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Little Hood and Her Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 2)

Page 28

by Janie Marie

  “Oh, is that why you have the Red Riding Hood tattoo?” She touched his forearm, smiling at the girl walking through the woods. She pointed to what looked like a tree covered in blood. “What’s that supposed to be? And where’s the wolf? I know you have a few wolves, but isn’t one supposed to go with this?”

  He looked so sad. “The wolves can’t be seen. I guess Mom was right to fear me being tied to the stories. In the Creator’s hidden messages, Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t survive. She gets eaten. It doesn’t go on that the hunter saves her. That’s how some European versions go, too. But the Godson version extends beyond Red Riding Hood’s death.”

  He touched a dark shadow hidden in the trees. “I think my mom was frightened because my dad is a wolf. She fell in love with him, knowing he was dangerous. Then they were destroyed by my father’s nightmare. Arthur.”

  “Janie’s stepdad?”

  He exhaled loudly through his nose. “You know the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, right?”

  “Yeah, but that’s just a legend.”

  He smiled down at her. “What’s Janie’s stepdad’s name?”

  “I guess Arthur Knight?” Her surprise felt like a slap to the face. “Oh, gosh! I can’t believe I never put that together.”

  “In plain sight.” He chuckled. “Do you remember her brothers’ names?”

  “Not really—just Gawain and Gareth.”

  “Yeah. The others are Bedivere, Kay, Tristan, Galahad, Bors, Geraint, Lamorak, Percivale, and Gaheris. Those are the names of King Arthur’s most noble knights in the legend. The Knights of the Round Table. If you’d looked through their house, they have a huge round table. It has a spot for each of them, but one’s empty.”

  “Isn’t that just a spot for Janie?”

  He shook his head. “She has a spot. This is a final knight. I used to think it meant Arthur would adopt another son, but I think it’s someone else entirely now. But he’ll be considered family. It’s pretty cool. I used to be jealous whenever Arthur would call them in. My brother and I would watch them all take their spots around the table. They each have a sword, too. They train with them. Janie prefers training with Tercero; he’s the best swordsman, besides Luc. I think she’s trained with Luc in private though.”

  He was quiet for a few seconds. “My dad trained me and my brother with various swords and guns, but he started leaving me out more and more when Mom protested. I’d get angry because Arthur wouldn’t let me watch their training, and if he had a meeting that required all of them, he’d tell me to go home. I don’t know how many times I stood there, watching them take Janie into the round room and just having the door slammed in my face.”

  “That’s mean.”

  He shrugged. “It’s what happens in our families. Arthur knew my mom didn’t want me to get any closer. In fact, she wanted a whole new life for me without the legacies. He disagreed, but he wasn’t going to go against her wishes by training me behind her back. Plus, each family has their own, secret texts that are only shared when it’s decided on all parts. So keeping me out of the room was more because it was a Knight thing.”

  She was all for supporting his mom’s choice to keep him away from their cult-like beliefs, but it was clear Logan wasn’t over it. “Did they already have those names before they were adopted?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled, his smile back in place. “Now this is where it gets really creepy. What are my parents’ names?”

  “Gwen and Lance?” Her eyes went wide. “Lancelot and Guinevere! Are you messing with me? This can’t be real.”

  “For us, it is.” He appeared genuinely happy to be including her in this. “Just not actual medieval knights and shit. But the stories are supposed to be from a different life or world. They think we’re all destined to meet. My dad always feared Arthur would come and take the love of his life. Then here comes Arthur Knight, married to Janie’s mom. I guess my mom fell for him somewhere along the way, or maybe she already loved him. Like a soul mate or something.”

  Kylie shook her head. “I thought the story about King Arthur and Guinevere was that she fell in love with Lancelot while she was with Arthur.”

  “I thought you didn’t believe in stories, Hood.” He smirked. “And, if you were a member of the legacy, you’d believe. The Creator gave each family a glimpse, so we know what happened. And the love story famous around the world is just make-believe.”

  “You have to tell me the real one.” She clutched his arm, giddy with excitement. It was completely absurd, but it was neat.

  “I can’t tell you.” He laughed, kissing the top of her head. “It’s only for family members.”


  He sighed, rubbing his face. “I can’t break their rules. Two Grimms must always be members of the pack. They guard the legacies and protect key members. I could get punished, or my dad would, if I told someone. There are hints in the fairy tales you learn in school, but the families all removed certain parts. They all join together. Like The End of Gods & Monsters is the soul of our story, but there’s The Beginning, too. Ryder, Luc, my dad, Arthur, Nick Prince, and whoever the Sun is—I guess that might be a last name, I’m not sure—they know how it goes. Oh, and Janie knows.”

  “What?” She slapped her hand on her lap. “What the hell? Why her?”

  He laughed, hugging her. “I can’t tell you.”

  “She’s not even a Knight or a Grimm.” This wasn’t fair. She was his girlfriend and she couldn’t hear, but Janie could?

  “No, she’s something else.” He stopped smiling. “I really can’t tell you, Hood.”

  She sighed, disappointed he wouldn’t include her. It had seemed like she finally mattered enough to know more about him, but once again, it was Janie in the middle of everything. “So Janie knows The Beginning, but you can’t tell me anything?”

  He frowned, staring down at the pictures. “Baby, don’t go looking for reasons to hate her. She’s important to the different families, that’s all. You’re important to me. And today is your big day.”

  She pursed her lips, fighting to keep herself from saying anything.

  “Hey?” He nudged her head with his nose. “Just because she has her own story doesn’t mean you don’t have yours. Today’s about my Little Hood.” He kissed her temple. “Okay? She’s not in today’s chapter of your story.”

  “Janie has her own story in your legacy?” This was the worst news to get on her birthday.

  “Fuck.” He groaned. “How about we make you a story, just for us? That’s what we’ll do today. Only we’ll know it because we won’t even write it down. We’ll always be able to look back at today and, hopefully, you’ll like what I have planned.”

  Damn, that was a pretty smooth way to turn the tables.

  And she freaking fell hard for it. “You planned something?”

  “It’s a surprise, but yes.” He gave her a long kiss, then held her cheek. “So let’s get ready to go. I’ll put these away.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, still dazed by his kiss.

  “Okay.” He kissed her once more before stacking the frames together.

  She stopped him when she caught sight of a photo with three boys. Logan was easy to pick out, but the other two weren’t in any of the other pictures. “Wait. Who are they?”

  “That’s Trevor.” He pointed to the blond boy with big, blue eyes, then he pointed to the other boy. “And that’s my brother.”

  She looked away from Trevor’s smile to stare at the older boy. Logan didn’t know she knew about Trevor yet, and she planned on keeping it that way until he told her. “How old are you here?” She took the picture from him, too enthralled with the sight of the mysterious older brother.

  “Ten, maybe.”

  Thirteen. She remembered Logan had said his brother was three years older than him, but as she stared at his picture, she thought he looked much older than a boy just entering his teens.

  Next to Logan and Trevor, he stood talle
r, more built, and, not surprisingly considering how sexy Logan was, incredibly good-looking for a kid his age. Hot, her mind screamed even though she knew he was young in the picture and Logan’s brother. It must be a Grimm thing. Even Lance, his dad, would have had her blushing if she wasn’t under so much distress last night.

  She looked at his brother more carefully. He could easily have passed for a sixteen-year-old. There was just something about him that made him look much older than thirteen. Maybe it was his expression, which held no happiness, unlike the two younger boys. Maybe it was the lean muscles he’d already developed. No, it was the cold eyes that made him stand out. She’d never thought she’d find someone whose dark eyes could look through her like Logan’s did, but looking at this boy, she knew his stare would make her forget her own name.

  “What’s his name?” She couldn’t look away.

  Logan took the picture back, hiding it and the one of him holding a baby Janie behind the group picture just as the doorbell rang.

  “Who’s here?”

  “I don’t know.” He stood, walking to his dresser. He yanked the drawer open and pulled something out.

  Her eyes went wide as he went to walk out of his room. “Is that a gun?” She followed him, fear growing with each step they took.

  “Yeah, it’s mine.” Logan kept walking to the front door, and another chime sounded.

  “Logan.” She grabbed his arm. “What are you doing?”

  He shook his head and lifted his finger for her to be quiet before pointing to a door. “Go in there and don’t come out unless I say. The other door leads to the garage. If something happens, you stay quiet and hide until my dad shows up.”

  She started to protest, but he shoved her in the dark space and walked away. Kylie shook and reached around until she found the doorknob. Her breath hitched when she heard the front door opened.

  Logan called out, “Baby, it’s just Mark. You can come out.”

  “She’s hiding from me?” Mark sounded amused, and Kylie took an unsure step out to see Logan shutting the door.

  “I didn’t know anyone knew where I was.” Logan walked over to her and hugged her. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  She tried to smile at his coach, but he’d scared the shit out of her by grabbing a gun like it was completely normal. Then again, she remembered seeing Luc with a gun last night. She didn’t doubt every one of the others was armed. Logan was more of a mystery to her than she had ever thought.

  “Good to see you again, Kylie,” said Mark.

  “Hello,” she murmured and let Logan take her by the hand as he led them to the living room.

  “I heard you had a rough night, too,” he said. “How are you holding up?”

  She was surprised someone from Logan’s circle was asking her how she was.

  “She’s good.” Logan placed his gun on a table. “What are you doing here?”

  Kylie stared at it, blinking a few times to see if it was her imagination that a real gun was lying right in front of her. It wasn’t.

  “I came with Savaş. Ryder told him to come find you here.”

  “Why?” Logan’s sharp tone had her tensing up.

  Mark held up his hands. “Relax. He came to the gym and asked if I would give him a hand.” He glanced at Kylie, then looked back at Logan. “You’re all right, aren’t you?”

  Logan nodded. “My hands are fine. He didn’t get a good hit in.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Mark frowned.

  “I’m fine.” Logan put his arm over her shoulders.

  Mark went to open his mouth, but the front door slamming had them all looking over at the entryway.

  Savaş came walking in. Kylie didn’t think she would ever get used to his huge size and bright, red hair. “Whaddup?”

  Kylie went to say hello but stopped as he pulled Monica around the corner.

  “Hey,” Logan greeted, staying quiet as Savaş plopped down on a chair and pulled Monica onto his lap.

  “I smell bacon,” Savaş said, looking toward the kitchen.

  “We just had breakfast,” Logan said, shaking his head. “What are you doing here?”

  Kylie stared at Monica, who dropped her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. The girl was a mess, but no one acknowledged the fact she was struggling to keep tears at bay.

  “I came to pick up Ryder’s car.” Savaş rubbed his hand along Monica’s leg.

  “I need it.” Logan shook his head. “My car is at my apartment.”

  Savaş waved him off and lifted a pair of keys. “Your car was hit last night. Surveillance from the complex was stolen. Their whole office got raided.”

  Logan closed his eyes, sighing. “My apartment?”

  “Your dad got there with a few wolves just as he entered. I guess they were all surprised he’d come by. He had a box from your room, but he dropped it when your dad shot at him. Lance missed—on purpose, I’m sure—and Trevor got away. He hit your car with the truck he was driving. No plates. The wolves had parked somewhere else, so by the time they got in their vehicles, they lost him.”

  “Fuck.” Logan opened his eyes, staring at his gun.

  “Don’t worry,” Savaş said, “I brought you a loaner. Ryder said his Camaro is too recognizable anyway. Than figures if Trevor is taking this many chances, he could search for the car and just try vehicular homicide. So no Camaro for you.”

  Monica lifted her head. “He just doesn’t want anyone but Janie in his car. He’s an asshole.”

  “Shut up,” Savaş told her before looking back at Logan. “Janie wouldn’t talk to her, and Ryder kicked us out.”

  “Like I said,” Monica mumbled, “he’s an asshole.”

  Kylie looked over at Logan and realized he was just staring at his gun on the table.

  She was stunned to see Logan suddenly embracing criminal-like behavior. She’d thought the stories he’d talked about were ridiculous, but maybe he was hiding all of it from her. She prayed Logan was serious about not being a part of their legacies. If she could just help him get over what happened with Trevor, there would be hope things would return to the way they were when they first started getting to know each other. The only way to do that was to get his mind off Janie, and Savaş showing up wasn’t helping. But she was curious about what was happening with the hospital and Trevor. If she asked about Janie, it might even show Logan she wasn’t angry about her anymore. So she asked, “Um, how is Janie doing this morning?”

  Logan watched her, but she kept her eyes on Savaş.

  The overgrown Godson brother shrugged. “They keep doing tests on her and trying to get her to eat, but she’s just messed up in the head. Ryder’s going off on everyone—the Knights even had to hold him back when Arthur got there this morning. Old wounds and all.”

  Knights and Arthur. How did she miss that connection? Did that mean they thought they were reincarnations of the legends, or were they just handing down traditions?

  Logan dipped his head low.

  “But, physically, she’s going to be all right?” Kylie asked, wanting to make sure Logan was at least hearing the most important detail.

  “They think so,” Savaş said.

  She felt Logan’s body relax next to hers, and she smiled. “That’s good. Do you know when they’re releasing her?”

  “She needs to eat and drink on her own,” Savaş answered. “They said she probably feels like she has the worst sore throat she’s ever had, but she needs to hold down food and liquids before they’ll release her. Gawain said the cut is expected to heal without complications, and they weren’t worried about brain damage”—he looked at Logan—“if you were wondering. You got to her in time. If you hadn’t done mouth-to-mouth though, she’d probably be in a coma or dead. You did good, bud.”

  Logan stood up. “Let me go grab his keys.” His eyes wandered to her, and she figured he was making sure she was okay.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, shocked Logan had saved Janie that way. It wasn’t just an a
ttack. Trevor had tried to kill her.

  He leaned down to give her a quick kiss before heading upstairs.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  Kylie whipped her head around at the sound of Monica’s voice. “What?” she asked the same time Savaş hushed Monica.

  “It’s just a question.” Monica shrugged. “If you’re not, you better have him get you the morning-after pill.”

  “Mon.” Savaş scolded. “Leave her alone. She’s not going to wind up like Janie.”

  “I’m just giving her advice. And this is Logan we’re talking about.” She smacked his large hand when he tried to cover her mouth. “Stop.”

  Kylie snapped out of her shock. “Thanks for the advice.”

  Monica’s sad face morphed as she let out a squeal and hugged Savaş. She realized her words came off wrong, but she was too embarrassed to correct them.

  “I told you they did it already.” She poked her tongue out at her boyfriend. “Pay up.”

  “You bet on me?” Kylie shrieked.

  “No, she’s full of shit. We wouldn’t bet on that.” Savaş laughed a booming laugh as Logan came back down.

  “What’s funny?” he asked them, taking in Kylie’s red face.

  Monica stood up with a grin. “Nothing. Just chatting with Kylie.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes at her. “Your version of a conversation isn’t something I’m a fan of. You enjoy upsetting people too much.”

  “Oh, shush.” Monica waved him off. “I’m amazing. You just keep too many secrets, and I spill them.”

  “Honey, you know nothing about me,” he said with a somewhat dark smirk.

  Monica wasn’t affected; she rolled her eyes. “Sounding like a true Grimm now. Janie would be proud.”

  “I am a Grimm.” Logan pointed at Savaş. “Mind your woman.”

  Savaş laughed, exchanging keys with Logan.

  Kylie blew out a harsh breath and stood up, too. She needed to get birth control.

  Logan frowned as he studied the keys. “Whose car is he lending?”

  “His. It’s a graduation present to himself.” Savaş chuckled. “Go see.”

  “If this is what I think it is, I’m going to get a hard-on.” Logan held out his hand for her. “Come here.”


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