My Last First Kiss

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My Last First Kiss Page 113

by Weston Parker

  “Has it been eight?” I pretended not to have noticed. “I thought I’ve been turning you down much longer than that.” I gave him a smile to let him know that I was teasing, yet not too big of one because I also needed him to know that I meant business.

  “Princess, come on. I think it would be fun, and we’d have an amazing time.”

  The fact that he called me Princess like my father had since I was born was not doing him any favors. “I’m sorry. I never mix business and pleasure. Besides, I’m not ready to date yet, and it has nothing to do with me not wanting to move on. Believe me. I have moved on, Jonathan.”

  He got to his feet and gathered the papers which I had left lying on the desk in their stack. After slapping the ends on the desk, he put them back into his file. His lips pulled into a tight line, and for a moment, I thought he might actually have the nerve to say something to me.

  Before he could walk away, my father opened the door and came into the room. “How’d you like that report?”

  “I’m pretty proud, Father.”

  “As am I. Thank you so much, Jonathan.”

  “Sir.” Jonathan nodded and, with a stiff posture, left the room.

  “What’s his problem?” Father watched as the accountant disappeared down the hall that wasn’t visible through the glass-front office.

  “I shot him down for a celebratory dinner.”

  “You should have taken him up on the offer. He’s a good man, makes a lot of money.”

  “And he handles ours, which is why I’m not about to get involved with him.”

  “It’s just dinner, Princess.”

  “And that’s another thing. Would you please only call me that in private? You have called me that since I joined the company, and that fool just called me that.”

  “I’ll try and remember, but I think you’re missing my point. It’s about time you get back out there and try to find a companion. Someone who would be good to Penelope and be a great asset to the company.”

  “Are you suggesting I date someone based solely on what they can do for the company? Because I don’t think so. I’d like my future husband to be someone who is not tied to this company. No offense, but I’m not going to start bringing work home with me. It wouldn’t be fair to Pen, and it’s not good business.”

  My father’s smile spread across his face, causing his cheeks to apple. “I’m glad that you’re thinking with your business brain. You’re probably right about Jonathan.”

  “I know I’m right.”

  “Well, I didn’t come in here to talk about your social standings anyway. I came to tell you I need you to work this weekend.”

  “This weekend? I can’t. I have to take care of Penelope. Jason’s not helping, and he hasn’t been getting her on his scheduled visits or even asking about her for nearly a month now. My days of working weekends are over. I’m going to be there to show her at least one of her parents care.”

  “She’s a very understanding child. But it wouldn’t hurt to hire someone to help out.” He folded his arms.

  “The company will be fine until Monday. I’m not having someone else raise my child. I know you were content to miss out on everything I ever did in life, but I will not be that parent to my child.”

  “You act as though I was never around, and look at us now. We see each other every day. I had to go out and work to make this happen. It didn’t just happen easily, either. I busted my ass for years and provided well for you and your mother.”

  “You never provided yourself or your time. You stayed away to escape. You didn’t want a family. You didn’t come to my wedding or the hospital when Pen was born.”

  “I’m not going to sit and listen to this. I’ll get someone else to do it. Send my love to Penelope.”

  I wanted to tell him to tell her himself, but I laughed and shook my head instead. I didn’t want to fight. As he turned around, I grabbed my handbag from the bottom drawer and my briefcase.

  “Where are you going?” he asked from the door.

  “It’s Friday. I have to pick Penelope up from school.”

  With a huff, he turned and stormed out, and I closed my window blinds before locking the door and pulling it closed.

  As I walked out to my car, I couldn’t help but think about Jason and how he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. It could only mean one thing: he probably had a new girlfriend.

  Our marriage had ended ugly, and even though I’d tried many times to give him chances, he continued to be unfaithful. I even blamed myself in the early years and thought he would change, but time and time again, he’d go out with his friends while I was busy studying. He’d even stayed out all night, and once, when my father had me go away with him on a business trip, he’d brought another woman home with him. I learned about it when I’d gotten a terrible case of food poisoning and arrived home early only to find her in my bed.

  My pregnancy was stressful, and even though he’d appeared to be there for me, I wasn’t sure he had remained faithful during that time, either, or if he’d just changed his patterns. He had stopped being so blatant with his infidelity after Penelope was born, and I’d been a fool enough to try and stay to make a better home for my daughter.

  While I was making that better life on my own, he was having an affair with another woman that had been ongoing for nearly a year.

  I got in my car, and after leaving the garage, I made my way to the school where the pick-up line was horrendous. I thought of how many more years I had to do it and realized Penelope was only in the first grade.

  The only thing that made me feel better was knowing the end of the school year was nearing daily. It had been a long one already.

  As I slowly made my way around the loop, I tried to pick her out from the crowd, and sure enough, she was laughing with her best friend, Paisley. It was sweet seeing her with friends, and those two had been a match since the moment they met. I’d already arranged playdates, and Paisley’s parents were good people.

  When I drove close enough for Penelope to see the car, she and Paisley waved and appeared to giggle, and then her teacher took her hand and helped her up, gathering her little backpack in the process.

  Pulling around, I unlocked the car as they walked over. Mrs. Segura opened the door, and Penelope climbed into the car. “Here you go, honey.” She placed the backpack in the car and wished us a good day, just like every other day.

  As she buckled in, she flashed me a smile. “It’s Friday, Mama!”

  “Yes, it is. So, we better start thinking about how we want to spend our weekend.”

  Her eyebrows rose, giving me a look of suspicion. “You don’t have to work?”

  “Nope, not at all.” I smiled, trying to reassure her, but she turned her head and gave me another look that said she wasn’t buying it.

  “Not even on the phone?” She folded her arms and pursed her lips, which made her look like my mother.

  “Not even on the phone. I told your grandfather that I’m unavailable to him and that I am done with weekends.” I never wanted her to feel like I used to, and with her disbelief being so strong, it hurt that it was taking so much to convince her.

  “Yay!” she cheered, raising her tiny fist into the air. “Can we go for ice cream?”

  “Right now?”

  “Now and later?”

  “I think one trip to the ice cream shop per weekend is enough. We can do that, or we can go to the store, buy a big tub of ice cream—any kind you want—and then all the fixings for sundaes.”

  “Can we make banana splits?” She clapped her hands and bounced in her seat.

  “Sure, we can.”

  “Can we watch a movie?”

  “Any movie you want.” I thought a second as her eyes widened, but then I knew I needed to amend my words. “As long as it’s age appropriate.” She’d wanted to watch Suicide Squad for months, but I felt she was way too young.

  “Aww, man. Okay.” The pouty face she made reminded me of her father, even th
ough she was a tiny duplicate of me.

  “We’ll have fun. And maybe we can go shopping tomorrow.”

  “Can we go to the Sparkly Spa?” She was obsessed with the girl’s spa that I had taken her to for her birthday nearly a year before. I’d taken her at least six times since.

  “I’ll have to think about that. You never want to leave.”

  “We could see if Paisley can go.” She gave me that pleading look again, and I couldn’t help but laugh when she waggled her brows and made a silly face.

  “Her parents might already have plans. But we’ll see. I’m not making any promises to you.” As much as I wanted to have the best weekend of our lives, I was also coming off of a long work week and hoped that I’d have a little time to myself as well.

  “Do you think Daddy will call?”

  The question caught me off guard. Jason hadn’t been calling regularly, and even though she’d called him every time he hadn’t shown up, he didn’t answer every time.

  My heart hurt for her. I knew exactly what it felt like to have a father who didn’t want to be around. “We’ll see about that too, baby.”

  She settled back into her seat and stared out the window. It was hard to watch her, knowing that Jason had let her down. As I had many times before, I vowed to myself that I never would.

  To be continued…

  Author Note: If you enjoyed that, feel free to pick up a copy of the book on Amazon. Get it HERE

  Doctor Feelgood (Preview)

  Chapter 1


  "This is gonna be wicked." I smiled and glanced over at my closest friend, Jackson. "You sure you're up for this shit tonight?"

  He snorted and reached up to brush his hand by his nose. The cockiness in his eyes was almost too much, but it mirrored mine - no doubt.

  "I just hope these other guys you're bringing from the hospital don't mess up the flow." He glanced my way and smirked. "You do remember how to do this, right?"

  "Pick up a woman?" I chuckled and nodded at the bouncer at the front of the strip club. "It's what I do when I'm not saving lives. It's you who might need dusting off."

  "Not a chance, asshole." He popped me in the chest with the back of his hand and made a beeline for the bar.

  I stopped and glanced around the darkened room, the lights perfect for the clientele littered all over the club. Sexy jazz music pumped from the speakers above, and the fog machine was in full effect.

  "Over here, man." Freddy, one of my favorite residents from St. Marks waved me over. "We saved you a seat and got you a present."

  I rolled my eyes as he extended his hand, his thick finger wrapped around a bundle of one dollar bills. "You think the type of woman I plan on fucking in the bathroom tonight is going to be impressed with such small bills?"

  "Oh Gawd." Darek, one of the surgeons I worked with gave me a look. "Please tell me you're kidding. Do you know how many germs there are in a bathroom?"

  I snatched up the bills and grabbed a beer from the bucket of them in the center of the table. "I'll make sure to sanitize my cock before and after. Sound good?"

  The table erupted in laughter, and the tension in my chest released. I was with friends for the night, and I was, without a doubt, getting laid by a woman who knew her way around a man.

  "Where's Aiden?" I glanced back toward the bar to see Jackson flirting with the bartender. He always had to go after the most challenging lay in the room. It was almost a game to him.

  "You know Elizabeth isn't going to let him come to a titty bar." Freddy reached over and gripped the back of my shoulder, squeezing tightly as he leaned closer and whispered. "He'll stop by on his way home. Just don't tell on him."

  I shook my head. "I don't know why he settled down."

  "Have you seen Elizabeth?"

  "Yeah, she's beautiful, but still." I took a long drink of my beer. "Complete ball and chain. Not worth the effort."

  "You don't think anyone is worth the effort." Darek glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "Now, get up front. We all made a pact on who you would pick tonight."

  "You've already seen the girls?" I turned back to my friends and smiled.

  "Nope, but you've got a type." Freddy moved around me to extend his hand to Jackson. My best friend was the only one of my friends not in the medical field. "Hey, Jackson. What you know, man?"

  "I don't have a type." I took another sip of my beer and turned to see my mentor, Aiden Crawford walk through the door of the club.

  "Sure you do." Darek smiled. "She's gotta be alive and has more plastic than a bottling company."

  "Fuck you too." I flipped him off and walked toward Aiden.

  He nodded toward my lifted hand. "That for me?"

  I smiled. "You're not that lucky." I extended my hand toward him. "You bring Lizzy with you?"

  He chuckled. "No, and I'm not staying. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I'm here if you need me."

  "Here? Like at the titty bar? It doesn’t really fit your style, old man."

  He gripped my hand tightly as a smirk played at the corner of his mouth. "Make me proud at Boston Gen, okay? Do what you need to do and come back home."

  I shook his hand and nodded. "I feel like I'm about blast the fuck off into space. Do I need to give a short speech or anything?"

  "No, you cocky bastard." He released my hand and patted my chest as his eyes darkened a little. There was no one I respected more than Aiden. He was a god in the operating room and was brilliant with technique and precise with his skill. Everyone at St. Mark's wanted to be Aiden Crawford - even me.

  And I would. One day.

  "Anything else?" I gripped his forearm as he wrapped his fingers around the side of my neck as he had a hundred times. The man was like an older brother to me. I wanted his approval, and I had it.

  "Yes. Don't fuck with my sister. She's been through a lot, and she's just the kind of woman that would excite a sick fuck like you." He squeezed the side of my neck, leaving me a little uncomfortable. "Support her. Teach and train her staff, but don't you dare touch her."

  "Dude. Your sister is old like you, right? I'm into younger women. They're pliable. You guys are stuck in your ways, and if we're being honest," I leaned closer and smiled like a tomcat. "Boooooring."

  He smiled and released me, patting me on the chest again. "I'm serious. She and Gwen are all I have left in the world for family. Don't do something you'll regret."

  I held up a boy scout sign, hoping I was getting the damn thing right. "On scout’s honor."

  "That doesn't work unless you were a scout, idiot." He moved to the side a little and waved at the guys at the table before turning back to me. "Be on time. Be precise. Show them what we've trained you to be at St. Marks. No fucking around with the nurses like you do here."

  "Alright, Dad. I think I got it." I winked and crossed my arms over my chest. "Tell Lizzy I said hey."

  "Not a chance." He gave me one more stern look and turned to walk out, calling over his shoulder, "I'm here if you need anything. Just a call away."

  I stood there for a minute, taking in his advice, his warning, and his offer. I wouldn't mess with his sisters, either one of them. He meant too much to me, and I'd been honest about not liking older women. They were too fucking bossy or insanely confident. I wasn't interested in either.

  Sluts were the name of the game. Easy in and out. No commitment and no chance of getting my balls, my wallet and my heart pulled through a ringer.

  "That go well?" Jackson moved up beside me, his eyes locked on the door where Aiden had left moments before.

  "Yep. He said to stay away from his sister." I smiled over at him. "Some part of me wants her even more now."

  He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, turning us and walked us back toward the guys as the first girl made her way out on stage. "Have you seen this broad?"

  "Nope." I pulled away from him and moved up to the stage, smiling up at the platinum blond as I pulled out a one dollar bill and waved it
in the air. "And I don't need to see her. I'm going for the young, dumb, insecure ones."

  "Cause they make you feel better about yourself?" He lifted his hand with a hundred dollar bill clasped between his fingers.

  Asshole. Always trying to show someone up.

  The girl snatched my bill and moved over to him and tugged his from his fingers slowly, seductively. She knelt down in front of Jackson and smiled, her tits spilling out of the tiny blue bikini-like top she had on. "Want a lap dance, baby?"

  I snorted. "You just gotta be first, don't you?"

  He glanced at me and winked. "You gotta up the ante sometimes, Parks. Shit or get off the pot, right? You're not going to land this older woman with little boy tricks."

  "I don't wanna land her. I want a slut, like this girl." I nodded toward the girl as my mood darkened. Jackson had no room to talk about growing up. He was a playboy billionaire that still fucked a different girl each night, and most of them in his high dollar office with the world watching from the windows.

  He turned back to the girl and pulled out another hundred. "Two hundred for a quick fuck for my friend here?"

  "Absolutely." She snatched the money and jumped off the stage, grabbing my hand and tugging me back toward the darkest part of the club.

  I gripped her hand tightly and jerked, pulling her back and wrapping an arm around her to steady her. "I don't need you taking the lead, princess."

  "Then you take it," she whispered and ran her hand down my chest to cup my dick. Her dark red fingernails matched her lipstick and should have been a turn on, but it wasn't.

  "I just did." I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, dominating the kiss as she melted against me. My eyes fluttered closed, and I imagined her to be someone worthy of my time and attention, the kind of woman I would give up my wanton bullshit for. I had no doubt that girl existed somewhere, but I was unwilling to go in search of her. She'd have to exist somewhere in the recess of my mind.

  "Let's go to the back." She nipped at my lips, her blue eyes filled with lust.

  "No. Let’s fuck here." I dropped down in a chair close to the edge of the stage and reached for my zipper. "Make it look like a lap dance, and I'll throw in an extra hundred. Make me come before you do, and I'll throw in five hundred."


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