Boxer Next Door

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Boxer Next Door Page 15

by Summer Cooper

  I was at the studio, and it was getting late in the afternoon. I’d been staying over until the place closed because I had nothing better to do. I wanted to keep my mind off the thing with Lydia because it was stressing me out.

  Would she choose me? Or the man she’d known far longer and had a child with?

  There was no way to know. I thought my chances were good, but I couldn’t disagree if she didn’t pick me, either. I remembered how nice it was to have both my parents around, even in spite of the shit that kept coming between us. None of it meant I loved my parents any less.

  How could I deny Bryson, a child with a so far unusual childhood, having both his parents around for him? I couldn’t imagine my parents separating.

  I didn’t like Mike, but he’d done what he thought was best for his family. How he did it was infuriating, but my parents were no different, were they? Except for the few times they left to go exploring with no explanation.


  I looked up at the instructor I’d hired to help me out with the studio. He was standing just off to the side from where I’d been lost in thought, eyebrows arched in curiosity.

  Shit. How long had I been frozen for? I was in the middle of the floor, surrounded by people either working out on the gym equipment or with gloves on, hitting the sandbags, or working in pairs.

  “Do you need something?” I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

  He still looked curious, but I knew he wasn’t going to say anything. He wasn’t the kind of guy to pry.

  “I just wanted to let you know, that if it’s okay with you, I can lock up today? I’ll need to stay over later with a few clients for a class.”

  I frowned. I didn’t remember booking anything like that. “Is the class yours or mine? I don’t remember it…”

  He hesitated. “Technically, boss, it is supposed to be your class. But I thought I’d it take over, just this once. I’ve already talked to them about it, and they don’t mind.”

  “If it’s my job, I’ll do it,” I said, frowning deeper. “Why don’t I remember setting the class up?”

  He sighed. “No offense, boss, but you haven’t been yourself the past week.”

  My eyes widened, though I wondered why I was even surprised. Even I knew I’d been way too distracted at work. He wasn’t an idiot who wouldn’t notice. He just wouldn’t ask me what the problem was.

  “I can…” I started to say, only for my voice to trail off. I could… what?

  My employee looked at me with sympathetic eyes. “Look, boss. I’m not going to ask you what’s wrong because that’s your business.” I laughed, internally, because I’d guessed that much right. He arched an eyebrow at me, probably wondering why I suddenly looked amused. “But anyway, I think you need to go home, and maybe spend the weekend thinking about this thing that has you so in a twist. It’s not my place to say, but…”

  “But?” I prompted, curious now what he had to say.

  “But it’s been going on for a while, and I don’t think that’s healthy. It’s gotten worse recently, and it’s probably time for you to put your foot down and take care of whatever it is.”

  Ah. He was right. I’d been busy with work and ignoring Lydia before. He’d caught that. Then, he’d caught when it got worse when it wasn’t just me worrying about her possibly being a murderer, but worrying about her letting me go and going to another man. I could have acted all hurt, pretended like the situation was a lot like what happened with Ella. But the truth was, this was so different.

  Lydia wasn’t just going to leave me for any other man. It was her ex-husband, the man that left her with their son to look for greener pastures. I couldn’t blame her if she wanted to end up with him.

  But… did that mean I had to do nothing at all?

  Shit. There goes a wasted week.

  “You know what?” I told my employee, my face lighting up with my sudden epiphany. “You’re right. I think I’m going to be taking off early today. Can you hold the fort while I’m out?”

  He grinned at me and gave me a mock salute. “Yes, sir.”

  I threw him an answering grin, then went to my office, where I picked up my jacket, my keys, and locked up as I left in a hurry. I waved at a few people that called out to me on my way out and practically jumped into my truck.

  “I’m a fucking idiot,” I growled to myself, as I drove at the highest speed I could, heading for home.

  What the fuck was I doing, just sitting by idly waiting for Lydia to make her decision? That was playing it safe, and I just realized, it was exactly what I’d done with Ella. There had been signs I could have picked up on and talked to her about. How she wouldn’t sleep over, or when she did she was gone in the morning. Plenty of other shit. But I let it go, I played by the rules. Boxing was the only area I wouldn’t give up.

  That was my mistake.

  I wanted to keep Lydia. It would hurt if I lost her. Even worse, we were fucking neighbors, so I would have to watch her be all lovey-dovey with her husband and son right next door to me. Just the thought of it hurt so badly; I felt my chest was caving in on itself. What was I thinking, this past week, just staying away when I needed to fight for what we had, for what I wanted, and not just in the ring?

  I growled at myself for my stupidity.

  “Phone, phone…” I muttered, reaching for it in my pocket. My home wasn’t far, but it felt like it was several miles away. I held the phone up, ready to text or call, whichever was most convenient. But the screen wouldn’t light up, no matter how much I pressed the power button.

  “Shit,” I cursed. My phone was dead. When was the last time I even charged it?

  I put it back in my pocket and focused on the road ahead of me. After several tense minutes, I arrived. I parked the truck in my driveway quickly, then jumped up and raced over to her house. I knocked on the door and waited anxiously for it to open.

  “Lydia,” I started when the door was suddenly pulled back, and she was right there.

  I didn’t get any further, though. Lydia caught my arm and dragged me inside. The surprise was what had me moving as she did, then she shut the door behind us and pushed me against it, so my back slammed into the door. She plastered her body to my front, slanting her lips over mine in a desperate kiss. She licked all over my lips until I opened them for her, then her tongue was sliding into my mouth and exploring.

  “Fuck,” I cursed, gasping when she pulled back for a short break, only to dive back in.

  This time, I kissed her back with just as much passion, my arms going around her waist and holding her close to me. My hands slid down to her cup her ass cheeks, and I rocked my growing erection against her abdomen.

  We moaned in unison and started stripping each other down desperately. She wasn’t in anything delicate that I could rip, so I didn’t hold back. We stumbled further into the house as we lost piece after piece of clothing. The bedroom was too far, so we moved to the couch and fell on it, half naked. We were grinding against each other like a couple of horny teenagers, and my heart had never been happier.

  “I missed you,” Lydia admitted, wrapping her limbs around me and mouthing at my neck, letting me breathe. “I missed you so fucking much, Ken, you have no idea.”

  I gave a strained chuckle, moving my hips against hers, grinding into her sensitive center in ways that made her gasp.

  “Oh, Lydia, trust me. I have some idea.” I breathed the words against her overheating neck, need driving every move I made.

  We managed to detach from each other to get off our last piece of clothing. Then she was wrapping her legs around my hips, her arms around my back, and my cock was sliding into her warm, wet heat, making us both moan. I was too impatient to take things slow, and I didn’t think she’d mind either. I fucked her fast and hard, holding her body to me as I pressed nips and kisses all over the skin I could reach.

  “Like that,” Lydia moaned, her nails digging into my back making me growl. “Just like that, Ken. Faster! Fuck!”

  Lydia wasn’t usually so vocal in bed, and I hadn't realized just how hot it was. Soon, a little too soon, it was over. Lydia threw her head back as she cried out, her walls convulsing hard around my cock, her body shuddering in my arms. I climaxed right after her, biting her throat and leaving another mark there because the ones I’d made before had faded.

  We slumped against the couch, and I shifted over so I was lying on my side with her body held to me and I wasn’t crushing her under my weight. There was silence between us until I decided to break it.

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone for a week, Lydia.” She squirmed against me, and I explained before she could protest. “What I mean is, I know you needed space, but I shouldn’t have just walked away like I did, either. I should have at least told you what this relationship means to me. I care for you a lot, Lydia, more than I thought I would when I first met you.”

  We were silent again, our breathing calming. She didn’t reply, but I knew what I wanted to do now, so it didn’t make me anxious.

  “I was coming to tell you that I was willing to fight for us,” I admitted. “I’m not going to let you go that easily, Lydia. I should have made it clear to you before.”

  She grinned at me. “Funny. I was going to tell you something along the same lines. Ken, I am happier with you than I have been in a long time, even when I was with Mike. That’s not something I want to give up. And…” She turned shy, ducking her head down so I wouldn’t see, but her voice was clear. “I love you, Kenji.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath, at the declaration, or use of my name, I wasn’t sure. I did like how my name sounded on her tongue, though. I caught her face between my palms for a rough kiss, then met her gaze with mine.

  “Me too, Lydia,” I whispered, voice heavy with emotion. “I love you, too.”

  I rolled her underneath me once again, taking her lips in a slow, deep, wet kiss. She clung to me, her thoughts aligned with mine, and we made love again on her couch.



  A few days later. It was already Christmas time, and I couldn’t believe how much time had passed.

  I was in bed with Lydia. I’d spent so much time and effort fixing up my place, and I felt like a lot of it was something of a waste, because since Lydia and I had declared our feelings to each other, I’d only been back there twice to get some clothes.

  “Mom! Mom, get up, it’s Christmas morning!”

  Lydia, body pressed against me, squirmed in protest at the sound, burying her face further into my chest. I chuckled, guessing what would come next. The door to the bedroom burst open, and Bryson came in and jumped on the bed.

  On the same day we’d made up our minds, Lydia had brought him home to explain the situation to him. I’d stuck with her for moral support, not that there was much I could have said without making the situation even more awkward. She had to explain to her son why she would have another man in the house, in her bed, when his dad was back in town. He didn’t even seem surprised his dad was back, just took it in his stride. As for our relationship…

  “It’s like getting another dad, right? And Ken will still teach me boxing?”

  Just like that, it had been resolved. And I’d practically moved in with them. He was happy to see his dad, and he didn’t mind me staying with his mom. He was a wonderful kid, better than I was at his age.

  But because he knew and he was around us more, we were more cautious. We’d made love every night we spent in the same bed, but we’d take a shower and put on night clothes before going to sleep, just in case. Besides, the weather was getting pretty cold, so a pair of cotton tracks and a t-shirt were a must.

  “Mom!” Bryson whined loudly, shaking Lydia, who only groaned louder. “Come on! You promised you’d get up early! We have to start preparing for tonight!”

  “Can't you give me a few more minutes, honey?” Lydia asked for understanding, her voice muffled under the covers.

  “No,” was the immediate, stubborn response.

  I laughed and sat up. “Come on, Lydia. The little man has spoken. Let’s get down and get breakfast started.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs,” Bryson declared, sliding off the bed. He pointed a finger at me. “Have her down in five minutes, or I will come back up here.”

  I had to bite my cheek to hold myself from laughing. The boy was just too cute. I gave him a mock salute and grinned.

  “Yes, sir,” I said seriously.

  He returned my grin, then ran out of the room.

  “Come on, Lydia,” I coaxed, shaking her a bit gentler than Bryson had been doing. “We need to get up. Can’t have your son waiting, you know?”

  She grumbled as she pulled the covers off her head and glared up at me.

  “Whose fault do you think it is that I’m this tired?”

  I just smirked, remembering how she’d clung to me last night. “You didn’t exactly complain, Lydia.”

  She couldn’t say anything to that, but she still grumbled as she left the bed.

  I was out of clothes, so I had to go back to my place after lunch to get more. At some point, I’d have to start doing laundry. Probably over at Lydia’s house instead of mine. I also had some things to do for the studio. It was locked up over Christmas, but I’d decided my one employee needed a bonus for his part in helping me get my head out of my ass before I lost Lydia. I didn’t have to go there personally since I’d left him to take care of it the past few days, so I just called him and set it up. Reopening wouldn’t be until after New Year’s and Bryson’s break was over.

  In the afternoon, I went back. I got there, around the same time Mike did, and we met at the door.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hi,” I said back.

  We stood for an awkward moment, neither of us making a move to knock on the door.

  He and I didn’t hate each other. I’d thought I would hate him, but watching him with Bryson, it was hard to. He might have made some bad choices, but he was a really good father to his son. And now that he was back, he was doing his best to be there for him as much as possible. He’d even bought a house in the neighborhood, though thankfully far from Lydia’s and mine.

  “I wanted to apologize,” I said, clearing my throat. He arched an eyebrow at me. “Um, that day I punched you. I’m sorry, that was out of line. I knew nothing, and yet…”

  He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and ducking his head down. “No, you don’t need to apologize about that. I should thank you for that punch in the face. I deserved it for what I did to Lydia. I walked out. What right did I have to come back and try to give her problems? She deserves better.”

  There was another lengthy silence. I almost felt sorry for him. Not enough to give Lydia up to him, though.

  “I’m not going to apologize that she chose me,” I told him, just to clarify.

  He looked up at me with a smile. “I wouldn’t expect you to apologize for that,” he reassured me. “Besides, it’s my fault. I went about things the wrong way, and I hurt her. And… I’ve seen how she is with you, and she’s happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for her. How could I complain? It’ll take some time to adjust, but I promise I won’t make things any more awkward for you.”

  I nodded, feeling like we’d come to an understanding. He was going to spend Christmas with us because Bryson had insisted on it. If he wasn’t going to be any trouble, I knew we could do this. I could be a part of Lydia and Bryson’s life, and the kid didn’t have to give up his father.

  The door opened, though neither of us had knocked. They must have heard us talking. It was Bryson at the door, and he squealed and attacked his dad when he saw him there.


  Mike laughed at his enthusiasm, picking him up and lifting him in the air. He walked into the house, and I followed. I found Lydia in the kitchen, preparing Christmas dinner. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. She startled, then laughed as I placed kisses along her neck.

; “Hey, there,” she said happily. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

  I hummed, placing one last kiss behind her ear, then looking over her shoulder. “Is there anything you’d like me to help you with?”

  “Nah, you can just sit down and wait. Where are Bryson and Mike?”

  “Not sure, but I’m sure they’ll come in here once they smell the food cooking.”

  Though she hadn't said I could help, I helped anyway. And sure enough, once the other two caught the smell of food cooking, they came into the kitchen, Bryson in the lead. The little man went over to his mom and insisted on helping her out. I got out of the way so they could work together, pecking her cheek as I went to sit at the dining table. Mike was already seated there, and he nodded my way as I sat down.

  “See what I mean?” he said, tilting his head toward her. “I can't remember the last time I saw her having this much fun. Before, even when she smiled, she was quiet.”

  I watched, not sure what he saw that I didn’t. All I could see was the same Lydia I’d met, all happy and radiant, the woman I fell for and couldn’t wait to start a family with.

  “I promise to make her as happy as I can for the rest of her life,” I said seriously.

  He snorted. “You sound like you’re asking for permission or some shit.” Then he pointed a finger at me, and he reminded me of Bryson from that morning. “But you better keep that damn promise, because I will hurt you if you break her heart.”

  There was no way I could ever do that without breaking my own. But he didn’t need me to say that, because he didn’t wait for my answer.

  We all chipped in to help in the later stages. Then we sat down to eat, an awkward but happy family. Afterwards, Mike took Bryson home with him, to stay over until we had the party on New Years’ over at his place. The kid would stay with his dad until he had to go to school.

  Lydia sighed as she watched them both go. “I miss my little guy already.”

  I hugged her from behind and watched them go until they disappeared from view. Then I pecked her neck and pulled her back into the house, closing the door.


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