Boxer Next Door

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Boxer Next Door Page 20

by Summer Cooper

  “You’re being such a tool.”

  “I think I’m still drunk. Doesn’t matter. Now that the gates are open, it’s a free for all. Thanks, man!”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Clearly she’s over Paul, so she’s on the market again. Just in time too, I’ve been looking for another challenge.”

  “Don’t be like that, Nick. Not Jax. You can literally have any damn girl you want, why her?”

  “That is exactly why and you know it. I’ve been waiting way too long to get inside her.”

  “That’s disgusting, don’t talk about her like that. She’s got more class than to fall for your tricks.”

  “Well, she can’t have that much class if she kissed you.”

  “Now you’re just being an asshole.”

  “Stop sulking like a little bitch. You know I’m just pulling your leg,” he teased, walking towards the door. “If I wanted to fuck Jax, I’d just do it. I wouldn’t be here talking to you about it.” He winked and walked out.

  “Dick! Close the door behind you!” Adam shouted after him.

  He slumped back in his chair, once more replaying the scene from the previous night in his head. He could still feel her lips, how soft they were, the closeness of her body to his. His pants stirred just thinking about it.

  Nick was right about one thing… he’d always had a thing for Jax but she’d never been his for the taking. Maybe that was about to change. She wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for Nick’s stupid moves. Would she?

  Chapter Three

  “You look stunning in that dress. Are you trying to drive me insane?” Nick said sweetly.

  “Stop being silly. Can’t you ever just give a compliment like a normal person? Why do you always have to go there?” Jacky blushed despite herself.

  She did look stunning. The low-cut, black dress showed off her supple C-cups and perfectly firm ass. The dress was tight and fitted perfectly—why wouldn’t it? Nick had the tailor make outfits for all three of them for the event. Her long brown hair was neatly tied up in an almost medieval style with dramatic makeup to match. She looked like a completely different person. Nobody could keep their eyes off her but she was completely oblivious to the attention.

  Nick looked dapper in his black suit and Adam looked sharp for once too. But he was currently at the bar. He had run there almost as soon as they’d arrived. Things were still weird between him and Jacky since their kiss two nights ago but he was hoping to drink the feeling away. It had become almost unbearable to be at work.

  “Am I not allowed to compliment you now? I think that’s unfair.” Nick smiled, slowly reaching over and pushing a strand of hair from her cheek, moving closer to her, his face mere inches away from hers.

  It was during this intimate exchange that Adam finally made his way back to the table, or started to. From where he was standing, it very much looked like Nick had finally made a move on his girl and she wasn’t resisting.

  Already four whiskeys deep, Adam didn’t bother to wait to see how the play panned out. It was one thing to be rejected, but it was completely another to be forced to be the third wheel while Nick once again walked away with the girl. The story of his life.

  He put the empty glass down on the nearest table and stormed off, not even caring that the awards were about to start.

  Jacky pulled away, playfully slapping Nick’s chest. He laughed, catching sight of Adam just as he angrily slammed down his glass and stormed off. He knew exactly what had happened and how it had looked but he didn’t bother running after his friend. It was working out perfectly for him. Besides, he was in no mood to watch his friend sulk the whole night. It was an evening for celebrating.

  The lights dimmed, signaling the start of the formalities and everyone hurriedly returned to their seats. Everyone except Adam that is.

  “Where is he?” Jacky asked, scanning the room.

  Nick took out his phone and pretended to read through his messages. “He left. Said he wasn’t feeling too well. I suppose I’m not surprised, he’s been looking a bit off the last few days,” Nick said without so much as blinking an eye. He had always been a smooth liar and felt no shame in changing the details to suit his needs.

  “Why didn’t he say goodbye?” Jacky was suspicious but he could see she was equally relieved. Neither of them had addressed the kiss, and the awkwardness had grown.

  “You know how Adam is. Guess he’s just in a mood or something,” Nick said, taking another swig of his drink.

  “Fair enough.” Jacky smiled, reverting her attention to the stage where an old man in an over-sized suit was running through the nominations on the big screen. This would take another boring half hour to get to the point, during which the waiter made sure to keep refilling their quickly-emptying glasses.

  It wouldn’t be until their names were called that Nick would pay attention again to what was being said on stage.

  “You won!” Jacky shouted as the clapping around them started. She jumped up with Nick, hugging him jubilantly before he jogged to the stage to receive his award.

  “Thanks, everyone, we appreciate this!” Nick exclaimed from the stage, before making his way back to Jacky.

  She embraced him happily, beaming with pride, heart racing in excitement!

  He grabbed her around the waist, taking a bottle of champagne off the table and walking out of the building.

  “Wait, where are we going?” Jacky asked as they ran down the stairs, holding onto his arms so she wouldn’t trip in her high heels. “The awards are still going on!”

  “Yeah, but we won! What else is there?!” he spun her around merrily, kissing her openly on the lips before letting her go again to quickly make a call on his phone.

  “Who are you calling?” she asked but he didn’t respond, simply shook the bottle of champagne before spilling it all over the sidewalk and taking a big gulp before passing it to her.

  “It’s a surprise, we have to celebrate!” he exclaimed, leading her down the steps.

  They only made it half way through the bottle before a white limousine pulled up. The driver jumped out and opened the door for them, ushering Jacky inside before she could ask any questions.

  “To the airport,” Nick told the driver as he slid in after the goddess in black.

  “Yes, Mr. Thomas. Only a pleasure.” He closed the door behind them and pulled away from the hotel.

  “You’re mad, Nick. Where are we going?” Jacky was half tipsy, half still on a high from the victory at the awards. For the first time in a while she felt happy, almost light. For a moment, all her worries melted away as they cruised through the city streets towards the airport.

  “I told you, it’s a surprise. Stop asking so many questions and just trust me,” he said, smiling as he put his hand on her leg affectionately. She didn’t push him away, just smiled in return.

  “You’re not exactly a very trust-worthy source.” She grinned, taking the bottle from him and having another big sip of champagne without even bothering to grab a glass from the bar in the corner.

  “Don’t be like that, Jax. You know me better than that. I’m basically harmless, I just talk a big game. Speaking of, let me just send a quick message.” He removed his hand from her leg to type furiously on his phone.

  “Where are we going?” she asked again when he put the phone down and smiled at her.

  “To Prague my darling, to Prague!”

  Chapter Four

  “Are we really going to Prague?” Jacky asked as the private ten-seater plane took off, leaving the city lights far below. She’d given up on her dream to see the gothic city when she broke off her future with Paul.

  “Why are you so distrustful?” Nick laughed, pouring her another glass of wine. They had finally moved on from the champagne to a fruity Cabernet Sauvignon.

  “You know I’ve never been to Europe before. It blows my mind that you can just organize a plane in a second to take us off for the night. I don’t even have any clot

  “You don’t need clothes. Besides, you know I’d never let you want for anything. I have more money than I know what to do with. And when you have money, you can make anything happen, including an impromptu trip to Prague. That is how money works, silly.”

  “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never had that much money.”

  “I’ve offered it to you more than once, don’t you start.”

  “I don’t want a hand-out. Like I told you, I’ll make my own way. I’m not going to sponge off your success,” she said stubbornly.

  “We got lucky and you know it. Anyone could’ve made that app. We were just the first.”

  “It’s not like you to be modest,” she said, laughing.

  “Do you know me at all?”

  “What are you talking about? I’ve known you for almost 15 years. You’re the biggest man-whore I know and now you’re a man-whore with money—the most dangerous kind.” She laughed, finishing her glass and holding it out to him for a refill.

  “See what I mean. You only know the stories you hear and the crap Adam tells you. You’ve been gone for a long time, Jax. Things change.”

  “You haven’t changed one bit. Though your hair seems to be getting darker. Like a dirty blonde now.”

  “I’ve always been a dirty blonde.” He winked at her and she burst out laughing.

  “How on earth did we ever become friends? We have nothing in common!”

  “Well, you fell in love with that oppressive asshole Paul and kind of just had to put up with his two nerdy best friends who spent more time in the garage on the computer than on the sports field. I can see why you picked him.”

  “I didn’t ‘pick’ him. He picked me. He was the only one who asked. To be honest, I actually liked all of you for different reasons. But you and Adam could never be bothered with me. Paul was banging down my door since day one.”

  “I wouldn’t put it like that. Paul was the only one brave enough to go for you. I knew you were out of my league from day one. I just wish you didn’t waste so much time with that idiot who never appreciated you.”

  “Do you still talk to Paul?” she asked, ignoring his comments, staring deeply into his stormy blue eyes.

  “Nope. He phoned me after the day I convinced you to come here…”

  “It didn’t take much convincing. I had nowhere else to go.”

  “He phoned me and told me I was the worst friend in the world and said he would never speak to me again if I took you away.”

  “You never told me that part…”

  “I choose you. I’d do it over again in a heartbeat. He never deserved you. My only regret is that I couldn’t get you out of there sooner. You’re the last person I ever wanted to get hurt. You’re such a beautiful soul.” He took her hand in his, a new vulnerability that she’d never seen playing on his face.

  “And not just my body?”

  “You know I can get that anywhere. You’re different though, Jax and you know it. You’ve always been special to me.”

  “Such a charmer.” She laughed, never breaking his intense stare, his hands still in hers.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he replied, moving closer to her and for the second time the night placing his lips over hers, tasting the sweet lip-gloss only momentarily before leaning back.

  She didn’t say anything, just kissed him back, breathing in the scent of him as she held onto his neck. She didn’t open her eyes, just rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Oh Jax, you know you’ve always been the only one, right?” He smiled, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head sweetly.

  She’d never seen this vulnerable side of him; Nick felt like a completely different person. She didn’t move away, it felt good to be so close to him, to breathe him in. He had no intention of letting go either.

  They fell asleep like that, holding one another tight, whispering secrets to each other.

  “This place is magical!” Jacky exclaimed as she took in the view from the penthouse suite, 25 stories up.

  They’d slept for most of the flight, waking up eight hours in the future to the continuation of the evening they’d started in the states.

  Jacky was still in her ball gown, shoes in her hand though as she stared out over the city lights.

  “I can’t believe we’re in Prague! How did you even organize this so quickly?”

  “Easily. With money. Besides, the passports were at the office. So it was simply a matter of having them sent to the airport. The rest was easy. Do you like it?” he asked, slipping his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck.

  “It feels like my life is a movie. I’ve either been kidnapped or whisked away by a prince charming,” she said, only mildly hungover from the night before. They’d started drinking again when they woke up, making a feast out of the snacks on the plane.

  “Well, which one?” he whispered, turning her around to kiss her passionately.

  “Kidnapped by prince charming,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  The sun was starting to come up as dawn broke slowly over the gloomy city skyline. But Jacky wasn’t looking at the view anymore. All her attention was on the beautiful man in front of her with tanned skin and playful eyes. His grip was strong as his toned arms pulled her towards him, hands trailing down her back to rest on her firm behind still clothed in the black dress he’d made especially for her beautiful hourglass figure.

  He kissed her deeply as his hands hungrily explored her clothed body. He could feel her breath quicken as he pressed his hardening cock against her belly.

  Jacky knew that she shouldn’t be here, she shouldn’t be doing this. Nick was a player and this is what he did. But in that moment she didn’t care; there was nothing she wanted more than to have him take her right there. Things had changed… she saw a side of him the night before that she’d never seen before. A vulnerable side, the real him. And she was hooked. She’d never felt like this before, not even with Paul. So intoxicated by lust.

  She was normally more conservative, more reserved, but when Nick picked her up in one smooth sweep, she grabbed his neck for support instead of resisting. Jacky closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away to the massive king-sized bed with impressive bed posts befitting a castle instead of the most expensive hotel in Prague. Oh, the things you could buy with that platinum card that Nick so carelessly swiped.

  He resisted the urge to fling her onto the bed, instead gently laying her down on the satin sheets. This time was different. He was usually the aggressive kind who went in, got what he wanted and left, but this time he wanted to carefully unwrap her like a precious gift. She’d seen more of his soul than he’d ever let anyone see.

  Jacky kept her eyes closed as she laid sprawled out on the bed. Nick pushed her dress up over her thighs, her hips, revealing the smooth skin beneath. She shivered as his warm touch moved over her body carefully, slowly, almost teasingly.

  He kissed her ankles, her calves, her knees, slowly trailing warm kisses up her flesh. She had never been touched like that before. Paul always just flipped her over and had his way—never so much as bothered to take off her clothes. He was the only man she’d ever slept with that she’d known for longer than a night and the thought of Nick inside her was both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. It had been so long. In the last few months of their relationship, Paul had no interest in her sexually. He was getting it elsewhere, she’d realized afterward. It shattered her self-confidence. None of the one-night stands could fix that.

  But she felt comfortable with Nick, inexplicably so. She didn’t worry about lying exposed in front of him.

  His gentle kisses reached her center, breathing over her black panties. The thin fabric was the only thing standing between his tongue and her wet pussy that was yearning for him with every fiber of her being.

  Nick hooked his fingers underneath them, sliding them down to reveal her perfectly trimmed pussy.

  He discarded the undergarment care
lessly, placing a hand on each thigh to gently (but firmly) push them apart, opening her up to his hungry tongue.

  She kept her eyes closed, gripping the sheets in her fists, bracing herself for impact. Her grip on the bedding tightened as he placed a wet kiss on her most private spot, now completely naked under his mouth. Her whole body tensed as he slipped his tongue between the wet lips, slowly finding its way to her clit. His tongue made small circles around the hardened bud, sucking carefully at first, but then more lustfully on the dripping sex beneath him.

  She was fully wet now, breathing heavily—panting—as his experienced tongue pleased her in a way she never knew possible. Paul never went down on her; he was an in-out kind of guy. She never knew it could feel this good.

  Nick slipped a finger into the entrance of her yearning pussy, another one following shortly after. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, that she was about to explode, he pulled away, placing one more kiss on her center.

  Jacky sat up, still panting, pulling the dress that had been pushed up over her hips, over her head and throwing it onto the floor. She wasn’t wearing a bra and the move had left her completely naked to Nick’s hungry gaze.

  She had the body of a goddess! He couldn’t take his eyes off her, his full erection bulging in his pants.

  She smiled as he knelt down to kiss the naked goddess beneath him. Without breaking the kiss, Jacky slipped his shirt buttons out of their loops, one at a time, revealing his muscular chest as she made her way down.

  He hurriedly shed his shirt, tugging at his belt to free his aching member. At last, he stood naked in front of her, his large, erect penis dripping in anticipation.

  She looked at him for a moment, trying to take in his model-like physique. He was stunning and it was clear to see where his confidence came from as he brought his sizeable erection towards her.

  He pulled her towards him for a passionate kiss, pressing his naked body against hers, her hard nipples firmly snuggled against his chest. Nick pushed her down on the bed again slowly, and she gasped as his lips closed around her nipples, his tongue rolling over the hard tips and sending shivers up her body for the umpteenth time.


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