Blood Of A Rebel (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 9)

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Blood Of A Rebel (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 9) Page 11

by Glenna Maynard

  “Am I interrupting?” I ask, knowing damn good and well the show is all for me.

  “About time you showed, I was starting to think you had forgotten me.” She pouts and leans down to kiss her pet on the forehead. “Sit,” she orders her like a dog.

  The fair-haired chick leans back on her heels.

  Harper holds her hand out to me, waiting for me to kiss her ring.

  It turns my stomach, but I press my lips to the black skull she wears on her ring finger.

  “I missed you,” I lie and pull her into me as she stares into my eyes searching for something, but I don’t give away any emotion.

  She kisses the corner of my mouth. “Welcome back. I’m ready to play.”

  Grabbing a handful of her ass cheek, I grit in her ear, “Then get on your knees next to your pet.”

  I shove her away with force and she laughs as she goes down on her knees next to the docile blonde. Taking a deep breath, I clear my head of everything but the task at hand. There’s no room for feelings when dealing with this bitch. I grab her by the back of her hair.

  “That’s it, baby, you know I love it when you play rough.”

  “I’m gonna give ya rough,” I growl before running my finger over her jaw.

  I wink at the other girl. “Has Harper been treating you well?”

  She looks away, afraid to speak.

  “Answer me freely. I want to know the truth.” Turning all attention from Harper, I focus on this girl. “What’s your name?”

  “Te-Tessie,” she stutters out.

  “Tess, that’s real sweet. It’s pretty. Isn’t that a pretty name, Harper?”

  “It’s darling,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

  “Are you bored? Cause I can give you plenty to keep you busy?”

  “I think you’re stalling, and I’m done letting you pretend to be in charge here. I had such high hopes for you California, but you are really just a drag and killing my buzz.”

  Fuck, I hate this bitch. I know she’s pushing my buttons, trying to make me do something to prove I’m still hers, in this twisted game she likes to play.

  “Tess, Harper here, she loves to be spanked with a paddle. Be a good girl and get that black thick one that’s hanging over there.” I point to the wall and she nods.

  “Get up,” I order Harper, and lead her to a small bench that curves for the shape of a woman on her stomach. “Lay down.”

  She does as I ask, ass in the air, ready to be spanked and teased into submission.

  Tessie goes to give me the paddle, and I shake my head, before slipping a mask over Harper’s eyes. Running one hand over Harper’s ample cheeks, I make a quiet gesture with my other. I allow Tess to have first lick, whispering in her ear to make it count. It’s the only time she’ll get to have any power over Harper.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, Harper. You showed up unannounced, and I don’t like that shit. You checking up on me, not gonna work for me.”

  Placing my hand over Tess’s, I pull our arms back and let it fucking fly. Harper cries out, but the sadistic cunt loves this shit.

  A small smile of pleasure creeps across Tessie’s tear stained cheeks.

  Too bad that’s all the good I can give her. I’d fucking choke the life outta Harper if I could, if the timing were right.

  “I don’t take orders, four eyes, I give them,” Harper bitches.

  Not for much longer, whore.

  Instead, I order Tessie to go down on her knees by Harper’s head, to give her something to play with so she doesn’t notice that I’m holding back from fucking her. I don’t want to be that guy, I’m fighting like hell not to be, but I just may have to be.

  “You’re a dirty little whore, aren’t you? A cum slut. You want it, don’t you?” Wielding the paddle as if it is the key to my salvation, I spank her harder. Her moans and cries with every lick are muffled by Tessie’s nipple in her mouth. I almost feel sorry for the chick, because Harper is a biter.

  I spank her harder until I nearly break the skin, she’s going to be bruised, and I don’t give a shit. Nevertheless, I’m not a complete prick, so I have Tessie massage Harper’s heated skin with special salve.

  While the two of them finish cleaning up from the spanking, I look for something that will make Harper happy and keep my dick out of either of them. My eyes land on just the thing, Harper’s strap-on. She loves fucking bitches in the ass with it, but I think tonight, I’ll enjoy seeing her being on the receiving end of the fucking.

  But first, I need to get her high enough. Leaving the toy for later, I go to her lock box, the one where she keeps her good shit. Luckily the key is already in the lock.

  Taking the small mirrored plate from its case, I dump out three small baggies of cocaine. One for each of us, only I cut their lines with some E.

  Harper eyes me as I do my line, but she doesn’t comment. I know if I didn’t do it she’d know something was up. Tears prick in the corners of my eyes as my nostril burns. I’ve been doing good, keeping my nose clean, but today, I have no choice.

  Joining Harper and her whore of the day on the bed, I give them theirs.

  Tessie shakes her head to refuse and Harper pulls her head back by the nape of her neck with force. “It wasn’t a question, bitch. California offered you a gift, you take it.”

  I don’t want to, but while Harper holds the whore’s head, I brush my lips across hers. “I won’t do anything to hurt you. Just want to make you feel good, make you relax.” I kiss her on the lips again, no tongue. I need her to trust in me.

  Harper sighs and lets her go to snort her line. Her eyes roll back in her head as I coax Tessie into doing the same.

  My phone chirps from my back pocket.

  “Ignore it,” Harper insists.

  “Can’t, could be your husband.”

  Sliding off the bed, I walk to the far side of the room for privacy.

  Morgan: Hey there, Outlaw, thinking about you. Just heading back to my room. Talk soon. xxooxx

  Before I can respond Harper is running her hand down my pants from behind, attempting to squeeze my dick. “I don’t like to be kept waiting,” she sneers, then bites my ear.

  “This will only take a minute. Why don’t you get Tessie warmed up for me,” I tell her, the words making my stomach churn. Now that I have been with Morgan, the thought of any other woman makes me sick.

  “Hurry up, or Tessie bites the dust. I know you hate it when I break my toys.”

  I nod with a grunt. Fucking cunt bitch. What I wouldn’t give to end her right now. She’ll probably kill this Tessie whore anyway.

  My phone lights up again, only this time it’s a message from Rhyner.


  “Damn, motherfucker, that must have been some beer you drank,” I say, punching Romeo in the chest. Been waiting outside this bar for twenty minutes for the old fuck.

  “Damn straight.” He grins.

  I shake my head. “You were getting your rocks off, weren’t you?”

  “You know me, brother.” He smirks and points to the name on his patch.

  I light up a cigarette and take a hard drag while het gets on his bike. “You ready, man? Or do you need to go get her phone number?”

  “I’m good. Let’s hit it.”

  “Do you know where we’re going?” I snuff out my Winston.

  “Porter’s or Wilcox’s?”


  “Yeah, I know the place. Porter’s solid.”

  Giving him a chin lift, I follow his lead. I’ve been to Wilcox’s place, but not Porter’s. Grim put a lot of trust in these fucks. I hope it pays off.

  Pulling up to the Born Sinner’s clubhouse, I’m in no mood to party. I’m here to get down to business. However, by the looks of the damn place, a party is exactly what I’m getting. Their lack of security tells me two things. One, motherfuckers are so damn mean, they don’t need it, or two, they are just plain fucking stupid. I don’t like this setup. Gives me, a damn bad feeling. These fu
ckers keep some of our product here. I have to admit they handle our shipments to the Asphalt Gods easily. Every transaction has been smooth.

  No one greets us. I look to Romeo. “Some welcoming committee.” I shake my head. No one has acknowledged our presence. They damn sure better not be getting drunk on our dime and time.

  “Trust me, brother, they know we’re here. Before we ever turned off the highway they knew we were en route. That abandoned schoolhouse. It isn’t abandoned. That’s their checkpoint. If they didn’t want us to pass through we wouldn’t have.”

  “Alright. Let’s do this.”

  Following Romeo’s lead, I head inside the converted building.

  The first few rooms seem to serve as bedrooms for their hangarounds. Romeo leads me up a set of stairs that lead to the courtroom that is now a bar. No one even looks our way as we walk through. The prospect behind the bar gives us a chin nod and sets two beers out for us, caps still on. At least he got something right.

  Popping the cap off, I take a swig and observe the party. Everyone is laughing, smiling, having a good time. I don’t know why it pisses me off. It shouldn’t bother me, because the same damn thing is probably happening right this minute back at the Roadhouse. I guess I am in a piss poor mood. Ever since Romeo mentioned my nephew, I can’t get my damn brother out of my mind.

  “Romeo, Rebel. Welcome to my abode,” Porter greets us with a smile.

  I nod and Romeo goes through the motions of some stupid handshake bullshit. They bump fists and Porter invites us to his private office, the former judge’s chambers.

  The man takes a seat behind the large dark oak desk. “Please, have a seat. We have a lot to discuss. Grim has told you that we have a lot in common, yes?”

  “He did,” I answer as I take a seat on the leather couch on the opposite end from Romeo.

  He claps his hands together. “Good. I’d like to introduce you to my nephew, Sly, but you can call him Rhyner.”

  A young guy enters the room and shakes our hands. Porter goes through the kid’s life history.

  “I’m over the pleasantries and bullshit introductions. I’m ready to get to the part where we discuss our mutual problem.” The guy keeps staring at me. Rubs me the wrong way. Ever since he shook my hand, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me. Its unsettling.

  “Of course. It seems we have a common enemy in the Devils Rejects. I suppose you know they have been rising from the ashes. Crawling out of the sewer like the rats they are. They are on the rise. I’ll admit, I should have taken them down when the whispers of their return surfaced, that was my error. I can’t change the past, but with your help and the help of Rhyner——we can take them down. He’s prospecting along with another guy who is thirsty for revenge.”

  “Where’s this other guy? Why does he want revenge?” Romeo questions.

  “You can ask him yourself when he arrives. He’s on his way,” the kid speaks up.

  Well, he’s not really a kid, but might as well be. Dude is young. I’m not so sure I am comfortable with greenhorns handling the Devils Rejects.

  “How about we start with what you know,” I say to Porter.

  “Club is run by Marek. Goes by the name Devil. Real sick fucker. Married to a real piece of twisted work. Girl who goes by the name of Harper. Together they are pure destruction. Word on the street is they take girls, break them, play with them, then kill or sell them. They have major ties to Mexico. Cartel shit. Dangerous shit.”

  Fucking perfect. I sigh and rub a hand over the back of my neck. Grim should be here for this shit.

  Romeo mutters something under his breath then addresses Porter. “Tell me, what makes this wet behind the ears prospect and this other guy valuable to our cause, other than getting inside their club.”

  “Harper has a thing for the other guy. Seems he’s her lover.”

  “And what makes you think he won’t choose her?”

  “He won’t. Cole isn’t like that,” Rhyner pipes in.

  I share a look with Romeo, his concern about the guy Morgan was with is evident on his face as he stares a hole through me. I’m beginning to think nothing is purely coincidence now.

  “Tell me, what is this Cole like? Tell me everything,” I demand.

  Porter nods, urging the grunt to divulge his information.

  “He showed up one night at Off the Hinges. Place owned by Devils Rejects. I was bartending. Crazy fucker stabbed Gar, the doorman. I knew he was either crazy or dumb. Maybe both. He started fucking around with Harper, then blew her off. Marek was watching from his back office. It’s his kink. He likes to watch. Anyway, he grabbed, California. That’s what they call him.” He shrugs and Romeo gives me the look again.

  “Call Grim,” I murmur in his direction as the kid rambles on.

  He catches my attention again when he asks me if I know Morgan.

  “Goddamn it!” I shout, ready to kill. Romeo was definitely right, I should have pressed Morgan for details. I was trying to hang back and let her do her own thing. I scrub a hand over my face.

  “That’s our daughter,” Romeo growls.

  “Our, motherfucker, she ain’t shit to you. She’s my daughter.”

  The kid shuts his mouth real fast.

  “Spill it, you lousy fuck.” I get up off the couch and get in his face.

  “Tell him about his daughter,” Porter orders.

  Goddamnit, shit is fucked. My head is spinning. I don’t know what to think, say, or do right now. My first instinct is to find Cole and stomp his ass for being so Goddamned stupid. Does my brother know what the fuck he’s up to?


  Fuckity fuck.


  My second thought is to go get my daughter, drag her ass home, and lock her ass up for all eternity.

  Romeo starts to excuse himself to put the call to Grim in when in walks this kid, California, Cole, whatever in the hell they call him, but I know him as Colt. Deep in my gut, to my very core. I haven’t seen him since he was a few years old, but this fucker is my brother’s son, and he’s higher than fuck. My heart beats against my chest, but I try not to show that anything is wrong on the outside. Inside, my heart and my brain are jackknifed with pain. The past comes barreling towards me like a damn freight train in the form of my nephew as I take in his glossy eyes and watch as he keeps rubbing his hands up and down his arms grinning.

  Romeo is frozen in place as Cole blows into the room, his face a haunting reminder of the past. A reminder of Striker—Baby…another life. The man I used to be. He’s not going down that Goddamned road. He will not drag Morgan down with him. Not on my watch.

  “I need to get a man on my daughter.”

  “Rhyner, you’ve met her. You’ll go once you are dismissed,” Porter barks. “He’ll watch over her. Don’t worry.”

  I give him a chin lift. Although I would feel a helluva lot better with one of my own on her, now isn’t a time for debate though.


  Shaking my head, I try to get my shit together. Harper fuckin’ insisted I do a few more lines of blow. I feel good. I feel on top of the world. At least I didn’t have to fuck the bitch or her little friend. I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t come close. There is only so much a man can take of two women, fucking in front of you and rubbing against your body. Soon your senses are only driven by one thing—need. My body was at war with my mind. Damn, if my balls weren’t aching. The vibration of the ride over here took care of that problem though. I don’t know how I made the drive to be honest. My old man would kill me if he knew I was driving trashed. I know better, I do, but Rhyner said it was a 911, so I got my ass here, fast.

  Some old motherfucker is staring at me with his mouth gaping, and another guy I’ve never seen before is staring at me while chewing on his lip.

  “The fuck you two old fucks staring at me for? Shit, I know I’m good looking, but I don’t ride no baloney pony.”

  Rhyner busts out laughing.

  “What?” I snap at him.<
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  “Not the best way to meet your girlfriend’s old man…dude.” He laughs again, shaking his head.

  “Fuck.” I shake my head, trying to get myself together. Everyone watching me isn’t helping my cause.

  “Go get his ass some coffee,” Porter barks the order at Rhy.

  My eyes land on the guy closest to Rhyner as he stalks off and the patch on his cut reads REBEL.

  I feel as though I should know who he is, but I don’t.

  The other guy with him, mumbles something and heads off to the hallway. The back of his cut signifies that they are members of the Black Rebel Riders’ MC. Well, fuck me running.

  Chapter 17




  “Where’d you get this number?” I growl. Fuck.

  “You know I have skills, man. Romeo told me to track you down. Wouldn’t make contact unless it was serious,” Truth says. “We have a visitor here. A redheaded prick. To be exact.”

  “I’m gonna kill my son, aren’t I?”

  Truth chuckles. “He’s made quite an entrance into the family. You might want to get a hold of him before Rebel chokes the life outta him.”

  “What the fuck is he doing there?”

  “There’s a lot to fill you in on, man, but it isn’t conversation to be had over the phone. Need you here. Soon as possible.”

  “Fuck,” I grumble.

  “Pretty much. When should we expect you?”

  “Soon,” I tell him, wondering how in the hell I am going to do this without upsetting my wife.

  I hear the shower shut off. Damn it. I’m not ready to have this conversation with her.

  I hang up with Truth and go into my home office to call in a favor.

  Kev will have a car here in twenty minutes, his jet will get me there in no time. Karly will be pissed, but I can’t not go. What in the hell will I tell her? If I lie and she finds out she’ll have my balls. If I got away with lying, the guilt would kill me. I suppose there is only one thing I can do. Going to the kitchen I grab beer from the fridge. I’d prefer a hard shot of liquor, but I stopped keeping it at the house once Cole got a taste for it.


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