He nodded to Padwin and rode along quietly.

  The group arrived at Shumpet a few hours later. It was the dead of night and very few people were on the streets. They stabled their horses and entered the guild house. Padwin, Durga and Poppy went to the main guild area while Tatarna helped Estelar to his room. When they entered she laid him on the bed.

  “What are we doing in here,” Estelar said through a choked breath.

  “What do you think?” Tatarna said as she pulled off her armor and let it drop to the floor. “You’re half dead. We have to heal you up before we take you to Larkin. You don’t want to present yourself in front of the guild master looking like a train wreck do you?”

  Estelar looked at the injuries on his arms and his torn clothes. His eyes travelled up to Tatarna’s nude body. Her furry breasts were firm and her dark red nipples were hard.

  Even if he wasn’t in the mood, seeing the sexy tiger woman got him that way. His member jumped to attention inside of his pants. Tatarna helped him out of his clothes and dropped to her knees in front of him.

  The tiger woman spread his legs and placed her pillowy breasts around his member. She smiled at Estelar.

  “I’ve always wanted to try this in game.”

  She moved her downy breasts over the iron hard cock. The soft fur tickled the skin and sent little feathers of excitement coursing through Estelar’s blood. The elf gingerly wrapped his legs around the Tiger’s back and leaned back as she worked her breasts over his cock.

  The elf groaned as the little bristles of hair brushed over his hot skin. Tatarna squeezed her breasts together and made small rocking motions with her torso. The gentle fur tickled but made his loins tingle. The silken breasts didn’t exert much pressure on the elf’s member, but their gentle touch was enough to draw forth quivering desire from his body.

  Precum dribbled from Estelar’s member into his partner’s fur. She moved her breasts around the elf’s cock and lubricated it. She increased the tempo of her thrusts on the elf’s dick, applying more pressure through her breasts.

  The elf fell back on the bed. His toes were tingling. It felt like he was floating on air. He called out as his partner continued to rapidly move her breasts over his member.

  She stopped moving her tits and placed them at the base of his cock. She leaned down and ran her rough tongue around his member, cleaning the dribbling pre from the pulsating purple head. Her lithe tongue curled around the lower part of the mushroom and slid around to the top. She gingerly drug the abrasive tongue over the sensitive skin. She did this a few more times before going back to moving her breasts over his member.

  Tatarna alternated moving her breasts over the elf’s member and teasing the head with her rough tongue. Estelar’s body quaked as the tiger woman cultivated pleasure on his dripping rod. Her tools for tilling his pleasure was rapidly bringing forth the need to spill his seed. As she ran her tongue over his member, sending the elf close to the edge again, he held up a hand and stopped her.

  Tatarna pulled her head back. “What is it?”

  “Hey uh, what are your thoughts on anal?”

  “It’s exciting. Why, want to do it?”

  The elf nodded.

  Tatarna crawled onto the bed on all fours beside the elf. She raised her striped tail and offered her ass to him. The pink pucker above her wet cunt looked tight but inviting. Estelar wet one of his fingers and drilled it into the bright starfish.

  The tiger woman hissed and her tail swayed as the elf thrust his finger into the tight, clenching cavern. He pushed another finger in after a few strokes and the tiger woman called out. With smooth, gliding motions, he worked his two fingers into her ass. Her legs quivered and she angled them outward.

  She looked back at the elf as he worked her in. Her sharp, catlike eyes stayed on him as he thrust his fingers in her.

  This was something that he never tried before, and he was surprised at how much he was enjoying it. Perhaps it was the illicit feeling of doing something new or forbidden sexually that was getting him excited, or maybe it was the fact that Tatarna was watching him do it.

  Estelar became more enthusiastic with his thrusting. He slammed his fingers into her ass with immense pressure, sending rippling shockwaves into her ass. Tatarna’s tongue licked her lips and her eyes became heavily lidded.

  “I like your fingers in there, but I want you to put in something bigger.”

  Estelar rose, gripped the tiger woman’s tail and raised it. She gasped and her ass rose. Her ears folded back. He pressed his member into his partner’s dripping pussy, pushing in slightly to wet his member. He soaked his cock in her juices and withdrew it.

  The elf pressed the head of his member against her pucker and twisted against it. He was worried that it would be difficult for it to go in because of the lack of lubrication, but the pucker yielded to the force of his cock and slowly gave way.

  Tatarna gritted her sharp teeth as the cock head sank into her tight hole. She hissed and gripped the bed. Her claws left small cuts in the fabric.

  When the crown of the elf’s dick passed the anus it clenched. A whirlwind of excitement barreled around Estelar’s body. He clenched the fist that held Tatarna’s tail and gripped her left asscheek with the other. His partner let out a long and low moan that sent Estelar’s thoughts into a frenzy. The rest of his member plunged into the tiger woman’s ass and she cried out.

  Estelar pumped his member slowly into the tiger woman, getting used to the feel of the tight cavern before increasing his pace. Her clenching pucker induced extreme jubilation. Why hadn’t he ever tried this sooner? He might never do vaginal again if anal always felt this good.

  With concentrated effort, he slammed his member into Tatarna’s ass. The sounds of her moans and the intense feelings of delight working through him coalesced into an ecstasy that transcended his consciousness. He closed his eyes and pumped forward. His hips clapped against her ass as he pulled her tail.

  Tatarna called out and begged him to pull her tail more. She wanted him to smack her ass.

  “Say please,” Estelar grunted.

  “Please,” Tatarna husked.

  The elf did as he was asked, laying his hand hard across the tiger woman’s jiggling butt.

  “You like a little pain?”

  “I like a lot of pain. I like it when you make me your bitch.”

  The elf had never been one for talking during sex, but this was turning him on more. He shouted insults at Tatarna and she took each one, begging for more. She wanted the p
ain and the humiliation. The more he gave her, the more it seemed to turn her on, and the closer it brought the elf to climax.

  Estelar pumped into the tiger girl’s tight clenching ass a few more times and all of the pleasure rolled into a ball in his stomach. He thrust once more, and a mighty gush of seed spilled into Tatarna’s squeezing anus.

  A heavy gasp of air entered Estelar’s lungs when he finished. He pulled out his member and seed leaked from Tatarna’s ass. She carefully sat beside him and nestled beneath his arm.

  “Wow, you made a mess,” Tatarna said.

  Estelar shrugged. “What can I say? I really enjoyed it.”

  The elf stroked over the tiger woman’s ears as she purred into his chest.

  Estelar Lvl. 11

  HP: 15%(+6%)

  Stamina: 10%




  Estelar and Tatarna made their way to Larkin’s office. After their bout of sex, the elf was feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world again. They entered Larkin’s waiting room where the other three members of their party were waiting for them. They all took a seat in the red carpeted room while Serena went to retrieve the guild master.

  Larkin came into the room. A wide smile filled with sharp and shining teeth spread across his face. Estelar wondered how he got his teeth to become like that in such a short time. The chill from his aura began to seep into the elf’s bones and he figured it was prudent not to ask.

  The guild master stood in the middle of the room and Serena took a seat behind him.

  “How did it go?” Larkin said, his voice was a curling growl.

  Padwin nodded. “It went well, we did as you asked.”

  “Was everyone killed?”

  “All of the recruits were killed and the lead caravan driver was told that you were the one who sent us,” Tatarna said.

  Larkin clapped his hands together. “Ladies and gentlemen, give yourself a round of applause.”

  The five members of Estelar’s party looked at each other.

  The guild master shrugged. “Or don’t. Either way, you have cause to celebrate.”

  Durga looked at the other members of the party then took a trembling breath. “If I may ask, what are we celebrating?”

  “Only the beginning of the Crimson Warrior’s great rise to power.”

  Everyone else in the room, save for Serena, looked confused.

  “You aren’t aware of it, but you’ve set into motion a great undertaking, one that will bring the Crimson Warriors above all other guilds and make us the most powerful force in the region.”

  “My apologies, but I don’t follow,” Estelar said.

  “You will, in time. Let it suffice to say, for now, that you’ve done something very important to the guild. For that, I’m thankful.”

  “We are more than happy to serve, sir,” Padwin gave a little bow.

  “And I am more than happy to reward. I will have a letter of credit for a small bit of gold sent to each of your rooms.”

  All of the party members perked up.

  “Thank you very much, my lord,” Poppy said.

  Larkin shook his head. “That’s nothing to thank me for. It’s only a small gesture. My true gift to you is in my office. Serena, if you would.”

  The slender elf walked back into the office and came back carrying an assortment of items. She laid them at her master’s feet and sat down.

  “I had the liberty of crafting something special for each of you as a reward for your service to the guild.”

  Larkin gave a gift to each member of Estelar’s party in turn. Tatarna received three javelins that turned into bolts of lighting when they were thrown and reappeared in the owners hands. He gave Durga a magic two-handed sword and Poppy a magic throwing dagger that stabbed its target and returned to the wielder. Padwin received an exceptionally well crafted suit of plate mail with a barbute helmet.

  The guild master picked up two items, a scroll and a small red book, and handed it to Estelar. The elf unrolled the scroll and found strange runes on it.

  “It’s a spell, one that you’ll find most useful. The book contains some of my personal annotations on spell runes. Study it and you will be able to understand that spell and others, when you come across them. I’ll let you decipher what the spell is so you can get a little experience reading spell runes.”

  Estelar opened the book and saw several runes with their meanings written on the side. His slender fingers tingled as he held the volume. There was an energy contained within that he didn’t understand.

  “I hope you enjoy your gifts,” Larkin said.

  Everyone in Estelar’s party nodded excitedly and thanked the guild master.

  “No, thank you,” Larkin said. “Now, once you’ve had time to rest, I have another job for you.”

  The Crimson Warriors excitedly listened to their leader as he gave them the details of their next mission.


  Estelar and his group pulled off four more operations like the first one. Each one easier than the last. None of the players that his party recruited were as skilled as the catgirl, and with the items that Larkin gave them, taking out new players was easier than ever. The elf did his best to spare any players he fought, even those that didn’t deserve it.

  Some of the members of his party were getting suspicious and started to question him about his behavior. He was able to placate them with believable excuses, but he had no idea how long he would be able to keep this up.

  Estelar sat down on the bed and opened the little red leather book Larkin gave him. He spent his time between missions studying the small tome, memorizing the little symbols and drawings on the pages. He unrolled the scroll and dipped a quill in a small brass pot and held it over the scroll.

  There were small places on the scroll where he made little notes about the symbols on it. The key to understanding magic in Unexplored was to decipher magic runes on a parchment. It was a bit like a cryptogram, except that it wasn’t as straightforward. Some little lines of a rune on the scroll would have a similar meaning to some lines of a different rune in the book. Small bits of information on each rune could be understood, and then fit together to figure out what the unknown part of each rune meant.

  He’d been studying this spell in his off time for two days. While he enjoyed the challenge, it was a bit frustrating.

  Estelar flipped through the red book and studied the parchment, making small little annotations when he made a discovery about each rune. When he discovered what a rune on the parchment meant, he copied it down in the book for later use.

  Part of one rune pertained to light, one to refraction, and some to different colors. He studied one rune, and from one in the red book he realized it was referring to the color violet. The elf had puzzled out seven colors in all, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and now violet. There was one rune that had to do with a mirror, he guessed it meant reflection.

  Estelar put all of this together and remembered a lesson from his eighth grade science class. The colors and the two properties presented had to do with rainbows, but what about them? There was one rune that dealt with “not knowing” at the end of the scroll, which seemed to be fitting for this puzzle. There were also runes that dealt with raindrops and one at the beginning that meant “point of origin.”

  A few more connections and annotations were made until the elf could no longer make any connection between the runes. What did it all mean? “Point of origin,” “not knowing,” a rainbow, and raindrops. He put all the meanings in order.

  From a point or origin, something about light, refraction, and reflection, a rainbow, raindrops, and confusion. An image of himself holding out his hand and bending light to make a rainbow. Then, what? Would it rain and confuse him? That didn’t make sense. It would make more sense to confuse his enemy. What about the raindrops? Would the rainbow turn into raindrops, in an explosion, perhaps?

  The runes on the scroll grew bright. All
of the small glowing line segments rearranged themselves into English.

  Confusing Light Spell

  From your hand, create a ray of light that contains all of the colors of the rainbow. Aim the ray at a target. When the ray strikes a target it explodes into a large number of water droplets of shifting color that slowly fall to the ground. Any that see these water droplets within 20 feet of where the ray struck is confused and can take no action for one minute. A target can close their eyes or use force of will to overcome the effect of this spell.

  Estelar’s character screen popped open.

  Estelar Lvl. 11

  HP: 100%

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%



  You have learned your first spell! You now have a mana stat. Use your magic to strengthen your spellcasting skills.

  Your skill with reading magical runes has increased to 1!

  A surge of energy filled Estelar. The scroll faded. The red book in his hand buzzed. He opened it and found all of the runes he hadn’t copied down were placed in the book. He rolled his eyes. If he knew that was going to happen he wouldn’t have bothered copying the first few down.

  This minor annoyance was followed by great exuberance. He had a spell! A real spell! Ever since he first saw Larkin use magic, he’d wanted to learn it. However, after doing some research, he learned that magic was rare in this game. If someone had one spell that was powerful enough, they could be considered a wizard.

  It wasn’t a cool spell like a lightning bolt or a fireball, but it was still a spell. It had taken him forever to learn, at least, it felt like forever, and he was proud of himself. He wondered about how he was going to cast it, when a bit of knowledge appeared in his mind. He saw himself forming small movements with his fingers and then throwing a rainbow-colored ray of light.

  Was that the game telling him how to cast the spell? It must have been. He knew that he didn’t conjure up that image in his brain and he didn’t have any booze that night so he wasn’t drunk.


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