Dream of Embers Book 1

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Dream of Embers Book 1 Page 33

by J.B. Kleynhans

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  Naceus' Notes

  Angaria - The name of the earth.

  Alder Stone - A crystalline gem forged with incredible care. Its design makes it very powerful, drawing power through its density rather than its size.

  Allandiel - The Crimson City. Situated in the heart of the Rivver continent.

  Arrhua - Spiritual beings lurking in the very elements of Angaria. Thought of as having a primitive consciousness.

  Attoras - Capitol of the north, its castle built at the foot of Mount Dunnoom. The town is built star-shaped among the foothills. Ruled by House Evrelyn.

  Benevolence - Resident to Allandiel, sleeping in the Great Vault for all eternity. Dreams perpetually, his powers working far and wide to sustain all of Angaria.

  Blend of Blades - A technique of using two swords known by the Wolfs, forms part of the Savage Art discipline.

  Blossoming - The transformation or evolution of one being into another. Most cases present with a single once-off change. Very few, like Metrus the Druid, take it to the extreme and change freely between different states of being.

  Castilleon - The Blue moon.

  Centaur - Half horse, half man, these creatures are much smarter than most other half-breeds. Still very vicious and uncouth. Recently allowed into the Crimson City.

  Crimson City - The greatest city in the west, also commonly called by its actual name, Allandiel. The Home of the Benevolence and hence the moral authority of Angaria.

  Crystal - A substance prevalent in matters of magical nature.

  Dragonwell - A mysterious and deep set of caves found below Attoras. Said to be the hideout of Dragon worshippers that once resided in Attoras.

  Delvo - Devouring plants used by Druids to feed on corruption and sanctify areas affected by it.

  Des - An older word meaning “land of.”

  Disciples - Followers sworn to families with magical powers. In exchange for loyalty disciples often share in a family's power.

  Dreamers - Mostly referring to gifted individuals of royal houses, carrying in their blood some kind of magic unique to a family. These families usually have a universal dream, so that when they are familiar with it they can draw power into the physical world. There are also magic wielders independent from such families, practising more variant forms of magic.

  Dream of Embers - A powerful ritual practiced in Nem Nemuris. A network of the collective powers of the King's of powerful families. The Dream of Embers, at the height of its influence, is thought of as giving peace and tranquillity to Angaria. It's most fundamental function relates to keeping the Rules of Realm in place, which without the world would turn to chaos.

  Druids - Children of the Grove and close allies to the family of Evrelyn. Since many of the Druids are sleeping, Metrus is the foremost among them and represent their collective will. They command power over nature.

  Dunnoom - Called the Black Mountain. It is snow covered throughout the year and is revered in the north. It stands as a symbol of strength and provides the Seluin waters. The Wolves are said to have a keep high up its slope.

  Enclave - A sacred area which is independent of the Attoras sovereignty even though it stands right behind the castle. It belongs to the House of Evrelyn and there stands a pool filled with the icy waters of the mountain in which rituals of magic and discipline are practised.

  Erenciel - The sword of Attoras. Last wielded by King Anka.

  Evrelyn - The House and family of Ankareus, rulers of Attoras, wielders of the light of Seluin and keepers of the halls of healing.

  Freelands - A land without any history of Kings or Sovereignty. Overrun with Marauders in the past.

  Gentled flames - Fire that has been touched by magic. The fire burns in perpetuity, but will no longer burn things in comes into touch with.

  Goblins - The race of goblins are seen in two main statures: the toy makers who have gained some civility and the rest who are still trapped in clan life and warlike traditions. The goblin insignia is a wheel of hatchets.

  Griffin - flying creatures used by Knights for their missions across the world.

  Guild of Hands - An assassins' guild often associated with mysterious deaths around the world. They are known to be linked with the wraith-kind, providing liberated souls for the death-mongering creatures of darkness. Blamed occasionally for the death of important kings in political plots, their insignia is a open hand with a black studded triangle on the palm.

  Healing Hands of the King - An old term used to describe the healing light of Seluin. The House of Evrelyn is famous across the world for their talents.

  Highwaymen - A band of men patrolling the northern roads around Attoras, Nortalon and Rostrad. They have been in existence since the days of Des Raqueba. They are often frowned upon as robbers, but also keep the roads safe. Acts as a second military arm for Attoras in times of great need.

  Infirmary - The pride of House Evrelyn, where the sick and needy are treated with medicine and magic. Known also as the halls of healing.

  Jeot Agathir - Called a heathen for his involvement with demons, Agathir's research often went into topics avoided by other Scholars. Author of the fabled Remnant Pages.

  Keep - A lone building higher up in Mount Dunnoom where the Wolves stayed. Of the people of Attoras, only the King and his closest associates were allowed inside.

  King's tongue - The most prevalent language in the west.

  Knights - The supposed independent police of the west, based in the Crimson City. They ride into battle atop griffins. Leader of them in this day and age is Knight-Marshall A'luon. Most great kingdoms have a couple of Knights, but they all obey the Crimson City.

  Last Eligible - A title bestowed on a person of royal origin that has been become the only remaining person able to strengthen the Dream. This has happened a couple of times in the past, until a new heir of some royal family comes to the fore with the necessary ability. Shala of Evrelyn is known as the last eligible since her father's passing.

  Mallova - The white moon. The moon with the shortest cycle.

  Marauders - A brutal horde of riders that raids and torch everything they come across. Their horses are pale steeds with sharpened teeth. Recently it seems they are under the guidance of a greater force, evident in the way they've become more focused and tactical.

  Masons - The most prolific order in the world as far as past deeds are concerned. Their buildings and sublime architecture are widespread in Angaria. They are often seen as having a hand in everything given that most of the great structures were built by them.

  Monolith - The name given to what remains when Kings blossom in Nem Nemuris. Rumour has that as the Kings' spirits depart, that their bodies turn into crystal.

  Nem Nemuris - A sacred place where Kings of all kinds travel to strengthen the Dream of Embers. There they blossom and are bound in ritual, essentially dying. The insignia of this place is a curling horn of a ram.

  Nimroth - The Great beast and truest child of Angaria. Called the Mighty Devourer. Once visited almost complete destruction on all civilization until it was defeated. Its remains were never seen again.

  Norwain - One of the great forests of the world comprised by many Groves inhabited by the Druidic people.

  Parthra - Home of the Masons, also guarding the entryway to Nem Nemuris.

  Pilgrim - A man of power and spite. Corrupts and curses other men. Seems to wander many lands aimlessly.

  Pilgrim's Malice - A deadly disease offering little chance of survival. Prevalent in the north currently.

  Rivver continent - Named for its many rivers gracing the land.

  Remnant Pages - The last remaining work and documentation of the travelling Scholar called Jeot Agathir.

  Rodreon - The red moon. The moon that demands blood. The harvest moon. Its cycle corresponds mo
re or less with the changing of seasons.

  Rules of Realm - A very broad term used to describe the rules the physical and magical realms abide by. To illustrate briefly some examples in magic would be:

  When someone dies, the Rules of Realm ferry the soul of the departed to the next realm.

  The light of Seluin harming creatures of darkness, but not others. Metrus's powers unable to harm creatures of nature that are welcome in the Groves. Such oppositional forces are prevalent in Angaria.

  The ability of certain beings to only enter certain areas under special conditions. In this regard there is a very territorial element to the Rules of Realm, the borders of some places being much more than just arbitrary lines. Sacred or damned places would have different effects on trespassers depending on the person's loyalties.

  Savage Art - A discipline developed by the Wolves of the Black Mountain. Rivalled only by the Kaladrim discipline of Massondor.

  Stallich - A powerful ritual practised in Attoras where the light of Evrelyn is bestowed on the receptive stones of Attoras castle. It keeps dark beings at bay. It strengthens Attoras as a sanctuary of light.

  Starwall - A gargantuan magical barrier that encircles Angaria, dividing west and east completely.

  Sannil - Rival House to Evrelyn.

  Seluin Waters - The waters that run from the thawed snows of mount Dunnoom. Only found in that area of the world and is used by the House of Evrelyn as the substance of their magic.

  Shaman - A spiritual leader to the now extinct tribes of the Freelands. They used to have commune with all the elemental spirits of the Arrhua.

  Sunscape - The magic of the Bishops of Allandiel. The family of Auldain are the keepers of this magic and are, like the family of Evrelyn, considered light-bearers.

  Totem - A seemingly harmless wooden device. Often made in the image of an animal, the animal is the patron creature of the respected tribe of Shamans.

  The Cradle - A special area among the peaks of Dunnoom. It is considered a spiritual experience to reach this place and stare out over the lifeless tundra.

  The Cold - Thought of as a discipline in the north. The severe low temperatures were used to push the body to such extreme states as to enter dreams more easily and hence Evrelyn became masters of magic. Was later adopted by the Wolves as well and served Evrelyn loyally since.

  Under-earth - Sometimes used when someone is deep in a cave or mine, but the correct usage refers to where realms of fire and demons are prevalent.

  Urn - Devices carried by the members of House Evrelyn or even disciples of the House. They keep the Seluin waters within it, as it is the source of their magic.

  Warrock- A cursed horse, doomed to outlive all its riders.

  Weatherwitches - Magicians controlling the weather recklessly to their own ends.

  Wheel of Menace - A device used by the goblins.

  Wraith-kind - Emissaries of death. They take away the spirits of the dead and have been known to meddle in mortal affairs as to cause more death.

  Wolfshead - A silver helm wore by the Wolves of the Black Mountain.

  Wolves - An order of warriors from Attoras banned by the Crimson City. Loyal only to House Evrelyn. Their deadly sword skills are feared across the world.


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