The Runaway Mail-Order Bride

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The Runaway Mail-Order Bride Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  “Is there anything else you need?”

  I didn’t think I needed anything to begin with, but I enjoy shopping for baby stuff. We’ve had two sets of twins already, so I don’t know what else we could possibly need.

  “This is more than fine,” I tell him, and then I can’t help but gush over some of the baby clothes.

  “What. The. Fuck.” I turn to see Dane standing in the doorway, his brows pulled together and anger clear on his face. “Are you looking at my wife’s ass?”

  I look over at Mike, who definitely wasn’t looking at my ass. I’m pretty sure I’m not the right gender for him, but Dane isn’t having it.

  “No!” Mike exclaims and looks at me in disbelief. “I would never, Willow.”

  I roll my eyes. Dane would get jealous of the freaking Pope.

  “Lock it up,” I tell Dane. “We didn’t need more stuff! You brought this on yourself.”

  He shuffles his feet a little, and I can see his irritation and anger deflate. “I can’t help it,” he finally mutters.

  I walk over to him and drape my arms around his neck. “I know. Your body can’t seem to help it either. You’ve gotten me pregnant with twins three times now!” He’s so getting a vasectomy after this.

  He picks me up, and I watch as Mike slips from the room.

  “Twins run on the mother’s side. Don’t fool yourself.”

  I know he’s right, and I can’t fight my smile. I love all our babies, especially because we have a mix of boys and girls. I call the boys little protectors. No one gets close to our girls without them popping up.

  “Think they’ll be a girl and boy again?” he asks as he cups my small baby belly.

  “I hope it’s two girls. Just to drive you crazy,” I tease. I don’t really care. I’ll be happy no matter what. He grunts. He’s just as bad as our boys when it comes to the girls.

  “Let’s not find out this time.” His mouth comes to mine in a soft tender kiss.

  “That sounds like a fun idea, but you know how much our moms love doing the gender reveal parties,” I remind him.

  “We can never seem to say no to them,” he says, placing his forehead against mine. He’s not wrong.

  “I know. Because they’re the best grandmas.” Thank God we’ve got them. The twins can be a handful and they were with us every step of the way. Our kids are so lucky to have two grandmothers doting on them at every turn. Who doesn’t want as many people as they can have to love their children? I never imagined how much help I would need, and I never had a moment where I needed to ask. Between Dane and our moms, it’s been a pure joy.

  “Enough talk about our moms. We have twenty minutes before they get back from the park with the kids.” He lifts me in his arms.

  “Will that be enough time?” I joke.

  “I could never have enough with you, but it’s enough time for me to eat the sweet cunt between your legs.”

  My pussy clenches at his words. Heat rises to my cheeks. Even after all these years he can still make me blush. I hope it always stays that way.

  He carries me to our room and lays me softly on the bed. He climbs over me and with his knees he pushes my legs apart. I spread them wide to fit his big body and he pushes my hips up the way he likes them. He wants me to be as close as possible, and I feel the same way. Our time alone is precious after having four kids and we are about to bring two more into the family. When he has me like this, we are connected, and I need it.

  “I think I want you inside me. I love your mouth but—” My words are cut off by his lips falling on mine. His tongue pushes inside my mouth, taking what he wants.

  “Then you’ll have both,” he commands as he moves down my body, lifting my dress and pulling my panties from my body.

  His goal is to always give me as much pleasure as he can, and somehow that gets him off. I tried to fight it and make it even, but he’s never one to keep score. Loving my body is how he shows me what I mean to him, so who am I to deny him?

  There’s no teasing as his mouth caresses my sex, dominating it as he did my mouth. He goes straight for my clit, sucking and licking me into a frenzy. It only takes a moment for him to send me over the edge. He’s found all of my secret triggers over the years, yet I’m still shocked at how quickly he can get me off. I shout his name and grip the sheets as pleasure floods my veins. Warm liquid gold flows through my body and I’m limp as he kisses his way up my belly.

  I lie boneless as he places a kiss on my lips once again. I taste the pleasure he just gave me as I feel him start to push his thickness inside me.

  “God, I swear every time is like the first time with you.” His eyes lock with mine as he thrusts in and out of me. “I love you so fucking much.”

  My orgasm builds once again, and my eyes water. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, and then I wrap my legs around his waist. I want us connected everywhere physically, to reflect the connection of our hearts.

  He thrusts in and out of me, driving us both to the peak. My body is so attuned to him that the slightest touch, the most gentle caress, and it sings for him.

  I gasp as I climax, and feel the warmth of him spread inside me. It’s so intimate and real that I can’t put into words just how much I love him. So I kiss his lips and show him instead.

  After a moment he rolls me over so we’re both on our sides facing each other. Our breathing is heavy but slows as I settle into his chest. His big arms encircle me and he kisses the top of my head.

  “I told you I could give you everything you wanted,” he sighs.

  I never doubted him. He’s given me everything I could ever think to want and more.



  Ten years later…

  “I’m not going to do it,” I say firmly as I cross my arms over my chest.

  I try not to make contact with all the pairs of eyes that are boring into me. I won’t do it. I won’t bend on this. I will stand my ground. Maybe if I keep saying it over and over it might actually happen. Who am I kidding, though?

  I chance a glance at Willow and I groan. I knew better than to look at her. All six kids and both of our moms cheer as one as Willow holds out the Mickey Mouse ears for me. I take them from her and sigh as I put them on my head and turn around to the very patient photographer. The kids and our moms file in around us and pose.

  “Everyone say Disney!” the photographer shouts, and everyone screams it.

  “Wait. Daddy didn’t say it. Do it again,” our youngest daughter says with her hands on her hips. She looks exactly like Willow, and I know in that moment I need to get my act together. This isn’t about me, and I need to give them the greatest day on earth.

  “I forgot,” I say to her, but she narrows her eyes. “I promise I’ll say it this time.”

  She nods and turns around as everyone gets back into position.

  “Okay, one more time,” the photographer says. “Say Disney!”

  This time I pick Willow up by the hips and sit her right on top of one of my shoulders. She squeals but throws her hands up and screams, “Disney!” at the top of her lungs. And this time I do it, too. I feel her shaking a little on my arm as she laughs and looks down at everyone.

  I don’t know how I got roped into this family vacation, but I did agree at some point. Or maybe I didn’t and Willow just figured I would go along with it. She’s right, but she’s always right, so what’s new.

  Sliding her down my body, I place a kiss on her lips before putting her on her feet. God, she’s still as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on her. She reaches up and adjusts my ears, biting her lip to keep from giggling.

  All of the kids are wearing different ones. Willow said her mouse ears are made to look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. They’re gold and red, with sparkles on them. The ones she put on me are covered in brown fur, so I assume this makes me her beast. I growl low in my chest and this time she can’t control her laugh.

  The kids try to pull us in different direc
tions, and I hold a hand out to stop them.

  “Wait a second,” I tell all of them, and they gather around us. They are all practically vibrating with anticipation. “Your mom has planned out a great day for us, so listen to what she says.”

  “Does that mean you, too?” our oldest son says before he laughs and ducks behind one of his sisters.

  “Yes. That means me, too,” I say. “We’re here to have a great time, and we’re going to do it as a family.”

  Willow gives me a kiss on the cheek in thanks as she reaches in her bag and grabs the maps she made for everyone. She hands them to the kids and our moms and then she explains where we’re going first. She gives a rundown of the whole day, and I notice that there’s not one space available for me to sneak off with her. So I’m going to have to change that. She’s been excited about this trip for months, and I want it to be perfect. Obviously getting her alone here would make that happen.

  The kids are listening more intently than they ever have before, and I look over to both of our moms, who are smiling along with them. We brought them along and they are turning into the kids now, too. This place might just have some power to it after all.

  “Okay!” Willow says as she points in the direction of where to go. “Let do it!”

  I take her hand in mine and we make our way around the park. Seeing how happy she is and how happy she’s made everyone else here today warms the place in my heart that belongs to her.

  “Hey,” I say as I pull her to a stop and the others walk ahead.

  “Everything okay?” she asks as she looks up at me.

  I pull her into my arms and kiss her lips. “I just wanted to kiss the most beautiful woman in the most magical place on earth.”

  She sighs with pure happiness and leans into me. “You keep that up and I might get you a Mickey Mouse ice cream,” she says, running her hands up my chest.

  “Is that code for pussy?” I ask hopefully.

  She shakes her head and laughs, then pulls me by the collar to catch up to the family. “You play your cards right and you might get to see my Magic Kingdom tonight.”

  My eyebrows pull together as I stare at her in confusion. She giggles, but I really need to know.



  Four years after that…

  “Dad?” my oldest daughter calls from the open door.

  I’m on the back porch with Willow in my lap. The sun is shining and she wanted to read a book outside, so I came out here with her. We’ve got a big couch that she loves to stretch out on, and I usually nap while she plays with my hair.

  “Yeah, babe. What’s up?” I ask, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

  She comes outside with us, and two of her sisters follow behind. I look at them and look at Willow, and she shrugs, like she doesn’t know what’s up either.

  “Can you tell us how you and mom met?” Mara asks, and my body clenches in panic.

  “It’s, um, I…-” I look anywhere but at my daughters I wasn’t prepared for this conversation, even though I knew one day they might ask.

  Willow was always so good distracting them when they were little and they’d want to know. But now that they are older, we can’t distract from the question by offering cookies. Can we? “Who wants some chocolate?” I try, but Katie crosses her arms and narrows her eyes just like her mom.

  Damn it.

  To my shock Willow giggles. When my eyes meet hers she shrugs like it’s no big deal. But no way am I about to admit the truth.

  “Well, um, that’s an interesting story,” I begin, but stumble again to find the words.

  “Girls,” Willow says as she places her hand on mine. “I’ve told you before, your father and I met online. Why are you coming to ask him?”

  Her tone is calm but final. Those little tricksters tried to get a different story from me.

  “I told you we should have asked him when he was alone,” Melissa whispers loudly to the others.

  “They’re never alone,” the Katie hisses.

  “Fine,” the leader of the girls Mara says and sighing heavily. “One day we’ll get to the bottom of this story.”

  “You don’t believe me?” Willow asks as she lies back and picks up her book again.

  “There’s something fishy about you two. Nobody is that in love.”

  I wrap my arms tighter around Willow and smile at them. “Sure they are. And maybe one day when you’re sixty you’ll find it, too.” The girls gripe and complain as they leave the porch. Willow laughs. “I’m not joking,” I say, and it makes her laugh even harder. “No dating until they’re able to get a senior discount at Target.”

  “You’re ridiculous,” she says and rolls over so she can face me. “And that’s why I love you.”

  “I hope it’s not the only reason,” I say, and she pretends to think it over.

  “No, but it’s a good one.”

  “So we’re sticking to the story that we met online?” I ask, and she nods. “I guess it’s better than the truth.”

  “They’ll hear the truth one day,” she says, laying her head on my chest. “Just when they’re old enough to understand what it means and that it could have seriously gone in the other direction.”

  “So like I said, when they’re sixty,” I say, and squeeze her.

  “You might be on to something.” Her hands move down my body to the waist of my jeans.

  Her delicate fingers trace the edge where my T-shirt has ridden up and a little of my stomach is showing. She’s teasing me and she knows it.

  “Think you might want to be on something, too?” My voice is low as I move my hands to her ass and palm her cheeks. My cock grows between us and presses against her soft belly.

  Her blue eyes shine up at me as she licks her lips. I can see the moment desire takes over and all teasing is pushed aside.

  “How about I take you upstairs and find you something?” I scoop her up in my arms.

  “Be careful, I might just run,” Willow says as she nibbles on my ear.

  “I think we’re past that point now,” I retort, making my way to the bedroom. “You ran away from your family once and you ended up with me. I’d never give you that chance again.”

  “Good,” she laughs as I lay down on the bed and pull her on top of me.

  “Now,” I say as my cock springs free. “Let’s get back to finding you a place to sit.”


  When Clare Stevens walked onto the McCallister ranch, she expected her life to be a certain way. She was the mail-order bride of the owner, and she was to fulfill her duties. Clean the house, cook for his men, and warm his bed at night. What she didn't expect was the beefy cowboy who walked in and literally swept her off her feet.

  Cash McCallister didn't have time to date and find a wife. So a mail-order bride seemed the easiest way to find a partner. He thought he'd made a mistake until he laid eyes on the little piece of sunshine that lit up his life. He never imagined a true love like this. He never knew an obsession could take hold so tightly.

  When drama hits the farm and their fast love is threatened, can Clare and Cash hold it together?

  Warning: This is literally as cliché as it sounds...and just as awesome. It's country living with high-calorie foods and easy sunsets. Come sit on the porch and stay a while. You'll like what you see.

  Copyright © 2016 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes us
ed for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  This book is for those of us lucky enough to have a night under the stars while sipping Boone’s Farm. Here’s to the backs of trucks, cowboy hats, and tight jeans. Yeehaw!

  Chapter 1


  “Miss Clare Stevens?” I turn my head to look at the man who said my name. The sun blocks my view until he takes another step forward, his cowboy boots tapping on the concrete of the train station’s entryway. His movement gives me a clear view of him now, and I’m taken aback by the sight of him.

  He looks like he could be my father’s age. Not that I knew my father, but if I had to guess how old he was, he’d be around this old. Instantly, the little bit of the fear I’d been feeling slides away. The man looks nice. The laugh lines around his mouth are evident, even with all the wrinkles. His grey hair is cut short, his skin is deeply browned by the sun, probably from years of working out on the land.

  “Yes, that’s me.” I rise from the bench I’d been sitting on for over an hour. I was starting to wonder if my soon-to-be husband was coming or if maybe he’d changed his mind. The worry had grown worse with each ticking minute that had gone by. I didn’t even have enough money to catch a train back out of Lobo, Texas. I would have been stranded in a town in the middle of Nowheresville.

  “Sorry about that, ma’am. One of the fences broke this morning and we had hogs all over the place. Had to round the bastards up.” He cringes slight at his own curse. “Excuse my language, ma’am.”

  I smile, letting him know it doesn’t bother me “Don’t hold back on my account. I grew up on a farm with ten ranch hands. I’ve heard it all.”


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