My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 48

by Weston Parker

  “So, you’re the new girl,” she said. “Where did he find you, a barn? I tried not to believe the papers, the media likes to make things up, but now I can see they pegged you perfectly.”

  I had to admit, I was more than slightly taken back by her comment. I had no idea who this woman was, but she was standing there in front of everyone, attacking me. I went to open my mouth to respond, but before I could, Alec walked up and winked at me.

  “Aren’t you late for another engagement, Natasha?” he said. “I heard your coven was supposed to summon the devil in the Junior Miss section of the Saks Fifth Avenue. You would hardly want to be late for that. Where in the world would you find your next skanky outfit?”

  I pursed my lips together and held back a laugh, though a smirk was inevitable. The woman hissed at Alec like a cat and rolled her eyes, glancing at me one last time before walking away. Alec laughed loudly, taking me by the arm.

  “I’m sorry for her,” he said. “Apparently, they allowed the poachers to this event too. They will let any old riffraff into these things these days. And by the way, you look absolutely stunning, seriously. Everyone in the place stopped and stared as you walked in. You have to be the most beautiful woman here tonight.”

  I smiled and laughed, taking his arm as he led me back over toward Ryan. Ryan finished his conversation with the man and walked toward us, meeting us in the middle. I smiled at him and looked up at Alec, who was still clutching my arm in his.

  “I leave you alone for five minutes, and the wolves descend.” He laughed.

  “More like the white knights descend, my friend,” he said, laughing as well and handing me over to Ryan. “And just a note, not everyone here is your friend. You might want to keep a better eye on your beautiful date.”

  Ryan looked at me with curiosity, and I just shook my head, looking up as the silent auction results were being announced. Not long after that, we called it an evening, and I was kind of glad to be done with the whole thing. We went back down the red carpet and out to the limo, climbing inside and letting out a deep breath. I watched out of the window as we started down the street, leaving the chaos of the evening in the rearview window. I was quiet, staring out at the passing city, thinking about the woman who had approached me.

  “A hundred-dollar bill for your thoughts?”

  “That’s quite a jump from a penny.” I laughed.

  “Your thoughts are worth more to me,” he said. “What are you thinking about?”

  “The gala,” I said. “It was a lot different than I thought it would be. Almost everyone was so welcoming, there was so much money raised for such an amazing cause, and the silent auction was crazy. There was a trip to the rainforest on there. And, now that I’ve shaken Oprah’s hand, I will be the new celebrity of Bonanza. They’re all going to lose their minds over that.”

  “I like Bonanza.” He laughed. “Easy to impress. So, what did Alec mean when he said I needed to keep a better eye on you? Did something happen?”

  “I bid on a yacht with your name,” I joked.

  “Funny. And if you did, that would be okay too.”

  “I wish I had known that when I saw the trip to Istanbul on there.” I laughed. “No, it wasn’t that. It was Natasha. She came up behind me and wasn’t too pleased. Alec stepped in, hilariously might I add, and put her in her place.”

  “Oh good god,” Ryan said, looking mortified. “The thing with Natasha was, it was supposed to be a fun time, a girl to see the sights with, party with, just have fun. But in the end, she lied about everything, and it didn’t end up being fun at all. She was a mistake, and I got buried in it, coming out of it too late. She’s bitter and angry, but I promise you I don’t have any feelings for her anymore, not even an inkling. I—”

  Before he could go on anymore, I shook my head and leaned in, kissing his lips. He whimpered slightly and reached his hands up, putting them on my face and kissing me back passionately. He leaned into me, and we slid together, the gap we had kept all night between us now closed. He ran his hands down to my neck and cupped the back of it, his tongue moving through my mouth, tasting my champagne lips. It was wild and passionate, everything that our relationship had been from the beginning, and I felt like I was instantly lost in his embrace. He pulled back and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “You are everything that Natasha isn’t,” he whispered, sending chills up my spine. “You are sweet, wholesome, and good but dynamite in the sack.”

  His words were turning me on more than I could express. There was a warmth between my legs and an aching in my stomach, a longing to be close to him again, to feel him inside of me. I wanted to be part of him and him part of me like we had been at the vineyard that late Friday night. When the limo pulled up in front of the complex, we climbed out and hurried to the elevator and then into the penthouse. As soon as the door closed, we were all over each other, trying to make it to the bedroom but failing miserably. He turned me around and unzipped my dress, pulling it over my shoulders and to the floor. I reached forward and unbuckled his pants, watching him kick off his shoes and socks and step out of them. When everything but his boxers and my panties, heels, and jewels were off, he walked forward, pressing me against the wall. He reached down and grabbed my ass to lift me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He pushed forward, grinding his huge cock against my warm, wet panties, and I moaned loudly, feeling him rake up my clit and back down.

  I was going to fuck this man, and he was never going to be the same again.

  Chapter 40


  Sara’s reaction to Natasha was completely the opposite of what I thought it would be. I thought she would shy away, pull back, and it would damage any progress I had made with her. But that couldn’t be farther from the outcome. Instead, I was standing in the hall, my throbbing cock grinding against her red-laced panties, the passion between us stronger than it ever had been before. She was radiating sexuality, and I had never seen a woman this sexy before in my entire life. I leaned forward and kissed her neck, trailing my tongue up and over to her lips. She tasted like champagne, and it turned me on even more. She leaned forward and sucked my earlobe into her mouth before pulling away.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered. “Take me to bed and fuck me hard.”

  How could I argue with that? I smiled and pulled back away from the wall, carrying her around my waist down to my bedroom. When I got inside, I kicked the door shut behind me and leaned down, burying my face in her tits. She smelled like vanilla, and I growled, needing to show her pleasure after pleasure. I walked over to the bed and laid her down, reaching over and pulling her panties from her body. She looked up at me and bit her lip as I tossed them to the side. I lowered myself on the bed between her legs and gently spread them apart. I licked my lips and pushed my face into that perfect, pink pussy, wanting to taste her, drive her wild, and feel her come on my lips. She moaned loudly as I swirled my tongue through her juices and up to her clit. I pulled her hard nub into my mouth and nibbled gently, feeling her body quake above me. I loved how I could drive her wild, how my mouth was a gateway to pleasure for her.

  She reached down and grabbed my hair, wailing loudly as I pushed my tongue against her, raised my hand up, and pushed two fingers inside of her. She scrambled slightly, and I reached up, with my other hand, pushing her back down on the bed. She arched her back and moaned as my fingers began to move inside of her, pushing her closer and closer to climax. All of her inhibitions quickly melted away as she pushed my face back into her juices. I flicked my tongue over her clit and twisted my fingers inside of her as I finger fucked her hard and fast. She clenched down on my hair and screamed out loudly as her entire body stiffened around me. I groaned when I felt her pussy shaking around my fingers, her juices flowing down my hand. I pulled them out and lowered my lips down, lapping her ecstasy up as she writhed above me.

  When she had relaxed back onto the bed, she grabbed my face and pulled me upward, biting her lip. I reached down and quickly
pulled my boxers off, stabilizing myself with one hand by her head and my lips pressed against hers. I reached down just as she did, and she slapped my hand away, grabbing my cock in her palm. She rubbed her hand up and down the shaft, pushing it back and forward so the head moved over her pulsing mound. She moved it down and lifted her hips in the air, pushing the tip inside of her and letting go. I thrust my hips forward, pushing deep down inside of her and groaning loudly at how tight her pussy was. She leaned her head back and gasped at the feeling, lifting her legs up my sides.

  Immediately, I began to pump my hips, gliding through her juices, filling her to the brim. I pushed up on my knees and grabbed her thighs, pulling her in closer. She pulled her hands up over her head and watched as I pounded my cock into her. Her big firm tits bounced up and down over and over again, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was so sexy and erotic, wearing nothing but those million-dollar jewels. She moaned loudly while my body slapped against her clit. I wanted to feel her come again, to give her one more orgasm before finding my own release. I leaned over on top of her and kissed her lips as I pushed my hands up under her back. Quickly, I rolled us both over until she was sitting upright on me, straddling my big, hard cock.

  As soon as she was up, she started to grind her pussy against me, screaming out and throwing her head back. I reached up and grabbed her tits, rolling her nipples around in my fingers. She put both of her hands down on my chest and pushed her hips down harder and faster, almost grunting from the pleasure. I watched as she moved herself closer to the edge, breathing deeply to keep my own resolve. I grabbed onto her hips and helped her move even faster, thrusting my body upward as deep as my cock could go. She threw her head back and screamed out, grabbing her breasts as she let me take control.

  I picked her up and slammed her down on my cock, beginning to bounce her up and down over and over again. Her body stiffened, and she took in a deep breath, arching her chest and throwing her head back. I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock, but I kept up the motion, watching her as she shook in pleasure from her orgasm. As soon as her juices exploded, running down my cock, I flipped her over and rammed my dick deep inside. She screamed out, looked up at me, watching me pull out and begin to jack off in front of her. She hurried onto all fours, facing me with her mouth inches from my shaft. I growled, feeling my release as hot streams of seed shot out into her mouth and over her face. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen, and it only enraged my orgasm that much more. I continued to stroke my cock until my body had completely relaxed. Then, I jumped off the bed and grabbed a towel, handing it to her and smiling as she cleaned up.

  We lay down in the bed and curled up together, Sara falling asleep almost immediately. A pure sense of peace and contentment unlike anything that I had ever felt before washed over me. Her, in my bed, in my penthouse, in my life, it was just all too damn perfect. Everything had lined up exactly how I wanted it to, and I didn’t know whether to thank my lucky stars or worry that it could all come crashing down again. I tried to push the worry from my mind, wanting to enjoy having her wrapped in my arms like this. It was the best feeling I had ever had, and I wasn’t about to waste a moment of it.

  When I woke up the next morning, we hadn’t moved a muscle, and she was still curled up in my arms, sound asleep. I lay there for several minutes watching her slumber, thinking about how lucky I was. Then, carefully, I pulled myself from the bed and threw on a pair of pajama pants. I wanted to do something else nice for her, show her how special she was to me. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a bunch of ingredients, deciding that making breakfast would be the perfect way to wake her up. I cooked eggs, bacon, toast, and some coffee and set it all up on a tray. Carefully, I moved down the hall and into the bedroom, setting it down on the dresser and waking her with a sweet kiss on the cheek. She was more than ecstatic to see what I had done, and when we were done with our comforter picnic, we decided to take advantage of the huge shower in my bathroom. I turned to her, the hot water running down her body and smiled.

  “I seem to remember that we didn’t ever get to finish what we started in the shower at the vineyard,” I said, reaching down and grabbing her by the waist.

  She yelped as I picked her up and stood her on the edge of the shower, immediately pushing my hand over her pussy. Before she could protest, I began to finger her, watching her face turn to pure pleasure. We fooled around in the shower until I had made her come again, smiling and helping her back down. I washed her hair and soaped her up before we climbed out, sharing a passionate kiss while wrapped in towels and standing in the steamy bathroom.

  “I’m going to go get dressed,” she said, kissing my cheek.

  “I’ll be in my office,” I said with a smile, watching her saunter off.

  She went to her room to change and get dressed, and I pulled on a pair of jeans and T-shirt and headed down to my office to check in on the ranch and clear up some other work things that I had neglected the last couple of days. I was still wrapped up in her arms in my mind, though, and it made it really hard to focus. As I typed on the computer and made a couple of calls, I kept my eyes locked on the doorway. I expected that I would see her come back out any minute, but as the hour passed, and she didn’t reemerge, I started to get nervous. Everything seemed to change between the two of us from minute to minute, and I was starting to think it was impossible to let her out of my sight without the other shoe dropping.

  I finished up what I had to do immediately in the office and walked out to the living room thinking maybe I had just missed her walking past, but she wasn’t there. I glanced down the hall to her room. Her door was slightly ajar, and the light was on inside. I sighed and made my way down to her room, knocking as I pushed open her door. She was sitting on her bed, scrolling through her phone with her wet hair tossed to one side. She did not look happy even in the least, and my heart began to beat faster. What could have possibly happened in that amount of time to drop her mood that much? Maybe it was Alison and the horses. I knew she had a problem the day before with the horses getting out. I shook my head quietly, figuring that was probably all it was. I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching forward and putting my hand on her leg. She looked up at me in shock and irritation.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, surprised by her reaction. “Is it Alison and the horses? Or is it Janson? Did he do something while you’ve been away?”

  “It’s neither,” she said quietly.

  “Okay,” I said. “Then what is going on? Whatever it is, we can fix it.”

  “Not this,” she said, handing me her phone. “We’re all over the media, like on every single publication. Me in that red dress with everyone talking about me being the sore thumb of the gala.”

  I looked down at the photo on the screen and cringed only slightly. She had seen the media there, so she had to know that something would come out of it. Still, she was upset, and I was trying to be understanding of that. She was in the limelight for the first time in her life, and though it might help my PR, it was starting to ruin my relationship.

  Chapter 41


  I was mortified all over again and really didn’t know how I could have not expected this to happen. My face was all over social media and the gossip websites as well. Me in that extremely expensive red dress, some flattering pictures, others not so much. I was even in some of the mainstream publications, and I wondered how I got important enough to have a picture three rows down from Oprah. They were talking about one of the biggest galas of the year, which was definitely not small like Ryan had told me in the beginning. Everyone was so curious about me, some making their own assumptions of who I was, and the others leaving it a mystery. They really wanted to know more about the small-town girl who captured the bad boy billionaire’s attention. It kind of made me sound like I was a naïve little country girl, unaware of the ways of the world, and the ways of Ryan Reines before he met me. At the same time, though, I knew Ryan, and I knew he wasn’t
the kind of man to boast being a bad boy.

  My phone started to buzz over and over again, receiving text after text from Alison, who was sending me links to even more stories and pictures of me from the event the night before. Alison thought it was exciting, but I had other ideas. I glanced up as Ryan walked into the room, sitting down on the bed next to me and reaching out, putting his hand on my leg. I shot him a shocked glance, upset that everything seemed to be happening over and over again.

  He was still looking down at the phone for a minute, grimacing. He took a deep breath and looked back up at me. I could tell he was choosing his words carefully, or he didn’t know what to say at all. He shrugged his shoulders and handed the phone back to me.

  “It kind of comes with the territory,” he said. “Trust me, you’ll get used to it after a while.”

  I was kind of taken back by how nonchalant he was being about the whole situation. I knew he was used to the media, but I wasn’t, and I told him I never wanted to part of the world like that. Sure, it would eventually die down, but what would happen in the meantime? My whole life would be spread out over the New York Times, and everyone would know all of my secrets.

  “I don’t know if I want to get used to it,” I said.

  “Put down your phone,” he said after a moment of silence. “I want you to come with me. I have somewhere I think you will really like.”

  “I don’t want to go back out into public,” I said, looking up at him as he stuck out his hand for me. “When I go out in public, there’s always some kind of camera in my face, breaching my privacy, telling the world the half-truth about everything. These people who read these stories, who push the paparazzi to hunt us down are just as bad as the ones writing the stories, making up the lies and half-truths they think the people want to hear. If that means staying inside, then so be it.”


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