The Last Days of Magic: A Novel

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The Last Days of Magic: A Novel Page 1

by Mark Tompkins


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  Copyright © 2016 by Mark Tompkins

  Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

  ISBN 978-0-698-40571-4

  Map and title-page illustration by Laura Hartman Maestro

  Cover photo illustration: Sean Freeman



  Title Page




  Magical Beings in Medieval Ireland



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  In the End


  For Serena,

  beyond words

  ONLY A FEW CENTURIES AGO, the descriptions of magical beings and their actions within these pages would have been taken as fact.

  This story’s Celtic faeries and Fomorians (merpeople) are based on old legends. The Goddess Morrígna is drawn from Irish mythology, and the trials of Aisling, one of her physical aspects, is founded on the lore of Red Mary. The angels and demons that appear originate from biblical and ancient sources. Most of the named witches of the High Coven are based on accounts of real women tried or accused of witchcraft.

  The biblical library of the Essene at Qumran—its contents popularly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls—contained numerous copies of the books of Enoch and Jubilees, which provide accounts of angels’ coupling with humans and producing magical hybrid offspring. The scrolls were repressed for decades and it is possible that some are still kept secret. Lilith, Adam’s first wife, has been struck from most modern bibles but she can still be seen in the relief depicting the Garden of Eden on the front of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris (carved in 1225).

  The account of the Celtic high king Art MacMurrough follows historical record, as does the military strategy relating to England’s King Richard II and his designs on Ireland. The use of exorcism to control demons is a practice that originated with King Solomon and his magic ring, circa 950 BCE.




  A Goddess who manifests in three interconnected aspects to rule over the Celts and the Sidhe:

  Aisling and Anya—Twin girls periodically reborn in human bodies

  Anann—An Otherworld spirit who is the twins’ source of power



  Hybrid offspring produced when fallen angels procreated with humans. All of the magical beings below are different branches of Nephilim.



  Irish faeries, most of whom live in a parallel land called the Middle Kingdom—accessed through enchanted doorways in faerie mounds—within a structured society. They owe allegiance to the Morrígna. In order of appearance:

  SKEAGHSHEE—Tree Sidhe who live outside the Middle Kingdom

  Kellach—King of the Skeaghshee

  Cinaed—Kellach’s brother

  Ruarc—Kellach’s son

  ADHENE—Scholars, the most powerful clan

  Fearghal—The Sidhe high king

  Rhoswen—Fearghal’s daughter and a Sidhe witch

  GROGOCH—Stoneworkers and builders

  Eldan—A Grogoch noble

  DEVAS—Administrators and bureaucrats of the Middle Kingdom

  GNOMES—Skilled ironworkers and weapon makers

  BROWNIES—Ambassadors to the Celtic world

  SLUAGHS—Guides who usher the dead to the afterlife

  PIXIES—Tricksters who love leading humans astray

  FIRE SPRITES—Controllers of fire and feared warriors

  LEPRECHAUNS—Gold and silver artisans and jewelers

  DRYADS—Tree Sidhe who live in oaks; subservient to Skeaghshee

  WICHTLEIN—Miners and tunnel builders

  ASRAIS—Hedonists dedicated to physical pleasure; concubines



  Magical creatures who live independently and whose allegiance can be influenced.

  FOMORIANS—Hostile water dwellers

  IMPS—Servants of demons

  BANSHEE—Messengers of death

  Elioud mentioned but not living in Ireland: GIANTS, GOBLINS, TROLLS, NEREIDS, VODYANOY, SIRENS, NUGGLE, and NIX.

  Tylwyth Teg

  (tal-with taig)

  Welsh faeries that sometimes visit Ireland.

  Oren—An English captive

  Celts & Other Humans

  Celts are the native Irish, and while they are not magical beings, it is worth noting that they and other humans use magic.

  DRUIDS—Celtic pagan magic workers

  EXORCISTS—Vatican magicians

  WITCHES & SORCERERS—Other human magic workers

  The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God [angels] came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

  —Genesis 6:4, English Standard Version

  And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.

  —Numbers 13:33, English Standard Version


  Manchester, England


  When Sara Hill’s body washed up on shore, the police concluded—logically, given the lack of injuries—that she must have accidentally fallen overboard and drowned. The previous day she had taken a train from Manchester to Liverpool to catch the ferry to Ireland. The police ascertained that she’d boarded for the overnight passage across the Irish Sea but did not disembark.

  On the morning she was to take the ferry, Sara watched the sun emerge above the dreary city, chasing away some of Manchester’s November gray. She had not slept since yesterday’s unsettling call from her grandmother in Ireland. Sweet milky tea had been abandoned for strong coffee until her whole body vibrated, though she knew it had little to do with the caffeine. She leaned back from the desk that dominated her cramped attic bed-sit and rolled her shoulders to ease the knots of tension along her neck and spine.

  Her Grandmother O’Trehy was like a second mother to her. She had left her Irish homeland and moved into the family’s London flat for the first fifteen years of Sara’s life, when it turned out that Sara’s workaholic professor parents were woefully ill equipped to keep up with their energetic infant daughter. Over the years
Sara and her grandmother became best friends, tramping through the parks of London while her grandmother recited rich and elaborate tales.

  “Sara, do you still have the books I gave you when I left?” her grandmother had demanded over the phone the previous day, without so much as a hello.

  “Of course,” Sara responded, struck by her grandmother’s unusual tone. “I would never lose those.”

  “Well, get them, right now. There’s something you need to see.”

  “Okay,” Sara agreed, recalling where she had stashed them. “Let me call you back in a few minutes.”

  “No! No, I’m not in Dublin anymore. I’m not anyplace where you can call. I’m sorry, Sara, to be so abrupt. Please, just do this for me. I’ll wait on the line.”

  Sara had never before heard her grandmother sound rattled. She fished the two battered boxes out from under her bed, still sealed as they had remained since her arrival at the University of Manchester as a freshman, six apartment moves ago. She tore them open and, one by one, removed the beautiful books of her childhood, placing them on her desk—books full of Celtic myths, legends, and faerie tales.

  “Got them,” she said.

  “Good. Now get a knife and pry open the paperboard of their covers.”

  “What? Grandmother, no. You can’t be serious. What’s this about?”

  “Please just do as I ask, Sara,” her grandmother implored. “You’re not going to believe me until you see for yourself.”

  Sara didn’t respond, dismayed at the notion of destroying her treasured books. She picked one up and examined it carefully, touching its broken spine and tattered pages, recalling that her grandmother must have read it to her a thousand times. The cover featured a faerie prince, tall and handsome, holding the hand of a shy human milkmaid. Their love was ultimately doomed, of course, their children to be transformed into swans—a story Sara had always found strangely appealing.

  “Listen carefully, Sara,” her grandmother said, breaking the silence. “People came for me, and I barely slipped away. They will come for you, too. They’re after those books. There’s a whole other set of faerie stories, much older, as old as it gets, hidden in them. You have to look in their covers to understand.”

  Sara feared that her grandmother must have fallen into some sort of dementia and tried to humor her. “Okay, if that’s what you really want.” She reluctantly took her knife, cut through the linen covering of the front hard cover of the book, and split apart the interior paperboard. To her surprise, a photograph was hidden inside, showing dense Hebrew script elegantly hanging from an invisible line. It was a portion of an ancient scroll—she knew that much from her studies.

  Back when Sara was deciding on where to go to university, she had chosen Manchester because her grandmother had studied there. And just as it had with her grandmother, Sara’s major in Middle Eastern Studies led to a graduate program in the region’s historic languages, for which she had a flair—a trait that apparently ran in the family.

  As dusk gathered outside, Sara, no longer convinced that her grandmother’s mind was slipping, hurried to disassemble the covers of all the books while pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder. “Grandmother, how did you get these?”

  “John—Dr. Allegro—and I . . . were . . .” her grandmother stammered, and Sara could practically hear her blushing. “We were more than friends when I was in grad school.”

  “The Dr. Allegro?” Sara exclaimed. She knew the name well. Decades ago he’d been a professor in her department who had become legendary when he was appointed as the British representative to the international team assembled to study and translate the controversial Qumran scrolls.

  “The same,” said her grandmother. “So I saw the whole debacle unfold from his perspective.”

  Sara knew well the events her grandmother referred to. Christened “the Dead Sea Scrolls” by the press in the 1950s, the ancient documents were discovered accidentally, along with the remains of a shelving system and an index, in secluded man-made caves located in a hotly disputed area on the West Bank near Qumran. It did not take long for it to become clear that the caves held a carefully arranged, cataloged, and preserved collection of works making up the earliest biblical library ever found—all the books of the modern Hebrew Bible and the Catholic Old Testament were present.

  Sara’s grandmother recounted the initial, exciting days when the team worked well together as they began the slow, methodical process of translation, publishing completed sections as their mandate directed. The early results dazzled scholars and the general public alike, and newspapers worldwide reeled off a steady stream of stories devoted to the discoveries being made. Working from text a thousand years older than any previous source material, the team began to fill in gaps in the Old Testament, places where grammatically or structurally there was obviously a missing word or sentence or paragraph.

  Soon, though, the publications slowed, then stopped altogether. The press started spinning theories that more than missing paragraphs had been found.

  “That’s when the Vatican began to take over and John became frustrated,” Sara’s grandmother said. “By chance, the UN official in charge of the scrolls was Catholic, and he had them shipped off to a Church facility. Unfortunately, John’s letters to another team member were leaked to the press and became headlines.”

  Everyone in Sara’s class had seen reprints of those reports. Too interesting for the students to ignore, they seemed to recirculate every year. Allegro wrote, “I am convinced that if something does turn up which affects the Roman Catholic dogma, the world will never see it.” And then, “The non-Catholic members of the team are being removed as quickly as possible.”

  “The next year, only four years into the project, John was denied further access,” Sara’s grandmother continued. “And the Vatican took complete and exclusive control of all unpublished scrolls.”

  “Yes, I know all that, Grandma. But the scrolls have been published now.”

  “Look at the photographs again, and the work papers. John brought those to me late one night and helped me hide them. This was shortly after his disbarment.”

  Sara spread out the illicit material. She could tell from the translations, meticulously written out in tiny handwriting on onionskin paper, which had also been pressed into the hiding spaces, that the photographs were of significant Qumran scrolls, the books of Enoch and Jubilees. Ostensibly, the scrolls covering these books had been released years ago and were available to anyone online—Sara herself had read them as part of her coursework—except that large sections of those were missing due to rot or other damage. But not the scrolls shown in the photographs in front of her. These scrolls were virtually intact.

  Sara was aware that early in its history the Vatican had excluded these two books from its Bible, even though they had appeared in older and much longer versions of the Old Testament. As late as the eighteenth century, scholars who argued that those older versions were closer to the original writings, and therefore more accurate, had been vigorously discredited as heretics and even burned alive.

  “The book of Enoch was allegedly written by the great-grandfather of Noah, but the Vatican repudiated that notion. They ridiculed it as a fifteenth-century forgery at best, or a second-century satirical work of blasphemy at worst,” explained her grandmother. “Can you imagine their panic when the copies found among the scrolls dated back to at least 300 BCE? Throughout their history they had killed people to suppress the idea that this book was legitimate!”

  Sara’s grandmother went on to assert that as the third-most-common scroll discovered, Enoch must have been an important part of a version of the Hebrew Bible that existed before the Christian era and very likely the Christian Bible that existed before the dominance of the Vatican.

  “The other photographs are of the book of Jubilees. For centuries it was rumored there was a longer and more complete version of Genesis, but no copies were known to exist, at least not publicly, before the scrolls, w
here Jubilees was also a common book. You see, Sara”—her grandmother’s voice lowered—“the ones you have are the complete works. The Vatican released only heavily damaged copies. But it was never safe for me to tell anyone about these, and then John died of that heart attack.”

  “But why would the Vatican care?” Sara was making herself a cup of tea.

  “That’s the point: the fact that they cared so much proves that the content of these photographs must be important. I believe these scrolls may recount the true history of the early days of our world, a time when angels mated with humans against God’s orders and produced a hybrid offspring, the Nephilim. Sara, those were the faeries.”

  “Come on, that’s absurd!” exclaimed Sara. “You know as well as I do that ancient origin myths tend to . . .” Sara’s voice trailed off. She tried again. “These stories were probably invented to explain the genesis of . . .”

  Her grandmother completed the academic principle for her. “The genesis of actual things. And that would mean there were real nonhuman beings in that time, which were endowed with strange powers. But that’s almost as absurd.”

  “Almost,” echoed Sara, plopping into her desk chair, her tea momentarily forgotten.

  “Read the translations. There is detail there that will leave you questioning what you know of the Old Testament. And bring the photographs and work papers to me. Leave tomorrow, and don’t fly or use a credit card. Take the ferry to Belfast, then a bus to Derry. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Who is after you? What’s going on, Grandmother? You’re scaring me.”

  “There’s more, Sara. I need to tell you something that even your parents don’t know.” There was an excruciatingly long pause. “I had a twin sister who disappeared while we were in grad school. It must be connected somehow. I know it must. That’s why I held on to the photographs and kept them secret for all these years. In case one day I could use them somehow to get her back.”

  Sara could her hear grandmother’s breathing get ragged. A twin? Sara’s grip on the phone tightened, she was shocked and hurt that there was so much her grandmother had kept from her.


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