Nessa's Two Shifters [Wolf's Pass Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Nessa's Two Shifters [Wolf's Pass Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  Joe added a second slick finger to her back hole, making her squirm at the fullness it caused. She couldn’t stop herself from squeezing her cunt muscles around Jessup’s thick cock. He cursed beneath his breath before groaning as she slowly relaxed around him. Joe slowly moved the two digits in and out of her ass, spreading them over and over as he did. The pleasure-pain kept her on edge until finally she managed to totally relax around them, letting the budding sensations expand until her body felt much like a live wire, ready for something to happen.

  “Easy, baby. I’m going to add a third finger. It might pinch. Just breathe through it. Try not to tense up.” Joe’s strangled voice assured her that he was just as affected as she was even though it wasn’t his ass being invaded.

  The pinch took her breath away, so she wondered how she was supposed to breathe through it. Then it all came rushing back at her as the pinch stretched into a slight burn. She moaned and tried to relax as he inched his fingers inside of her before pulling them almost all the way out again. Nessa was at the point of telling him to just fuck her already. Somehow she was sure that the buildup was worse than the actual event.

  Just when she thought she would scream with frustration, Joe removed all of his fingers.

  “That’s it, Ness. You’re ready, now. Remember, push back against me.” His gruff voice not far from her ear vibrated through her body, setting off flashes of heat all along the way.

  She felt another shot of lube enter her back hole right before Joe’s rock-hard cock pressed against her opening. Pressure unlike anything she’d ever felt before had her gasping for breath before she remembered to push back and breathe through it. The pressure built despite her efforts to follow Joe and Jess’s instructions, but just before she thought she would scream for them to stop, the head of Joe’s dick popped through the resistant rings. Relief at the sudden release of pressure only lasted a few brief seconds before it began to slowly build again as Joe continued to press his way inside of her.

  “Oh, God!” She hissed out as Joe cursed.

  “Fuck me. You’re tighter than I could have ever imagined. I’m not going to last, Jess.”

  “Hell! Neither am I.”

  “Do something. It’s too much.”

  Nessa wanted to jerk both of them up by their hair at that point. They needed to move. She couldn’t stand the slow buildup as Joe eased deeper inside her dark hole. She squirmed between them, earning her a soft slap on her ass.

  “Be still, Ness. I don’t want to hurt you,” Joe said.

  “Not moving is hurting me. Fuck me already. I can’t stand it.” Nessa couldn’t believe that she was telling them to fuck her as if she always talked like that. This wasn’t her.

  At Jessup’s strangled chuckle, she knew he, at least, understood her frustration. Joe cursed and pulled almost all the way out then slammed inside of her again. She yelped but met him halfway the next time he pushed back inside of her. With each glide of his dick into her tight passage, his twin pulled out of her quivering cunt then rammed back into her as Joe pulled out.

  “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.” The chant started under her breath but soon grew to a near scream as both men tunneled in and out of her over and over.

  Jessup managed to slip a hand between them at some point and was rubbing lightly over her clit in a circular motion. It added fuel to the fire growing in her bloodstream until suddenly it was all too much and a pleasure unlike anything she’d ever known before exploded throughout her body. Fire raced through her veins as bliss hovered at the edge of her vision, threatening to overtake her at any minute.

  She stiffened all over, tightening down around the men’s cocks and squeezing their orgasms from them in loud shouts and curses. Before the power of their mutual climaxes had begun to wane, they each sank their teeth into her shoulder at the same time and the lights went out for Nessa as pure ecstasy took away her ability to breathe. Just before she succumbed she thought she heard the howl of a wolf.

  * * * *

  When Nessa came to again, it was to find herself sitting in one of the men’s laps, submerged in a massive whirlpool tub filled with deliciously hot water. Though sore in strange places, Nessa didn’t feel all that bad. When she moved her head to look up so she could see whose cock was already poking at her, she remembered them biting her. Her shoulders hurt.

  “Easy, sweetness. They will be better by tomorrow. Already they are healing.” Jessup’s soothing voice answered that question.

  “Where’s Joseph?” she asked, wincing at how her voice cracked.

  “He took a shower and is changing the sheets for us. We made a huge mess of the bed.”

  Nessa got the feeling by the way his voice sounded that he was grinning at the knowledge while all it did was embarrass her. Something on the edge of her consciousness poked at her. She fought to remember.

  “Was that Joseph who howled?” she asked at last.

  Jessup’s deep chuckle told her all she needed to know. It was obvious that he found it amusing that his brother had let loose the animallike sound.

  “Yep. That was my always-in-complete-control brother. Thank you for bringing back my twin, Nessa. No doubt he’s going to fight it to the bitter end, but watching him go wolf without meaning to was the best thing I’ve seen in a long time.”

  “What? He turned into a wolf on me?” Fear chased bile up her throat.

  “No! I didn’t mean to scare you like that. We’d never do that, Nessa. I just meant that he’d lost some of his infernal control that he keeps his emotions leashed behind. His eyes bled to wolf and he howled because he couldn’t contain his emotions anymore.” Jessup’s fear that he’d said something that had her that upset was evident all across his face. “I promise, Nessa. We’d never do anything to harm you in any way.”

  She slowly relaxed back against him when she realized she’d sat forward to turn so that she could see his face. Almost as soon as she’d moved back into position, he, too, relaxed and slowly massaged her upper arms, staying well away from her tender shoulders. The water was beginning to cool down after a little while. When Jessup suggested it was time to get out, she agreed without protest.

  “Let’s get you dried off, sweetness. Joe should have something to snack on by now.”

  “I’m not really hungry.” She was tired though and ready to go to sleep.

  “You’re too thin, Nessa. You obviously haven’t been eating enough for some time now. We’re going to make sure you are healthy. A few bites of something won’t hurt you.” Jessup smiled despite the frown she aimed at him.

  Once they were both dry, he picked her up despite her fierce refusal to be carried and did just that, carried her into the bedroom, where true to his word, Joe had what amounted to a feast laid out on the table between the two chairs arranged as a sitting area. There was no way she could eat her share of that much food.

  “Kindle and Galen made this for us to celebrate our mating,” Joe said.

  Instantly Nessa felt heat race up her neck into her face. She hadn’t thought about the fact that the other brothers would hear what they were doing. There was no way they would have missed her scream or Joe’s howl.

  “Look, Joe. Our mate is blushing. Wonder what caused that?” Jessup asked as he sat down with her in his lap.

  “Put me down,” she demanded.

  Before she could stop him, Joe picked her up from his brother’s lap and sat down in the opposite chair with her secure in his arms. There was no use struggling. The man was made of steel and iron. When he picked up a bite of cheese and held it at her mouth, she thought about refusing but realized that was being childish and she wasn’t going to be accused of that. She took a bite of the delicious cheese and realized that she actually was a little hungry.

  For the next fifteen minutes, the men took turns feeding her bites of cheese and fruit. One would give her a morsel to eat then the other would lift a glass of wine for her to sip from. By the time she’d finally convinced them that she was full, Nessa was sure
she was a bit tipsy. Her body felt light while her head felt heavy.

  “You got me drunk,” she accused.

  Jess chuckled. “That wasn’t our intentions, but it will help you to sleep.”

  Joe pulled her into his arms when Jess slid her into bed. When he didn’t join them, she frowned.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to put away the dishes, precious.” He kissed her lightly on the nose then padded out of eyesight.

  “Are you in pain, Nessa?” Joe asked.

  “Nope. I’m good.” She knew she sounded silly. She couldn’t stop herself from wiggling her butt against Joe’s already hard cock.

  “Careful, baby. You need your rest, and I’m not strong enough to resist you tonight if you keep that up.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to.” She couldn’t believe what was coming out of her mouth.

  Jessup chuckled not far away. “She’s going to be a handful, brother. Mark my word. She’s going to have us eating out of her hand in no time.”

  “Speak for yourself, Jess. One of us is going to have to be the voice of reason, and I expect it’s going to be me. You won’t be able to deny anything she says.”

  “Why should we deny her anything she wants?” Jessup asked as he climbed into bed beside her.

  “That’s right. Why would you deny me what I want?” she asked, pushing her lips out in what she hoped was a pout.

  Jessup burst out laughing. “What in the world is that face, precious?”

  Joe’s face even relaxed into something like a smile. “It looks like she sucked a lemon to me.”

  Nessa frowned and attempted to cross her arms, but they were tangled up in the covers, and she couldn’t make them work. Finally, she gave up and burrowed deeper into Joe’s side as Jessup curled around behind her. The last thought she had was to wonder if she would become a wolf now that they had bitten her. She’d forgotten to ask.

  * * * *

  The smell of something delicious wafted across her nose, waking Nessa from one of the best nights of sleep she’d had in a very long time. In fact, she opened her eyes and carefully moved her body around on the bed. Nothing really hurt her as far as she could tell. She slowly rolled over to the edge of the bed and sat up then eased off the edge to stand. Even her ribs felt fine. She strode across the room to the spacious bathroom she’d barely glanced at the night before. Besides the giant whirlpool tub, there was a massive walk-in shower with multiple showerheads. Her tiny bedroom in the trailer would have fit into the bathroom without a problem.

  Nessa stared at her reflection in the mirror and gasped. Almost all of the bruising from before was gone. No wonder she had slept so well. She didn’t have the aches and pains from her last beating at the hands of her stepbrother. Did this mean she was going to turn into a wolf on the full moon? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She needed to talk to her mates about it.

  The word mate slipped easily into her vocabulary, much to her surprise. Nessa wouldn’t have thought she would be able to wrap her mind around the knowledge that were—um—shifters existed so readily. She quickly finished in the bathroom then pulled on a pair of warm-ups before bracing herself to find out what all of this meant for her future.

  By the smell of things, at least one of her mates was cooking. It didn’t take her belly growling for her to appreciate the fact that they could cook. Right now, Nessa felt as if she could eat a cow all by herself. Was that a part of turning into a wolf?

  When she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she slid to a stop. Jessup and Joseph both wore low-riding, tight jeans without a shirt. The sight of all that tanned skin stretched taunt over hard muscles had her mouth watering and her pussy dripping. She licked her lips before she even realized what she was doing. Jessup’s chuckle jerked her thoughts back to the present and her eyes to their faces. Heat burned its way up her neck to warm her face. Busted.

  “Hungry, sweetness?” he asked.

  “Um, yeah. My stomach is growling. I don’t remember being this hungry since I was a kid.”

  “I think you might be hungry for more than just food, baby,” Joseph said with a knowing look.

  “Am I going to turn into a wolf now?” she asked, blurting it out before she could stop herself.

  Jessup’s chuckle from earlier sounded quiet compared to the belly laugh he let out now. She frowned at him, feeling like an idiot now.

  “No, Nessa. You won’t turn into a wolf from a bite. Wolves are born. They aren’t made.” Joseph’s quiet answer soothed her ruffled feathers to some extent.

  “Why do I feel different then? I mean, I’m not sore anymore and my bruising is almost completely gone.” She lifted her T-shirt to show them. “Plus, I’m ravenous, like I haven’t eaten in days.”

  The two men looked at each other with startled expressions before returning their gaze to her. She took a step back.

  “Is something wrong? Is this not supposed to have happened?” she asked.

  “Nothing is wrong, precious. It’s just that changes to a mate’s body are subtle at first. Normally it takes several weeks for a mate to notice the changes.” Jessup stepped forward and pulled her into his arms.

  “Enzymes in our saliva enter into your body through the bites and slowly make changes to your immune system so that you are better able to live in our world with the added dangers as well as be able to carry our cubs to term.” Joseph stared at her as if he were studying her.

  She couldn’t help but squirm from Jessup’s arms at the intense scrutiny of his brother. He’d mentioned that word again, cubs. They had assured her the night before that she would have a human baby, not a wolf pup, but hearing them called that made her nervous. Nessa scolded herself for letting it worry her. It would be a while before they had children. They needed to get used to each other first. Besides, she was on the birth control shot, so it would be about three months before she had to decide if she planned to take another one or not.

  “Are you disappointed that you’re not going to be able to change into a wolf?” Joseph asked.

  She shivered and shook her head. “No. I wasn’t too keen on the idea. I don’t mind that you are wolves, but if I had to deal with turning into one I think I would freak out. There are too many rules as a human without adding wolf rules into the mix.”

  Jessup grinned. “Sorry, sweetness, but you will still have to learn about pack rules since you are now part of the pack as our mate.”

  She frowned and crossed her arms. “Can we talk about it over breakfast? I’m really hungry, guys.” Her belly gurgled loud enough that human ears could hear it.

  “Sorry, Nessa. Let’s get you settled at the table and we’ll bring yours over to you.” Joseph herded her over to the rather large table across from the kitchen end of the room.

  Once she was settled in her chair, the men brought several platters of food over along with plates and silverware. Jessup served her first then they dug in as well. Soon, nothing but the sounds of eating with the clanking of utensils on plates could be heard. Nessa soon forgot all of the questions she had as the taste of the food captured all of her attention.

  “Everything tastes amazing. Which one of you is the great cook?” she finally asked around mouthfuls.

  “We both cooked, but I doubt it’s really our cooking. It’s probably the changes in your body. It enhances everything for you. Everything will seem, I don’t know, more. Colors will be brighter and food will taste better,” Jessup told her.

  “The sex will be more intense as well,” Joseph added, his serious eyes traveling over her body possessively.

  “Oh!” Nessa wasn’t sure what to think about that. It had been pretty amazing as it was. She wasn’t sure she would live through anything more intense.

  “I love how your face warms to a pretty pink when you’re embarrassed,” Joseph said.

  She didn’t have anything to say to that. Instead, Nessa stood up so fast she nearly turned her chair over in the proce
ss. Grabbing her plate and silverware, she started to escape their amused glances by carrying them to the sink. Joseph stood up and stopped her, taking them from her and nodding for her to sit back down.

  “I’ll take care of the dishes, baby. You and Jess go sit in the living room and find something on the TV to watch. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  She turned to where Jess was already standing by the table waiting on her. She wasn’t used to being treated this way. Usually she was the one who cooked and did the dishes. Guilt tugged at her as Jess took her hand and led her out of the kitchen.

  “What’s that frown for, sweetness? I don’t like to see you unhappy.”

  “I’m not unhappy. It just feels strange for someone else to cook and do the dishes.”

  He smiled and kissed her lightly on the nose. “Get used to it. You don’t always have to take care of everyone but yourself now. We take care of you. You’re precious to us, Nessa.”

  “Why me, Jess? I mean, what made us mates when I’m not a wolf?” she asked as he settled her next to him on the couch.

  He picked up the remote and switched on the TV before turning to answer her question. She could see the seriousness in his expression. It served to drive home the fact that this wasn’t a game, she was really their mate and everything had changed. She just didn’t know what everything was yet. Maybe that was what had her a little worried.

  “Nessa, I’m not sure why mates are attracted to each other, but can you deny that you felt close to me the first time we met? Hell, my brother is intimidating to say the least and yet you are attracted to him and aren’t really scared of him. A little uneasy at times, but you know deep down that he wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “I guess. I mean, I do feel connected to both of you and I feel—safe is the word I guess. I haven’t felt safe in a long time.” She couldn’t look at him when she said that.

  “We will always protect you, sweetness. You’re our life. Don’t forget that.”

  “Especially when we make you mad at us because we tell you that you can’t do something.” Joseph’s voice startled her.


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