A Marshal's Embrace

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A Marshal's Embrace Page 11

by Dora Hiers

He stepped back. Looked at the man.

  Chad Colburn.

  Chad Colburn. A pilot.

  Well, if that didn’t beat all. God? Was that You? That was quick.

  “Ryker, what are you up to?” Chad thrust a hand into Ryker’s, and they shook.

  If he only knew. “I’m on my way to Florida.”

  Chad’s eyebrows shot to the top of his head. “Really? So am I. I’m taking a couple days in between cases to fly down and see Regi.”

  His fiancé. “Regi’s in Tampa, right?”

  “Only for a couple more days. I’m going down to help pack up her apartment. The movers will be there on Thursday. Then, I’m bringing her back with me on the plane.”

  Is this Plan B, God?

  Ryker raked a hand through his hair. Could he do this? Could he actually get on an airplane? Did he have a choice? He had to figure out what was going on with Danae. “Care to have a stowaway?”

  “Sure. You need a ride down there?”

  Ryker blew out a breath. “Yeah, if you don’t mind. I’m actually headed to Orlando, but I’ll take a ride as far as you can get me.” Then, he’d rent a car. Keep his feet on the ground and drive back.

  “I can drop you off in Orlando. Orlando has a smaller, executive airport that’s fairly easy to get in and out of.”

  Ryker paused, frozen. He’d just prayed to get to Danae and within seconds, a pilot shows up heading to Florida. How strange was that?

  Thank you, God.

  “Besides, I have a few hours to kill before Regi gets home from work. These weekly trips down there have gotten old over the last few months. I wouldn’t mind the company. Just let me slip in to use the restroom, and we can hit the sky.”

  He could have done without hearing those last few words. Ryker wrestled a hand through his hair, damp from sweat, and felt the coffee curdling in his gut. Maybe he’d better hit the restroom once again himself.

  He’d protect Danae.

  Even if it killed him in the process.

  Since when had this ceased to be about keeping an eye on Danae while Stephen was on his honeymoon?

  Since now.

  He loved her.

  His breath caught. His heart faltered. No, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. She risked her life flying in planes like this every day.

  He. Would. Not. Love. Danae.


  God, are You still there?


  Danae finished checking Lucas’s vital signs and settled a blanket over his slim frame. She patted his shoulder. “It won’t be long now, buddy, and we’ll be flying over Walt Disney World. Do you want to read a book? Or just hang out and relax?”

  She couldn’t relax since she’d seen that black SUV parked outside the hanger again. Did Ryker get her text? She had no way of knowing. Checking her phone would have to wait until they landed.

  “Can I have a soda?”

  Danae took a deep breath and smiled. No need to transfer her anxiety to Lucas. “Sure. What kind?” She opened the fridge door and reached for a cream soda but kept it hidden behind her back.

  “Cream soda.”

  She brandished the can and smiled at his wide green eyes. “Cream soda, it is.”

  “How did you know what I’d want?”

  “What ten-year-old guy doesn’t like cream soda? Besides, cream soda is one of my favorites.”

  Danae grinned at Lucas’s mother, who’d stopped reading her magazine to smile at her son. She sat next to Lucas on the other side. The boy’s father sat in a chair by the window, his fingers flying furiously over keys on his laptop, papers spread out on the table next to him, reading glasses halfway down his nose.

  Danae popped the cap, plunked a straw in the hole, and handed it to Lucas, savoring the peaceful look on his face. Little things like stocking a patient’s favorite soft drink and food made the patient so much more comfortable. And, in turn, made her job brighter, eased the load somewhat.

  She adjusted the blanket again and sank into a seat, pressing her forehead against the window. Only clouds out there. She wouldn’t see any black SUV’s up here, that’s for sure.

  The restroom door opened. She angled her head, saw Jacko exit, face ashen and eyes unfocused. He staggered a couple steps, then crooked a finger, motioning her to the back, his forehead glistening with sweat.

  Uh-oh. This couldn’t be good.

  “I’ll be right back, sweetie. Holler if you need me.” She told Lucas, meeting the mother’s worried look with a quick smile.

  Danae hurried toward the back. “You’re not looking good. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. It shust came ober me zike that.” Jacko tried snapping his fingers, but missed, laughed. “Z bug baby?”

  A bug maybe? Danae stepped closer and stared into out-of-focus eyes. “Do you have a fever?”

  He shrugged with half closed eyelids. “Dun no. Zo zleepy.”

  “Have you taken any meds this morning, Jacko?”

  He shook his head, then it practically dropped to his chest. Danae grabbed an arm and propelled him to a seat. “Okay. I need you to stay back here. I’ll get a mask for you. No interaction with the patient or his parents.”

  He plopped into the seat. “Zorry, Aney. Don mean de make things tough on yous.”

  Tough on her? Danae glanced toward Lucas. The kid had such a sweet disposition. “It’s all right. Lucas is a great kid. Your being sick couldn’t have happened with an easier patient. Don’t worry about it, Jacko. Just rest. Sleep if you need to. I’ll be back.”

  His raised eyebrows told her he didn’t agree. Whether she had Jacko’s help or not, Danae had a job to do. She retrieved a mask and slipped it over the man’s head. “You’re on your own for now. I’ll be back to check on you in a few minutes.”

  Jacko nodded, his longish hair draping closed eyes, and leaned back against the seat.

  What was wrong with him? Danae tamped down a rush of panic. Lord, please help me care for both Lucas and Jacko efficiently and calmly. Don’t allow fear or panic to creep into my heart.

  She picked up the phone and explained the situation to Ames. “Keep him back there. I’ll handle the flight.” He instructed.

  She made her way back to her patient. His mother had abandoned the magazine to stroke Lucas’s hair. His eyes were closed, and soft snorts blew from his mouth. Poor little guy. He had a tough road ahead. Rest would do him good right now.

  “He’s out for the count, eh?” Danae smiled at Lucas’s mother.

  “Yeah. He loves to have his head rubbed. Always puts him to sleep.”

  “Do you want me to do that while you read?”

  His mother, sweet woman that she was, smiled, sorrow lingering around her mouth. “Thanks, Danae, but no. Since his diagnosis, I never pass up an opportunity to touch my son. We don’t know how much time we have with our loved ones. I’m not wasting a second. Life is in the loving.”

  Danae nodded, understanding, and sank back into the chair. Why couldn’t her mother have been like Mrs. Martin and not wasted a second loving her and Stephen? Why had she squandered her time away with men and drugs?

  If she had a little guy like this, she wouldn’t waste a second loving him, either. Thank You, God, for loving me. For proving to me that I’m worthy of love, worthy of Your love. And for putting love in my heart for little guys like Lucas. For showing me that I can love my own children and not inflict emotional pain and suffering like my mother did to Stephen and me.

  Danae rested her head back against the seat, willing away negative thoughts about her mother. Positive. Think positive.

  Ryker! She smiled. Had he finished his meeting? She pulled out her phone and glanced at the time. Three o’clock. Even a marathon meeting wouldn’t last this long. Knowing him, though, he was probably still at work. So much for his recovery time.

  Did he get her text? Was he worried about her?

  How would it feel to have someone other than her brother to worry about her? A man to stroke her hair and massage her s
houlders, to be waiting for her, ready to listen, when she came home from a tough flight? A man to protect her, to worry about her, to make her feel cherished, adored.

  To love her and make her feel loved. To share special looks, the kind without words, like Mrs. Martin shared with her husband.

  A man who didn’t make her feel like the type of woman her mother was. Guys who assumed their hands had free access. Didn’t take long for them to disappear after she set them straight.

  Ryker’s hands never roamed. He never treated her that way. He’d always treated her with respect, even during that toe-tingling, fireworks-exploding kiss of his.

  But Ryker didn’t gaze at her like Mr. Martin did his wife, with that special “I love you” look, the kind that conveyed adoration without words.

  No. Ryker’s golden flecks had never communicated those magical words. Not to her, anyway.

  She sighed. Sure, he’d kissed her. But he hadn’t meant for that kiss to happen. She’d caught him at a sleep-deprived weak moment. He’d even apologized. Didn’t that mean he hadn’t really wanted to kiss her? That he hadn’t enjoyed it as much as her?

  Maybe he missed Jennifer. But Danae wasn’t going to be a stand-in for somebody else. That much was for sure. No matter how much she loved the man.

  Danae grimaced. So much for positive energy! What was wrong with her today?

  “We’re making the initial descent into Orlando now. Please return to your seat and buckle up.” Ames spoke over the intercom.

  Danae looked out the window. Wispy, tropical clouds. Palm trees and lakes. Houses built practically on top of one another. And a mass of sweaty humanity.

  She never really appreciated flying to Florida like the others. They could have it. And the steamy eighty-five-degree weather in October? She’d take North Carolina any day.

  She checked on the sleeping patient and secured him for landing. Papers rustled in Mr. Martin’s hasty attempt to load his bag, and seat belts clicked as the plane descended.

  The plane bounced.

  Danae lurched, almost landed in Mrs. Martin’s lap. She hustled to finish her tasks, then sat down and buckled in. Another wrench by the pilot, the wing angled precariously close to the ground.

  She frowned. What was going on? Ames never jerked the plane like this on landings. He hit the brakes, a bit harder than usual, and steered the plane toward the hanger at a fast clip.

  Danae glanced back at Jacko. His head craned backwards, eyes closed. Puffs of air lifted the mask slightly away from his mouth. Poor guy. Whatever he had hit him hard. The guy never slacked off, always rotating from his duties as co-pilot to assist Danae with medical tasks.

  Distractions could mean the difference between life and death for their patients in this line of work. She needed to keep her mind on the job. Focus on the patient. Lucas. And now Jacko.

  Not on that black SUV.

  Or Ryker. Certainly not the man’s strong, powerful shoulders and long, muscular legs. His golden eyes. Hair tousled from always raking a hand through it. Even the tiny mole on both cheeks. The suit he’d worn this morning to his meeting. Charcoal. White dress shirt. Red tie. She’d had to ram her jaw shut to keep from staring.

  Oh yeah. The man was definitely a distraction.

  The plane finally braked to a stop. Danae’s head hit the window. “Ouch.” She rubbed her forehead and peered into the sunlight, checking to make sure the EMT and ambulance were waiting for them.

  Ryker? Was that Ryker standing next to the EMT? Same color suit, white shirt, red tie, sunglasses.

  No. It can’t be. Ryker hadn’t flown since his granny’s death and there’s no way he could have made it here ahead of them without flying. She shook her head to clear the image and unbuckled, stood up. She had a patient to prep for transport.

  She didn’t have time to dream about Ryker, to wish for things that would never happen.

  Ryker would die before he’d step foot on an airplane.

  And she couldn’t imagine a life without flying.


  Ryker raked his fingers through sweat-damp hair and slipped the sunglasses back on. Heat simmered from the pavement. He tugged his tie loose, already hating the sweltering Florida humidity.

  “There she is.” The EMT, Josh, pointed to the small plane heading toward the hanger, bouncing and jerking. The ambulance idled behind them, ready for transport, next to Ryker’s rental car.

  “Glad I didn’t pay for that flight.”

  Josh frowned. “Yeah. Appears to have been a bit rough.”

  Ryker turned and scoped out the area. Not a black SUV in sight. He swiped at the sweat beading along the back of his neck.

  The plane screeched to a stop and powered down.

  Minutes passed. Finally, the hatch opened, and Danae motioned for Josh. She quickly disappeared inside, where Ryker caught glimpses of her blue jumpsuit moving around the small area.

  “Excuse me. Looks like she needs some help. I’ll let Danae know you’re here.” Josh hustled on the tarmac to help unload the patient.

  Ryker made his way to the plane more slowly, surveying the landscape in all directions, the comfortable presence of his weapon pressing against him. Just in case.

  Danae exited the plane first, her capable hands gripping the stretcher, lips cooing softly to the patient. Whatever she said made the youngster laugh.

  Ryker smiled. That was Danae. Caring. Loving life. Embracing joy in every moment. Why had it taken him so long to notice that about her?

  He stopped halfway to the plane and waited, not wanting to get in the way of her job. Josh’s lips moved. Danae shook her head, her ponytail bobbing, then she angled a glance toward Ryker.

  Was that fear on her face?

  Did she see the black SUV again? Ryker whipped around, feeling for his gun, casting his head in all directions, unease clawing at his gut.

  Nothing except the ambulance and his rental.

  He let out a breath and turned back to see Danae’s surprise turn into a wide smile, one fist arcing backwards against her side. Their old victory gesture.

  He grinned. The plane ride was worth it just to see that smile.

  She held up one finger.

  Ryker nodded and watched them wheel the patient into the ambulance, Danae speaking softly, tenderness in her expression. She patted the patient’s shoulder and spoke into the mother’s ear, nodded and gestured in Ryker’s direction.

  Danae jogged over. Automatically his arms opened, inviting her into his embrace.

  She flew into his arms, her laughing face peering upwards, tugging on his emotions. “What’s up with this? I can’t believe it!”

  He needed something to tamp down the urge to kiss her again. Sarcasm. “Can’t believe what? That I’m in Florida? I can’t believe it, either. It’s way too hot down here.”

  She drew back and poked him playfully in the chest. “No, silly. How did you get here?”

  “The same way you did.”

  “You flew?”

  “Please don’t string those words together like that.”

  “In an airplane?” Her eyes twinkled with…amusement? No, more like pride. “Really, Ryker?”

  He blew out a long breath. If he didn’t get something to eat or drink soon, he’d be toast. His whole body trembled, a leftover from the earlier nausea.

  She must have seen it. She drew back and tugged on a hand, leading him to the car. “Is this your rental, Ryker?”


  Danae pulled a protein bar out of her pocket and thrust it into his hand. “Get in and keep the air conditioner running. Eat this. Are you okay to drive?”

  “Sure.” Driving, yes. Flying, no.

  “Can you meet me at The Children’s Hospital? It’ll take me a little longer to get there. We’ve got another ambulance on the way here.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  Her face relaxed, anxiety transforming into gentle lines on her face. “You’re here. That’s help enough.” She shook her head,
morphing back into work mode. “I don’t know what I’m dealing with, so, no, I don’t want you anywhere near these guys at the moment.”

  A siren blared. Danae glanced at the ambulance with flashing lights speeding across the tarmac. She jogged backwards toward the plane and smiled, hollering above the noise. “See you at the hospital, Ryker.” Then she turned around and disappeared inside the plane again.

  Ryker opened the car door and flipped on the air conditioner but remained outside. He unwrapped the protein bar and chewed, waiting for Danae, keeping an eye out for any suspicious characters.

  Moments later, a man dressed in a similar blue jumpsuit emerged from the doorway of the plane, a mask covering his face. He trudged down the steps. Danae steadied him with one hand, a bag in the other.

  “Oops. Watch your step there, cowboy.”

  Danae’s grip kept the guy from tripping down the last couple of steps. What was going on with him?

  Another man, this one dressed in a pilot’s uniform, exited the plane behind Danae, his steps not much steadier than the first guy’s. The pilot was another patient?

  Danae waited at the bottom of the stairs until the pilot made it down safely.

  This couldn’t be good. Ryker blew out a deep breath, anxiety swirling in his gut, relief pumping through his veins. Good thing he’d caught a ride with Chad.

  So much for Danae’s theory that nothing suspicious happened during her job.

  It would be a hard stretch to believe both these men got sick at the same time. Poisoned maybe?

  Nothing more suspicious than poison, Danae.


  “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Danae smiled up at Ryker, giving his arm a playful bump with her shoulder, as the glass exit doors to the hospital swished open.

  Her attempt at lightheartedness did nothing to erase the worry lines deepening on Ryker’s brow or the compressed lips. He raked a hand through his hair and glanced at her.

  Then something magical happened. His face transformed into the most beautiful expression she’d ever seen. His golden eyes glowed, cheeks plumped, lips rounded on one side.

  She gasped. She knew what to do with the “what kind of trouble are you in now?” look. This one, she couldn’t handle. “Where’s ‘the look’? The one you reserve just for me?”


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