Fake Bride’s First Love: A Friends to Lovers Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 2)

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Fake Bride’s First Love: A Friends to Lovers Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 2) Page 8

by J. P. Comeau



  I hit the “send” button and waited for a response.

  To keep my mind occupied, I decided to call Gavin and let him know that I was finally trying to buy out Ria. “Good morning,” I said as he groggily picked up.

  “Why are you up so early?

  “It’s eight-thirty in the morning. Aren’t you back in Florida for a few weeks? Or did I catch you on California time?” I refreshed my computer screen, but still no response from Ria.

  “Yeah, I’m in town for a few weeks, but my body is still on California time. I don’t have to be at my agent’s office until noon.”

  “Well, I just wanted to let you know that you were right about Ria. Ginger looked over the books for me, since she’s an accountant, and found that Ria embezzled nearly a million bucks.”

  The sound of a mug crashing onto the counter roared through the telephone. “Did you just say a million dollars? Dude, I told you she was bad news!”

  I double-checked her status on our office instant messaging system, but it said she wasn’t available. She hadn’t been on it since our big blowout, either.

  “She wouldn’t accept my offer to buy her out of our partnership. I’m just giving her some time to calm down after we had a big fight the other day.” I kept refreshing my email, even though I knew it wasn’t necessary. My penthouse had the fastest internet speed available.

  “Is she still trying to sleep with you?”

  “She’s doing more than just that, Gavin. Ria is expecting me to propose to her, which I made abundantly clear would never, ever happen."

  “I can’t imagine that went over well.”

  “Nope, and now I’m waiting for her to reply to an email regarding work. Normally I’d take care of it myself, but only she has access to the necessary information. Plus, it’ll take some time to go over everything, and that’s one thing I don’t have today. I have four, one-hour conference calls, plus I have to make myself somewhat presentable for a business lunch with a potential client.”

  “Keep me in the loop. You’re doing the right thing, though. Speaking of which, I have to find some time to see my daughter while I’m in town. Maybe you and I could do lunch sometime too.”

  The loud ping of an incoming email shifted my focus back to work. “Absolutely. Let me take care of this Ria nonsense, first, though. In fact, she just emailed me. I’ll text you later on.” I took a long, deep breath while double-clicking her response.

  Good morning, Jorge,

  I knew you’d need me eventually.

  You’re in quite the predicament right now, aren’t you? Without the diamond miners working, you could lose a tremendous amount of money—no need to worry, though. I know what it’ll take to prevent them from ever striking again.

  I’m more than willing to take care of this for you, mainly since I know you have an incredibly busy day, but on one condition—I get to meet your fiancée tonight.



  P.S.: You might be the best when it comes to spotting fake diamonds, but I’m the best when it comes to spotting fake men.

  I slammed my laptop shut while screaming some obscenities.

  I knew she wouldn’t go away quietly!

  The good news was that Ginger was on-board with being my fake fiancée. The bad news was that I didn’t know how drawn out this whole thing would be. It was one thing to pretend to be engaged but a whole other ballgame trying to pull off a fake wedding.

  I called Ginger, even though I knew she’d be at work.

  “Good morning, handsome. How’s your day going?”

  I slumped in my chair, preparing myself to tell her that it was time. “That depends on how you respond to this question. Is tonight a good night to be my fake fiancée?”

  I knew Ginger would go silent for a few seconds, but not an entire minute. I stared at the clock on my laptop, watching the seconds tick until she finally answered.

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” Her voice was clipped, and suddenly I wasn’t so sure.

  “Actually, maybe I should just have my lawyers take care of this Ginger. It’s not fair to ask you to do such a thing, and Ria really is intuitive. She might pick up that I’m lying, and it’ll only make everything worse.”

  “Jorge, I have every intention of looking Ria right in the face and telling her that we’re engaged. I thought about it after our conversation the other day, and you’re right: this probably is the better way to go. And don’t worry about my being convincing. I took a few acting classes back in college.” I chuckled while picturing her playing Lady Macbeth. “Oh, crap. I can’t do it tonight.”

  “Why not?”

  “Guadalupe and Yuslan are implementing a new software system, and I have to merge all of the data onto the new one. It has something to do with it going out of business. Anyway, what about tomorrow night?”

  Crap! Ria is not very flexible.

  But I realized that I had to man-up eventually. “I’ll make sure that it happens tomorrow night, no problem.”

  “Thank you! And I’m sorry about tonight, but it has to get done. Crap, I gotta get back to work now.”

  “All right, sounds good. Let me email Ria back, and then I’ll text you all of the details. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Despite having been with numerous women, I had never told anyone but Ginger that I loved her. And it felt amazing.

  I took a long, deep breath and replied to Ria.


  Tonight’s not good. Even you acknowledged that I have a busy day. (Please stop getting my schedule from my secretary, by the way.) Tomorrow night, six o’clock, at The Spicy Pineapple for drinks. If you don’t accept this time and place, I’ll move forward with getting my lawyers involved.



  Ria took her sweet time in getting back to me, which drove me insane, but I also appreciated not having to deal with her. I answered another few emails that demanded my immediate attention, all the while nervous about her response. At that point, Ria was likely to be so pissed off that she’d just say, “screw it” and screw me over altogether.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when she finally emailed me back thirty minutes later.


  I authorized a small increase in wages to employees in the African diamond mines. They’ve agreed to resume mining, but not for too much longer. It’d be a shame if I didn’t give them everything they wanted and they just up and quit their jobs.

  See you tomorrow night.



  Feeling relieved at having dodged a major landmine, I called my secretary and rescheduled all of my conference calls and business lunch that day. I also forbid her from telling anything about me or the company to Ria. And being the great secretary that she was, she agreed without asking for any details. As for Ria’s threat about making the workers quit their jobs, which would cost me a tremendous amount of money, I knew Ginger and I could pull it off.

  You’re about to be history, Ria.



  Every outfit in my closet was screaming my name. I would be meeting Ria that night, and I needed to look as fabulous as possible. I hadn’t gotten the best look at her when she had climbed out of Jorge’s convertible, especially with those obnoxiously large sunglasses covering most of her face, but the parts I did get a look at were…nice. Ria probably turned a lot of heads, if only for the way she dressed. That leopard mini-skirt and white halter top couldn’t have been any sluttier, especially for a so-called business meeting with Jorge.

  She had every intention of sleeping with him that afternoon too.

  I didn’t need all of the details from their meeting to get a sense of what had happened. I was sure Ria was all over him, using her sexuality to convince him that she had never so much as embezzled a dime. And now that I knew I could trust Jorge, I was ready to put her in her place. I wouldn’t tell her that I was
the one who discovered she’d been lying to him, but I would say that he was mine and that she needed to leave him alone.

  I decided on a yellow dress that stopped just a few inches above the knee. It was classy enough to stand out against Ria’s promiscuous outfits but sexy enough to arouse Jorge. After sliding into the dress and touching up my makeup, I wrapped the diamond tennis bracelet around my wrist and snapped it shut. Ria would take one look at it and automatically know who it was from.

  Just as I slid into my favorite pair of nude high heels, Jorge rang my doorbell.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said while handing me a dozen roses.

  “Jorge, these are beautiful!”

  I put them into a vase with some water, and then we sat down in the living room to discuss the plan.

  “A couple of things you need to know about Ria. First of all, she’s conniving. Expect her to ask you condescending questions that’ll throw you for a loop.”

  “Can you give me an example?”

  “Yes, but please don’t be offended by anything that I say.” Urging him to continue, I shook my head. “Well, she’ll probably look at your dress and ask you what discount store you got it from.”

  “Excuse me? This dress cost me five-hundred-dollars!” Jorge took my hand, and that’s all that was needed to bring me back down to earth. “Sorry, please go on. What other things will she ask?”

  “In addition to dodging her nasty remarks about your clothes, she’s going to want to know our relationship details. Say that we’ve known for a while that we belong together. Oh, and that I proposed to you at your party.”

  “I can do that, except for one little problem.” I held out my ring finger, which was missing an engagement ring.

  Jorge pulled a box from his pocket, opened it up, and showed me one of the most beautiful diamonds I’d ever seen. “No worries, I brought something with me from work. One of the perks of being in the diamond industry.”

  I tried to remain calm as he slid it onto my finger, reminding myself that it was all pretend. Jorge and I weren’t engaged. Hell, we had literally just become a couple a few weeks ago.

  Then why am I so excited about playing his fiancée tonight?

  “It’s gorgeous, Jorge. Speaking of gorgeous, can you show me a better picture of her?”

  He pulled up a picture on his cell phone, which gave me a more unobstructed view of her face. Ria was a knockout.

  “As you can see, she’s had far too much plastic surgery on her face. She still thinks she’s pretty, though.”

  “Thinks she’s pretty? Jorge, she’s gorgeous. Take a look at those cheekbones, those lips, and those eyelashes!”

  Jorge chuckled while putting his phone away. “All of it is fake, Ginger, right down to the eyelashes.”

  “What about her breasts?”

  “Not only are they also fake, but they’re hard as a rock. Sorry, I’m sure you don’t want to hear that part.”

  Knowing the two of them had been intimate no longer bothered me. All that mattered was that Jorge and I were together, and Ria would soon be a thing of the past.

  “No, it’s fine. That actually makes me feel better. So, assuming that Ria believes all of this, what’s your game plan?”

  “That she’ll believe we’re engaged, get over me, accept my offer of buying her out, and take care of the issue with the De Veers Diamond Group before I look to fill her position.”

  “Will it be hard to find someone?”

  Jorge seemed optimistic. “No, not really. But the mess with De Veers needs to be handled before she leaves the company. When it comes to our diamond workers in Africa, it’s not as simple as giving them a raise.”


  We arrived at the restaurant exactly at five minutes to six. The hostess sat us down at a table right near the door, which gave us the perfect view of Ria walking into the restaurant. I was feeling fine until she waltzed in wearing an incredibly form-fitting red dress and black high heels.

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume she was a movie star.

  Ria slid into the other side of the booth without even looking at me. “Good evening, Jorge.”

  I cleared my voice before speaking. “Good evening, Ria. I’m Ginger.”

  She merely nodded while looking over the menu.

  Jorge was in no mood to play games. “We’re not ordering food tonight, Ria. Order a drink on me, and let’s get this over with.”

  She slammed the menu shut, placed a drink order with the server, and glared at me. “How much do I have to pay you, Ginger?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Look, you’re only interested in Jorge for his money but not me. That’s because I come from money, darling.”

  I started to stand up, but Jorge tightened his grip on my hand. “Let’s get one thing straight, Ria. I called off my engagement with Jorge when I thought he was hooking up with you. So believe me, the last thing I’m after is money.”

  She looked at Jorge, who smiled and nodded.

  I kept going, “I knew Jorge was the one for me several months ago, when we talked on the phone, and he listened intently as I poured my heart out. I was stressed about school, worried about the future, and he was the one I could count on.”

  Jorge looked at me with shock in his eyes, and I realized that I’d just spilled my guts to him.

  Ria, on the other hand, smirked. “What a sweet story, darling—”

  “Ginger,” I said. “My name is Ginger, not darling.”

  She took a long sip of her drink while rolling her eyes. “Whatever, Ginger. How long have you two known each other?”

  “Well, he was a good friend of my brother’s back in college, but we were reintroduced last year at a wedding reception.” Ginger looked at Jorge and then back at me.

  “And what do you do for a living?”

  “That’s none of your business, Ria.”

  She rolled her eyes while taking another sip of her drink. “All right, prove to me that you know Jorge as well as I do. How does he take his coffee?”

  “One cream.”

  “Favorite meal?”

  “Fried chicken.”

  “Favorite sexual position?”

  Jorge wasn’t having any of that talk that night. “No, Ginger. This is getting out of hand. What more do you want out of me? We’re engaged!”

  Ria protruded her fake breasts out in defiance. “Show me the engagement ring.”

  Jorge let go of my left hand so I could show it to her. Ria yanked my fingers closer to her face, where she scrutinized it to make sure it was real. It took her several minutes of zooming in and out with her eyes, looking for any indication that it was a fake.

  When she was done, she threw my hand to the table so hard that I winced in pain.

  “Ow,” I yelled while using my right hand to massage my left wrist. That was when Ria’s eyes lit up at the diamond tennis bracelet around my right wrist.

  She went to grab it, but Jorge stopped her.

  “Keep your damn hands off of my fiancée, Ria!”

  Water welled up in her eyes as she looked at both of us. “You gave her a diamond tennis bracelet, Jorge?”

  “Yes, I did. Why?”

  Ria grabbed her purse and stood up. “Not once, in all of our years together, have you ever given me a piece of jewelry! You want me gone? Well, here’s your goodbye! Good luck with this bastard, Ginger! You’re gonna need it.”

  Ria pushed through the restaurant's doors as everyone watched, wondering what the hell had just happened.

  By the time Jorge and I got back to my place, we were all over each other. At every red light, we made out, and I couldn’t keep my hands off him while driving. As we made our way into my condo, we were ripping each other’s clothes off to see who could get naked the fastest.

  Our hot, nude bodies tumbled onto my bed, rolling around as we pressed up against each other. My hard nipples pushed against Jorge's muscular chest, and I could feel the heat intensify bet
ween our groins.

  “I love you so much,” he whispered before laying me onto my back. As we locked hands, he slid his thick, massive cock deep inside of me. It still blew me away at how big he was, which was significantly more so than any man I’d ever been with. Every inch of him filled me up, causing my back to arch as he pounded away.

  “Oh, God, Jorge!”

  He answered my cries of ecstasy by sucking on my hardened nipples, thrusting even harder as our bodies became one. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been so wet.

  Every time I climbed on top of him, we held hands, and he really gripped my fake engagement ring. I had thought about taking it off as soon as Ria had left the restaurant, but it felt so right on my finger. I also loved the idea of wearing it while he had his arm wrapped around my waist. Even though we’d just started going out, I wanted people to think that we really were engaged.

  I leaned forward to kiss him, and as I leaned back against his cock he caressed my left hand and and ran his thumb over the diamond ring.

  God, that is so hot!

  I leaned back, and he climbed on top, pumping in and out of me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. It was, without a doubt, the hottest sex we’d ever had. He sucked my nipples harder than before, which only caused me to become even wetter. And every time I squeezed his shaft with my lips, he let out a loud moan that was so deep I almost came.

  We spent the next hour just rolling around on my bed, and not once did he pull out of me. We even tried a couple of new positions, and one of my favorites was being bent over the bed. I especially loved the feeling of his heavy balls slapping against my clit while he moaned my name.

  Jorge laid on his back toward the end of our lovemaking, allowing me to run my nails up and down his chest as I rode him to completion. The two of us never lost eye contact as we came to a finish, both of us climaxing so hard that I was sure my mirrors would shatter. And when it was all over, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  I couldn’t help but notice how many times Jorge ran his fingers over my fake engagement ring, too, which I never took off. And when I woke up the next morning, he was holding my left hand and focusing on the diamond.


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