I didn’t call the police.
“The line’s moving,” said Jared, excitedly rubbing his hands together. “I want cotton candy and a beer—”
“Sounds like a recipe for indigestion,” Jason teased.
Ignoring his brother, Jared continued, “And I’m doing the roller coaster first, then the Ferris wheel, then I’m going to kill it on the games. Mom, you want a giant bear or giant balloon? I can win you either...or both.”
Kate smiled. “Just make sure it isn’t bigger than the cab of my truck. I don’t have bungee cords to strap it to the roof.”
When it was there turn at the admissions booth, Jason took charge, reminding the cashier that he was the head of Wentworth Contractors.
She eyed him skeptically in a way that indicated she recognized him from the news. But she gave him four complimentary tickets, which he distributed as they passed through the turnstile.
Kate expected her boys to run off like kids in a candy store, but they surprised her, keeping calm as well as an eye on Scott, who was walking slowly.
Abruptly, Scott said, “I’ll be back. Feel free to go on ahead without me.” He was staring off towards the games, and when Kate glanced that way, she saw a man in a trench coat and fedora hat.
“Who’s that?” she asked.
Speaking softly, he said, “Just a little outside help. You’ll be at the cotton candy truck?”
“Sure. We won’t disappear.”
She watched him make his slow way over to the man, as Jason hooked his arm around hers.
“Let’s hope the beers aren’t eight bucks a pop,” he said.
To which Jared chimed in, “Don’t bet on it.”
As they made their way to the food trucks, weaving in and out of racing children and the parents that were hurrying after them, Officer Garrison jogged over.
“Evening,” he said, just as the rain began coming down in a fine mist. “Can you believe how quickly this park went up?”
“How about that,” she said, unnerved he had stopped them. “Well, if you’ll excuse us, the cotton candy truck is calling.”
“No can do,” he said with an easy smile. “Lot of people out tonight. Scott asked me to keep an eye on you.”
Just like Justina had asked him to check out the apartment building? Kate didn’t think so.
“You look worried,” he pointed out, keeping his tone low so that Jason and Jared, who were conversing with each other, wouldn’t take note. “Look,” he said in an even quieter tone, “this has more to do with Jason. Gotta keep an eye on him. You understand.”
“Right,” she said. “Come on, boys.”
Garrison trailed behind them as they joined the end of the cotton candy line. The wind kicked up as they waited, inching forward. For as many nights as she had hoped for rain to cool off the stifling heat, Kate took the weather as a bad omen.
At the food truck counter, Jason got a puff of pink cotton candy and handed a blue one to his brother. Then they stepped aside, running into Eric Demblowski.
“Hey killer,” he said to Jason, which caused Kate’s hands to ball into fists.
Jason didn’t appreciate the nickname, either.
Eric shot Kate a disingenuous smile, saying, “Quite an interview the other day. Too bad you ran off.”
“Was it?” she challenged. “I thought I did you a favor.”
“Sorry about being the bearer of bad news like that,” he said, sounding entirely insincere. “And for my tone. You know how it is...making a story sound dramatic...”
“Is that what you call it?”
Eric exchanged a brief look with Officer Garrison, but quickly said, “You all take care. And Kate? I’m ready for round two when you are.” Unable to leave it at that, he leaned in and said, “You’re going to wish you had never mentioned Becky.”
Astonished, Kate glanced at Garrison for confirmation she had just been threatened, but the cop was grinning at Eric.
“Come on, boys,” she said, taking hold of her sons’ arms and starting off towards the roller coaster, but they didn’t get far.
The next thing she knew, she felt the barrel of a gun pressing into her back.
“Don’t say a word,” said Garrison.
He was standing close. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. And when she shifted her eyes, she understood that no one in the crowd around them had taken notice.
Her sons had, however.
“Mom?” asked Jason.
“Do what he says,” she whispered.
Garrison said, “That’s right. Everyone’s going to do what I say.”
As Garrison forced her to start walking, leading her around the food truck and towards the darkened side of the amusement truck, Kate began racking her brain. Everyone called Garrison by his last name. And now that she was thinking about it, she wasn’t sure she had ever learned his first name.
Then she remembered. Years ago, Ken Johnson had introduced them.
Soon they were rounding into a dark tent that was being used to cover leftover materials from the build.
Apprehensively, she said, “Ned?” He shoved her forward. She fell to the dirt and her sons rushed to her. As they helped her up, her eyes were locked on the gun in Garrison’s hand.
“You’re making a big mistake,” she said.
“Save it,” he barked.
“No,” she insisted. “You don’t understand.” Her heart was racing so fast she was suddenly out of breath. “It’s Becky. And Eric...they’re going to—”
“You couldn’t keep to yourself, could you? Even after you were shot at. Even after Scott went to the hospital. You just had to keep sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“I know you killed Grant Conover,” she blurted out.
Her sons looked shocked from where she could see them out of the corners of her eyes.
“It’s been you all along?” she asked. “You’re behind Colombia & Partners?”
“Stop, Kate, it’s all over.”
He cocked his gun and straightened his arm. If he pulled the trigger, the bullet would catch her right between the eyes, just as it had the prison warden.
But that wasn’t her immediate concern. Becky’s warning filled her mind, and she insisted, “You’re about to be ambushed! It’s Becky!” Kate’s eyes darted into the darkness that surrounded them beyond the tent. “This was her plan all along. She baited you here.”
“She didn’t bait me,” he countered. “She works for me. And I’m getting my product.” He walked over to a stack of crates and tapped the one on top. “She’s very loyal.”
“She isn’t. And Eric just saw us walk over here. He’s probably telling her right now. They’re going to kill you, all of us!”
Thunder cracked overhead, followed by a downpour. Rain fell in ragged sheets against the tent as the wind kicked up in sideways gusts.
“No one is going to die here today, except you and your sons,” he told her in a cool and steady voice that made her heart punch in her chest. “And the beauty of it is that I couldn’t stop him.”
Garrison aimed his gun at Jared, continuing with his dark explanation. “Jason brought you in here. He murdered you, and then, overcome with guilt, he shot himself in the head. I was too late.”
“No,” said Kate, horrified.
Without warning, Jason charged at Garrison, advancing so fast that the cop had little time to aim his gun.
Kate screamed, her mind reeling with confusion, as Officer Garrison dropped dead on the ground.
Kate shifted her wide eyes from Garrison to Jason to Jared, as she gradually understood...
But it was too late; the shooter was stepping out of the shadows. Everywhere Kate turned, she saw more men and women entering the tent, surrounding her and her boys, their guns aimed at her head.
Becky Langley glared at Kate and said darkly, “I’m going to enjoy this.”
Chapter Ten
Jason squared his
shoulders, facing the woman he had once thought he knew, the girl who had stolen his heart, the one he had thought he would spend the rest of his life with.
Becky’s expression hardened and didn’t waver. Her gun was trained on his chest, though he stood ten feet away.
Jason’s question was a single word. “Why?”
“Why?” she challenged. “Because there’s no getting out. There’s no escaping what I am.”
Terrified that saying anything would push Becky to pull the trigger, Kate dared to speak anyway. “Did Grant tell you that?”
Becky angled her dark eyes on Kate. “I’ve always known it. I’ve always gotten into trouble. I didn’t have a terrible childhood. I didn’t suffer any tragedies like you and your family did when Greg disappeared. I have no excuse. I like drugs and I love the power I have,” she said easily. “Don’t act like you know me. You don’t.”
“Why did you get involved with me?” Jason demanded, tears springing to his eyes. “Why did you set me up?”
For the first time, Kate saw remorse in Becky’s eyes. She loosened her grip on the gun, and her arm lowered, as she seemed to hunt for the right words to say.
“It was part of the plan. That’s all. Nothing personal.”
Jason clenched his jaw and began quaking with rage.
“I told you, you don’t know me.”
“Why kill us?” Kate asked, but it only made Becky laugh.
“I can’t do what I want to do if you go on living,” she pointed out. “The great Kate Flaherty, notorious Mrs. Fix It, will stop at nothing to keep Rock Ridge clean and safe.” She keeled over laughing then sobered up so fast it set Kate’s teeth on edge. Becky didn’t even look human anymore. She looked like the devil incarnate. “You should’ve died a long time ago. But as they say,” she said in a singsong tone as she cocked her gun, “if you want something done right, you gotta do it your damn self, don’t you?”
“I’ll never forgive you for this!” Jason cried, but the kingpin wasn't fazed.
“You won’t have to, sweetheart. You’ll be dead. But not before your mother.”
Becky aimed the gun at Kate’s head, stalking towards her like a trained assassin until the barrel pressed against Kate’s forehead.
“Any last words?” she asked, devoid of all human emotion.
Kate spoke in a faltering tone, using carefully chosen words, as she slipped her hand into her back pocket, rain pounding on the tent roof all the while. “Yeah...I’m sorry.”
Without warning, Becky threw her head back, laughing with reckless abandon, and it was just the opportunity Kate needed.
Becky cackled out, “Sorry for what?” In the same moment, Kate thrust her screwdriver into the woman’s stomach, leaping up.
Becky gasped and stared down at her stomach in disbelief at the tool lodged in her abdomen, as Kate ripped the gun from her hands, vaguely aware that bullets were now flying all around her.
Before she realized what was happening, Jason dove on top of her, protecting her from the gunfire. She slammed onto the dirt, but as she peered up, she saw that it wasn’t Becky’s henchmen who were firing their weapons. Rather, they were dropping dead all around her.
When finally it quieted, Scott stepped under the tent, lowering his gun. “You’re safe.”
Kate got to her feet quickly and braced Jason’s shoulders, scanning his body to be certain he hadn’t been hit. Confirming as much, she rushed to Jared and did the same. It was only when she was sure her sons were alive and well that she ran to Scott and threw her arms around him.
As she held him, she saw dozens of officers she didn’t recognize step out of the dark rain and into the tent.
She urged Scott back and searched his eyes, and he told her, “I figured it all out. And I couldn’t have done it without you.”
She kissed him, holding her lips to his, and then embraced him.
Jason neared them and lifted the hem of his jeans, asking, “Does someone want to get this damned thing off of me?”
In response, Kate burst into laughter, as tears of relief streamed down her face.
It was finally over. She had her husband, her boys, and Rock Ridge would be safe once and for all.
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Mrs. Fix It Mysteries, Season 2 (5 Cozy Mystery Books Collection) Page 47