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Castaways Page 2

by Lily Harlem

  “Not long now,” she said, a ball of excitement winding up inside of her. She couldn’t wait to meet the crew, equally she couldn’t wait to meet their yacht, Temptress.

  Suddenly remembering the task at hand, she headed to the en suite and turned on the shower. She stripped off the clothes she’d put on back in the UK and jumped beneath the heavy spray of water. The complimentary toiletries smelled of geranium and she lathered up her long blonde hair, then soaped her body. Her skin was pale, as was always the case in the spring. But she was sure a few weeks at sea and it would go its usual bronzed shade.

  She applied a slick of coconut body moisturizer, then brushed her teeth and pulled on underwear, soft blue jeans, and a plain white t-shirt. She’d deliberated with Sandy about what to wear at this moment and decided understated and casual would be best. There was no point trying to look glamorous. The minute they hit the waves, that would be history.

  After blasting her hair with the drier so it was soft and fluffy she applied lip balm and a merest hint of mascara.

  She allowed herself a spritz of perfume, a spiced scent, then called Riley from the phone by the bed.

  “I’ll be right there,” he said.

  Her sneakers were white with a dark blue stripe around them. She fastened the laces as she hung around the door waiting for Riley to knock. Her nerves were skittish. This was it. The moment she’d meet the men she’d be spending the next few weeks, probably months with. She hoped above all else they’d be great seamen. After that she prayed for kindness. She could cope with just about any other personality trait, as long as kindness was in there too.

  Knock. Knock.

  She straightened, blew out a breath and opened the door.

  Riley was beaming. “Ah, good. It’s time for the adventure to begin.”

  “Yes. I guess it is.”

  “Four of the crew are waiting for you in the penthouse. Harrington will be joining us shortly, when you’re all together.”

  “Okay.” So their captain wasn’t there yet.

  Olivia followed Riley along the carpeted corridor. They rode the elevator to the top floor. When it opened he stepped directly to the first door he came to.

  After swiping a key card, he pushed it open with the flat of his hand. “After you, Miss Bailey.”

  “Please, call me Olivia.”


  She walked past him. If she’d thought her suite was big, this one was huge. But other than that she barely noticed anything, because dotted around the room were four guys—four guys she’d be working with and getting to know, warts and all, out there on the sea.

  They all turned to her, curiosity in their expressions.

  Of course they were inquisitive, she was the female of the team. Gender alone made her different to them. She hoped they didn’t have any thoughts of her being simpering and weak, or not a first class sailor and engineer, if so, she’d have to put them right.

  “Gentlemen, can I please introduce Miss Olivia Bailey, your final crew member.”

  A tall, broad guy, with tousled curly blond hair stepped forward, hand outstretched. “G’day, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He grinned, flashing neat white teeth, and his blue eyes sparkled. “Evan Tate, Melbourne.”

  “Hi, Evan.” She smiled back. His grin was infectious and, judging by the smile lines around his eyes, came frequently. His big hand was warm as he gave hers a firm shake.

  “Where you from?” he asked, releasing her and shoving his hands into his jeans pockets. They sat low on his hips, and the right knee had a frayed rip across it.

  “England. Portsmouth.”

  “Never been, heard it’s awesome.”

  “Yes, it’s nice. By the coast, like Melbourne.”

  “You been to Melbourne?”

  “No, but perhaps when we get to Australia, I’ll take a trip.”

  “You should. It’s cool.”

  “And this, Miss Bailey, is Raul Santiago,” Riley said, indicating a guy who was perched on the edge of a low white leather sofa.

  At the mention of his name, Raul jumped up. He was a fraction taller than Evan, though not as broad. His black hair was thick and tickled the collar of his red polo. He held out his hand. “Olivia, it is good to meet you.”

  “And you, Raul.” She shook and released.

  He smiled. “I hope you like to eat.” He banged his palm on his chest. “I cook in the galley, for everyone.”

  She chuckled. “Yes, I like to eat. And if you can be inventive with fish after the third week, that’s cool.”

  “I can get inventive with anything.” He winked then tipped his head back and laughed. It was a loud, raucous sound that echoed around the room.

  “Raul is not only an expert sailor, he’s a top chef in one of Barcelona’s most exclusive restaurants.” Riley gripped Raul’s shoulder. “And we’ve ensured he has a good supply of ingredients to keep everyone’s palate happy.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Olivia said. Wow, what a treat, to have a professional chef on board. It would make a change from eating out of ration packs, which she’d done on other occasions when at sea.

  “And this is Mason and Lucas McCadam.” Riley gestured to the opposite sofa. One man sat, another stood behind it.

  Olivia looked between the two of them. Blinked. Looked again. They were identical. Each was big built, with white blond, super short hair. They also wore the same black t-shirt and black trousers. Each of their right arms showed a dense tattoo that extended just past their elbows.

  The one sitting, rose, hand offered forward. “I’m Mason. Glad you could be here.” He smiled.

  Olivia took it, noticing he wore a silver ring on his thumb. “Hi, Mason. You’re from the UK then.” She’d heard a Scottish accent.

  “Aye, Edinburgh.” He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder. “This is my twin, Lucas.”

  She turned her attention to Lucas. He didn’t move from behind the sofa. Instead he simply set his pale gaze on her and nodded, his lips in a tight straight line.

  “Hello Lucas.” She smiled, wondering if he’d return one. He didn’t. There was something a little thug-ish about his appearance, more so than his twin who was smiley and animated, perhaps it was because he appeared so stern and as if ready to burst into action. “When did you fly in?” she directed at Lucas.

  Mason answered. “Yesterday, so we spent the day exploring. Newport is buzzing.”

  “Yes, I’d like to have a look around if I get the chance.”

  “I’m not sure you will,” Riley said. “You’re due to head off at eleven o’clock in the morning and we have press set up before your departure.”

  Olivia turned to him, her smile dropping. “But what about preparing Temptress, and checking we have everything we’ll need?”

  “I can assure you the boat is well prepared. You will want for nothing.”

  That didn’t sit well with Olivia. She always liked to spend time getting to know a new boat, tinkering with the engine, going through the equipment, making sure nothing essential had been forgotten.

  “Don’t look so worried,” Evan said, dropping into a chair and crossing his left ankle over his right knee. “We were down there today. Temptress is top notch, all set to go.” He nodded slowly. “And the navigation system, whoa, that’ll blow your mind.”

  Olivia was silent. She was used to having more control than ‘here’s your boat, off you go’. But at the moment, she didn’t seem to have much choice.

  “Temptress is muy bien,” Raul said, kissing his fingertips and sitting. “Perfecto. Everything we need to take on the Pacific and more.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” Perhaps she’d get up early—jet lag would be on her side after all—and get down to the harbor for at least a basic run through.

  “And now that you’re all here,” Riley said, pulling out his cell. “I’ll call Harrington and get him to come and say hi.” He glanced around the team. “Because I’m sure you’re all dying to meet your captain.”r />
  Chapter Three

  Olivia pulled in a deep breath and glanced at the four men she’d be sailing with. They all had a look of expectancy on their faces, though Evan still had that super-chilled smile tugging his lips. She wondered if it was always there.

  Lucas was nibbling on his bottom lip.

  Mason was spinning his thumb ring.

  Raul was tapping his fingertips together and his right knee was bobbing up and down.

  Reaching for a glass of water, she took a sip, then, still holding the tumbler, walked past Raul and stared out of the huge window. The sun was kissing the horizon, and fingers of orange, gold and red stretched over the ocean.

  Her heart was beating fast. Her mind whirring. Tomorrow she’d be sailing into that horizon. It was as exciting as it was daunting. The ocean was never something to be underestimated. Things happened fast out at sea, and a boat, miles from land, was on its own. Survival was what mattered most.

  They had to all agree on that, and remember it, no matter what.

  After a few minutes the door to the suite opened.

  She turned and her gaze fell for the first time, in the flesh, on Harrington Vidal.

  It wasn’t his looks, though they were dazzling, that captivated her. It was how he held himself and the way he walked into the room, his strides long and confident, his shoulders tipped back and his chin tilted. He certainly didn’t act as though he was meeting new people.

  “Hi there,” he said, pushing his hand through his hair and looking around. A smile spread on his face. He hadn’t shaved for the occasion and had a sprinkle of stubble over his top lip and jawline. “Finally I get to meet the talented crew set to join me on Temptress.” He swung his gaze over the twins, then Raul and Evan and finally it rested on Olivia.

  “Ladies first,” he said, stepping past the table holding drinks and small plates of canapés. “You must be Olivia Bailey.”

  She swallowed and gripped her glass tighter. Having all of his attention on her did funny things to her belly and her knees. “Yes, that’s me.”

  He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he compressed it between both of his. “A pretty face on board is exactly what we need.”

  A kernel of irritation popped inside her. “I can assure you I’m very well qualified to be undertaking this challenge, Mr Vidal.”

  His grin broadened. “I don’t doubt that for a second, I merely meant it was a bonus that you are beautiful too.”

  “Oh…I…” Had he really just said she was beautiful? Yes, he had. She realized her mouth was hanging open and quickly closed it. It didn’t help that the luscious peppery aftershave he wore had also settled in her nose, seeming to lace her tongue with its expensive flavor.

  “And please, don’t call me Mr Vidal, it makes me feel as old as my father. Harry will do.”

  “Harry,” she repeated.

  “Yep, that’s what my buddies call me.” He released her hand and spun to face the rest of the room. “And I’m sure we’re all going to be great buddies.”

  He walked to the twins, shook their hands. “You must be Mason and Lucas.”

  “Yep, I’m Mason.” Mason jabbed his thumb at his chest then over his shoulder. “That’s Lucas.”

  Lucas nodded. Once.

  “And I’m Raul, at your service.” Raul hopped up as if he had springs in his feet. He then rolled his hand in a circle and did a flamboyant bow.

  Harry laughed. “I hear you make a mean meal.”

  “I make a man meal?” Raul twisted his lips and frowned. “I can make a lady meal too.” He gestured to Olivia.

  “No, I said mean meal, as in a great meal.” Harry laughed and clasped Raul’s shoulder. “Good to have you on board. I’m looking forward to getting to know you, buddy.”

  “Si. Me too…buddy.” Raul’s face settled back into a big smile.

  Evan stepped up to Harry. “Evan Tate, Melbourne.”

  Harry turned. “Hey, Evan. You’ll be heading in the direction of home then.”

  “Suits me to be sailing rather than on a plane.” The two men shook hands.

  “First class wasn’t to your liking?” Harry raised his eyebrows at Evan.

  “Oh, I liked the fancy food and the cute Sheilas who served it.” He seemed to suppress a shudder. “But it’s being thirty thousand feet in the air I don’t like. Bloody unnatural.”

  “And being in the middle of the ocean isn’t?” Harry asked.

  “Yeah. I can swim, mate, but I can’t fly.”

  “Aye.” Mason laughed. “That’s true enough.”

  Harry stepped back, hands on hips, and surveyed them all. “I can’t believe it’s finally here. This moment. I’ve been looking forward to getting started with The Challenge since my father set it. And to be sharing it with you wonderful people, I’m truly blessed.” He turned to Riley. “Was there champagne?”

  “Yes, it should be here any minute.” He glanced at the door. As he did so there was a loud knock. “Ah, perfect timing.” He rushed to get it.

  Olivia set down her water then sat in the free soft white leather chair next to Evan.

  “Champers,” Evan said quietly to her as a waiter pushed in a trolley holding two silver buckets holding huge bottles of Cristal. “I’m more of a lager guy, but I won’t say no.”

  “Best not to have too much.” Olivia nodded at the trolley. “Not if we want to get up and on our way tomorrow.”

  Harry plucked a bottle from a bucket, causing the cascading ice to rattle to the base. “Here we go.” He popped a cork in a way that suggested he’d done it many times before. Hell, the guy could have champagne for breakfast every day if he wanted to.

  He set about filling several flutes, then passed them around. “Stand, stand,” he said, raising his glass. “We need to toast.”

  Olivia stood between him and Evan. Lucas remained on the opposite side of the sofa, as if it were a barrier, a defence, between him and the rest of the world. She hadn’t heard him say a word yet.

  “To adventures,” Harry said. “Conquering the wild Pacific and getting my father to donate a huge sum of money to cancer research.”

  “Hear, hear,” Mason said.

  “To us,” Evan added.

  “The crew.” Olivia lifted her glass.

  “And eating well,” Raul said.

  They all paused. Olivia wondered if Lucas might add something. He didn’t and Mason took a deep drink, indicating he wasn’t expecting it from his brother.

  Olivia followed suit. The bubbles dampened her top lip then burst on the roof of her mouth. She figured she might as well enjoy it. Fancy as the boat was, it wasn’t likely to be stocked with Cristal.

  “So tell me about Portsmouth, Liv,” Harry said, turning to her. “Good sailing there?”


  “Yes, not bad. It’s on the English Channel, so it’s a busy shipping route but the wind is nearly always up.”

  He nodded. “Is it your favorite place to sail?”

  “It’s home, so I’ve got a soft spot for it. But no, I adore the Greek islands, there’s nothing else like it. And it’s mainly sight navigation which makes it pretty easy going.”

  “And there’s wind?” Evan asked.

  “Oh yes, two p.m. on the dot every day, without fail. The sails catch and then that’s it, you’re off.”

  “Sounds bloody fantastic.” Evan nodded.

  “Much wildlife?” Harry asked.

  “Yes, dolphins, sunfish, turtles. Plenty going on.” She paused. “But the dolphins are my favorite. I love them.” She thought of the time they’d surrounded the boat. She’d got into the water, hoping to swim with them, but by the time she had they’d slipped away and she was all alone. One day though, one day she’d get to fulfil that dream.

  “There’s a good population of loggerhead turtles around Greece, isn’t there?” Evan asked.

  “Yes, there is. We saw several.”

  “Great that they’re doing well.” Evan nodded.

  “I g
uess there’s no great whites in Greece to eat them,” Harry said then chuckled. “Though perhaps a bit crunchy for a shark.”

  “No sharks that we saw.” Olivia took another sip of her drink. “Great white or otherwise.”

  Raul shuddered. “I hate sharks.”

  “Ah, they’re okay.” Evan wafted his hand in the air. “Just a little misunderstood.”

  “Misunderstood?” Raul’s eyes widened. “No, no. I understand okay. They have big teeth and want to eat me. What else is there for me to understand?”

  Olivia giggled. Raul was funny.

  He caught her eye and his expression softened as he took a sip of his drink. He was handsome, his face full of expression and his chocolate-brown eyes had depth to them.

  “So,” Riley said. “I’m going to say goodbye. I will see you all on the harbor front at nine. Get a good sleep, it all starts tomorrow.”

  “This party is just getting started,” Harry said, draining his glass and reaching for the bottle. “Jeez, don’t put a dampener on it, man.”

  Riley said nothing, though he rubbed his index fingers and thumbs together nervously as if rolling a pill. He then slipped from the room.

  Harry chuckled and filled everyone’s glass. “A bit of champagne will help us on our way.”

  Olivia looked at his wide shoulders, encased in a tight fitting white t-shirt with the Armani logo on the sleeve. His black jeans were also Armani and she suspected his shoes cost more than her Kawasaki.

  He touched his dark hair and glanced at her as he upended the now empty bottle and placed it back in the bucket. A hint of a smile tugged at his lips.

  She wondered what he saw when he looked at her. Sure, he’d said she was beautiful, but she suspected words like that slid easily from his lips being as he spent so much time around gorgeous women who graced magazine covers. No, he saw her as a little English girl who liked to have a go at handling a boat and tinkering with an engine. And he needed her as the female of the crew, one of the stipulations of The Challenge. Well, if he underestimated her he’d get a shock. She had every sailing qualification she could get her hands on in the UK, plus more experience than a lot of people three times her age. Not only that, she was made of tough stuff. She might not have the physical strength of the men in the room, but boy did she have the mental strength.


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