A Texan's Luck

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A Texan's Luck Page 17

by Jodi Thomas

  Lacy frowned. "I don't have all the kinks worked out yet."

  "How about leaving her here with the doc?"

  Lacy shook her head. "He's always saying one of the old women makes his flesh crawl, and he thinks another one has fleas."

  "Could she stay with someone in town?"

  Lacy shook her head. "If these women had any friends or family, they wouldn't be living out at the settlement."

  She set her bucket down. "Bailee told me once that the gypsies never turn anyone away. They may have to invent a job, like chaperoning, but they find a way on one side of the law or the other."

  Walker got the feeling Lacy didn't quite trust all those who lived in the gypsy village, but he didn't say anything.

  "The doc complains one old woman stares at him as if she thinks he'll murder her if she isn't watchful." Lacy pulled a tub from the corner to the center of the little room and poured water in it.

  "Could you fit in the back of the wagon?"

  "Maybe, but it would be tight. Cozetta takes home the doc's laundry, and I've seen Mosely load in harnesses that need work. The men .in the settlement will mend them cheap, then Mosely doubles the price when people come to pick up their leather."

  Walker smiled. She was doing it again, adding in facts that didn't need to be there.

  Lacy got the hint. "I could probably hide amid the bundles if nothing else goes into the cart."

  She tested the water and added, "Nell and I would both be safer if I could get Cozetta to take me, because we wouldn't be traveling on the same road. If I could get to the gypsy camp, I know I could find Carter's orchard, but it wouldn't be an easy journey, and the trees are so thick in spots a horse couldn't even get through."

  "I could go with you." He emptied his last pail.

  "No. You wouldn't fit in the cart, and if you were riding along behind us, anyone on the road would suspect something."

  Walker collected the buckets. "I presume this is for the filthy ranger smelling up the other room." He pointed to the tub.

  Lacy smiled. "No, it's for me. I'll be finished before you have time to heat water for the ranger's tub."

  Walker looked around. The place was more storage room than bathing room, but he could see why the doc would keep a tub placed in it. The room was warm, with no outside walls and no windows, and the advantage of being close to the kitchen for a source of hot water.

  "You bathe here often?" he asked before he could stop himself.

  Lacy pulled the pins from her hair. "Sometimes. When Cozetta's here, she'll keep watch at the door, and I'll bathe and wash my hair. Dr. McClellan used to sit with your father until I returned to the shop, but now he makes a production of saying he's going out whenever he sees me talking to Cozetta in the kitchen."

  Walker felt guilty for asking. Lacy must have had very little time to herself while she was watching over his father. He stepped back into the kitchen and waited for the kettle to boil.

  He could hear her humming and realized how such a simple thing seemed to relax her.

  "Ready for the hot water?" He stood outside the door.

  "Ready," Lacy answered.

  When he entered, he was surprised to find her in her undergarments, her shoes and stockings already off and her hair down.

  "What is it?" she asked when she saw his face.

  "You're not dressed." He felt like a fool stating the obvious.

  "We're not going to start that again, are we?" She giggled nervously. "I have to do this as fast as possible and go back to Nell. I've yet to figure out how to soak in a bath with my clothes on." She twisted her hair and pulled it into a knot at the top of her head.

  He knew better than to say more.

  He poured the water and planned to leave, but as he turned, she stood near. When he met her gaze, he couldn't resist. Without touching her, he leaned and kissed her full on the mouth.

  "Oh," she said.

  "Do you mind?" He smiled, knowing her answer.

  "No. I just didn't think about people kissing anytime."

  "You're right, we'll reserve such behavior for greetings and farewells. And of course train stations—"

  She leaned up and kissed him, stopping the list. He circled her shoulder with his arm but didn't pull her closer. When she stepped away, he felt sure more than hot water steamed the room.

  "I'd better hurry," she whispered a little out of breath.

  He nodded and left the room, knowing that if he stayed longer, there would be no time for her to bathe. Walker pulled a chair up against the door and tried not to think about Lacy on the other side.

  An hour later, the ranger made use of the tub. Walker stood by the front door as Lacy dried her hair near the fireplace in the room where Nell slept. He told himself from his vantage point he could see the street, but he spent most of his time watching her.

  Riley showed up with milk and a basket of biscuits from Mrs. Abernathy. He didn't seem the least surprised that the ranger had found Nell and explained that even when Nell was only a half-grown kid, the ranger saw himself as her guardian angel.

  Walker almost didn't recognize the man who walked out of the storage closet with his hair still wet. Without a pound of dirt and mud on him, Jacob Dalton looked far younger, and his hair wasn't brown, but sun-whitened blond. He wore his double-holstered Colts far too easy not to be a man who made his living by them.

  Walker told them of Lacy's idea, and Dalton agreed with the plan. Except he insisted that he ride with the wagon Nell was in. He explained that, unlike Walker, he knew what Whitaker looked like. If he spotted the man, even from a distance, he'd know the old buffalo hunter.

  The sheriff suggested both Cozetta's wagon and Samuel's carrying Nell leave at the same time. That way Whitaker couldn't follow both and, with the ranger guarding one and Walker checking the progress of the other, chances were good Whitaker would do nothing.

  "Zeb Whitaker is a coward at the core. He'll wait until he thinks he can get to them without anyone shooting at him. Or," Riley drew on his pipe, "he'll get someone else to do the dirty work."

  "Where do you think he's hiding?" Dalton asked as he wiped soap from his ear.

  "No telling. He knows these parts better than anyone. Old Mosely over at the livery used to be a friend of his, but he swears he hasn't heard from Whitaker since he got out of jail."

  "If I can link him to Nell's attempted murder, I'll have him back behind bars." Dalton's jaw set.

  Walker's respect for the ranger grew. Most men in his shoes would be talking of killing whoever hurt Nell. Jacob Dalton put the law first, at least for now.

  The day stayed dark and cloudy. The rain stopped, but no one came by to see the doc. Walker watched the street. Most townsfolk stayed inside by their fires. Cozetta showed up as expected with an old woman along for the ride. The young girl seemed shy around the ranger and Walker, but she whispered to Lacy and the doctor.

  Lacy crossed to the men as if she were the appointed translator. "Cozetta says you three make her friend nervous, so two of you have to leave." She grinned. "The biggest two. Cozetta's friend says the sheriff's small enough to fight off if he decides to try to ravish her."

  All three men leaned to look at the tiny old raisin of a woman who sat by the fire wrapped in shawls.

  "So you two big ones had better be on your way."

  "Did you tell the gypsy about riding back with her?" Walker asked, ignoring her request.

  Lacy nodded. "She says she only goes as far as the first set of cabins, but the old woman said she'd take me all the way to the orchard's edge. I told her you'd be following. She said for you not to come close until she turns toward the trees."

  Walker frowned.

  "Don't worry, she says she knows a spot where the river is shallow. Once you join us at the tree line, we'll cross and find our way to Carter's."

  Jacob mirrored Walker's worried look. "I was back there on the other side of the creek once. It's not easy crossing in daylight, much less at night. You might be wise to
wait till daybreak."

  Lacy shook her head. 'The women said I'm welcome to stay, but they want no part of inviting in a stranger like Walker. She didn't even like the idea that you would be following the wagon at a distance. She tried to convince me to tell you to ride with the ranger."

  When neither man spoke, Lacy added, "What do you think?"

  "I'm riding with you, but she won't even know I'm there."

  Walker met Jacob's stare, and knew the ranger agreed with him. Lacy might trust this old woman she hardly knew, but Walker planned to be near.

  Lacy sighed. "All right, I won't tell her, but you two better get out of here. We need to change the bandages and be ready to leave in an hour. We should get there before dark. Timothy says Nell can travel if we pack her in with blankets, so Jacob, climb my back stairs and take every quilt in my house you need for Samuel's wagon. If I know Carter, he's already sent the old man to wait at Mosely's livery until we're ready. Use all my quilts if you need to; we want her protected and warm for the ride."

  She turned to Walker. "You'll need something besides that uniform. And I need my new thread box and wool from my bedroom. While we're at Bailee's I might have time to sew." She took a quick breath. "I've repacked my carpetbag if you want to strap it to your horse."

  The doc called, and Lacy hurried back to Nell.

  Jacob winked at Walker as he stood. "Bossy little woman, ain't she?"

  Walker reached for his coat. "My commander gives fewer orders."

  Riley chuckled. "You better get going, boys. Now, me, I didn't hear her tell me to do one thing. I'm going to stay right here all warm and have myself the last biscuit."

  The thump of a cane announced the old woman coming near. She walked past the table as if she didn't see the three men standing around it and headed toward the kitchen. She grunted with every other step, as if hiccupping in baritone.

  When she disappeared around the corner, the last biscuit vanished from the basket. All three men had been within three feet of her, and none had seen her lift her breakfast from under their noses.

  The ranger and Walker hit the door laughing as Riley swore.


  An hour later. Lacy watched Jacob Dalton carry Nell carefully through the doctor's house and out the back door to a wagon waiting in the alley. The tough ranger, who'd lived in the saddle and slept on the ground for so many years he thought it home, couldn't quite keep the tears from falling. If anyone asked him, he'd swear he didn't cry, but Lacy knew his heart was broken. Even if Nell lived, she might never walk, for they'd seen no further movement in her legs.

  The child Dalton had checked on and looked after and cared about since the first day he became a ranger no longer answered when he said her name.

  No one paid attention to the soupy fog or the bitter cold. They held their breaths while he lowered her into the quilt- covered wagon bed and kissed her cheek as though she were only resting and not near death.

  Nell didn't make a sound as they layered first blankets, then a tarp over her in case it rained before Samuel could get home. Finally, the men lifted boards Samuel had hammered together to make the wagon bed look like it was only a load of lumber. He'd even tented the front so that Nell would be covered but still be able to breathe beneath the layers.

  Walker stood at one end of the alley, the sheriff at the other, just in case anyone ventured near. But no one but the stray dog paid them a call. For some reason the mutt growled at Walker.

  Lacy decided it was probably because the captain had changed into civilian clothes. Though in truth, he looked no less a military man. It hadn't surprised her that he'd chosen a dark brown coat and trousers. Walker must get tired of always wearing blue. But the Stetson amazed her. He'd picked a hat almost as dark as his hair with a finely tooled leather braid around the brim. He'd also packed his army issue pistol in favor of a weapon that hung lower beside his hip.

  "She's ready." Jacob signaled to Samuel as he swung up on his horse. "Slow and easy now, old man."

  The carpenter nodded and made a clicking sound that started the horses moving.

  The ranger tipped his hat to Lacy. "See you at the McKoy place, honey. Take care crossing the orchard. If I get there in time, I'll set a lantern you'll be able to see from the river to guide you in."

  "Thanks." Lacy touched Jacob's big gloved hand. 'Take care of her."

  "Don't plan to stop now." The ranger disappeared into the fog.

  For a minute Lacy stood listening to the sounds of his horse and Samuel's wagon rolling away. She wanted to go with them. More than anything, Lacy wanted to demand to stay with Nell, but she knew Nell was safer without her. The fog cloaked them now, shielding them from anyone who might be watching the road. If it rained, Samuel would still guide the wagon safely to Carter's place. The path they traveled would be easy, not as rugged as the one Lacy faced, but tonight, they'd all be back together at Carter's. Tonight they'd all be safe.

  Cozetta and the old woman hurried down the steps with bundles of the doctor's laundry. They stuffed a few bags into the cart and left the others to be loaded after Lacy climbed in the back. The girl seemed worried, but the old woman had a determined set to her jaw as if she wanted this chore over as soon as possible. Lacy heard them whispering earlier, as if arguing, but she couldn't make out any words.

  She buttoned her coat, pulled on her gloves, and moved toward the little wagon as Cozetta climbed in front and sat on the bench covered by a crude bonnet of sun-bleached rags. The old woman took the reins.

  Walker met Lacy at the back of the cart. He draped the quilt she'd made for him out of his father's suits over her head and shoulders. "I know you said use all your quilts for Nell, but this happens to be mine. It'll keep you warm."

  He lifted her into the wagon, and she squeezed between the bags. Tossing one bundle to her left, he leaned until the brim of his hat touched the top of her hair. "Take care," he whispered. "I'll be right behind you. You won't see me, but know I'm there. No harm will come to you."

  Lacy nodded. He'd been over the plan ten times already.

  "When she turns toward the trees, I'll catch up to you. We'll cross the river and the orchard together."

  "But your horse?" She looked past him to the magnificent animal pawing the ground, ready to go. Walker's saddlebags as well as her carpetbag were tied to the back of a military-style saddle.

  "I'll tie him near the river if it's too dark to lead him through the trees and come back for him at daybreak. He'll be all right. Trooper has a habit of throwing anyone who tries to ride him but me, so he won't be easy to steal."

  Lacy snuggled, trying to get comfortable and finding it hard to believe Walker had found an animal who liked him. The cats avoided him. Even the stray dog growled at him.

  She grinned. Come to think of it, humans didn't warm up to him all that fast either. But this devil of a horse that looked like he'd gladly stomp on her, waited for Walker's command.

  The old woman twisted around enough to give them both an angry, hurry-up glare.

  Leaning close to Walker, Lacy whispered, "She doesn't think you're following. Told me to tell you that if you even think about it, you'll be putting me in more danger."

  "I'm not—"

  Her fingers on his lips stopped his protest as she whispered, "She doesn't need to know."

  Walker met her eyes and nodded.

  The old woman turned around again and scowled at them.

  Walker didn't pull away. He had something to say and planned to say it no matter how long the old lady glared.

  Lacy waited, wondering what last order he had in mind. He'd been acting nice ever since she'd kissed him, but she knew it couldn't last.

  Finally, he pushed his hat back and leaned an inch closer so that his words brushed the side of her face. "I know this isn't the time, but... if we were alone, I'd be tempted to kiss you again."

  She shivered at the intimate tone in his voice. "If we were alone, I'd be tempted to let you."

ng, he straightened. When he glanced back at her, she was surprised at how an honest smile changed his face, making him look younger. He tossed in two more bags of laundry over her. Lacy couldn't stop the grin that spread across her lips. The strange captain had more difficulty with his last words than he ever experienced yelling orders at her.

  Completely covered, Lacy listened and waited. The old woman slapped the reins, and the mare pulled the wagon forward, rocking Lacy gently against the bags. She shifted as they turned, heading out of the alley. She counted the bumps moving down Main Street. As they rattled out of town, all sound vanished but that of the wagon crushing against frozen earth and the jingle of harnesses.

  Lacy listened. Voices were too muffled to understand. Walker's blanket kept her warm as she curled into a ball. She wasn't afraid. She knew he would be close enough to help if they encountered trouble. The rocking of the wagon lulled her to sleep.

  Her last thought before dreaming was the memory of her first kiss. It has been so nice, soft and light, but the kiss in the storage room would warm her blood for hours to come.

  It was dark when the bags were pulled from around her. Lacy blinked, expecting to see the circle of cabins of the gypsy village or Walker waiting to help her down. But only blackness surrounded her.

  At first she thought the fog must be hiding the lights from windows and fireplaces. Surely she should be able to see a hazy glow in the distance. She allowed her eyes time to adjust. Finally a shadow, black on black, moved toward the back of the wagon.

  Boots shuffled in the dirt. The sound of leather creaking popped in the night. Another figure joined the first.

  "That her?" A stranger's voice shattered the night's silence.

  Lacy turned to the front of the wagon, now able to make out the shawled shadow of the old woman sitting alone on the front bench of the cart. She must have been asleep when they dropped off Cozetta. If so, they must now be close to the river.

  The old woman hopped down with far more energy than she'd climbed in with. "Of course that's her. You don't think I'd bring you the wrong woman? She's the one Whitaker thought he killed on the road to the McKoy place."


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