Sly: Jagged Edge Series #4

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Sly: Jagged Edge Series #4 Page 6

by A. L Long

  “You will have to wait and see. Now, put this on,” Sly demanded softly as he handed me a red scarf.

  “I’m not putting that thing on,” I cursed.

  “Well, then I guess you don’t get to see your surprise.”

  Grabbing the silk scarf from him. I place it over my eyes as I argued. “I don’t know what the big deal is.”

  Being blindfolded and walking down three flights of stairs wasn’t the easiest thing to do. For one, it left a weird feeling in my stomach and for another, I hated not being able to see where I was going. Sly must have realized how uncomfortable I was walking down the steps, because his arms came around me, lifting me into his. Even though it was much better and the queasiness in my stomach went away, it still would have been better if I could see.

  The minute the cool breeze hit my face, I knew that we had made it outside. Sly set me down on the sidewalk so that he could open the door to his Jeep. Touching my head, he said, “Watch your step,” before he helped me inside. Snapping the seatbelt into place, I heard the door close. Sitting back in the seat, I took a deep breath, knowing that Sly wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

  As he started the engine, the radio came on with ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake. I didn’t know what it was, but somehow I felt comforted, not only by the song that was on the radio, but also by the scent of Sly’s cologne that filled the small space. Maybe it was my heightened senses taking over since I couldn’t see.

  I still didn’t have a clue where we were going. We had been traveling for what must have been half an hour. I was just about to call this little game of Sly’s over when he reached over and took hold of my hand. “We are almost there, baby.”

  Just the sound of ‘baby’ rolling off his tongue made my heart beat faster. No one had ever called me that before. If it had been anyone else, I would have told them to go fuck themselves. In general, I hated pet names, and being called ‘baby’ or ‘honey’ was at the top of the list as my most hated ones.

  I knew we must have reached out destination when Sly turned of the engine. I was about to remove the red scarf from my eyes when Sly gently squeezed my hand. “Not yet, baby.”

  I was really beginning to get annoyed at this whole game Sly was playing. Hearing the latch on the door, I waited patiently while Sly got to my side of the car. I wasn’t about to step out of the Jeep. I had no idea where we were and I wasn’t ready for any more surprises. As soon as Sly opened the door, I searched for the buckle of my seatbelt. The minute it was undone, Sly took hold of my arm and guided me out. When my feet hit the ground, I knew that I was standing on concrete. The noise in the background told me that we were in the city.

  Grabbing my hand tightly, he led me, while I gripped his arm with the other hand. When I heard the turn of a key, I waited until Sly tugged me forward. There was a ding sound that could have been coming from an elevator. Hearing the voices of two women, I was certain we were in a building of some sort.

  “Watch your step, baby, we are getting on the elevator,” Sly cautioned me.

  When I was safely inside and the doors closed, I asked with curiosity, “Where are we, Sly?”

  “Almost there,” he answered, squeezing my hand.

  Exiting the elevator, we finally stopped and Sly once again unlocked a door. As I still held on to his arm, he guided me inside and said, “You can take the blindfold off now, baby.”

  “Finally,” I said as I pulled the scarf over my head.

  Adjusting to the light, I realized we were in an apartment. I just didn’t know whose. Realizing that I was still holding on to him, I quickly dropped my hand and proceeded further inside the apartment. It was very clean and I could smell the hint of paint in the air like it had just been painted. As I looked around, it was a very nice place. The first thought that came to mind was, “Whose place was this and why were were here?” It looked like someone lived here, but there were no personal items anywhere.

  Turning toward him, I asked with concern, “Sly, whose place is this? It is definitely not yours.”

  “It’s yours, actually,” he began. “I couldn’t stand worrying about you all the time in the current dump you were living in.”

  “My place may be a dump, but at least it’s mine,” I said defensively.

  “Yeah, well, this is yours now. You will never have to worry about all that yelling or having to wonder if someone is going to break in,” he paused, taking my hand and leading me down the hall. “See this, baby? It’s a security system. All you have to do is set it before you leave and turn it off when you come back.”

  I did have to admit that was kind of cool. Pulling away from him, I glided my hand over the panel before heading down the hall. Pushing open one of the doors, it was a bedroom, and a big one at that. At least twice the size of my current bedroom. There was also a connecting bathroom, kind of like those fancy hotels had. Numbers began going around in my head, wondering just how much this place cost per month.

  “Sly, you shouldn’t have brought me here. There is no way I can afford a place like this. Not with what I make at the Happy Cow,” I reminded him.

  “I knew you were going to say that. I checked it out before I brought you here. The rent is only a hundred bucks more than you’re paying now. With everything it has to offer, how could you not want to live here?”

  “Maybe because a hundred bucks is a lot of money when you don’t have it to spend,” I said.

  “Come on, Nikki. I know you like this place and I know you would be a hundred times safer here. Isn’t that alone worth the extra hundred bucks?”

  I knew Sly was right. This place was a hundred times better than the place I was living in. It was in a nicer neighborhood too. I guessed I could look for a second job once this fight was over and I wasn’t spending every free minute I had training. Maybe Erin would give me additional hours to make up the difference in the rent. Feeling defeated, yet excited about not living in fear, I walked over to Sly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for finding this place for me.”

  It was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for me. To have someone care about me was another thing that I didn’t have. Sure, Carlos always kept an eye on me and made sure nothing happened to me, but that was only because I was his property and he had to make sure his investment was taken care of.

  Slipping past Sly, I felt a pull on my arm. Our bodies collided together and our mouths met. When he reached around my neck, I felt a light pull on my hair as Sly removed the hairtie that was holding it in place. My hair fell down my back. With our lips still pressed together, Sly tilted me back long enough to place his arm around the backside of my legs and lift me into the air. He then carefully carried me over to the couch, where he gently lowered me. Straddling my body with one leg kneeling on the couch and the other on the floor, he slowly removed my t-shirt dress, breaking our connection for only a minute.

  My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to come out of my chest. The effect Sly had on me was nothing I had ever experienced before. He had a pull on me that I could no longer fight. Placing his mouth on my covered breast, the heat from his breath seeped through the thin material of my bra, causing my nipples to harden in an instant.

  Lowering the cup of my bra, his mouth was over my nipple, circling and sucking the hard bud, sending my body skyrocketing. When he moved his mouth even lower down my body, the tingling sensation within my core began to take over. Ripping his shirt off, without even undoing the buttons, my mouth was on him. His scent filled my senses in such a way, I became an uncontrollable crazy person fighting for what I needed most.

  It was only after he took hold of my hands and placed them above my head that my need for him abated, only because of the calming tone of his voice. “It’s okay, baby. Nice and slow.”

  With a tender touch, he placed his hand on my cheek before lowering his lips to mine. Our kiss was no longer rushed. It was passionate and filled with such emotion, even I could no longer deny what
was really happening between us. Releasing my hands, Sly stood, looking at me with intent eyes while unzipping his own pants. I watched as he lowered them down his muscular legs and dropped them next to mine. Looking up and down his gorgeous body, his cock was erect. It was the most invitingly beautiful part of a man’s anatomy that I had ever seen. Taking his place beside me, he pulled me on top of him with little to no effort. Spreading my legs so that I was straddling his hard body, he placed two fingers in his mouth and lowered them between our bodies.

  My body came totally undone as he slipped his moistened finger under my lacy panties and inside my already wet pussy. I needed more than just his finger inside me, but when he added another, it took everything I had not to spill my juices on them. I leaned back, holding my body up with my hands. Sly curved his fingers, hitting me in just the right spot while his thumb was doing magical things against my clit. If he continued the way he was, I would be coating his fingers before I even felt his cock inside me. Lifting my body up slightly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and whispered softly, “Please take me. I need to feel you inside me,”

  Just like that, he removed his fingers from my vagina. Tearing my panties from my body, Sly positioned his cock to my entrance. Slowly, I began rocking my hips back and forth, needing to feel more of him inside me. I wanted to feel all of him and not just the head of his cock at my entrance. I came down a little further, easing lower onto his shaft. Sly let me take control, allowing me to lower myself down on him at my own pace. God, he felt so good. It was so hard for me not to just let go and let him engulf me, but I knew, given his size, I needed to take things slow until my body was able to fully accept him.

  Inch by inch I worked him inside, swaying my hips until he was fully seated inside. When he placed his hands on my hips, I knew that I no longer had control and that he was going to take over, giving me the pleasure my body was searching for. Thrust after thrust, his pulsating shaft pushed deeper and deeper inside. My heart was beating so fast, I needed to let go. Unable to breathe, my body shook uncontrollably, letting go of the emotional turmoil my body had been holding on to. Feeling a freedom I longed for, the gates opened and my tears spilled.



  Lying in the dark with only the light from the moon shining through the window, I could think of nothing else but the feelings I was beginning to have for Nikki. With my body contorted in such a way no person in their right mind would be comfortable, I decided that I needed to move. It was time to sleep in a real bed. Wearing only my shirt, I lifted Nikki from the couch and carried her to the door, leaving the semi-furnished apartment. Starting tomorrow, this was going to be her new residence.

  Placing her gently in the front seat of the Rubicon, I buckled her in before closing the door. The minute I got behind the wheel, her soft voice said, “Where are we going?”

  Knowing that my place was closer than hers, I answered back, “My place.”

  Nikki adjusted her position without an argument, which was a first for her. Placing her head against the window, I looked over to her, realizing that she had barely anything on and was cuddled so tightly in her seat that she had to be freezing. Turning the dial on the dash, I adjusted the temperature so it would be warm enough for her.

  Trying hard to keep my eyes on the road, and not on her gorgeous legs and the curve of her impeccable ass, I took a quick look behind my shoulder. While still trying to keep an eye on the road, I grabbed the small blanket I kept in the back seat for emergencies and carefully covered Nikki with it.

  When I finally pulled into my spot in the covered parking garage, I was more than ready to get some sleep. Careful not to wake Nikki, I turned off the engine and quietly opened my door. Nikki had been huddled so tightly in a ball that I had no other choice but to whisper, “Baby, you have to open up a little.” When her arms went around my neck and she unfolded her body, I was able to lift her from the seat with ease.

  Once inside my apartment, I disarmed the alarm and took Nikki to my room. It felt strange having a woman in my place. Normally I would go to their place, mostly because, if it didn’t work out, at least they didn’t know where I lived. Carrying Nikki to my room, I held her with one arm while trying to turn down the bed. With the covers pulled away, I gently set her on the side of the bed I never slept on, and covered her with the thick comforter that I rarely used. After she was settled, I walked to the bathroom to do my thing before I went to bed.

  Snuggling in beside her, I pulled her closer to my body and gently kissed her on the cheek. Looking down at her, I said in a hushed tone, “Sleep tight, angel baby.”


  “Get the fuck off of me, you bastard,” I heard her scream in a heart-wrenching voice. I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or just dreaming. Pushing from the bed, I leaned over to find that her eyes were still closed, telling me that she was dreaming. “It must have been some dream,” I thought to myself. I didn’t know if I should just let her ride it out or wake her. Taking a chance, I gave her a little nudge, hoping that she wouldn’t pop me one.

  When her fist came flying in my direction, I tried to duck out of the way, but I wasn’t quick enough. “God, fucking shit,” I hissed, knowing that if that didn’t wake her, I was going to get a bucket of water.

  “Mother of holy hell,” she cursed back at me, holding her hand.

  “God damn, girl, you gotta a mean punch,” I confessed.

  Nikki was looking at me like I had grown a set of horns. Placing my hand over my jaw, I tried to rub out the sting. When the expression on her face changed, I knew she realized what she had done. Pushing herself from the bed, she ran in the direction of the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it. I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but locking herself in the bathroom was a no-go. Throwing the covers off, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Knocking lightly on the door, I said, “Nikki, open the door.”

  “Go away, Sly.” she cried, “ Please just go away.”

  “I’m not going away until you open this door and we can talk.”

  I heard the click of the lock, but she never opened the door. Taking a chance, I turned the knob and pushed the door open. There she was, sitting on the toilet with her head lowered between her hands. Walking over to her, I lowered my body in front of her so I was at the same level as her. Lifting her chin so that I could see her face, I saw that she had been crying.

  In a tender, but stern voice, I asked, “What’s going on with you, baby? Did something happen to you to cause such a dream?”

  When she opened her mouth like she was about to say something and then closed it, I knew she wasn’t ready to tell me what was going on. Her head lowered again to her lap. Raising her chin again, I looked at her in a way I knew she would understand. Her mouth opened again, but this time she said, “I did something really bad.”

  “What?” I asked, unsure if I heard her correctly.

  “It happened ten years ago.” Nikki said, tears running down her face.

  “What happened, Nikki?”

  “Please, Sly, don’t make me tell you. I just can’t.”

  “Does this have to do with your fighting?” The minute the words left my mouth, I knew I was caught.

  “You know about me fighting? How could you know… unless? Oh, my God, you’ve been spying on me,” she cursed, pushing me away from where she was sitting. “How could you, Sly?”

  I didn’t even have the chance to explain, before she was out of the bathroom. “Wait, Nikki. Let me explain,” I pleaded, pushing myself from the floor.

  By the time I got up and out of the bathroom, I heard the slamming of the front door. Pulling my jeans on, I hurried to catch her. I knew what she was wearing and that she wasn’t going to get very far unless she wanted to expose herself to the people of Manhattan. Just in case, I made a quick detour to the kitchen to grab my keys, only my keys were no longer on the counter. “Shit,” I cursed, knowing Nikki swiped them before she le
ft. Running back to my room, I went to the dresser and grabbed the keys to my bike and threw on my leather jacket that was hanging in the closet. The only thing I could hope for was that I would be able to catch up with her, either at the new apartment or her crappy old one.


  When I arrived at the new apartment in Midtown, I knew Nikki wasn’t there. I should have known she wouldn’t come here after finding out what I did. I’m not even sure she realized that she had the key to this place when she took the keys to the Jeep. I was in for some major sucking up with her. I’d be lucky if she ever came back to this place after what she found out.

  Putting my Harley in gear, I pulled away from the curb and headed to Brownsville. This was the only other place that Nikki would be. I only prayed that she was smart enough to lock the doors on my Jeep.


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