My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 10)

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My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 10) Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  Grant cringed. "Definitely staying away."

  Adriel turned to Magnus his left eye twitching. "Are we supposed to ignore the statement he made about retaking his city?"

  Magnus sighed. "Yes. There is not much we can do about it at the moment anyway. Our own city is still being ravaged by that damn virus."

  Ellie turned to Vivi as the squires continued to serve. "Did you make any progress toward a cure?"

  Vivi sniffled loudly, tears in her eyes. "Backwards engineering a cure takes time."

  "We are out of time," Ellie whispered.

  Colton leaned forward so he could see Vivi. "Why can't we just use older vampire blood like we planned. We know the problem with Magnus was due to the transition elements in Gavriel's blood."

  Vivi shook her head. "I hadn't factored any transition markers into the cure. I normally work with younger vampire blood, so this issue has never come up before. But the older the vampire, the more markers their blood carries, the more aggression is triggered. It was a blessing in disguise that Magnus had an adverse reaction. As a vampire the markers simply triggered a transition in his body. But shifters don't go through transition, they don't have a way to process the markers. They would stay feral."

  Ellie turned to Serenity. "How much time do they have?"

  Serenity shook her head. "Tomorrow evening at the very latest. Their little bodies are worn out. They don't have any fight left in them."

  Ellie covered her face with both hands and wept. Grant pulled her close to his body and kissed the top of her head. Around the table her words triggered many to tears.

  Serenity wrung her hands. "I wish we could do more."

  Micah placed his hand over hers. "This fight started long before you got here. Don't take this on yourself."

  Laelia and Radclyffe stood. "Kendrick if you could remove the barrier, we'd like to make sure the children are as comfortable as possible. We'd also like to start strengthening the parents."

  Kendrick closed his eyes and the air flexed. They were still covered by the soundproof spell, but the barrier was gone. "Don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

  Sebastian laid a hand on Laelia's shoulder. "I'll send up sandwiches, soup and coffee in a bit."

  "Thank you," Radclyffe said looking relieved. Serenity could tell he was worried about his mate. They waved goodbye and headed out.

  Eva looked up at her mate. "We need to meet with Stefan, the parents will need the support of the pack."

  Magnus slammed his hands on the table as he stood. Without saying a word, he walked out of the dining room. Beth buried her face in Gavriel's shoulder.

  Caspian took a deep breath. "This will scar him. I know my brother. For him to live as the children die, it will change him."

  "I'm doing all I can!" Vivi cried. Etain scooted back and lifted her up into his lap.

  Hal hurried to their side to run a hand over her hair. "You have to calm down baby girl, for your daughter's sake."

  When Ellie went to stand Grant pulled her back down. "No. You need to eat and get some rest. Especially if tomorrow..." he couldn't finish the sentence.

  "We've come all this way, come so far. It can't end like this," Rheia said bitterly.

  Serenity watched as Gavriel and Kendrick exchanged a sad look. It shook her when she realized what that look meant. Both were thousands of years old, how many good people had they watch die needlessly? It was a look of commiseration, as they mentally added the children to a running tally of grief they bore witness to.

  Magnus walked back into the room and sat down looking calmer. He turned to look at her. "Is there nothing you can do?" he asked.

  Serenity shook her head. "I am so sorry. But there's no magic in the world that can simply cure a disease or sickness. Our bodies are constantly creating cells and metabolizing energy. The processes are extremely intricate. My magic acts as a tool, I use it the same way a doctor would use medicine or surgery. I focus on altering a certain chemical to get the reaction I need like putting someone to sleep, easing their anxiety or reducing a fever. I can encourage bone growth or keep a wound open, but if I were to pour my magic into trying to cure a virus its ever-changing nature would deplete me of my life-force." She looked around the room and wanted to ease everyone's pain and worry. These people had been through enough.

  Magnus rubbed both hands over his face. "Forgive me, I knew the answer but asked anyway. They are just babies. They have barely experienced anything this world has to offer. If I could take my remaining years and spread it amongst them I would, in a heartbeat." His head hung low. "I feel like this is all my fault. Those children should have been safe here."

  Kari lay a hand on his shoulder. "Place the blame where it belongs, with DeLaFontaine and the evil men he was conspiring with."

  Magnus lifted his face and the grief there was soul shattering. "There are so few children being born, for us to lose so many, all at once, is a tragedy we may not recover from."

  Serenity thought of Laelia and Radclyffe and their desperate attempts to have a child. She couldn't imagine finally conceiving, giving birth raising them for years only to lose them. She knew that some parents in that hospital had more than one child ill, what would happen to them if they lost all their children? There had to be something she could do.

  Meryn tapped at the table absently. "I feel like I'm missing something."

  Anne wiped at her eyes. "Then we probably have, you're usually right when it comes to these things."

  Meryn looked over at Rheia. "It was something you said that started a niggle in my brain."

  Rheia gave a sad smile. "A niggle huh?"

  Vivi turned to Meryn. "If you think of anything, no matter how small please let me know. I won't make the mistake of underestimating you again."

  "Thanks." Meryn said then her eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute, you underestimated me?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Heifer."

  Vivi blew her nose in the hanky Hal provided. "I simply adore you too Gizmo."

  Meryn was about to respond when Stefan's frantic voice came through Eva's walkie-talkie. "Eva! Please come quick and bring the doctors. The kids are crashing!"

  Everyone stared at each other for a moment in horror before they stood and catapulted into action. Serenity and Micah were right behind Ellie and Rheia as they ran for the tunnel. The distance between Level One and the hospital never seemed so long before.

  When they ran into the hospital parents were wailing and holding still bodies in their arms. The hospital machines beeped and shrilled out warnings and alerts. But all Serenity saw were her two best friends in standing in the middle of the room. Back to back they held out their hands sending threads of magic to each child.

  "No!" she screamed, when she realized what they were doing. They were trying to use their own lives to anchor the children and buy them time, but at a dreadful cost. A cost she would not allow them to pay.

  "Serenity, what's going on?" Micah asked, spinning her around to face him.

  She knew what she had to do, but her heart protested leaving her mate. She reached up and cupped his cheek and time seemed to stand still.

  "I am grateful for those stolen moments that Fate gave to us the night of our claiming. She gave us an entire lifetime in one night, and you know what, it was worth it," she whispered. "I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me."

  She used her magic to send a pulse into him dazing him for a moment. Her magic had always been stronger than her friends. She placed her hand on their shoulders and shoved them apart sending them flying to the floor. She took their place at the apex they created and lovingly began to gather the threads to the core of her magic.

  She knew nothing about science or labs or markers, but she did know magic. She knew the body's inborn sense to fight and live. She called on that instinct now as she sent her own power down the threads to the tiny bodies struggling to cling to life.

  You will live. You will live and grow and laugh and love. And someday if you're very
lucky Fate will give you mate as wonderful as mine. It isn't time for you to go.

  Slowly the world around her faded as she concentrated on holding on to those precious threads.


  Micah blinked, then blinked again. When his eyes focused he turned to see Laelia and Radclyffe staring up at Serenity. Laelia had her fist in her mouth as she sobbed and Radclyffe clutched at his chest.

  The last thing he remembered was the look of sorrow on his mate's face. The way she begged for his forgiveness. Micah felt like someone had punched him in the stomach.

  "Adriel!" he yelled, calling out for the one brother who always knew what to do.

  "I am here," Adriel said, wrapping an arm around his upper chest.

  "I have to stop her! Help me!" he begged, he struggled to step forward, but another set of hands held him back.

  "Kendrick said she is too far into the spell, if we pull her out we'll lose them all," Declan explained quickly, supporting him from his other side.

  "None of your nightmares came true! It's not fair!" he pushed at their hands. "Give her back!" he pleaded.

  Where once there had been wails and crying, the room was eerily silent as he struggled against his unit brothers. The parents wept for him, knowing that his mate somehow gave their children a chance. She sacrificed herself to give Vivi more time to find a cure for the children.

  Kendrick stepped into his field of vision blocking his view of his mate. "Forgive me," he whispered, echoing Serenity's last words to him.

  "No!" he raged as Kendrick's hand touched his forehead and darkness claimed him.


  When Micah opened his eyes, he felt like he was waking up in a fog. He looked around. Why was he in one of Magnus' guest rooms? Meryn's anxiously watched him, her green eyes wide.

  Reality ripped the fog away. "Serenity," he gasped.

  Meryn rushed over and sat on the bed. "Hush! If you freak out again, Kendrick will zap you for your own good. You can't help her if you're unconscious." She placed both of her hands on his chest. "She's still alive Micah, we just have to figure out how to get her back."

  He shook his head. "You don't understand. She tied the kids to the core of her magic. Every second that passes they drain more of her life away."

  Meryn's eyes hardened. "As long as she's breathing, there is hope."

  "What have I missed?" he asked, sitting up.

  Meryn hopped off the bed and returned to her chair. "Everyone is losing their shit. Kendrick is pacing back and forth snarling at people. Vivi, Ellie and Rheia have locked themselves in the lab, Etain, Colton and Grant are threatening to break the door down and Laelia and Radclyffe refuse to leave the hospital. They have been doing everything they can to help the kids to lessen Serenity's burden."

  "Why are you in here with me?" he asked.

  She shrugged. "Where else would I be? I'm not medically trained, and everyone is using the antechamber as base camp. It's quieter in here with you."

  A throat cleared. "And she was worried about you," Ryuu added.

  "Way to put me out there Ryuu," Meryn said blushing.

  "Meryn, you're the one who keeps figuring things out." He stood and took her hand. "Come on my delicate flower, my one and only needs your genius."

  He led Meryn to the antechamber, Ryuu behind them. When he walked in everyone quieted. The looks of remorse and sorrow on the faces of his unit brothers was almost his undoing.

  "Okay people. How do we get her back?" he asked, steering Meryn into her recliner.

  Declan pulled him into a hug. "We've been talking things out, trying to think of other ways we can help the kids."

  Micah clapped Declan on the shoulder. "The only thing that will save my mate is a cure for the children. Once they are solidly anchored by their own life forces she will be able to break free of the spell."

  "That's what I've been telling them," Kendrick said sourly.

  Anne just looked up at her mate. "Actually, you been snapping at everyone and throwing your arms in the air."

  Kendrick looked down at Anne. "I've known her since she was a child. It's like losing Keelan all over again," he whispered.

  Anne jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around his waist. "We haven't lost Keelan and we're not going to lose Serenity either," she said rubbing his back.

  "Okay, someone break this down for me," Meryn said, crossing her legs.

  Adriel looked at Meryn, though his eyes were kind, his expression was exasperated. "I do not think we have time to explain the science or the magic."

  Meryn leaned over and dangled off the side of the recliner. She unclipped her walkie-talkie. "ViThreePO, come in."

  "Meryn? Is everything okay?" Vivi's voice came back.

  "The men think they know everything and won't explain things to me. Can you guys come to the antechamber?"

  "We just started a test, once we have it running, we'll be right there," Vivi promised.

  Magnus turned to Meryn with a pained expression. "Is it necessary to pull them from the lab?"

  Meryn simply crossed her arms over her chest and ignored him. Magnus winced. "Meryn you know I trust you but..."

  "But I'm not a scientist? Guess what? I'm not a military leader either and I make a kick ass commander," Meryn stuck her tongue out at him.

  Magnus sighed. "Yes, dear."

  A few minutes later the door opened and the ladies, followed by their relieved looking mates walked in. Vivi immediately went to Meryn and sat down on the sofa closest to her. "What do you need to know?"

  "What exactly do the kids need?" Meryn asked.

  Vivi blinked. "A cure?"

  "No, like a medicine? What will make them better?"

  "I'm trying to synthesize an antiviral that will mimic the antibodies found in someone who has been inoculated with the vaccine," Vivi explained.

  "We're so close too," Ellie added.

  Meryn frowned. "So, a person gets a vaccine and it fakes out the body into thinking it's sick then the body creates antibodies that fight off the fake sickness, right? Then when the real sickness comes along it doesn't affect them?"

  Vivi nodded slowly. "Basically, yes."

  Meryn pointed to Magnus. "Doesn't he have the antibodies? Can't you just use his blood?"

  Vivi blinked up at Magnus. She then turned to look at Rheia and Ellie. "Could that work?"

  Rheia and Ellie sat down next to Vivi on the couch. The three turned to face each other. Rheia nodded her head as she thought things through. "What about the transition markers?"

  "They would have been neutralized by Serenity when she healed Magnus," Vivi answered.

  "What about matching vampire bloodlines? We don't have time to use your stone," Ellie asked. All three turned to Meryn.

  "You use your stone and another vampire's blood to help prevent bonding and eliminate the need for an exact match, right?" Vivi nodded. Meryn continued. "And royal blood is usually intermingled with Noble blood, which is intermingled with citizen blood. Mr. Culpepper said that one of the reasons why it was such a big deal that the four royal houses were back is because nearly everyone in the city can trace their family back to those four houses." Gavriel, Magnus and Vivi nodded. "Well, Magnus has Gavriel's blood to give it a super boost." She eyed Vivi. "But your blood has all four houses since Gavriel and Caspian gave you some blood to heal your stomach. Wouldn't that make you like a universal donor for vampires and eliminate the need for an exact match?"

  Vivi launched herself at Meryn wrapping her arms around the woman's neck. "I love you!" she peppered Meryn's face with kisses. "When this is over, come work for me!"

  Aiden look dumbfounded. "Hold on, is she right?"

  Vivi smiled and nodded. "There's no guarantee, but it's our best shot." She threw her head back and laughed. "DeLaFontaine thought he'd infect Magnus and get rid of him, but he effectively gave us the cure!"

  "Wait! What about the children? Vampires are universal donors already for shifters, but what about bonding?" Ellie as

  Magnus shook his head. "I do not care. I will watch over them all if I have to," he said emphatically.

  "Vaccine, antibodies, old vampire blood but not from a vampire..." Meryn murmured looking up at the ceiling. Her head came down. "Colton! He's a wolf-shifter who received the vaccine, so he has the antibodies, but he also has Gavriel's blood running through him from when he got chomped on by the feral. So, he also has the boost of older vampire blood, but because he's a shifter you don't have to worry about bonding or the transition markers." She looked at Vivi. "He got Gavriel's blood about three months ago, do you think it would work?"

  Vivi simply ran from the room. "Colton! Magnus! Hurry!" she screeched. Both men simply ran to catch up.

  Adriel rose from his chair and walked over to stand in front of Meryn. Without saying a word, he practically bent in half bowing low to her. Grinning, Declan and Etain stepped up to bow to her on either side of Adriel.

  Micah stood, leaned down and kissed her forehead gently. Silently he took a step back until he was beside Etain and he bowed low.

  "Aiden they're doing that thing," Meryn said to her mate sounding upset.

  "It's because you deserve it," Aiden said, his voice thick with emotion.

  "Well tell them to stop. If they want to make me happy they can get me some meat kebobs or something," Meryn definitely sounded flustered.

  As one, Micah straightened with his unit. Adriel knelt down on one knee in front of her. "Will you forgive me? I did not mean to discount the value of your input. My heart and mind were distracted by my concern for Micah. It is not an excuse, but I hope you understand."

  Meryn just blinked. "So, am I getting meat kebobs or not?"

  Adriel chuckled and stood to ruffle her hair. She tried ducking from under his hand. "Cut it out!"

  "I will fetch your meat kebobs whenever you like," he promised.

  Meryn rubbed her swollen belly. "Maybe after some Magic Pudding."

  "I will get some immediately," Sebastian said and disappeared from the room.

  Ellie stood and helped Rheia up. "We're heading to the hospital. Knowing Vivi, she will take the injectors straight up there." Grant and Micah stepped next to the women. Micah looked back at Meryn. "If this works, I will owe you more than you know."


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