Save My Heart (Sticks & Hearts Book 3)

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Save My Heart (Sticks & Hearts Book 3) Page 19

by Rhonda James

  “Fair enough.” He smiles. “For the record, you’re the only woman I want touching me.”

  “That’s good.” I stoop down and pick up the bat. “Because I’d really hate to have to use this thing on that pretty head of yours.” I say as a joke and then finger the hem of his shirt. “Why are you dressed like Captain America?”

  His brow shoots up a notch before he wraps the end of my ponytail around his finger. “I could ask you the same thing but I’m really loving this getup.” His eyes roam my body. “Asher told me you two were headed to a costume party. I thought it would be fun to dress up as your favorite superhero,” he says with a smirk.

  “I see.” I tap a finger over my lips. “So, is that what this is about? You think I need saving?”

  He takes another small step forward, closing the distance between us. One arm circles my waist, while the other reaches up to tentatively cup my cheek. With his thumb, he traces the outline of my bottom lip before drawing it down and releasing it. I’m pretty sure I’ve been holding my breath since the moment his arm first went around me.

  “On the contrary, Blondie. I believe I’m the one in need of a superhero.”

  “But my character is a villain, not a superhero,” I whisper against the pad of his thumb.

  He lowers his mouth to my ear, and I break out in goose bumps from the feel of his warm breath on my skin. “I’m not talking about the costume. I’m referring to the hero in here.” He splays his palm over my heart. “Right. Here.” He nuzzles my neck before taking a deep breath, drinking in my scent. “I’m crazy about you, Skylar Dennison, and I’m asking you to come save me. Let me be the man for you. The only man for you. Save my heart. Tell me you still love me. Because I am one hundred percent hopelessly and helplessly in love with you. And I want to spend the rest of my life making sure you never forget that.”

  These are the very words I’ve been waiting to hear. I’ve spent my life dreaming of the day when I would hear them, and Scott Rivers is the only man I’ve wanted making this vow to me.

  I turn my head, bringing our mouths closer. So close, yet still so far. My next words are a whisper, because right now, it feels like the right thing to do. “Is that so? And when did you come to this conclusion?”

  His lips tease mine with his next words. “The moment I thought I’d lost you again.”

  My stomach does a little flip and my heart thumps heavily behind my ribs, because somehow, this man always manages to say exactly what I need to hear at the exact time I need to hear it.

  “Damn, that was… good,” I breathe into him. “You know, it’s always been you. All these years… I never stopped loving you.”

  “That’s good, Blondie, ‘cause I was sorta hoping you’d come bother me for the rest of my life.”

  Our mouths come together as one, mimicking the joining of our two hearts. I feel the slow slide of his satin tongue melding with mine. Feel the strength of his arms as they circle my waist. Loving me. Protecting me. I feel his hard, muscular body and the evidence of his desire. I feel absolutely everything. But it’s the beating of his heart I feel most of all. I press my hand against it and smile to myself, because I know without a doubt that it beats for me.

  Only me.



  “I can’t believe it! Rookie goalie, Scott Rivers, has just shutout the opponent and given the Devils a 2-0 victory over Winnipeg!”

  The crowd goes crazy jumping out of their seats and throwing little red stuffed devils out on the ice. The entire team has left the bench and is now surrounding Scott, congratulating him on the game he played tonight.

  Scott wasn’t even supposed to play tonight, but during the first five minutes of the game, the Devils’ veteran goalie pulled a groin muscle and had to be carried off the ice. Since the backup goalie is out with a case of the flu, Scott was sent in.

  Cassie and Laney are behind me, and I push my way through the mass of spectators to try and get down to the ice to give my husband a congratulatory kiss.

  Yep. That’s right, girls. I said husband.

  Insane, right? Maybe it is upon first hearing it, but when you really think about it, it makes perfect sense. That night in the field, Scott and I both realized we’d wasted four years trying to fill a void in our lives. Standing in the middle of those damn soybeans, we realized we didn’t want to waste this second chance at love we’d been given. Scott said he didn’t have to spend another year or two getting to know me. He already knew everything he needed to know. That’s when he dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said yes, because, hello… This is Scott Rivers. Love of my life and the man of my dreams. Besides, how many girls can say their man risked life and limb to climb up a rickety old water tower and paint his proposal?

  So, after making slow, sweet love out in that farmer’s field, we decided it made more sense to say our vows and start living our happily ever after right now. Without telling a soul, we hopped a plane to Vegas and got married in a little white chapel.

  We finally reach the ice, and I pause a moment to take in the sight before me. Good God, my man is something to look at. I hope and pray that the jolt I feel whenever I look at him will continue to intensify as the years go by. When our eyes connect, he mouths the words I love you, and I have to resist the urge to rush across the ice and cross off another item on his ‘Five Things To Do Before He Dies’ list.


  The rush I’m feeling right now is right up there with some of the best moments of my life. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be playing tonight. I may not have expected it, but I was ready. I’ve spent my entire life preparing for this moment, and that save I made that ended the game had been one my Dad taught me back when I was just a kid playing on a frozen pond in a suburb of Chicago. Truly a highlight, but not the best moment of my life. That honor goes to the night I made Skylar my wife.

  The guys still can’t believe that out of all of us, I’m the one who wound up tying the knot first. Me? The guy who a year ago thought marriage was only something I’d find later in life. I think even back then I knew I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. It’s hard to think about white picket fences and picking out china patterns when your heart isn’t settled. It wasn’t until Skylar walked back into my life that I finally realized what I’d been missing. Mom was sad that she didn’t get to see her baby boy tie the knot, but knowing Skylar was the woman I’d chosen to spend the rest of my life with seemed to lessen the blow. Skylar’s boss was sad to see her leave Atlanta, but he loved knowing she’s happy. He arranged for her to transfer to the Detroit office and continue traveling for photo shoots while writing for the magazine.

  I told Cage he needs to stop waiting for the perfect moment and just pop the question when it feels right. The girls were a little furious when they found out we’d tied the knot without letting them share the moment with us, but they’ll have to deal with it. After years of having every little aspect of my life documented on social media, it was nice to share that special moment privately with the woman I love. We don’t need to post photos on Facebook or Instagram to remember that it happened. The memories of that incredible day will forever be tucked away in our heads and our hearts.

  You know, for posterity’s sake.

  The mere thought of Skylar seems to beckon her to me. I look through the crowd, and there she is, walking toward me with love in her eyes. Love, and maybe a touch of lust. Her arms reach around my sweaty neck, and she rocks forward on her toes to meet my hungry lips. As we kiss, I still can’t believe she’s my wife and that I almost lost her. Again. I meant what I said to her in that field. I intend to spend the rest of my life making sure she never forgets how much I love her. I don’t want to take a single day for granted, because I’m all too familiar with what can happen when you become complacent.

  “I’m so proud of you! My God, you were amazing,” she gushes excitedly.

  I take advantage of her excitement and draw her against me, thoug
h there’s far too much padding and equipment between us for my liking. I intend to rectify that as quickly as possible. My mind scrambles trying to think of a closet or room I can drag her off to, because right now, I’m so amped from the win I just need to slip inside her and find my calm. Skylar is that center. She is my calm.

  I thread my fingers through her blond tresses and swirl my tongue through the silky wetness of her warm mouth, which tastes of peppermint and mocha. She moans into mine, and it takes everything I have within me to break away from her.

  She sighs, lifting her eyes to mine as she licks her plush pink lips. “There you go, bothering me again.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna bother you, alright. In fact, when we get home, I’m gonna bother you All. Night. Long.” I capture her swollen bottom lip between my teeth and give it a gentle tug.

  “Is that a promise?” she peers up at me, and I nod. “Guess maybe I better go home and slip into my rubber boots.”

  “Fucking yellow ducks,” I mumble against her parted lips. About that time, I look up and something on the jumbotron catches my attention. “What the hell?”

  Skylar turns, and both her hands fly up to cover her mouth. Brantley Cage has dropped down on one knee on the ice, and the entire arena is witnessing his big moment. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but I already have an idea. He’s been reciting proposals to himself on a regular basis. Poor guy has worked so hard, wanting everything to be just right. By the look on Cassie’s face, I think it’s safe to say she finds this setting to be more than perfect. She’s spent eight months patiently waiting for this moment to arrive. Cassie nods her head, and Skylar sobs as he slips on the ring and Cassie falls to her knees to kiss him. The remaining audience cheers loudly, and the words SHE SAID YES flash across the screen. I catch Skylar’s tear-filled eyes and point to the sign. When she reads it, she sobs and tells me she loves me, and of course I say it back, because I love her more than life itself.

  More than life.

  More than hockey.

  More than anything.

  We’re all making our way over to congratulate Cage and Cassie when I hear a shriek that’s followed by Laney’s voice across the ice.

  “Um, Derek. I think my water just broke.”


  Keep reading for a sneak peek of JERSEY GIRL, Book 1 in this series

  Learn the sex of Derek and Laney’s baby, and be there to witness the union of Brantley Cage and Cassie Rivers in their upcoming wedding novella. Releasing May 2017!


  First and foremost, I need to thank Melissa Mendoza. You’re not only the best PA EVER! But also my confidant, shoulder to cry on, my biggest supporter and cheerleader, and truly my best friend. You are my rock when most of the time all I want to do is fall over. Thanks for always holding me up. Words are never enough for all that you do for me. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it five hundred times, I couldn’t do this without you and I love you!

  My amazing editor, Julia Goda. Thank you for putting up with me. For the middle of the night messages. For talking me through all the last minute panic attacks. For loving my characters as much as I do. For polishing up my words and making them pretty. You truly are a genius!

  Shawn Garcia, you have been nothing short of a rock star throughout this whole book! Thank you for all of the reading and feedback. For falling in love with my characters. For getting excited and anxiously waiting for the next chapter to trickle in. Love you!

  Molly McLain, I’m so happy we met. I seriously love you! Thank you for making me laugh, giving advice when I need it, and reading a copy of this book when it was still raw. I owe you, BIG time!!

  Natalie Miller, I owe you a HUGE thank you! You’ve been another cheerleader in my corner, rooting me on to finish this book so you could get your Scotty! I hope I did him justice and I hope I’ve made you proud. Thank you for everything!! Love you to pieces!

  Lisa Marie, you have been a constant delight throughout this entire process. Encouraging me when I needed it. Sending links to songs for my playlist and inspiration. And those coffee mugs!! I love them and I love you! Thank you!

  A huge shout out to all my Jersey Girls, my Double-D’s, and my girl Christine Tovey! Thank you for loving these hockey players as much, if not more, than I do. Thank you for all of your support and for making me smile every single day.

  All the readers and bloggers who support me and promote my books – I can’t thank you enough!



  “Welcome to Ann Arbor,” a soft-spoken female voice greets over the train’s intercom.

  It’s two in the afternoon on a hot August day, and I’m dragging my oversized suitcase behind me, struggling to keep it upright due to the heavy contents I’d crammed inside. Standing on my tiptoes, I cup my hand over my eyes and scan the crowd for a recognizable face. After a few seconds, I spot him standing on the far side of the platform, hands shoved deep in his pockets, with a goofy grin plastered on his face. He takes five steps forward, and I abandon my suitcase to run toward him. When I get within three feet, I launch myself in the air, throwing my hands around his neck as he spins me around.

  “Scotty!” I shriek loudly in his ear, then pull back to get a good look at him. He’s changed a little since we’ve last seen each other. His hair is longer, and he’s sporting a nice tan. “Nice color there, hot shot. Bet it feels good to play outside for a change.” I ruffle my hand through his shaggy hair.

  My brother is a hockey player. And a damn good one at that. Before finishing high school, he’d been recruited by Great Lakes University and given a full scholarship to be their starting goalie. Ever since he was a kid he’s spent the majority of his year either playing hockey, or training for the upcoming season. This is his last year of college, and he’s already been drafted to play for a professional team in Detroit after graduation.

  “Yeah, Ashley made me drive her to the lake nearly every day this week,” he takes a step back to admire me. “Damn, Cass, you’ve gone and grown up on me. You look great, kid.”

  I punch him lightly in the arm, hating that he still thinks of me as a child. “I’m not a kid any longer. I’m nineteen, hardly the giggling teenager you left at home.”

  “You’ll always be my baby sister, no matter how old you are. Get used to it.” He gives me a playful wink and walks over to collect my suitcase. I follow him to his car, a black Dodge Charger our grandparents recently gave him as an early graduation present. He lifts my suitcase and tosses it in the backseat as if it weighs nothing, then motions with his hand for me to get in.

  A low whistle blows through my teeth as I rub my hand over the leather seats. “Nice wheels. Bet this sucker is a chick magnet.”

  “I wouldn’t know about that. Ashley’s usually with me whenever I’m driving,” he responds with a laugh. “But, yeah,” he says, grinning like a little boy, “it is pretty sweet.”

  Scotty and Ashley began dating at the beginning of their sophomore year. I like her a lot, and she seems to be good for him, because after they started dating he took to calling mom and dad more often. Ashley is very close to her parents, so it was only natural for her to encourage him to work on his relationship with our parents. Not that there were ever any problems between them; he just pulled the ‘I’m away at college and free from the shackles of my demanding parents’ card and would go months without calling home. Mom used to fret over it, but dad would always assure her he would come around eventually. Usually when he needed money.

  We ride in silence as I look out the window, taking in the architectural intricacy of the buildings near campus. I’m arriving a few days early, so the campus hasn’t been flooded with students yet. The thought of spending three days at my brother’s apartment, hanging out and seeing the way he’s been living the past few years, makes me giddy. I’ve missed him.

  “Thanks for letting me crash here,” I call out to him, dropping my suitcase near the door as I make my way deep into the h
ouse he shares with three of his teammates. “Where should I put my stuff?” I poke around and see the telltale signs of four guys living together. Beer can towers. Towels left on the bathroom floor. Posters of half-naked women hanging on the wall. The one thing that surprises me is that the fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables.

  “Cage is gone for a few days. You can crash in his room until the dorms open up.” He comes around and leans over my shoulder to peer into the fridge. “You hungry? I could make something. Or I could order something from one of these places.” He turns and opens a drawer crammed full of takeout menus.

  “Geez, you guys must order out a lot.” I pull out a few and ponder my choices. Thai food. Pizza. Gyros from a place just a block down the road. I only know this, because someone has taken the time to write it on the menu. The Chinese food menu is tempting, but I steal a glance back over at the fridge and make a healthier choice. “I think I’ll just have some of this fruit salad.”

  “It’s nice to see someone eating it. Coach makes us meet with a nutritionist once a month, and she gave us a list. We’re notorious for buying it and then letting a crap ton of it go to waste,” he explains as I grab a fork and dig in.

  “No one in their right mind would let food like this go to waste.” I stuff a few bites of melon in my mouth. “This is how I eat when I’m at home.”

  “Come on. I’ll show you Cage’s room. He won’t mind you’re here. He’s been up north, staying at Derek’s family cottage and coaching a pee-wee hockey team for the last two weeks. Hell, I’ll bet he’s got some chick riding his—” His face turns a funny shade of crimson, and he cuts himself off mid-sentence.

  “Is that your subtle way of saying your best friend is a player? Are you sure it’s safe for me to sleep in his bed? I’m not going to catch anything, am I?” I counter sarcastically. I follow Scotty up the stairs, bowl in hand, and he opens the second door on the right.


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