Paragon- Ghost Hunters

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Paragon- Ghost Hunters Page 16

by Freddy Milton

  ”Well then. Here on the bridge, we’ll refer to her as 'Albatros'. We can remember that.”

  ”Right, boss.”

  ”Where does that luxury ship come from?”

  ”Somewhere in the system Cassiopeia is the closest I can get.”

  ”Jumpin’ Jiminy! That was one heck of a trip. It also looks like a cruise ship with that harmonious aesthetic design. I bet the bulwark workers will drool admiringly at her over on arrival quay when she docks.”

  ”Yes, and it moves silently. Usually we are able to pick up a little machine noise on the sensors at this distance, but there is nothing.”

  ”Then it's probably a hyper jumper.”

  ”It’s possible. There are places they can afford it. Perhaps they have even an errand here in this solar system. You are tempted to believe that, as expensive as that travel must have been.”

  On Kilkabaran Paragon had also conducted his investigations while staying in the navigation control area. He briefed Anders and Dorrit about what he had found out.

  ”The vessel here is called Kilkabaran and it’s a cruise ship coming from far away. Somewhere in the star system Cassiopeia.”


  ”Exactly. That name got mentioned in relation to the disturbance of the soul center. Bamrok, the Hisfobide from Mirkos, from whom I bought the transmutator, said that he had picked up some signal during a digital break down at Belvedere. A language spoken someplace place in Cassiopeia.”

  ”You’d better tell that to the crew back home in the Soul Center. They’ll probably want to know that a load of several hundred abducted souls might be on the way to another galaxy. And maybe it's not even the first time.”

  ”You're absolutely right, Anders, and I would also love to do that, but my incident plotter can’t send messages from here. Whether it’s because the distance is too far or because there’s a special kind of security shield around the spaceship, I don’t know, but communication from my plotter doesn’t work.”

  ”What should we do?

  ”I also thought about that. One of us should try to disembark when we dock at the space station on the way and get a message sent to the Seventh Sky. My boss Major Klamuffel might accomplish something. And from the space station the transmission ought to be sufficient.”

  ”Are you certain, Paragon?”

  ”Yes, it’s a highly advanced space station. Actually it’s also named 'Limbo'.”

  ”It sounds like a good sign.”

  ”Precisely. Furthermore, I can tell you of a remarkable interstellar conference held here some time ago. Gods from many places in the universe assembled right here on this spot, to address some discrepancy about reincarnation of souls at galactic level. The conference was called 'COSCON' and it led to improved conditions for our local soul administration.”

  ”That must have been gratifying. Were you at the conference?”

  ”No, but there was an earthly god represented. And, in all modesty, I was present in a meeting where our Lord decided to participate. He had initially refrained from attending.”

  ”I must say, Paragon, you are indeed an important creature.”

  ”Thank you, but it was mostly a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Quite by accident, you might say.”

  ”Maybe not so accidental after all. Haven’t you often said that everything that happens is not completely random? That there is a higher meaning to things?”

  ”True, but if it had not been me, then another probably would have persuaded our Lord to show up. Actually, it was not me who talked him into it. It was a girl named Amelia, who I accompanied.”

  ”I see. He probably doesn’t get many visitors at all…..right ?”

  ”You’re probably right. It was a hell of a hassle to find him.”

  The cruise ship Kilkabaran docked at the fuel pier at the space station 'Limbo'. Naturally, it caused a certain stir among the bulwark workers responsible for refueling.

  ”That’s some ship, I must say!”

  ”Absolutely! And just look at all her nice curves. One becomes downright weak in the knees from looking at such a streamlined wonder ship. I’d give several years of my life to get a closer look at her inside.”

  ”You may well save that, Malvok. As a quarter android you won’t get a wheel to the floor of that luxury galley. We are both now, and will remain, totally under-qualified.”

  ”Oh, I was, however, present on the deck during the COSCON conference. And, by golly, not everyone got to attend that prestigious event!”

  ”Yes, and you’ve bragged about it ever since. But has it led to anything else good for you, my good Malvok?”


  ”No, not a jeering dolfis. You just got a bit more added to your robot-CV, but that’s all. You should have taken the opportunity and applied for a transfer to another station, and maybe something better would have happened to you. At some other locations that performance led to something special just after the legendary conference. But not here in ‘Limbo', where eight percent could present that coveted documentation.”

  ”I know, but I’m doing okay. I have all the good old guys here. Byraks, you know, Halmvor and Krastunak, not to mention uncle Mispyvar and Rupert with the red lamp.”

  ”Of course, Mulvok, I understand very well. I feel the same way. You know what you have, but not what you should get. Now shouldn't we get some potent octane juice injected into that Kilkabaran can?”

  ”Yep, pal. It’ll be a pleasure.”

  Inside the Kilkabaran two of the employees approached at the staff end. Everyone would like to disembark during the refueling process, but only a few were allowed. It also required permission papers, and those two had none. One of them, however, had scored an identification card and a cleaning uniform which had been lying inside the depot space. The other one still had the uniform jacket and cap he had found in the navigation room. It was he, who led when they came over to check out at the gangway.

  ”You don’t have permission.”

  ”We know. I won’t disembark. However, my colleague here will have to…..just for a moment. Show him your credentials.”

  ”Hmm... Viskuleya... What’s happened?”

  ”She's got an infection. She’s completely lost her voice. They can most likely do something for her at this space station 'Limbo'.”

  ”We also have an emergency service here at Kilkabaran.”

  ”Yes, but they thought it would be right to ask here on the base, since we were here now. Maybe get a little extra medication if others get attacked. It probably comes from the imported souls.”

  ”Hm... Maybe not a bad idea to get some special medicine. Your voice doesn’t sound very well, either.”

  ”As I said, it would be a good idea. And she returns here after all.”

  Paragon pretended the attendant whispered something.

  ”What did you say? Pardon me just a moment...”

  Dorrit and Paragon went aside, and Dorrit handed him the ID card. Then Paragon could put it back where he found it. And, no one would miss Viskuleya, as she was still on board.

  ”Good luck, Dorrit.”

  ”Thank you, Paragon. The same to you.”

  Dorrit walked down the gangway and waved at Paragon who also waved at her. She had already said goodbye to Anders and had found out that Bastytjaks could actually also shed a tear...

  When Dorrit went over the dock area someone whistled at her. That surprised her. Were some of these other strange creatures finding her attractive? She looked around and saw a few groups of bulwark workers who put their beaks together and squinted lustfully in her direction. She composed herself and wiggled her buttocks. She had certainly not expected this.

  Her impression was confirmed several times. She was worried about being caught because of her awkward appearance. But here on the base it aroused no special attention, at least not negatively.

  Dorrit didn’t realize it at first, but gradually found out. The space station 'Limbo' was
the gathering place for life forms from all parts of the Universe, and also mixed forms of half and quarter androids in addition to the varied array of regular robots and cyborgs. Yes, at this very location, you would be able to get along with any appearance, and Dorrit was grateful for that.

  Still, Dorrit had a job to carry out, and she didn’t take that responsibility lightly. Numerous things could distract a young Bastytjak, who had just come in on the latest interstellar connection. But such temptations it should not sidetrack her. Maybe she could get something arranged so Limbo’s authorities would get an excuse to hold The Kilkabaran at least long enough to investigate conditions on her. There should definitely be arguments for not allowing the ship to continue. But the question was whether Dorrit could pull it off.

  The head of security on board the space station 'Limbo', Conan Stratham, sat with his hind feet resting on the desk, enjoying a pick-me up. Admittedly, it was bad manners to sit with his hind feet up on the table. But right now, he was alone, and it was comfortable to have his body fluids allowed to slosh back slightly and reduce pressure on the lower limbs. As a Klumgyl, gravity at the base was a tad stronger than on his home planet, so it helped to sit in a more relaxed position a few times during working day.

  ”An excellent swokumaskel liquor. They do accomplish something worthwhile at Ramashanka.”

  Just then, the sentry was allowed to approach. He knew the boss's little quirks.

  ”We’ve arrested a creature without proper identification.”

  ”Oh? Something serious? Smuggling? Illicit trade with unstable creatures? Gambling debts?”

  ”No way, boss, no way!”

  ”Then why can’t you handle the matter on your own? You looking for a promotion?”

  ”Absolutely, boss. There’s no lack of qualifications on my part. More like a weird case, where I barely have the authority to assess the situation and draw appropriate conclusions.”

  ”Well, then I guess we must give things a closer look.”

  Conan Stratham took his hind legs down the desk and put the square brown bottle with swokumaskel liquor in the bottom desk drawer.

  ”Send in the delinquent.”

  ”Yes, boss.”

  The security guard saluted, turned on his third heel and walked out into the front office, where the creature without adequate identification waited.

  ”You can go in now. The boss will look into the matter.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Dorrit stood up and followed him into the boss's office.

  ”Here you are, boss. The aforementioned creature.”

  ”Hmm…. What’s your name?”

  ”My name is Dorrit. D-o-r-r-i-t.”

  This was a little inconvenient.

  ”Ahem. I know how to spell Dorrit. What I mean is that I associate that name to use for lady people from the planet Earth.”

  ”Oh, I understand.”

  Dorrit laughed. Imagine Bastytjaks could apparently also laugh. Still, that was what Paragon had said when he talked about humor. When you suddenly saw something in a new context.

  Conan Stratham was a bit puzzled. He also knew what it could mean with someone laughing at him, and he didn’t appreciate that. As a security chief, he felt bad about it.

  ”But I don’t.”

  ”Of course not. I’m sorry, but I come from the Earth, and I am really also a 'female'. But I just look like a transformed soul, temporarily.”

  ”A transformed soul?”

  ”Yes, or bewitched, cursed, whatever you want.”

  ”I see.”

  Now Dorrit could view the situation from the outside. Clearly, she also had a sense of humor.

  ”I know it sounds strange, but it’s true nonetheless. I came here with the interstellar cruise ship, Kilkabaran, located in the dock here for a while to refuel.”

  The boss had put his two front flippers against each other on the desk and wrinkled his big bushy eyebrows.

  ”I'm familiar with that. Several of these Bastytjaks from the crew have shore leave, but at request they have been able to exhibit proper identification. And you look very much like them.”

  ”I know. This is because they were able to change the looks of the abducted souls. Such as me.”

  ”From where have you been abducted?”

  ”From a level of existence between the Earth and the hereafter where uncertain and mentally troubled souls spend some time to recover before they can continue in rebirth. That area is controlled from the Soul Administration Center in the Seventh Sky.”

  ”That sounds pretty vague and intangible. Have you, yourself, been an uncertain and mentally burdened soul where you come from?”

  ”You could say that, yes.”

  ”So I am supposed to rely on something a former mentally unstable creature tells me?”

  ”You must know about psychological conditions here. You hosted an interstellar conference of gods, COSCON, some time ago. Things can hardly be more spiritual than that. And you were praised for your responsible handling of spiritual subjects.”

  Dorrit had hit on a sore point. Everyone at space station 'Limbo' was proud of the success of hosting the conference, so they undoubtedly had to continue to show openness about spiritual matters. Dorrit persisted.

  ”There’s a conspiracy involving the abduction of souls!”

  ”Those are serious accusations. What do you expect me to do about it?”

  ”You’ve got to detain our ship until the circumstances have been thoroughly investigated.”

  ”And by what authority? Allegations from a strained soul? I'm not saying you're lying, but you must be fully investigated yourself, and that process cannot be completed before Kilkabaran continues her journey. I'm sorry, but we’ve got official protocol to follow.”

  Chapter 20


  Dorrit accompanied the chief of security through the enormous space station 'Limbo'. She had gotten Conan Stratham’s support, but it wasn’t enough.

  They wandered through the long corridors and many floors. They were on their way up at the top of 'Limbo'.

  Along the way, they met many creatures just as unusual as Dorrit or, even more. Some were regular life forms, but most of them were whole or partial androids or regular robots performing most of the mere routine work on ‘Limbo', and sometimes, even more than that. This space station was like a world of its own, where representatives from all regions of The Universe came to work, or were in transit for refueling, repair or trading.

  Some of the visitors were tourists just wanting to experience something different and exotic. In that area, ’Limbo' had much to offer. Therefore, it was also quite natural that the cruise ship Kilkabaran docked in that spaceport. Many other interstellar cruise ships had done so in the past, and so would many more in the future.

  Fyodor came over to flight controller Dimitrius Donovan on the bridge of the space station. He was apologetic.

  ”Conan Stratham would like to talk with you, boss.”

  ”I would also like to talk to him, but not right now.”

  ”He thought you would say that, so he came up here. He's standing right outside.”

  ”I’m juggling seven spaceships at the moment.”

  ”I can keep them in the air meanwhile, boss. He says it's urgent.”

  ”It had better be, since he showed up without making an appointment in advance. Then you have to manage approach for a while. Keep an eye out for the tanker from Gyngvor. It has trouble with its rear jet nozzle.”

  ”I can handle things, boss. Don’t worry.”

  ”I know I can rely on you, Fyodor. If I couldn’t, I wouldn’t let you be the overseer.”

  ”I know boss. Sorry, boss.”

  ”Then, go ahead and let him come in.”

  Conan Stratham had taken Dorrit with him. She still had her dress on, but it tightened in the wrong places now.

  ”Hey, Conan.”

  ”Hello, Dimitrius.”

  ”Sorry, to intrude so suddenly

  ”You usually do when something is urgent. That’s okay. What bothersome happening sent out the red alarm signals, this time?”

  ”It's not quite red yet, but my intuition tells me that it ought to be.”

  ”I have great respect for your intuition, Conan. It has generally proven to be correct. So why don’t you just follow your nose as you normally do, it’s big enough?”

  Conan smiled. He could appreciate this friendly banter, and he always had to put up with something when he had interrupted his good friend Dimitrius. Much depended on his vigilance and he hated to have to distract him.

  ”I’ve heard an incredible story. Dorrit here just told it to me, and I believe her.”

  ”Well, then. What's wrong?”

  ”I have never heard of anything like this, and I have been hearing a lot of drivel over the years with bizarre explanations and excuses of many kinds; but usually I could figure out the reasons. Dorrit here just wants our help, not only for her own sake, but for hundreds, perhaps thousands of others before her, and perhaps also many in the future.”

  ”In such a case I would also listen seriously.”

  ”That’s what I thought, too. She says she managed with some difficulty, to leave the interstellar cruise ship, Kilkabaran, currently located at the fuel docks.”

  Dorrit added.

  ”I am a soul from Earth, waiting in line for rebirth, together with others. Many of us were captured by Bastytjaks, at least that’s what we call them, using their language. They come from another galaxy. They have abducted many souls from planet Earth, and Soul Service wants to do something about it. A representative from that office is still on The Kilkabaran. It was only with difficulty that he helped me to get out so I could strike the alarm.”

  ”So the bottom line is that you want me to try to prevent Kilkabaran from continuing on its journey?”

  ”Precisely. Can’t you invent some excuse to delay them receiving the permit to fly on?”

  ”What would happen then?”

  ”Then we would have time to check the matter with the Soul Service handling Earth.”


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