Home Again

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Home Again Page 5

by Angelique Voisen

  Chuckling, Zack pulled away. “Where do you store your plates and shit?”

  “Cupboard to your left.”

  Zack opened it, found exactly a complete set of cutleries and plates for two. How long had Seth been getting ready for his return? He grabbed the items and set them on the kitchen counter. Zack found milk and juice in the fridge and Seth told him how to brew coffee.

  Seth finally set two platters of eggs, bacon and French toast on the table.

  His stomach rumbled. He picked up his fork, aware of Seth watching him, looking nervous.

  “Okay, so this is the first time anyone’s tasted my food, so go easy, okay?” Seth pointed out.

  Zack shoveled food into his mouth. The flavors exploded on his tongue and he ate more, then noticed Seth still staring at him. “Fuck, I can’t remember the last time I had anything this good.”

  Seth blushed. “Of course, you’d say that to your boyfriend.”

  At that word, Seth’s cheeks and neck turned bright red.

  When he chewed on his bacon and said nothing, Seth spoke up again. “Do you mind me calling you that?”

  No, it fucking pleased Zack in fact. “Call me whatever you want. Just remember, you’re mine and I’m one possessive bastard. Any asshole who so much as looks at you, I’ll threaten to break something valuable in his body.”

  Another man would have run, would have realized Zack was not fit to be anyone’s— anything—but not Seth.

  “You’re not my boyfriend,” Seth said softly and his heart nearly stilled. “You’re more. My soul mate.”

  Zack set his fork down to run a hand through his short hair. Well, not much hair given it was close-shaven to his skull. Maybe he ought to grow it out, like the way he wore his hair when they were kids. Would Seth like that? “Seth, you gotta understand. I’m not used to saying stuff like that, to being affectionate.”

  Seth reached across the counter, closing his hands over his big and rough ones. “I know and that’s fine by me. You’ve always spoken your own kind of language.”

  “But you get me,” Zack finished, picked up his fork again and pointed to his plate. “This is really good though, I’m not lying. Thank you for breakfast.”

  Seth looked pleased. “You’re welcome.”

  Seth played with his food on the plate, then spoke again, “I was thinking I’d show you around the city, if you don’t mind that is.”

  “Not at all, I’ve no plans.”

  It would be nice to check out the city that Seth made his home.


  “This park is my favorite one in the city,” Seth said as Zack and he accepted their ice cream cones from the vendor.

  Seth’s phone vibrated in his pocket, but he ignored it. No work calls or emails today and besides, if it wasn’t a client, it could only be one person. His mother. She still hadn’t given up trying to reach him and he didn’t understand why.

  Call me back or message me. Please.

  That had been her last text. It sounded urgent, but he didn’t give a damn. Seth didn’t want to ruin this perfect day with Zack.

  “How come?”

  He blinked, realizing Zack repeated the question twice. “It’s not the biggest or most popular but it’s not noisy, peaceful.”

  Zack hadn’t said much during the tour but he didn’t seem bored either. Seth brushed his fingers against Zack’s, relieved Zack gave them a squeeze and let Seth lead him to his favorite park bench. Way off the beaten path, many pine trees provided ample shade.

  They sat down.

  “I come here to get some fresh air, to think,” Seth explained. Zack was doing it again, watching him with an intense expression on his face, as if trying to figure Seth out but not quite succeeding. “You know, back when we were kids, I was the quiet one.”

  Zack took a lick of his cone, slowly, deliberately and for some reason, Seth found that erotic. He blushed. Zack reminded him of a quiet predator now, watchful, waiting.

  “I don’t have many good stories to tell you,” Zack admitted. Finally, Zack tore his gaze from Seth’s and looked at the closest line of trees. “Most days blurred from one to another. Fights occasionally broke out, but not often. I was good at it, defending myself, not fucking surprising since I worked out to fill the time.”

  Seth leaned against Zack’s shoulder, reaching for Zack’s hand again. If Zack minded his neediness, his hunger to touch, Zack didn’t mention it or discouraged him.

  “It sounds like hell,” he murmured softly. “But tell me all about it.”

  “You want to hear about them?” Zack asked with surprise.

  “I want to know everything about you.”

  Zack blew out a breath and they talked, until the afternoon sun disappeared, replaced by the veil of night. Few stars appeared tonight, but Seth didn’t fear the dark, not when he had Zack beside him.

  “Huh,” Zack said, rising to his feet to stretch. “That did feel good.”

  Seth felt wrung out after filling Zack in about the events that happened to him over the years—not that there were plenty of notable events, but like Zack, he felt better. No secrets. He remembered this feeling of exhilaration, like they were secret accomplices, two misfits who spoke one language no one else understood.

  Back when they were teenagers and Roy hadn't stolen his voice, he’d thought no one understood him. Meeting Zack felt like finding the missing pieces of himself. Zack understood him, didn’t care about his awkwardness or social anxiety. Being with Zack, Seth had no fear of being himself or telling Zack secrets about himself that he didn’t dare tell anyway.

  “You ready for dinner?” Seth asked after. “I know this good Italian restaurant nearby.”

  Zack’s dark eyes gleamed under the dim light nearby. His heartbeat kicked up a notch, understanding that look. “What about we stay in for tonight?”

  “We can order out,” Seth suggested. “I have a binder of my favorite delivery places.”

  “A binder, huh?”

  “Are you making fun of me?” he demanded. Seth didn’t mind if the teasing came from Zack.

  “Not at all.”

  Seth himself, didn’t relish being around a Friday night crowd.

  When he started working from home years ago, he wondered if there had been something wrong with him that he never liked being in a roomful of people. Socializing had never been his gig. Random conversations with strangers made him nervous, but judging by the way Zack avoided crowds today, Zack hadn’t been ready to be around others either.

  “Sounds good to me,” he said.

  Chapter Nine

  Seth tried to focus on reading the morning paper, but that proved difficult when Zack joined him at the kitchen counter, coffee in hand. Seth put the paper down and bit his lip, aware if he spoke out again, they’d get into another argument.

  Two weeks. They had two blissful weeks of nirvana and Zack had to shatter that by insisting he wanted to find a job.

  Oh, he knew they'd encounter rough turns, would fight like any couple. Still, it hurt his heart, seeing Zack come home after a day of job hunting, dejected and angry few people would consider hiring an ex-con.

  Seth made more than enough and yet he began to understand a dominant man like Zack couldn’t stay idle forever and would want to take control of his own life. Seth couldn’t cage a wolf either, could see Zack growing restless each passing day.

  “Heading out again?” he managed to grit out.

  Zack held out a hand. “I don’t want to fucking argue, Seth.”

  Seth bristled, hating that tone, hating the fact when they got into a heated debate, Zack would choose to spend the night on the couch, leaving him to sleep alone.

  “I hate it when we fight,” Seth said in a fierce whisper, regretting his tone when Zack looked like he’d been punched in the face.

  To his surprise, Zack got off his stool and went behind him, pulling him into a hug.

  “Me too,” Zack said, breath warm against Seth’s ear. “I need this for myself
, Seth, to keep my hands busy. It can’t just be you bringing money to the table.”

  Seth turned on his stool, so he now faced Zack. He buried his face into Zack’s chest, calming down when Zack started stroking his hair, then the curve of his spine.

  “Nestled to me like this, you remind me of a cat,” Zack said.

  “Cats aren’t affectionate all the time.”

  “They have claws, I know, just like you. I don’t mind.”

  Seth frowned, looking up at Zack, who took that opportunity to steal a hot, quick and sharp kiss. His dick twitched in his jeans. Seth gently pried himself away. Zack looked contemplative but Seth got off his seat and grabbed Zack’s hand.

  Zack grinned. “I know that look. Aw. You miss my cock, that much?”

  “Maybe sex could help you relax. I’ll be your good luck charm for today,” Seth declared.

  Enough. Time had been stolen from them and he didn’t like fighting with Zack. Such a waste when they could be doing more productive things. Seth would be Zack’s anchor, would support his man, whatever Zack decided—well, as long as Zack didn’t break the law.

  “I’m a fucking lucky guy, aren’t I?” Zack asked.

  Zack always said that but it was the exact opposite. If Zack didn’t lay his eyes on Seth in high school, hadn’t saved him, Seth would probably in the dirt, either from Roy’s abuse or his own doing.

  “Sure you are,” Seth said in his most pompous voice, making Zack grab his shoulders and claim his mouth again. Zack dragged one hand down his body, slipped it under the waistband of his boxers and gave his thickening dick a squeeze. “Oh God.”

  “I’m running a little late, but we’ll save time by fucking in the shower.”

  Seth couldn’t argue that. Zack led him to the bathroom. In moments, they stripped each other out of their clothes and Zack had him pressed against the shower tiles. Shit. Seth was more than turned on. He doubted he’d last long. Zack turned the tap on and water trickled down their bodies.

  He breathed hard, hardly believe what was about to happen next.

  Then Zack knelt in front of him and his eyes widened in shock. It seemed all wrong, seeing Zack there. Water made all the muscles and tattoos on Zack’s powerful body sleek. Savage need burned in those eyes.

  “You deserve a reward for putting up with my temper this week.” Even on his knees, Zack made it clear who was in control.

  Zack nudged his knees wide and buried his face against his balls and cock, beard scratching sensitive skin. Seth groaned, unable to move an inch, given Zack held him captive—not that Seth wanted to go anywhere.

  Then Zack leaned forward, licking the pre-cum off his tip. Zack didn’t seem to mind Seth gripping his hair. Seth could feel Zack’s hand moving past his heavy balls, his cease and finally finding his target. Zack licked his shaft from cock head to base, all the while using his fingers to play with his asshole.

  Seth had never been more aroused in his entire life.

  “Mine,” Zack paused to say, kissing the veins of his engorged cock, pushing a finger into his hole. Again, Zack repeated the word and who was Seth to argue?

  “Yes,” Seth could only utter, unable to speak proper sentences at this point.

  Zack began giving him a blowjob, his cock disappearing down Zack’s throat. Zack kept eye contact as if Zack wanted to devour any expression that crossed his face. His heart hammered so hard, it felt like it would break free of his rib cage any moment now. Zack pulled his mouth away, as pressure built inside him.

  Seth let out a groan of frustration, muffled by Zack’s mouth taking his again. He tasted himself on Zack and parted his lips so Zack could run his tongue across the seam of his mouth. Feeling bold, he ground his tormented dick against Zack’s own.

  Zack pulled away, then admonished him with a severe look. “Behave.”

  “I can’t.”

  Zack smiled, sending a shiver down his spine. “Say it.”

  “Fuck me already. Please.”

  “Please. I like that.” Zack spun him by the shoulder, so Seth faced the wall.

  The shower door creaked open and he craned his head to see Zack grabbing the lube and condom from under the sink.

  “No condoms,” he said.

  Zack sucked in a breath, dark eyes boring into his. Both of them took tests a week ago, both of them came up clean but Zack fucking him without any barrier between them felt like the ultimate show of trust.

  Zack returned to him, lube in hand.

  Zack fisted his hair, exposing his throat and kissed his way up the chords of Seth’s throat. His pulse raced erratically and his balls tightened again. Zack nipped at his ear.

  “I fucking love you, Seth.”

  “Me too. Always.”


  At Seth’s words, Zack uncapped the lube and began working a generous amount inside Seth’s puckered entrance. Zack pushed one, then two fingers inside Seth and began to widen Seth for his access. Deeming Seth ready, he replaced his fingers with his cock and pushed in. This time he didn’t wait or go slow. He couldn’t. Seth felt so deliciously tight, inner muscles clamping down on his dick. Zack sheathed himself all the way in until he was balls deep and Seth was moaning against him.

  Pressing his lips to Seth’s nape, he left a kiss there and settled his hands on Seth’s waist. Some days, he still couldn’t believe he was finally here, Seth within easy access. He began with steady, slow strokes. Seth clawed at the tiles, moaning softly.

  “Faster,” Seth demanded.

  Picking up the pace, Zack went deep and deeper. He reached for Seth’s prick and began working it, alternating between fast and slow strokes. He shifted the angle of his hips, slamming into Seth’s prostate. Seth gasped, arching his back. Zack didn’t back down. Heat radiated from his insides and traveled to his dick and the rest of him. He kept brushing at Seth’s sweet spot, all the while holding Seth in place.

  Seth let out a shudder as he gave Seth’s shaft a tug, then Seth threw his head back and came, screaming. Wanting Seth to wear a souvenir of this morning for the rest of the day, Zack clamped his mouth over the side of Seth’s neck and left a perfect imprint of his teeth there.

  Hearing Seth orgasm triggered his own. A few more thrusts and he emptied his seed down Seth’s ass. They both panted and Zack switched to gentle now, before turning Seth by the shoulder, so Seth could sink into his embrace.

  “It’s going to be all right,” Seth said, running his fingers down Zack’s chest. “We’re going to be just fine. You’ll find a job, just wait and see.”

  Zack hadn’t meant to start all those arguments with Seth. Instinct kept him from backing down from any fight but he’d always been stubborn. He appreciated everything Seth had done all these years but he couldn’t stay idle either. Seth helped him look at this city through his eyes, and he wanted to make it his home too.

  To accomplish that, Zack needed to do something with his hands. All he ever did was break things his entire life. Tasting his father’s fists made him put up his own in self-defense. When someone hurt him, he paid those bastards back a hundred times worse. From there, he went on a downward path.

  Prison made him worse. Seth was the one good thing in his life and for Seth, he’d become a better man—reliable, occasionally tender but only for Seth, and decent.

  “You really think someone would hire a guy like me?” he asked.

  Zack would never admit it out loud, but rejection after rejection felt like blows to his spirit, worse than any physical pain, because he’d started to doubt himself. Then he would get angry but he’d learned to let it all out in productive ways, like working out or running to wear himself down to exhaustion.

  “Yes,” Seth said simply and without hesitation.

  Seth’s confidence meant the world to him, his opinion, the only one that mattered.

  Seth expelled a breath. “I’m sorry to bring it up again, I’ve made things awkward, haven't I?”

  “We should have more of these morning showers. It’s a grea
t way to start the day,” he murmured against Seth’s ear, breaking the tension.

  Seth looked up surprised, then broke into an unexpected laugh that caught him off-guard. Yes, he’d make fucking sure this worked. Zack wanted to have more of these moments, to see Seth look this way, free of worry and wearing a smile on his lips. He was in no rush. They had forever after all.

  Chapter Ten

  “I’ll see you Monday, and don’t be late on your first day,” said Mr. Johnson in his gruff voice. Johnson was in his mid-forties, but looked like a much younger man and had a fit body under his coveralls. The owner of Johnson Car Repair rose from his seat behind his messy desk.

  Zack did the same to shake Johnson’s hand, parts of it still covered in oil stains. “You won’t regret this, sir.”

  Johnson nodded and went back to his papers, a cue the interview was officially over. Zack was about to walk out of the tiny, ratty office, but he paused by the doorway.

  “Can I ask why you’d give me a chance?” Zack knew he ought to be grateful and just walk out of the garage.

  While in prison, Zack signed up for a course in car repair. It was the only one that caught his interest since he tinkered with car engines as a teenager and worked in a chop shop too.

  Johnson looked up, somewhat irritated. Zack could already see what kind of boss Johnson would be, tough but fair. The interview itself had been brutally short. Johnson gave him a test, to fix a faulty engine. Thank God, Zack didn’t screw that one up. He was a little rusty, he had to admit, but Zack knew he’d get back into the swing of things easily.

  “I spent some time behind bars in youth, son. I know how hard it is, getting someone to give you a second chance.”

  Zack nodded. “Thank you.”

  He walked out of there, feeling like he was on top of the world—something he hadn’t felt in ages. The first thing he’d do was call Seth. It had been a month of relentless applications and rejections but after their special moment in the shower two weeks ago, Seth had been nothing but supportive. Without Seth’s constant encouragement, Zack would have sunk into depression and anger a long time ago. Probably start drinking his problems away, like his old man.


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