My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 109

by Weston Parker

  “Really?” Anticipation crossed Christopher’s face. “Did he say what he wanted?”

  She looked at him with sympathy. “He’s looking for Kade.”

  In an instant, Christopher was out of his chair. “Please tell me that you did not go see her.”

  “I can’t,” Kade muttered. “I can’t tell you that I didn’t go see her. I can’t stay away from her. I’ve never felt so goddamn powerless in my entire life.”

  “Peter is going to ruin you. Is she really such a good fuck that you’d ruin your career for her?”

  Jumping to his feet, Kade grabbed his friend by his collar and pushed him up against the wall. With a cry of alarm, Christopher’s secretary rushed in. “Watch your mouth,” Kade growled angrily. “You don’t talk about her like that. Ever.”

  “It’s fine, Susan,” Christopher said with a small smile. “Give us a minute to compose ourselves, and then tell Peter to join us.”

  Kade let him go and stepped back. “You did that on purpose.”

  “You’re my friend, Kade, and I recognize a man in trouble. If you’ve been in turmoil about your feeling for her, I hope you can see them now. Because Peter is going to come in and demand your head on a platter. You better damn well be able to tell him how you feel about her.” Sitting back in his chair, he smoothed a hand over his tie. “Sit down, Kade. And do not attack Peter the way that you just attacked me.”

  The door opened, and Kade watched as Peter strode in. This was the man who could ruin his career, but he was even more dangerous than that. He could keep him from Addilyn.

  Christopher stood and greeted him, but Peter’s eyes never left Kade as he shook their hands. He wasn’t angry. In fact, there was an unsettling sense of calm about the man as he sat down and crossed his legs.

  “Kade,” Peter said in a soft voice. “Addilyn told me that things are going well for you. I’m pleased. You are very good at what you do, and I’d like a hand in your future. That’s why I’m here.”

  Kade immediately stiffened. “Really? You’re here to help me?”

  “Addilyn isn’t my only successful artist,” Peter said with a wry laugh. “With her success, I’ve been thinking about adding even more singers. Your work could put them on top. You’re a valuable man. And Christopher, I hear that you’re thinking of expanding into the world of production. I’d be happy to help you in any way that I can.

  Huge job opportunities for him and Christopher? The implications were clear. “You’re trying to buy me.”

  Peter’s eyes hardened. “Threats to ruin you don’t seem to do any good. Pictures of you standing outside her apartment are already all over Twitter. I will happily fund you and Christopher’s rise to the top if you stay away from her.”

  Kade looked hesitantly over at Christopher. He owed his friend everything, and he knew that was everything that Christopher wanted, but there was nothing but disgust on his friend’s face. Instantly, the tension inside him eased. “I appreciate the offer of your help, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary. It seems that I’m going to do just fine on my own.” He’d given up so much for his daughter in the past, and now he’d have to do the same for Addilyn.

  Rather than losing his temper, Peter just shook his head. “I thought better of you, Kade. I knew that you had a reputation with women, but I didn’t think you’d risk ruining their career just for a night in the sack. This is her big break, her chance to show the world what she can really do. I’ll be the first to admit that in trying to protect her from the darkness of this industry, I’ve kept her from her potential, but we both know how society is. No one is going to talk about the songs that she wrote. Everyone is going to talk about her affair with you. They’re going to watch her for signs of heartbreak. They’re going to shadow her every move and blame it all on you. She’s not going to be the next country star. She’s going to be your next victim.”

  Kade’s heart slammed against his chest. As much as he hated to admit it, Peter was right. No matter what his intentions were, his reputation could ruin her. “I’m falling for her,” he said helplessly. “I just want to be with her.”

  Peter stood. “Then prove it. Let her go.” Turning to Christopher, he held out his hand. “My offer for you is still good, and it has nothing to do with Addilyn. I see potential in you, and I think you could do great things. You have an eye for talent. Call my office next week and set up a time for us to meet so we can talk. Kade?”

  “I don’t want anything from you,” Kade said through clenched teeth.

  Peter looked at him with pity. “I understand. I hope that you’ll do the right thing.”

  When he walked away, Kade felt his whole world darken. “He could be wrong,” Christopher pointed out quietly.

  “He’s not on top because he misjudges people,” Kade said bitterly. “I was so focused on how we felt about each other that it didn’t even occur to me how the backlash would affect her.”

  “They might go crazy. The pop princess who finally leashed the heart of the playboy songwriter? Society is a sucker for happy endings.”

  “But if it doesn’t end in happily ever after Peter’s right. They’ll be so focused on her reactions to the relationships. I can’t do that to her. She’s worked so hard for this, and I could never live with myself if I were the reason that she lost everything.”

  Christopher sighed. “You couldn’t stay away from her before. What makes you think that you can do it now?”

  Standing up, Kade told his friend the truth. “Her happiness is more important to me than anything.”

  “So you’re going to leave? How do you think that’s going to affect her?”

  “She’ll understand. Her career is important to her. It’s all she knows.” Kade would go home and pack his things. Tonight, he’d say goodbye to her, and this time, he’d do the right thing.

  He’d let Addilyn Wheeler go.

  Chapter 18

  Addilyn knocked on Kade’s door. She was energized after the conversation that she’d just had with Peter, and she couldn’t wait to see Kade. After all their ups and downs, she was finally going to be able to talk freely about how she felt.

  When he opened the door, her heart dropped. His eyes were bloodshot like he hadn’t slept all night, and there was a duffle bag by the door. “Going somewhere?” she asked in a tired voice.

  “Addilyn. What are you doing here?” he rasped.

  Without answering him, she strutted past him and kicked at the bag. “Seriously, Kade? Did Peter threaten you with something? Did you decide that whatever we have between us wasn’t real? Is that why you were going to leave without telling me?”


  “Why don’t you just tell me what you want, Kade,” she cried. “If you want to go, then you need to go and not come back. If you want to stay, then we need to talk about this like adults.”

  “I don’t want to ruin your life,” he shouted suddenly. “You had a good thing with Peter before I came along, and now everyone is waiting for you to make a mistake. They’re waiting for the scandal to ruin you, and you and Peter are constantly fighting. Addilyn, I want what’s best for you, and I just don’t think that’s me. Besides, you’re not ready for all I’ve got in tow.” She couldn’t believe he’d think that she’d be put off by his daughter. The truth was, that was one of the things that had endeared her to him.

  His voice was desperate, and he looked miserable as he stared at her. Reaching up, she cupped his face in her hands. “Did you ever think to ask me what I thought was best? I know you still think of me as some spoiled pop princess, but I can think for myself. I know what I want, Kade. I know what I need.”

  “What do you need?”

  Smiling, she stepped back and grabbed his duffle bag. He didn’t say anything as she carried it back to his bedroom, but he did follow her. “I don’t think Peter’s upset because I’m sleeping with you,” she said airily as she dropped the bag by the closet. “He’s upset because you’ve helped me realize my dreams. I cou
ld have any producer that I want. I don’t need Peter. When my contract is over with him, he’ll have to make a decision. He’ll either give me the creative freedom to sing and record the songs that I want, or he’ll lose me, and that terrifies him.”

  “He loves you,” Kade pointed out as he leaned against the doorframe.

  “Maybe.” Addilyn smiled. “But I’m not his daughter, and I’m not a child. I’m grateful for everything that he’s done for me, but I don’t need his protection. I’m strong enough to do this on my own.”

  “Do what on your own?”

  She slowly walked towards him. “Write my own music. Choose my own interviews. Schedule my own concerts.” So close now that she could almost kiss him, she reached out and placed her hand on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat against her palm. “Date the men that I want.”

  “I’m not great at relationships, Addilyn. I do sex and music. I’m barely around to be a father.”

  “That’s okay because I’m not great at relationships either, and I happen to know that you are so much more than sex and music and I’m sure your little girl knows what a wonderful father you are. I’d like to get to know her too.”

  For a moment, he just stared at her, and she smiled. “Now this is where you tell me what you want, Kade.”

  “I want to be with you, and I want you to be happy.”

  “That’s excellent because you being with me would make me very happy.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. It took barely a second before his arms circled hers, and he pulled her against him. His kiss was slow and sensuous, deep and devouring. Heat flared from her lips to her toes, and her knees buckled. He kept her easily upright, and she knew that this was it. She was his, and he was never going to let her go.

  “I need you,” he whispered.

  “I’m yours.”

  He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Standing her on the mattress, he looked up at her as he slowly lifted the hem of her dress. “You know how I said that I liked both your dresses and your sweatpants?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured as she lifted her arms and let him pull the soft fabric off her.

  Tracing her spine with his finger, he pressed a kiss to her taut abdomen. “I lied. I want you only in dresses. Or naked. I don’t think that I’ll ever get tired of stripping you.”

  “If I’m naked, then you have to be naked.” Addilyn gasped softly when he unsnapped her bra and slipped the straps down her arms. Her nipples tightened and stood at attention, but Kade just teased her gently with the tip of his finger. Circling her nipple slowly, he played with her until moaned in frustration.

  “Patience.” Chuckling, he left her aching breast and pulled her panties down at a devastatingly slow pace. As his fingers caressed her skin from her ankles up the sensitive nerves of her inner thigh, she shivered and widened her stance.

  Every time they’d been together, it had felt like a battle. One desperately trying to prove that they had more control than the other, but in the end, they’d both bent to the will of their mindless desire. This was different. It was almost as if Kade was trying to make a point.

  There wasn’t going to be any more uncertainty. They had all the time the in the world to explore each other and learn about each other, and he was going to take his time tonight.

  Pushing one long and slender finger inside her, he stroked her. His eyes never left her, and her whole body started to tremble. “Kade, I want you naked.”

  “In time,” he muttered. His voice was thick with desire, but he didn’t speed up the pace. Almost lazily, he pushed on her clit. The sudden flash of pleasure streaked through her, and she cried out and fell forward. Kane caught her easily. As his mouth latched onto her nipple, he lowered her onto the mattress and covered her with his body. “I need to taste every inch of you.”

  Arching her back, she cried out as his tongue flicked over her. “I don’t think I’m going to survive that.”

  “You will.” He looked up a sexy smile curved over his handsome face. “You’re not going to want to miss any of this.”

  True to his word, his trailed his mouth everywhere. Tension mounted as he loved her entire body and when he finally settled his mouth on her, she barely held it together. When she finally broke apart, she could have sworn that her whole body lifted in the air.

  “I love to see that,” he panted as he lifted himself and started to undress. “I love listening to you come.”

  Breathing deeply, she struggled to put two words together, but she caught sight of his magnificent body, there was only one thing on her mind. Pushing herself up, she crooked her finger until he joined her. With a deep kiss, she pushed him easily down until she could finally get what she wanted.

  Wrapping one hand around his thick cock, she squeezed gently until she heard his shuddering breath. “Addilyn,” he muttered. “I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.”

  “You better,” she dared him with a wicked smile. “Because I’m going to lick you from base to tip before I ride you.”

  “Christ.” He gritted his teeth as she leaned over and let her hair trail over his abdomen. Doing exactly what she promised, she listened to his guttural moan before she wrapped her lips around him. Jerking violently, he gasped and pushed her away. “Next time,” he promised her as he pulled her up. “I’ll let you do whatever you want next time, but I need to be inside you, baby. Please.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” Straddling him, she slowly lowered her body over him, letting him fill her inch by delicious inch. When she’d taken all of him, she stilled her body and contracted her muscles around him. His moaned her name and gripped her hips. She expected a hard and fast ride, but he set and slow and luxurious pace.

  “Oh, Kade,” she whispered as he slid over her sweet spot. He brought her closer and closer to the brink only hold her there until the pleasure consumed her. Throwing her head back, she fell silently into the voice. Kade thrust into her one last time and cried out her name as he joined her. They came as one, and when she fell, he caught her gently and cradled her against his chest.

  Time froze.

  Slowly, he pushed her damp hair away from her face and kissed her. “That was—God, I don’t even know how to describe it.”

  Biting playfully at his lower lip, she shimmied up his body so she could relax against him. “That’s okay. It just means that we need to do it again and again until you figure out the right words.”

  “I have no problem with that,” he said as he rolled her over. She squealed with laughter.

  “Your stamina is one for the books, but I need a second to catch my breath.”

  He kissed her neck and rolled to the side so he could pull her into his arms. “Have you thought about the consequences of this, Addilyn. I mean really thought about it?”

  “I don’t want to go public with this, Kade. Not yet. You’re right. All eyes are on me, and I want to keep you private for a little while longer. We’ll tell Peter, and he can decide if he can handle me making my own decisions. I do have the tour coming. It’s going to take me away for a year.” Her heart ached at the thought of leaving him, and she looked up to see his reaction.

  He smiled gently. “I think maybe it’ll be time for me to take a vacation when I’m finished working with Delaney Tucker. I could come along or meet up with you. Of course, I might have to bring Cadence along but turns out. She’s a huge fan.”

  “Really? She’s a fan? Well, it helps she’s got great taste in music. So, you would join me on tour?”

  “Princess, I think that I’d follow you to the ends of the world.”

  Just like that, she was getting pissy again. “Any chance I can ever get you to stop calling me Princess?”

  “Not a chance.” He kissed her, and as she threaded her fingers through his, and for the first time since she began this crazy journey, she finally felt like she was where she belonged.

  Chapter 19

  A Year Later

leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. After months of watching the same performance over and over again, it still never changed. Her voice never failed to strike him at his very soul.

  America Holden had been a pop princess, but now she was the queen of country. In the past year, her fame had skyrocketed, but she hadn't changed one bit.

  "She was miserable when she first started this tour."

  The hesitant voice surprised him, and he turned to see Gia approaching him. The personal assistant was fiercely loyal of Addilyn, and Kade was still certain she hated him. He knew she blamed him for all the trouble that he'd caused Addilyn.

  Which was fair.

  "She doesn't look miserable," he commented as he tried to smile warmly at her. It wasn't like Gia to speak to him, and he didn't want to scare her away.

  "Not anymore. She's been happier ever since you and Cadence joined her on tour. Actually, that's wrong. I should say that she's been happy. You both make her so happy."

  "Yeah?" The news warmed him. When Addilyn first left for her tour, he'd also been miserable. His songs were crap, and his attitude was even crappier. Christopher finally threatened to stop sending work his way if he didn't figure out a way to make it work. So with Cadence out of school and eager to spend more time with Addilyn too, he’d made arrangements for Maisy to have an extended paid vacation back home.

  He was enjoying being back on the road, but couldn’t wait to have his girls back home where things were much quieter. He hadn’t done any touring since his rock band days, but this was a much better atmosphere, one that was good for Cadence. She had seen the world and learned things she couldn’t in a classroom. Addilyn had even asked him about homeschool for the next tour, but he wasn’t so sure. Maisy would have to join them on the road, and he wasn’t sure she could handle it.

  Addilyn was his muse, and he was more than happy to be near her. Now he traveled with her, wrote when inspiration hit, and communicated through video chats. A few times he'd had to fly back to meet directly with the artist, but he was never gone for more than a few days.


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