Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9)

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Bullied by the Alpha (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 9) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I bet she knew she had someone special,” she said.

  “I’m sorry. I’m talking about my family and yours…”

  “Are monsters? You don’t have to worry about it. It’s nice to know that even though you were kicked out of your pack, you were still loved by your parents. It means there is hope.”

  “Hope for that?”

  “That not all wolves reject their children. It’s not some inbuilt rule that they must believe what their pack wants in order to stay there. My family had a choice, and they chose not to love me.”

  She thought it would hurt to say the truth, but it didn’t. There was no reason to hide from it. They didn’t love her, nor did they want her.

  “You’d make a good mother,” he said.

  “You think so?”

  “Yeah. Do you want kids?”

  She nodded. “Yes, for a long time that’s all I thought about. I wanted a big family. I think it’s why I tried so hard at my old pack. I wanted their love and to have them fight for me. I was wrong to think they could love me though. That was my mistake.”

  “No, it’s their mistake for not seeing how fucking amazing you are. Don’t ever make others’ faults your own. You’re not them, Cassie. I for one am pleased that they didn’t want you. I got you all to myself.”

  He tugged on her arm, pulling her against him. She landed on his chest, and she chuckled. Kissing his lips, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

  “You’re very goofy when you start.”

  “Only with you.” Both of his hands rested beneath his head, and she stared down at him.

  “Thank you for doing all of this,” she said. “Helping me.”

  “There’s nothing else I could see as more important than helping you.”

  “I’m a woman in need.” She chuckled.

  “You’re worried?”

  “I’m not worried or anything. I’m concerned.”

  “What about?”

  “Jessica told me that I could stay at your home for a couple of months. To have that connection to the pack.”


  “What happens after those two months?”

  “Cassie, baby, I hate to say this to you, but to me this is not a casual hookup. I’m not using you, and I’m not going to let you go when your time is up. I want you to stay,” he said.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. You’re mine, Cassie. I don’t ever give up what is mine, and I have no intention of starting now.” He cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking across her lip.

  She licked his digit as he pressed it against her mouth. When he pushed inside, she sucked on him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Good, why?”

  “You’re not feeling sore?”

  Her pussy clenched. “No, I’m not feeling sore.”

  Within a second, he flipped her on her back, and was over her. He pulled her shorts from her body, spreading her legs as he did. His cock slid in deep, already so hard that it made her gasp.

  “Because I’ve been wanting to do this to you all morning but I wanted to try and be a gentleman about it.”

  He pulled out of her only to slide in deep, going to the hilt. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down, taking his lips as he fucked her. The sounds of the earth around them filled her with peace as Abel made love to her.

  She felt whole for the first time in her life, and she knew it was all about him and the pack. This was her home, where she wanted to be.

  Abel had somehow fixed her broken heart, and when she’d arrived at his home, she was indeed broken.

  She also believed she was falling for him, and hard.


  Abel checked the security fences around his property. He owned several acres of land, and the surrounding forest. To make sure no one mistook his land as available to hunt on, he’d placed metal fencing all around that also contained rolls of barbed wire on top of each line of fencing.

  “Are you okay?” Carl asked.

  His friend always came with him when he went to check the security.


  “It’s the full moon in a couple of days.”

  “I know.” He held the fence and gave it a little tug, satisfied with it. Moving along the line of the fence, he was aware of Carl and what he was getting at. The full moon was a huge event within the pack. It was where wolves declared themselves mates.

  For their pack it was a wedding ceremony.

  “What does Cassie think of the upcoming full moon?” Carl asked.

  He turned to his friend and folded his arms. “I’ve not asked her.”

  “You want to mate with her though.”

  He mated with Cassie every single night, most of the time multiple times a night, and that was even when they found some secluded room during the day. He couldn’t keep his hands off her, nor did he want to.

  “It’s her first full moon with the pack. I’m not going to put pressure on her, Carl.”

  “But you both want this. I mean, you are always eye-fucking. Even the women have noticed your attention to her, and let’s face it, you’re not normally swayed by any woman, yet the moment Cassie walks in it’s like, boom, she has your attention.”

  Abel kept on walking again. This time they were at the edge of the forest, which led onto a main road. The fences were hidden behind lots of bushes and brambles.

  He paused as he noticed a bend within the fence.

  Carl, noticing his attention, stepped forward.

  Moving the brambles out of the way, Abel ran his finger across the bend.

  “Someone made that,” Carl said.

  “I know.” He held onto the fence and knew it was a wolf. “Someone is trying to get on our land.”

  “Do you scent anything?”

  He shook his head. “Whoever it is, they’ve used bleach to cover their tracks.”

  “Could it be a rogue wolf?”

  “Prior to Cassie’s old alpha, I’d say so. Right now, I don’t think this is a coincidence that they wanted her back and now my security has been compromised.” He pressed the bars together and knew he would have to bind them. “Gather some of the men. I want them out so that we can repair the damage and reinforce everything.”

  He had metal wiring that he could wrap around each of the poles that would help secure the fence. It was only a quick fix and wouldn’t deter anyone from trying to get into his property, and now he was pissed.

  Once the men joined him, they all got to work. The women brought out refreshments, and they worked well into the night to fix the damage.

  “What do you think?” Cassie asked, coming to his side.

  He was aware of the pack watching him.

  Wrapping his arm around her back, he pulled her close, pressing his nose against her neck.

  “I think your pack is trying to find a weakness to take you from me.”

  “That makes no sense,” she said. “They hated me, Abel. They didn’t care for me at all.”

  “Well, they’re finding it within themselves to care. Don’t worry about it. I can fix this.” He saw the worry in her eyes. “I’ve always been extra-cautious about the safety of my pack. There are a lot of alphas out there that don’t like that I split and was strong enough to start my own pack.”

  Jessica moved up toward them. “You’re part of us now, Cassie. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  He smiled at Jessica and left his woman to her.

  Once all of the fences had been bound with metal, he made sure that anyone trying to get into his property would suffer some serious damage. He had a gate and a phone. They could make an appointment or come in the front door. This was not the way to get his attention.

  On the way back, he held Cassie close to him, and she rested her head against his chest. He sensed the worry in the pack. They were not worried about his ability to protect them, but now they all knew they would have to be on guard.

  This was what he’d be
en training them to do.

  Entering his home, Cassie started to make her way to the stairs, but he caught her to him. “Go down to my dungeon.”

  She frowned at him.

  “Don’t make me tell you twice.”

  Cassie nodded her head, going in the opposite direction.

  Heading to his office, he pulled open the large map, displaying it on his desk. Cassie had pointed out where her pack was, and he placed a ruler marking his own location. On the map were all the other packs that were close to him that he knew of. None of them had an issue with him, but Cassie’s did.

  It also happened to be the closest. There was a knock at the door, and he looked up to see Jessica.

  “Come in,” he said.

  She entered the room and made no move to close the door.

  “Do you think it’s Cassie’s?” Jessica asked.

  “It’s the only one that makes sense. We have no enemies. I have other alphas that are pissed, but they wouldn’t trespass like this. They know the code.” He glanced up at her. “What do you want?”

  “I wanted to apologize for the way that I…” She cleared her throat. “The way that I threw myself at you.”

  “You don’t need to apologize.”

  “I also told Cassie that I am sorry as well. I ignored her when I knew that you had moved her to your room. I was angry, and I was jealous. I didn’t know what she had that none of us had.”

  He sighed, staring at Jessica. “Are you wanting to leave the pack?”

  “No. I … I thought that I would make a good pack mate. I’m strong, and I’ve been here a long time.”

  “I’ve never given you any reason to believe that we could be anything more than friends, Jessica. You’re right, Cassie is new, but she’s different. She’s … mine. When I’m with her that is what I sense, that she’s mine, and I will protect her at all costs, do you understand?”

  “Yes. She’s part of us now. Your happiness is clearly seen even in the couple of days that you’ve been together, and the couple of weeks that she’s been with the pack.”

  A full moon cycle was like a lifetime to a wolf. His feelings for Cassie were not to be ignored, and he didn’t push aside his need for her either.

  “None of the men mentioned any other break-in within the fences,” Jessica said, looking down at the map.

  He followed her gaze. “That’s correct.” He pointed to the location on the map. “This was where the damage to the fence was.”

  She took the ruler and aligned it with the house. “While you were all working, I stood where they damaged the fence. When you look down across the forest you have a clear view of the house, Abel. I don’t think this position was random. They did it so that they could see everything. What do you think they want?”

  “We know what they want, Jessica. Years of abuse and neglect. A woman that is stronger than the alpha. That fear forced them to push her out in the hope that other packs would reject her.”

  “Yet she came to the one pack that is known for taking weird wolves, all with little flaws,” Jessica said, her anger clear to hear.

  “They’re either going to attack us, or they’re going to try and take Cassie from me, and I won’t let that shit happen. Not now, not ever.”

  “I’ll get Carl, and we’ll do the first lookout. This is all our pack, Abel. You’re our alpha, but this has given us life when our own packs abandoned us,” Jessica said. “I will do everything in my power to protect it.”

  He shook her hand and watched her go. Staring at the map, he felt that rage just by thinking about David, Cassie’s old alpha.

  If that man even tried to hurt his woman, Abel would fucking slaughter him, but first he’d kill every single pack member. It was known that alphas were connected to their pack. He’d feel the loss as he killed every last one of the abusive bastards.

  His wolf wanted blood, but Abel wouldn’t be the first one to start this war—he’d be the one to fucking end it.

  Chapter Nine

  The warmth of the dungeon was a welcome reprieve from the outside weather, which was raging as a storm began to hit. Cassie sat on the edge of the bed with no desire to touch herself even though Abel demanded that she did. Arousal was the last thing she could think about with what the entire pack had been doing all day.

  Her old pack couldn’t stand her, and she knew it had to be them. The scent of bleach was their calling card.

  Biting her lip, she hadn’t been able to tell Abel that, but he knew who it was. He’d not needed her to tell him the truth.

  “I thought I told you to play with your pussy,” Abel said, entering the room.

  The tears that she’d been keeping at bay spilled down her cheeks. “I know it was them,” Cassie said. “The bleach … it was one of their … they would throw it at me, spilling the bleach on my skin as if it would clean the dirt from me.”

  She covered her face and shook as tears fell from her eyes.

  They had kicked her out, and all she wanted to do was find a life away from them.

  The door closed, and Abel was there, his arms around her, holding her close. His warmth surrounded her, and she wrapped her arms around him.

  “Don’t let me go.”

  “I have no intention of ever letting you go. I won’t let anything happen to you, Cassie. You’re mine now.”


  “Then tell me what I want to hear.”

  “I’m yours.”

  He pulled away, cupping her face, forcing her to look at him. “Who do you belong to?”

  “You, Abel, my alpha.”

  “That’s right. You’re mine, and they lost that right to you when they started to hurt you. If they even think to take you from me, they will lose their lives, do you understand?”

  “I don’t want the pack to be in danger because of me.”

  “They won’t. I’m an asshole, Cassie. I train them, and I demand excellence. Don’t lose this fight. Remember, you’re stronger. You’re the one in control, not them.”

  She nodded her head, staring into his eyes.

  He helped to ground her. The panic she’d been feeling evaporated, and she was able to think clearly.

  She took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “It’s what I’m here for.”

  She cupped his face, but he grabbed her hands, shaking his head. “Nope, I gave you an instruction, Cassie. You need to learn to trust me and to know that I will take care of everything. When you’re in this room you have nothing to worry about. All those fears are mine.”

  “Yes, alpha.”

  “What did I ask you to do?” he asked.

  “To come to our room.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “It means that I come here and I get naked.”

  “Then what do you do?”

  “I must play with myself so that you see how wet I am for you.”

  “And what were you not doing?” he asked.

  “I was worried about you.”

  “I think that it’s wonderful that you care about me, Cassie, but in here, I take care of everything. You will play with yourself. You will think about my dick balls deep inside you, and you won’t worry about anything else. Do you understand?”


  “Good. Now, go and bend over that bench. Hold onto the strap, and don’t move.”

  Cassie didn’t argue. Getting to her feet, she did as he asked, holding onto the handles that were there. Looking ahead, she saw Abel was just watching her, his gaze moving all over her body, going down past her ass then back up.

  “I love looking at your body, Cassie. It makes me think of all the things I want to do to you.”

  “What do you want to do to me?” she asked.

  He stepped off the bed, advancing toward her. Her heart leaped as he stood right behind her. His hands moved all over her ass then up her back before coming back down again.

  “Let’s see if you’re wet for me.”

nbsp; He slid a hand between her thighs, teasing over her cunt, and he chuckled. “Of course you are. You want me, don’t you, Cassie?”


  “Who do you want?”

  “You, alpha.”

  Abel drew his hand down hard on her ass cheek, making her moan. The pain created a burst of pleasure, and her pussy pulsed, wanting more.

  Watching in the mirror, he pulled his hand back and this time landed a blow to the other cheek. He alternated between each curve of her ass, going to her left then her right, each slap bringing her ass to a shade of red.

  She cried out as her ass burned but also felt release as he gave her everything, and she took it. His touch owned every single part of her as she became his. In this moment she felt connected to him, understood his need for her to do as she was told, to belong to him.

  He wanted her to feel pleasure, to take away all the fears and worries that had gripped her for most of her life.

  In his pack, in his arms, she was able to be herself because she was his.

  Abel would drive her hard, make her work, and in turn make her better. She wanted everything he had to offer, and as he brought down another slap before cupping her pussy, she felt relief.

  Her trust for him became final in that one moment.

  It was scary as she’d never allowed herself to have faith in another person, not for a long time. Abel owned every single part of her, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her.

  He stood behind her, and she turned her head as he pulled his cock out, the length fierce as the vein down the side of him looked angry. He pressed between her thighs, and she cried out as he slid to the hilt within her.

  His hands went to her hips, holding her close as he began to work her pussy. In and out, he fucked her hard, his body touching her warm ass.

  She’d have bruises tomorrow, but she didn’t care.

  Abel plunged inside her, holding still as he reached between them, his fingers teasing her clit.

  “I want you to come all over my cock, baby. That’s the only way I see this working. I want your cum soaking me.”

  She cried out as he pinched her clit. Closing her eyes, she felt her orgasm start to build, to take over, to drive her even higher with pleasure than she thought was possible.


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