Mara Louis; Girl of Mystery

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Mara Louis; Girl of Mystery Page 60

by Timothy Paterson

alone with Mara.

  A short time later, a band started playing music, and when everyone looked up, they saw Leann Phillips at the microphone.

  “May I have your attention?” said Ms Phillips. “Because of Mara, I recently received a wonderful gift from my father. So, I would like to dedicate my first song to Mara as she and her father have the very first dance.”

  As Ms Phillips sang, Mara and her father danced around the dance floor. Mara, who had always been very close to her father, cried as they danced.

  After the first dance, everyone started dancing. Everyone wanted to dance with Mara. Tony decided that that was his chance to talk with Mara, but getting to her was more difficult than he thought it would be.

  First, Scott danced with Mara. Then the rest of the boys took turns cutting in; Kenny, Gary, Abe, Keith, Alex, Prince Toshihito, Jake, Kirk, Nick, CJ, Johnnie, Ryan, Jason, Chris and Jeffrey.

  “Finally” thought Tony, after everybody had a chance to dance with Mara, he cut in and started dancing with her.

  After a few minutes, Tony started to tell Mara what he wanted to say to her, when Bill Decker tapped him on the shoulder. “May I cut in?” he asked Tony.

  That was the last straw. “No!” yelled Tony, “You may not cut in.”

  As everybody turned to look at Tony, Mara asked, “What’s the matter Tony?”

  Tony escorted Mara to the side of the dance floor. “Mara” he said, “When I was on the plane to Denver, and I got Betsy’s text saying that you were trapped behind tons of rock, I was devastated. I thought that I would never see you again. There is something that I have wanted to tell you for a long time, but I kept putting it off. On the plane, I told myself that the next time I saw you, I would tell you. Well, every time I have tried to tell you, I kept getting interrupted.”

  “What do you want to tell me?” asked Mara.

  “We can’t change the past, and unlike you, I can’t see into the future,” said Tony. “All we have is the present, this day, this moment. Mara, at this moment, I want to tell you, no, I need to tell you that I love you so much. I have loved you such a long time.”

  Mara started to cry as she looked at Tony and said, “Oh, Tony, I love you too.” Then, just like in a fairy tale, Tony and Mara kissed. It was not what Mara had imagined at all; it was much better. She had always heard that when you kiss for the first time, with the one you love, that you would see fireworks. Well, Mara did not see any skyrockets. As she and Tony kissed, everybody else disappeared. It was just her and Tony standing there, a soft glow of white light all around them, with romantic music playing in the background.

  The kiss was the best gift that Mara had ever received. A slow song started playing and Tony escorted Mara onto the dance floor. Mara felt like she was floating across the floor. There was a spotlight on the two of them, and the rests of the guests stood all around the edge of the dance floor watching Tony and Mara dance. However, Mara and Tony did not see anyone but each other.

  Mara knew that she night not end up marrying Tony, but what mattered was that right now, her life was perfect. She was in love and God was watching over her. She was surrounded by family and friends who loved her.

  Mara had unquestionable faith in God and she knew that God loved her unconditionally. She did not know what the future held for her, but for now, for this moment; she laughed, she loved and she danced.

  The End


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