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Eye on Orion

Page 3

by Laura D. Bastian

  I sighed at the clothes that had looked so good on her, knowing they would never have the same effect on me.

  Ushering me into the dressing room, Amira shoved the clothes into my arms. “Try them on and let me see you,” she commanded.

  After dressing, I hunched my shoulders and stepped out feeling self-conscious.

  Amira led me to a mirror on the wall of the dressing room. Standing next to her, seeing our reflections together, I was surprised at how similar we looked. Our hair was close to the same length and about the same shade of dark brown, almost black. Her hair looked shinier and healthier, but our styles were similar. Our skin tones weren’t exact, but close enough. Where small blemishes showed on mine, her face had a supermodel beauty to it, almost perfect, like she’d been airbrushed. Her skin made me think she glowed from the inside. The shape and spacing of her vivid green eyes was a little different than my mossy green ones. Her eyes looked slightly larger and her black lashes fuller.

  We stood almost the same height, shoulder to shoulder. We wore the same size pants and shirts, but I suspected her bra was probably bigger than mine. Not that it mattered, I told myself, but I noticed it.

  The salesgirls nodded at me in approval, and Janice asked, “Are you related?”

  I shook my head.

  Amira smiled. “We do look like we could be. How interesting.”

  Standing next to her and seeing we weren’t so different gave me a boost in my confidence. I stood up straighter and held my head up high.

  She whispered in my ear, “Hold yourself up like you are a queen, and people will believe you are one. Hold yourself shy and frightened, and people will believe that instead.”

  I looked at her with a question on my lips, but she ushered me back into the dressing room to try on more clothes. Every time I modeled them for her she complimented me, explaining how the different clothes looked good on me and why. Sometimes it was a good color, sometimes it flattered my buttocks, and sometimes the clothes showed off my curves. She even told me which ones Jai would appreciate. Why would she bring that up? Did she think I was crushing on him?

  After trying on more clothes in one store than on any previous shopping trip, I was ready to quit. Amira turned to the salesgirls and told them to put back the ones she didn’t like then ring up her pile of favorites. I chose a pair of jeans and a blouse that would be nice enough for a date but still casual.

  My shopping budget wasn't as large as Amira’s, but I picked a few items from the clearance racks. Plus, it could count as my back-to-school shopping a bit early. I had some clothes at home I could just add some accessories to at Amira’s suggestion. I’d never given much thought to adding a bit here and there to make something completely new.

  Amira helped me pick out a few dresses and skirts that would show off my long legs. We also got some shoes that flattered my feet instead of making them look like boats. Why did she claim she needed help shopping? I was obviously the one needing assistance. She could put on anything and make it look good. I was grateful for the help but still felt some doubt as to my skill at pulling off the same look Amira did so easily.

  I admitted my fears to her in one of the stores and she replied, “It does not matter what clothes you wear. It is all about how you wear yourself.”

  “Yeah right.” I knew it worked for her because she radiated confidence, but it wouldn’t work for me in the same way.

  “Believe me, you are special. You are just unaware of how special. I have never met anyone like you before. Jai is also impressed with you, and he is not won over easily.”

  “He doesn't seem impressed. The other night was pretty awkward.”

  “Really?” Amira raised her eyebrows. “He said you were nice and gave him lots of… He said you told him a lot of stuff about the stars.”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t tell me anything about himself. Just asked me a bunch of questions.”

  “Yes, he is a little brusque at first, but give him time.”

  “What’s it like having a brother?”

  “He sometimes does things that bother me, and he is protective at times. I can handle myself, but he does keep me safe.” She stopped talking and held up a blouse for me to try on. Her soft voice spoke through the door of the dressing room a few moments later. “What do you think of him?”

  “He's such a gentleman to you and your mom.” I thought of how he opened the doors for them. Smoothing down the front of the blouse, I said, “He's also very polite. Not much like other guys around here.”

  “He is perfect. You must get to know him better.” The way she said it left no room for argument. It seemed weird she was trying to get me to like her brother. Was she doing it on her own, or had Jai asked her to find out what I thought? That would be so junior high. Didn’t matter. It was fine if it helped me gain his interest.

  “I'd like that.” I stepped out of the dressing room to show her the latest.

  “That looks great.”

  “You think so?” I examined it from another angle.

  “I do.” She nodded. “And Jai will as well,” she added with a wink.

  “Thanks.” Did I want Jai to like my clothes? Why was I even contemplating this? Who cared what he thought. I sure didn’t. Not really.

  “You are welcome.” She gave me a hug, surprising me even more than yesterday when she'd almost attacked me on the front porch. I patted her back awkwardly and stepped away, giving her a shy smile.

  After hitting all the stores she wanted to, we met up with Jai in the hallway on the second floor. He looked at the bags Amira held and then at the ones she'd dropped off for him to hold halfway through the shopping day. Then he looked at mine. I could hold my bags in one hand while Amira held hers in both.

  “Did you find what you wanted?” he asked.

  Amira smiled. “Yes, thank you. Holly got some cute things. You should see her in them.”

  I blushed a little, and then a lot more when he smiled shyly at me. Good thing he couldn’t hear my thoughts because he’d laugh if he knew the reason I'd bought them.

  Jai snapped his gaze to Amira. My eyes flickered between them as they traded expressions back and forth — almost like they were engaged in a silent conversation. He narrowed his eyes, as if reprimanding her for something. In return, she gave him a smile and brushed a section of hair behind her shoulder. He crossed his arms over his chest, and she put her hands on her hips. I watched them in fascination until he looked at me again as if seeing me for the first time. Somehow he seemed to know what Amira and I had talked about.

  I set my bags down and fumbled through my purse, pretending to be distracted. I didn't want him to see my embarrassment. I grabbed my lip balm and slipped over to peer into a store window to apply it. I didn't need the reflection off the glass, just time to compose myself.

  Jai scanned the area. “How about we get something to eat?”

  Amira agreed. “I am famished.” She looked at me. “Where is the best place to eat?”

  “We could just stop at the food court here.” I moved to the railing and looked over, pointing to where the small restaurants were. Amira joined me, and when she leaned over to see, Jai yanked at her arm.

  Amira allowed him to pull her back, but I couldn’t help thinking he was being a little overprotective. He glared at her, and Amira ducked her head, not looking him in the eye. We moved to the escalators, and Jai hesitated before stepping on. I would have almost bet the only reason he'd gotten on it was because Amira and I were already halfway down.

  Jai led us to the food court, keeping close to Amira. Even with his hands full of bags, he seemed alert. Every time some guy passed us and looked at Amira in appreciation, Jai would follow them with his eyes until they were no longer near us. Not quite a glare, but the guys turned away as soon as they saw his face.

  I started to wonder if the reason he came in the first place was to keep an eye on Amira. Or maybe he came to discourage potential boyfriends. Throughout the day, as we'd gone up and down the
length of the mall, Jai followed at a distance. He’d sit down on the benches near our stores to read his book, even though he'd told us he would wait at the food court. He always stayed within shouting distance. Amira once mentioned he kept her safe. What did she need to be kept safe from? Was she in the witness protection program or something?

  Jai treated us to pizza from the food court. When Amira tasted hers, a funny expression crossed her face. “What is this made of?” she asked.

  “It’s pizza,” I said.

  “But what do they put on the pizza? What are these round things?” she asked, as she poked at it.

  “Pepperoni?” How could she have never seen pepperoni before?

  “And how about this on top?” she asked as she grabbed a piece of the cheese and pulled it in a long string before putting it in her mouth.

  “That’s mozzarella. Haven’t you ever eaten pizza before?”

  “No. This is fabulous! I should have Del — Mother make it sometime.” She grabbed her pizza and took a huge bite.

  I looked at her in amazement and then at Jai. He shook his head, as if telling me not to bother asking, and took a big bite as well. Apparently he had never had it either. The pleasant look of surprise confirmed it. Amira finished her piece before Jai and I were halfway done with ours. From the expression on her face, I worried she might try to take mine out of my hands. I took another bite and angled my shoulder away from her to protect my pizza then gave her a suspicious look out of the corner of my eye. She giggled at me. Jai raised an eyebrow.

  “I would not take it from you,” she said. “Do you two want any more?”

  “No thanks, I'm good,” I said.

  Jai stood up, but Amira pushed him back down in his seat. She glared at him before saying, “I can get it.”

  “I will have another slice,” Jai said. “Thank you.” He sounded polite as if she hadn’t just told him off.

  Amira danced over to the counter.

  “She must like her first taste of pizza,” I said with my mouth full.

  “Apparently,” he said after swallowing his bite.

  “Is it your first pizza too?” I asked.

  “It is my first American pizza.” He watched Amira at the counter.

  “Where are you really from?” I asked, leaning forward.

  Jai had just lifted the pizza to his mouth. He took a large bite, not meeting my eyes, and chewed slowly, giving me the impression he was avoiding my question. Why won’t he tell me where they’re from? The witness protection program sounded more realistic than before. He swallowed then looked over my shoulder again with wide eyes. I turned around to see Amira holding a large box of pizza.

  “I could not help myself. When I saw the whole pizzas I wanted to have one.” She set the box on the table, opened it up, and took the largest piece out. She took a huge bite, slid into her chair, and proceeded to devour the contents of the box. She did pause to offer me a piece again, and let Jai have a third.

  I watched her in amazement as she ate almost an entire large pizza on her own. She didn’t pig out on it but ate fast. Where did it all fit? My personal best on eating a pizza that size was five slices, and I'd felt sick for the rest of the evening. After finishing, she turned toward the counter as if considering going back for more.

  Jai teased her about eating so much, and she brushed it off by saying, “I only get to live once, I might as well enjoy it while I can.”

  Jai didn't say anything, but he looked at her and she met his gaze. Again it felt like they had a silent conversation going on.

  When we finished our pizza, we gathered up our stuff and went out to the car. Jai carried Amira's bags without complaining. I didn’t think most brothers would do that. One of these days I’d figure these two out.

  Chapter Four

  Something Different

  We knocked on their door a minute before seven on Wednesday night. I let Mom and Dad stand in the front while I stood on the second stair. I didn’t want to seem too eager to see Jai again, even though I'd taken extra care getting dressed in anticipation of the evening. I wore something new from my shopping trip. I had put on a blue shirt only to yank it off and replace it with the green blouse I now wore. Who cared if Amira said blue was his favorite color. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. Besides, the green would make my eyes stand out better.

  I viewed their yard. They had done amazing things to it in the few days they'd been here. Celia’s parents never cared much for the landscaping. Something that drove Dad crazy, but Jai’s family took much better care of it. The way they planted their flowers made me smile, all formal and uniform, with the patterns symmetrical throughout the flowerbed. It fit my opinion of them perfectly.

  Their house looked like every other house on the street from the outside: normal, middle class, built before I was born, and well taken care of. Jai's mother, Delilah, opened the door and introduced herself and her husband, Marshal, to my dad who hadn’t met them yet. Ushering us inside, she called for Jai and Amira to come to the door.

  The inside was unbelievable. They had completely reformed it. A tasteful chandelier hung above the entryway, lighting the room with a sparkle here and there as the light reflected through the crystals. The floor in the front room was a dark hardwood, polished enough to reflect the light. A rug under the coffee table, woven with an intricate pattern of earth-tone colors, spoke of elegance and pride. The furniture, classic solid pieces, gave the impression of power and authority as they commanded attention in the room. Their decorations could have come straight from an interior design magazine.

  They led us to the combined kitchen and dining room. The tile floors and marble countertops in the kitchen sparkled, reminding me of a commercial I'd seen on TV. Gleaming pots and pans hung from a rack above the kitchen counter. The table in the dining room was dark and glossy with matching chairs. Tracing the designs in the swirling woodwork on the chairs could have kept my eyes occupied for quite some time. Actual china with gold trim adorned the table with crystal goblets.

  I'd dressed up to come over here, yet felt inadequate. Delilah, Marshal, Jai, and Amira looked nice, but nothing fancy. A skirt and blouse for the women, and button-up shirts and slacks for the men showed they didn’t need fancy clothes to make them look great.

  I slouched a bit then shook it off and stood up tall again. I didn't need to disguise my height here.

  “I love what you've done to this house.” My mother complimented them. The way she looked at the home reminded me of the way I thought of Jai and Amira. Our home might not be as fancy, and I sure didn't act as polished and beautiful as Amira, but there was nothing wrong with me. I straightened my shoulders and lifted my chin.

  “Thank you,” Delilah said. “It has always been a dream of mine to decorate my own place, and now I finally have a chance.” Her speech sounded more labored, but less formal than Amira's and Jai's.

  I wondered why she'd never been able to do it before. Had her first husband not let her?

  “You’ve done a great job in such a short time,” Mom said. She and Delilah started talking about decorating tips while Dad turned to Marshal.

  “What do you do for a living, Marshal?”

  “I work for a firm in the city, doing diagnostics on their computers. Checking for bugs and problems in their systems. I understand you own the nursery of plants here in town?”

  I tuned them out and looked at Amira. She and Jai stepped forward together and invited me to join them.

  “Shall we sit down and make ourselves comfortable? Who knows how long they will visit.” She took me by the arm on one side and Jai by the other and led us to our seats. Amira sat near the head of the table. She placed me on her left, and Jai took the seat next to me. I eased into my chair, wondering what to say.

  Jai frowned and looked down at his plate, then took his linen napkin and arranged it on his lap. He looked at me as if he was thinking of something then smiled. That small scar made the smile just a little crooked, causing my h
eart to flutter. It made his perfect lips more inviting to watch. I wondered how he got the scar.

  “Did you have a chance to ask about the meteor shower this weekend?” I tried to focus on his blue-gray eyes instead of his lips.

  “Yes.” Amira joined in. “I have never done a hot dog roast.”

  “Never? You’ve been missing out! How about marshmallows and s’mores?” I asked.

  “I am afraid not.”

  “How's that possible?” I asked, remembering the pizza. I looked at Amira and she just shrugged.

  Jai paused for a moment as if thinking how to answer. “Well,” he began. “Her — our father followed a strict diet for his health. We ate the same.”

  There it is again. They don’t have the same father.

  “Then we’ll have to make ‘em on the mountain,” I said, trying to sound casual as I thought about his comment. I glanced at Marshal to see if maybe he looked like Jai. That could be the connection; Delilah was Amira's mother, while Marshal was Jai's father. I couldn't see any resemblance between the two men though. There wasn't even a real resemblance between Delilah and Amira.

  “Speaking of meals, it appears our parents have finished their conversations and are ready to begin,” he said when he saw me watching Marshal and Delilah.

  They turned their heads toward Amira at the same time. Amira nodded, and they wrapped up their conversations with my parents and sat down at the table. Why would they look at her before sitting down?

  Marshal offered a short prayer. “We thank Thee for our food, our safety, and our health. Amen.”

  “Amen,” everyone chorused.

  The food Delilah brought in from the kitchen smelled incredible. It wasn’t anything like I’d ever eaten at our house. She served a salad course, a soup course, a variety of breads and rolls, and a main dish, telling us all the while to save room for dessert. A few years ago when my uncle Pete got married, we went to the wedding dinner and enjoyed food catered by a five-star restaurant in the high-class hotel where they held the reception. That was the best meal I'd ever eaten, until now.


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