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Ducie Page 25

by Chris Freeman

  Chapter 24. Time of the month

  Ducie Island – 2011….

  The Ducie CPT was compulsory to all females on the island over the age of 12. This month, like every month, the short queue for the compulsory pregnancy test started at the doorstep of the King’s Estate and didn’t even reach the end of the short, gravel path that crossed the moderately healthy lawn nearest to the front door of the Estate. Like an embarrassingly small queue for the concert of a pathetically unpopular rock band. The grass was a rich, lush green where it was close enough to the building to be offered a healthy timeshare between shade and sunlight. The further away from the house you got, the more the grass sprawled a depressing patchwork of yellow and brown, where the persistent scorch of the sun had stripped all that was wholesome and vivacious from it. King Eduardo had once had a lawn watering routine, but that was before the demons of time and worry had begun their slow, but definite siphoning of his energy levels. Even back in his fitter days however, Eduardo tended to take better care of the lawn close to his Estate. The lawn he could see when he sat in the leather, green swivel chair in his office and gazed towards the oblivion of the forest and somewhere just beyond that, the sea. The lawn that mattered to him. The rest of the lawn didn’t really serve a purpose. No business occurred there, so why should it matter? The grass, like so many other things, was neglected or maintained in line with the importance of its role in the story.

  Out of sight, out of mind. The absent are always in the wrong.

  Daniella Diaz and Paula Medina occupied the first two places in the queue, as the line of women waited for Eduardo to call them in one at a time for testing. The mood in the queue was buoyant and relaxed. The CPT was no cause for concern. It was little more than a part of life in Ducie. Like you or I would stand untroubled, if not a little impatient in the line at the post office to renew our car tax. If you had nothing to hide, then it was pure procedure. On the other hand, for a woman who suspected that she’d indulged in enough careless bedroom antics for pregnancy to be a real possibility that month, I can imagine that this wait in line must have been excruciating. All Ducians, especially the women could probably have recited the Element of Anti Expansion word for word:

  The Element of Anti Expansion

  Upon the discovery of foetal presence not pre-agreed through the appropriate Right to Birth application process, the King shall call an island union at his estate or any establishment he sees fit. This meeting will take priority over any event scheduled to take place in any location at any time. Attendance is compulsory. The King will address his people and confirm their entire presence by way of an impromptu DDR roll call. Following the confirmation that all residents are present, the King will draw one name of an island resident at random. He or she who is drawn from the cup will be executed that same day at the Memorial Coast by way of drowning, in order to restore the population to its rightful level. In the interest of the foetus and to ensure adequate early parenting is in place, the names of the Mother and Father of the forthcoming child shall be removed from the cup prior to the draw.

  Though nobody ever did recite it, for fear of tempting fate. But then again, what did fate have to do with it? Someone on the island would be selected for execution, sure. But not just for the fun of it. Only to make way for a baby that nobody had accounted for. For a foetus to appear in utero like that, two people must have had sex. The conscious actions of two people engaging like that can’t possibly be the workings of fate. It’s absolutely down to human choice and action.

  Anyway…. As it were, neither Daniella nor Mrs Medina had anything to hide as they waited for Eduardo to pull back his front door for the first test. As ever, Mrs Medina had a bone to pick with something.

  - I don’t know why I even have to do this any more Daniella, I really don’t. I’m 68 for goodness sake. Unless we’re talking Immaculate Conception, then how am I going to get pregnant exactly? Look at my legs Daniella. Look at them! You find me a man who would want to see these grotesque things in their full glory, never mind the rest of me.

  Paula Medina hitched up her skirt and underskirt to reveal the shiny, firm, browny-blue skin and bright blue baby snakes that were her varicose veins.

  - Ah, Mrs Medina. Don’t talk silly. They are beautiful….You are beautiful!

  Daniella rubbed the old lady’s legs and planted a gentle kiss on them to illustrate that she for one was not disgusted by them.

  - You’re a good girl Daniella. Kind….

  Paula paused as if wanting to say something she shouldn’t, but finally gave in to the urge.

  - Have you seen much of my boy Lucas lately?

  Daniella retracted into herself with a coy smile.

  - How do you mean Mrs Medina?

  - What do you mean “How do you mean Mrs Medina”? Just because I’m his mother, doesn’t mean I’m trying to hook you two up together. I’m just asking if you’ve seen him lately.

  Mrs Medina wasn’t stupid.

  - Yeah, I was talking to him on the beach the night after Eduardo’s party. You know…. The same day that we found about….

  Daniella’s voice trailed off solemnly, her head bowed towards the floor a little. Mrs Medina made the ritual hand motion echoing the shape of the cross from the Christian crucifixion narrative, as they both spontaneously acknowledged in their own way this unexpected mention of Andrea’s death.

  With this, the door of the Estate drew back, revealing Eduardo looking somewhat more energetic than of late. A certain spark about his expression that although noticeable, was not enough to distract from the beaten posture of a man careering towards the twilight of his years at a frightening pace, propelled by issues and bother.

  - Good afternoon ladies. Who will be seeing me first today?

  There was no definite order to the now scattered queue, but Paula Medina was keen to get on with her day and was not shy in coming forward.

  - I’m first today Eduardo. You’ve about as much chance of finding wine bottles growing on a coconut tree, but if you insist on checking every month, then who am I to stop you?

  - Come on in Mrs Medina.

  Before entering the Estate, Paula leant towards Daniella as if to whisper something, but didn’t possess the tact to lower her tone.

  - Daniella….Daniellla…. My Lucas…. He’s a good boy you know. Needs a little encouraging mind, but he’s all heart. You at least bear him in mind darling.

  - I already do Mrs Medina.

  And with a smile, Paula Medina closed the door behind herself, leaving the other 12 women to wait their turn.


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