My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 94

by Weston Parker

  He met my eyes with a smile. “Yeah, but, I’m not just anyone. I’ve just developed a life-saving dissolvable tablet for people with your type of allergies.”

  “You developed it? As in formulated it yourself?” His talent amazed me.

  “Yeah. Drugs are my passion.” He gave me a wink.

  “I should have figured you for a drug lord. I mean, look at this place. You’re loaded, right?”

  He let loose a laugh that rang out through the place. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m on the legal side of things though. I’ve worked to develop several allergy related drugs as well as a few others. I sell my formulations to pharmaceutical companies, and they make the product and distribute it.”

  “So, you’re a big nerdy scientist?”

  “I guess you can call me that, although I’ve always preferred the title Big Nerd, you know, just to keep it short and sweet. My staff finds it easier.” He gave me a nudge and stepped away to open the fridge. “Take anything you want that won’t kill you. My house is your house.”

  “Thanks. You don’t seem like the science type, although, you could play a sexy doctor on TV.”

  His perfect smile spread his lips as he tucked his chin and laughed. “I’ll remember that when I decide to get a real job.”

  “I think that’s amazing that you save people’s lives. It obviously pays well.” I took in the room around me and wondered how much the marble countertops cost.

  “Yeah, it pays ridiculously. I’m currently seeking a company to distribute who will not gouge the hell out of people like you who need affordable medicine.”

  “Yeah, I left my allergy pen at Craig’s apartment. I can’t afford a new one for sure.” The last one had cost me an insane amount of money.

  “Then you’ve come to the right place.” He walked to his bag across the room and unzipped it. “I’ve got samples. If you feel like you’re going to die, pop one under your tongue.” He walked back over to where I was and handed me the blister pack.

  “This is amazing. You mean I don’t have to jab myself in the leg?” I had to use my emergency pen three times in my life, and each time hurt like hell.

  “Yeah, your welcome.” He gave me a smile. “Now, about employment. I don’t know anyone who is hiring, but it would help me out if you could work around here. I don’t keep an assistant, but I could use the help. I had a housekeeper who quit on me about six months ago, and you could go to the market for me so I don’t buy foods you can’t eat.”

  “That sounds like you’re making up jobs for me. I know there has to be someone hiring. I don’t want to take advantage.”

  “You’d be helping me; I’d be helping you.” He made it all sound so simple as he took the eggs and bacon and placed them on a plate.

  “You’re not going to be one of those bosses who suddenly wants his bed warmed once I’m on the payroll?” I only brought it up to see his reaction, knowing full well I’d warm his bed anytime he wanted. A gorgeous guy like him though; one with his money would never be interested in me.

  He stepped closer and met my eyes. “I’m not the kind of guy who needs to use such trickery, Maya. When I want you in my bed, I’ll come right out and invite you.” He reached out and tucked a stray strand of my hair back behind my ear. “And you’ll say yes.” He gave me a wink.

  “Confident much?” I belted a laugh as he turned and looked over his shoulder as he walked across the room to get himself a drink.

  “Call it what you want, but you’re the one who keeps bringing up sex with me. You did it yesterday, and now today. I can’t help but wonder why.” He gave a teasing grin and twisted the cap off his bottle.

  “So, what will you expect?” I thought I’d feel him out on the job a bit more.

  “Oral, light bondage, nipple clamps—for you, not me—possible anal—

  My mouth fell open with shock. “I meant the job, not the sex, but all of that is very interesting.” He belted another laugh, and after he composed himself, he gave me a sympathetic look.

  “I was only kidding; I knew what you meant.” The heat pooled in my cheeks as he continued to apologize. “Sorry, but the look on your face was so worth it.”

  “Could you please be serious.”

  “This place needs picked up and dusted, and I especially hate doing my own laundryand if you take care of that for me, along with some light cooking, shopping, and keeping me in line, you can work here as long as you like. The guest room is yours until I have visitors, in which case, I’ll just have to let you share my room, and of course, you’ll be expected to pretend you’re my fiancé from France.” The smirk playing around his lips made me want to choke him, but at least he liked to have fun.

  I let out a sigh. “Dammit, I don’t speak French. I guess I’m out of luck.”

  He put his hand over his heart and held up two fingers. “I’m so sorry. You were this close.”

  “Seriously, if that’s all you’ll need, I think I can handle it until I make enough to buy a ticket and get settled back home.”

  His eyes dimmed. “If that’s all you need, Maya is a ticket back home and money to get settled, then I can give you that now.”

  “No, I can’t just take your money. I’ll feel better if I earn my way and besides, I need to try and get over to the other place. I don’t have any other clothes, and I really need my phone. It has all of my contacts back home.”

  “Then I’ll take you over to get them, and you can stay as long as you need. The job is yours. As for clothes, I can hook you up. I’ve always wanted one of those little French maids running around my house.”

  I tilted my head and gave an apologetic look. “But I can’t speak French, remember?”

  “Then you’ll have to wear the American version, but I warn you, it’s the skirt only option. You won’t be able to fry me any bacon, but it’s a trade I’m willing to make.”

  That time I cracked up laughing and walked over to give him a nudge. “You’re impossible. But I’ll work on getting my own clothes. I don’t want to go alone, but if you’d just go in with me, I’d feel a lot better.”

  “I don’t know if I should go in. He might think you were sleeping with me all along and get violent. No offense, but I’ve had enough of that drama to last a lifetime.” His face fell into a frown, and that’s when I realized who he was.

  “You’re James Thomas! The James Thomas from the Alexandra Thomas scandal?” I’d watched every single minute of news coverage from that murder scandal. James’s sister Alexandra had been brutally murdered by her lover, and it was a media sensation.

  “Yes; that’s me. Now, do you see why I’m willing to help you with no strings attached.”

  Indeed, I did.

  Chapter 7


  I was hoping she wouldn’t realize who I was, but at least it had eased her a bit. We spent the rest of the morning quiet and then she got busy working on the house and I’d called down to one of my friend’s boutiques and had her send up a few things for Maya to wear. Once the package arrived in her name, she scolded me.

  “You shouldn’t have done this. I told you, once I think he’s gone out to the bar, we’ll run over and grab my things. I still have my key to the apartment, and he’s too cheap to change the locks.” She opened the box and pulled out the dresses, one by one. There was even a pair of heels, a pair of flats, a string bikini, and three coordinating sets of undergarments.

  “I wanted you to have clean clothes to wear over. You need to show him you can take care of yourself. And I’m still considering sending you with a security team. That’d make him shit his pants.”

  “It would, but I’m not looking for a confrontation.”

  “I understand, but I don’t like you going over at night anyway. It’s not safe.”

  She put the clothes back in the bags as I stretched out on the couch. “He’s a photographer, and I know he has a shoot tomorrow. How about we go then? That way we can spend the night in. I’m kind of tired anyway. Your house was filthier
than I’d thought.”

  “Yeah, I’m a pig, at least you will feel like you’re earning your keep. The Avalon is the nicest building in the city.”

  “I believe it. I heard this place has an infinity pool. Is that true?” She came over and sat on the couch with me.

  “Yes, it’s on the fiftieth floor. You’re welcome to use it anytime you want as my guest. Just don’t tell anyone your working for me. It’s best if they think you’re a guest instead of staff, which you are.”

  “I’m staff as well. But I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “And watch who you talk to here, there are some real assholes living in this building.”

  She lay her head back. “Then will you take me down for a swim? I noticed a suit in the box. I bet it would be nice.”

  I hadn’t used the pool since moving in, but I wasn’t going to pass up a chance to see her in that bikini. “Fine, I’ll take you. Go get ready, and I’ll meet you back out here in a few minutes.”

  She didn’t waste any time picking up her box and carrying it to the room, and after I’d gone to my room and changed, I came out to find her wearing that long shirt over her suit.

  “Didn’t it fit?”

  The flare of her cheeks was so red; she matched the suit as she lifted the shirt and showed me the tiny strip barely covering her front. “It’s barely covering anything.”

  “Nice. I mean, it looks nice on you. You’ll be fine. Besides, if we’re lucky, there won’t be anyone there this time of the evening.”

  “Interesting. Do you have friend in the building?”

  “No, I don’t get out much.” I walked her to the door, and we went into my elevator. I couldn’t help looking at her long legs and wondering how they’d feel wrapped around my waist and shoulders.

  “Why don’t you get out much? You should enjoy having such an awesome place to live.”

  “You sound like my lawyer. He tells me the same thing.”

  “Your lawyer?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Yeah, since the trial we’ve become great friends, in fact, if it weren’t for him and my accountant and a few people at the lab, I wouldn’t have any friends at all.”

  “That’s terrible; you sound like me, but worse.” She held her towel tight to her like she was embarrassed to be wearing so little. “You’ve got to learn to live a little, get out more. I can’t believe you’re not even in a relationship. When was the last time you dated anyone?”

  “I don’t date.”

  “What do you do for sex? Surely you have women interested in you. You were going out last night, where to?”

  “To a club. Where I meet plenty of women without having to date them. And speaking of living a little. You look hot in that suit. Why don’t you take off the shirt?”

  “No way. Not until I get to the water.” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and took a deep breath when the door opened to the fiftieth floor.

  The pool was empty as I thought it would be and I eased down into the water as she slipped off her shirt and held it against her until she stepped down into the water, then she threw it up near her towel so it wouldn’t get wet.

  “This feels like heaven. It’s the perfect temperature.”

  “Everything is perfect at The Avalon. Including you in that suit.” I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her and my cock hardened in my shorts thinking about being close to her.

  She walked to the edge of the pool and held onto the side as she inched closer to where I stood in neck-deep water.

  “I’ve never worn anything so skimpy in all my life. I may as well be naked.”

  “Don’t let me stop you. This pool is clothing optional, for the ladies of course.” Water splashed in my face, hitting me in the mouth.

  I splashed her back, and she let go of the side and darted toward me. I grabbed hold of her arms as she tried to splash me again, and she grabbed hold of me when she realized she couldn’t stand.

  “It’s over my head!”

  “I’ve got you.” She stopped struggling, and I held her around her waist as she kicked her feet. “Come here.” I pulled her closer, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, and I knew she had to feel the thick, rigid length rubbing up against her thigh and hip.

  “I didn’t realize how deep it was there; I thought you were hunched down a bit.” I was a good head taller, and the pool dropped off much faster than most.

  “You’re okay. This feels nice, actually. I like that there’s no one here.”

  “You can bring me back to the shallow end if you want.” She met my eyes and spoke in a soft voice.

  “Okay.” I didn’t budge.

  She let loose a giggle as I slipped my hands down and held her ass as I walked her to where she started from along the side. “Thanks.”

  She didn’t let go. She looked into my eyes and leaned forward, bringing her lips to mine. I brought my arms around her and stepped closer to deepen the kiss. The kiss grew more passionate and soon her legs wrapped around me, her barely-there strip of fabric pressed against my cock, grinding it hard.

  I pulled away knowing it was much too soon to go as far as I wanted to go. “I’m sorry, Maya.”

  “No, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—I just got caught up in the moment.” She tucked her chin, and soon she was on the other side of the pool.

  “It’s fine, Maya. It’s not that I didn’t want to kiss you. It’s just a bit too soon for us, and I’m trying to prove I’m not that guy, when—fuck, maybe I am.” I shrugged, and she smiled and got out to dry off.

  Five minutes later, she was ready to go back. We stood on opposite sides of the elevator, and when we got to my floor, she went straight to the bar to pour a drink.

  I walked up behind her and did the same as she picked up a small postcard sized invitation from the table.

  “This is for a party next weekend. Are you going?” She looked up, and I hated that things had been awkward.

  “No, I never go to any of them.” I opened a drawer on the cabinet beneath the bar and showed her the collection of invites I’d snubbed since moving in two years ago.

  “Why not? It sounds like fun.” She stared at it again and then looked up at me with her big blue eyes. “Please, will you take me?”

  “No, I’m not going. I don’t want to rub elbows with anyone in this building and some I don’t even want to live above.” I was thinking that horrible Darek Dillon who would definitely be there. She looked so disappointed that I didn’t want her to miss out. “You take the invite and go. There’s nothing saying you can’t go alone.” I didn’t think she would in a million years, and that’s when she surprised me.

  She lifted her chin defiantly. “I just might do that!”

  Chapter 8


  The week had been uneventful which was good and bad. Good because there hadn’t been any drama, and bad because although I’d gotten my things, Craig had my phone with him and I still needed to get it. James told me he’d buy me a new one, but I wasn’t sure I wanted him to. He’d let me call home, and I had been able to talk to my friend Rosie who’d said she had a couch and a job at her mother’s herb shop if I wanted it. I thanked her for the offer, but I’d try and make the most of New York. I told her about the party, and she said she didn’t blame me for wanting to stay.

  James’ rejection had hurt, and even though I knew he was a good guy and trying not to take advantage of me, it still had bruised my ego.

  I had tried for days to get him to go to the party with me on the sixty-ninth floor, but he was so stubborn about mingling with the others in the building.

  I held my dress up and turned in the mirror. I still had a few things to do to get ready, but I’d wanted to see the color next to my skin one more time. Red lipstick would never do. Maybe the pink. I’d managed to grab a few cosmetics but hadn’t found the right lip shade.

  “Is that the dress for tonight?”

  I looked up to see James behind me in the mirror. It was nice to see a different reflect
ion other than Craig’s, but James’ seemed uncertain.

  “Do you not like it? It’s one from your friend’s shop. What did you say her name was again?” He hadn’t said, but I wanted to know. I wondered tirelessly about the women in his life, and though I knew he’d had a few calls since I’d come to live with him, he’d kept that part of his life to himself.

  “Her name is Tabitha. She’s been a friend for years.” The name struck a nerve, but only because Craig knew her too. He’d done some shots for her catalog.

  “Tabitha,” I mumbled. “Did you two date?”

  “I don’t date, but if you’d like to know if we were intimate, the answer is no. Isn’t that neckline a little low?” He walked over and put his hand up to rest it on his chin and gave me a contemplative look.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go with me?”

  “Positive. I was just thinking it’s a shame you’re going. I could take you down to the Lovehouse. It’s the best food in the city, and I have a standing reservation, no wait time.”

  He had tried his best to bribe me into not going by offering me shopping earlier that morning, and now he suddenly wanted dinner with me. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m sure they’ll have wonderful food at the party.”

  “Careful what you eat. I don’t want you to have a reaction. Take your tablets I gave you.” He walked out leaving me to get ready.

  Once my hair was done up, I slipped into my dress and stepped out to ask for his help. “Could you zip me, please.” His eyes widened as I approached and spun around.

  He moved my hair aside and put his nose on my shoulder; his warm breath tickled sending tingles to all of my most intimate places. “You smell good enough to eat.” He slipped the zipper up, his fingers tickling my neck.

  “How do I look?” I spun around, and he looked me up and down, but his expression stayed relaxed.

  “Beautiful. I’m sure you’ll be the prettiest girl there.”

  “I’m hardly a girl.” I did appreciate him thinking so.


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