My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 106

by Weston Parker

"What?" He gave her a lazy smile. "I got what I wanted. You got what you wanted. Three times if memory serves. Now that it's out of our system, maybe we can get some work done."

  "Our of your system?" Outraged, she slid from the bed and reached for her panties. "I am the biggest idiot on the planet." When tears pricked her eyes, she turned her head away in humiliation.

  "Come on, Princess. Don't be like that. You know how this industry is, and you got exactly what you wanted. You wanted to rebel against me.“

  "I’m not the industry," she snapped as she pulled her bra up her arms. Brushing past him, she hurried down the stairs for the rest of her clothes.


  Was that regret in his voice? Whirling around, she glared daggers at him. "Go to hell, Kade. You're right. You did get what you wanted. Congratulations. You bagged the sweet and wholesome America Holden."

  "Christ. Wait."

  Fully dressed, she grabbed her purse and wiped the tears away. "No, please. You can cross Pop Princess off your list. It's a good thing you fucked me now because, in a month, I'd just be another boring country singer. Hardly worth the effort."

  Without waiting for him to say anything, she threw open the door and hurried out in the cold air. It wasn't until the lights flashed in her face that she realized she wasn't alone.

  "American Holden. Why are you crying? Are you and Kade having a lovers tiff?"


  Chapter 11

  “You’re a dead man.”

  With a towel slung around his hips, Kade leaned on his forearm against the window and stared at the empty streets down below. It was still too early for the clubbers to be up, but Kade hadn’t slept after he’d practically kicked Addilyn out of his bed and apartment last night.

  He had a pounding headache, and Christopher’s angry threats over the phone weren’t helping things.

  “Are you planning on killing me, or is there a hit man after me?” Kade's voice was still hoarse from his lack of sleep. He cleared his throat and rubbed his temple.

  “Peter Homes is going to kill you, although I’m itching to get my hands on you as well. What the hell were you thinking? Screwing America Holden?”

  Kade’s body tensed. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You haven’t seen the news today? Addilyn was photographed leaving your apartment last night and damn you, Kade. She’s obviously crying. What the hell did you do to her?”

  Swearing loudly, Kade crossed the room and opened his computer. Typing in Addilyn’s name, he clenched his teeth. The pictures were dark and grainy, but he could still make out the tears falling down her cheeks and the mussed hair.

  “I told you from the beginning that she was off limits. What the hell is wrong with you, Kade? Peter is going to make sure that you never work in the music industry again!”

  “I kept my hands off her as long as I could,” Kade said through clenched teeth. Even as he said it, he felt like a bastard. “She wanted to rebel against Peter, and God help me, I let her.”

  “Peter is threatened to rip up the deal. He’d rather scrap all the work you did and start over with someone else than risk her reputation. And since you let Addilyn push to have her name as a co-writer, you won’t be able to sell those songs to anyone else.”

  “Let him,” Kade snarled. “I’m so tired of doing this, Christopher. I’m sick of other people getting famous off my work. I’m sick of working for people who don’t appreciate the music for what it is. They put on a good face and pretend they’re singing from the soul, but it’s nothing more than another fucking paycheck for them. I could have had a career of my own, remember. I was well on my way too, but I let you talk me into this shit.”

  “You quit the band because of Cadence. So don’t put that shit on me. You saw things going in a direction that wasn’t healthy for your kid, and you bailed.” He wanted to blame him, but he knew that his old friend was right. He’d had his moment of stardom, but when the rock life got too full of parties and drugs, he knew he had to put his daughter first and keep her from the same life he’d lived. He hadn’t let himself think of that for so long. It was a fleeting moment in time, but sometimes he wondered if it weren’t for Cadence, would he have ended up in a different place. The thought terrified him.

  “I did it because I wanted my music to mean more than something for someone to get high to. I wanted better for Cadence, but I did it to keep her from that life, the same shit I had to start. What good is it if I’m still selling my soul?”

  “Get a hold of yourself, Kade,” Christopher snapped. “You’ve been so weird these past few months, and I’m not going to let you throw your career away because of America Holden. You know that you’re quickly becoming a big name in the songwriting industry, but you’ve got to keep it together.”

  Sighing, Kade got up and started to pace. “What do you want from me?”

  “Take the week off. Peter is pissed at the delay, but he understands the need for you both to lay low. I need you to talk to Addilyn. Tell her to talk to the media, and get ahead of the story. Tell them that you two had an emotional night of work. She’s been under an enormous amount of pressure, and you two were celebrating the start of your recording. You talked. You had a few drinks. She broke down and admitted that she'd been terrified that the public will reject her new songs. Humanize her, and the fans will eat it up.”

  “You’re almost scary good at this,” Kade said with a small smile.

  “Kade, you need to stay away from her. The two of you cannot be alone. No kissing. No touching. No late night meetings. Peter will do anything to save Addilyn’s reputation, and if you care at all about that woman, you will do the very same. Do you understand?”

  At first, Kade didn’t say anything. Before last night he would have readily agreed. He had readily agreed, but now that he’d tasted her, he only wanted her more. She’d felt incredible in his arms. It was unlike anything that he’d ever experienced, and that terrified him.

  “Kade,” Christopher said sharply. “Stay away from her.”

  “Fine,” Kane managed. Before Christopher could say anything else, he hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. Part of him was furious with himself. Deep down, he knew that he could drag her down to his level. He didn’t bury himself in women for the fame. He did it because he could. He did it because it made him feel powerful, but Addilyn weakened him with just one look.

  He wanted to prove that he could still maintain his power and control when she was around, but last night, he tossed it all away for just one night with her.

  And that was all that it could be. One night. If he gave into his desire again, he’d risk dragging her down to his level, and that wasn’t fair to her. She deserved so much better.

  He thought about just leaving her an email with instructions, but even he couldn’t stoop to that. Instead, he called her. When it went straight to her voicemail, he felt a sense of relief.

  “Addilyn.” His cracked, and he cleared his throat. “Christopher just called me about the photographers outside my building. Peter wants to get ahead of this. He wants you to schedule an interview to explain the picture. Explain that it was an emotional night of songwriter. To explain your—“ Tears. God, he couldn’t even get the words out. He’d made her cry. “To explain the picture. I’m sure Peter will coach you on everything to say. I’m going to Nashville for a week to focus on the album.”

  He tried to say goodbye, but the word just didn’t come. Instead, he hung up and knocked his head against the wall. He should have never touched her. Hell, he should have never agreed to the contract.

  The press was already gathering outside the apartment entrance. He frowned with displeasure while he stared at them. They came with the job, but before now, he’d never really cared about them. He didn’t care who they caught him with, or what they said, but this time, it was different.

  This time, they’d caught him at his worse moment. Making Addilyn cry.

  Packing a few things, he headed to
the alternative exit. There was a private stairwell that led to one of the bars below. With a pair of sunglasses and beanie on his head, he looked no different than the other musicians that came and went. It was easy enough to slip by the photographers as he hailed a cab to take him to the taxi.

  The week passed, and he threw himself into his work. Every word of their lyrics had new meaning. Every time that he listened to a recording of her voice, the familiar ache returned.

  She wasn’t out of his system. Not by a long shot.

  The silence between them grew. No phone calls. No texts. No emails.

  It was obvious that Addilyn Wheeler was done with him.

  Chapter 12

  Dressed modestly in a gorgeous blue knee-length blue skirt and crisp white blouse, Addilyn sat in the interview chair and laughed. “Steven, of course, I’ve seen the pictures. How could I not? They’re everywhere.”

  The reporter leaned eagerly over. “And?”

  “I’m sorry that disappoint everyone, but my heart has not been broken by the talented Kade Hardy. The truth is so much more humiliating.” Addilyn bit her bottom lip nervously. “Kade and his good friend and songwriter manager Christopher Park had some musicians over, and Kade thought it might be a good chance for me to unwind. I’ve been a little stressed about the new album. Anyway, I got there just as the party was breaking up. We started talking about music and this new and exciting change in my life, and I—“

  She broke off for suspense. The reported urged her one. “Yes?”

  “Steven, I started crying. Not like pretty crying but ugly crying completely with blotchy skin and blubbering. I think I actually terrified Kade, but I’ve just been so scared that this album is going to fail. I have the most fabulous fans who have followed me from the very beginning, and I’m so scared that I’m going to disappoint them.” As if on cue, a few tears formed in her eyes.

  “Well I have heard the rumors that this album is going to be amazing, so I think that you have nothing to worry about.”

  The interview continued, and the world ate her up with her fake tears. Almost angrily, Addilyn slammed her laptop shut. She’d only had time to schedule the one interview, but it was already playing on the news, and it was all over social media. Peter had no reason to be furious with her anymore. The world ate up her fake confession, and it only fueled the fire behind her new album.

  “Addilyn?” Gia asked softly. “Are you okay?”

  Peter had ordered her assistant to make sure that she and Kade were never alone, and since Kade was supposed to meet her today to go over Peter’s notes, that meant that Gia was glued to her side.

  “I’m great,” Addilyn muttered dryly. “I just lied to all my fans, my producer is becoming my jail warden, and my songwriter is disgusted with me.”

  “It’s not that bad,” Gia started, but she dropped her gaze to the floor.

  “You’re right. My songwriter isn’t disgusted with me. He probably doesn’t feel anything, because why should he? It’s great for him. He got sex, and now I’m painting him as this wonderful, sensitive soul.”

  Her assistant sat on the couch next to her and carefully removed the computer from her lap. “Addilyn, I don’t understand. You don’t have one-night stands. Why would you choose him?”

  Crossing her arms over her stomach, she tried to ignore the hollow ache in her chest. “I didn’t think it would be a one-night stand. How could I have been so wrong? We have chemistry. Hell, we have more than chemistry, and I just wanted something that was mine. I’m not naive enough to think that Kade would fall in love with me, but I didn’t think that he’d kick me out of his after just one night. He’s notorious with his flings, but I’m not good enough to spend the night? He’s a player, but never has he been mean to anyone else to my knowledge.”

  “He’s an idiot, and you are better than this,” Gia said firmly. “Now, normally I’d let you wallow, but he’ll be here in an hour, and you are not going to let him see you like this. Make him think that you got what you wanted from him and cast him aside. Last night, the tears were just a combination of the late hour and the alcohol. Today, you’re great. You’re America Holden, and you’re close to becoming a music sensation. If he wants even a taste of that fame, he needs to get on his knees and grovel.”

  Unable to help herself, Addilyn chuckled. “I’m a wreck,” she admitted as she tugged at her hair. “I need a shower.”

  “Go shower and pick out something sexy to wear. Not too sexy, though. I’ll clean up here, okay?”

  “You’re a good friend,” Addilyn said as she got up. “And I guess now you’re a good bodyguard.”

  “I’m just here to support you,” Gia said firmly. “This is not a prison.”

  “It’s always been a prison,” Addilyn muttered. “It’s just now I’m finally starting to realize that.”

  An hour later, she was showered and dressed. The soft music from Kade’s guitar filtered up the stairs, and she took a few deep breaths before joining him. She knew the moment that he saw her because the music abruptly stopped.

  “Sorry I’m late,” she said casually. “My flight got in late from yesterday’s interview.”

  “I saw it,” he said in a neutral voice. “You did well. Even tugged on my heartstrings.”

  He didn’t have a heart, but pointing that out would mean showing her anger, and she intended to be nothing but professional. “What did you think of Peter’s notes?”

  “Addilyn, I’m sorry. I guess one of the musicians saw and recognized you before they left the party.”

  She put her hand up. “I already figured that, and your apology isn’t necessary because it’s not your fault. And while we’re on the subject, we might as well clear the air. What happened that night was consensual, and you were right. We needed to get it out of our system. Now, Peter’s pretty happy with most of the songs, but he wants a more upbeat tempo for Hometown Darling.”

  He stared at her for a second, and she found herself holding her breath. She was barely hanging on by a thread, and if he pushed her too hard, she was afraid that she’d fall apart. Finally, he nodded. “I was thinking about that yesterday.” He played a few chords and quietly sang the lyrics. “What do you think?”

  Slowly releasing her breath, she sank into the chair. He was going to work, and she was more than happy to hide behind her professional facade. An hour later, Gia interrupted with sandwiches. Addilyn tried to send her away, but Gia shook her head. “Peter’s threatening my job if you lose any more weight. He wants you in the pink of health for the upcoming interviews and for shooting the music videos.”

  “I’m not about to turn down lunch,” Kade said as he reached for a sandwich. Gia glared at him, and it was enough to make him stop short. “You want Addilyn to eat both of them?”

  Without answering him, she whirled around and marched angrily from the room. “Wow,” Kade muttered. “She hates me.”

  “She’s my new bodyguard.”

  He looked at her sharply. “Are you in danger?”

  “No, she’s guarding me from you,” Addilyn said with a low chuckle. “Peter doesn’t trust my level of self-control around you.”

  “Are you feeling in control?”

  His voice was husky, and she had to use all of her discipline not to react to it. “I’m in control enough to remind you that we’re not doing this.”

  “Not doing what?”

  “We’re not flirting over sandwiches, Kade. You are welcome to discuss the music. You’re welcome to talk about the weather. You’re welcome to talk about anything except for sex.”

  “Flirting and sex aren’t the same thing.”

  “They are when it comes to you.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she desperately wanted to take them back, but thankfully, Kade didn’t tease her about it. Instead, he put his sandwich down and stared at her.

  “Addilyn, what happened that night—“

  Gia chose that moment to walk in with her own half-eaten sandwich. “I thought I might jo
in you guys and see how things are progressing.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kade ground out. He sighed in frustration, and Addilyn couldn’t help but chuckle. It was nice to see Kade squirming for once.

  “We’ve finished rewriting the music for Hometown Darling, and now we need to talk about Sweet Desire.”

  “Sweet Desire is fine,” Kade snapped. “You’re going to beat it to death if you don’t leave it alone.”

  “Sweet Desire is fine, but I want it to be more than fine,” she grumbled. “I want it to be amazing. I think it could be the next hit single, but it still needs something.”

  Sweet Desire was her baby. It was the song that had been stuck in her head for years, and she wasn’t ready to share it with the world if it wasn’t absolutely perfect.

  Kade sat his sandwich down and took her plate from her. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.


  “Close your eyes. I want you to sing Sweet Desire, but I want you to do it without your notes in front of you. Don’t analyze every single word, and don’t stop. Just sing it from your heart.”

  Shooting him a suspicious look, she closed her eyes and sighed. A few seconds later, she heard the music playing from the computer. Not sure that this was going to help anything, she tried to do as he asked.

  “I was seeing in black and white when you suddenly passed me by. All the colors were following you, and it pulled me out of my mind. When you flashed those baby blues at me, I just wanted to turn around and flee, but you made me stop and see all that I could do.”

  Before she could reach the bridge for the chorus, she felt his hands take hers. Her breath hitched and she nearly pulled away, but the connection did something to her music. Her voice dropped to a sultry tone, and the shiver that ran down her spine vibrated in the song.

  “Wrap me in your arms and make me feel every inch of you. Take me around the world. I want to see what I can do. Drenched in your sweet desire, I can finally fly. Every kiss just takes me higher. The skies are finally mine.”


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