Some Sugar (Curvy Women Wanted Book 3)

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Some Sugar (Curvy Women Wanted Book 3) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He swallowed huge mouthfuls of the bottled water, needing the freshness of it. He was parched, and coffee wouldn’t do after his morning workout.

  Opening the door, he frowned. Faith, his little neighbor, stood opposite him. She looked cute in a very prim and proper black skirt and white blouse. Very professional. He had an overwhelming urge to tear it off her and find out exactly what she was hiding.

  He loved a woman with curves, and Faith’s made his mouth water for more.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey. I wanted to apologize for my behavior. Not just last night but every single day I’ve been rude. I know you’re probably not going to believe me, but I’m not a rude person, not at all. I’m usually a very polite person, and now I’m rambling. Anyway, I made these for you. I had lemons and blueberries left, and I figured why not. Also, there is a jar of sugar.” She pressed the items into his hands. “I hope you can forgive my rudeness, and I can’t apologize enough.” She then gave him a smile, which again went straight to his cock. Faith had the plumpest lips he had ever seen.

  All he could think about was how good they would look wrapped around his cock.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Great. I hope we can start over. If you need sugar or anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” She turned on her heel and walked away.

  He wanted to chase after her but he was captured by her voluptuous ass as it swayed with each step she took. His cock getting harder as she she moved. He gritted his teeth in an effort to not release a sound.

  Damn. How could a woman walking away be so good?

  Shaking his head, he closed the door and inhaled the fresh, lemony scent of the rolls. His mouth watered, and he was actually heading into the office in thirty minutes. Putting the rolls on the kitchen counter, he took one, had a bite, and fell straight into heaven. There was no other word for what the taste was.

  Amazing flavor burst on his tongue, and the moan he’d been holding in, he finally released.

  “Fuck me,” he said, moaning again. It really was that good.

  Within two bites one roll was gone, and he picked up another.

  Faith was a good cook, and the rolls did their job. All was forgiven. He hoped she was a bitch to him more often.

  He licked the remnants of the cream cheese glaze from his fingers, and knew he couldn’t go to work without another. Wrapping three more in paper towels, he stored them into an airtight box.

  With time ticking, he climbed into the shower and began to soap his body. His rock-hard cock stood right out in front of him, begging to be touched.

  Closing his eyes, he wrapped his fingers around the length, and started to soothe the ache. Thinking about Faith, he imagined her sinking to her knees in front of him. She would pull down his shorts, and even though there was a chance of them getting caught, she would pull his dick out, and take it right into her pretty little mouth. He’d wrap her brown hair around his fist as he started to sink inside her mouth, going deep until he hit the back of her throat. She wouldn’t push him away either. No, she would want him to go deeper, and he’d love it.

  Hunter growled as his release shot out of the tip of his cock onto the bottom of his shower, the water washing it away. He held onto the shower, panting for breath.

  This wasn’t the first time he’d masturbated to the thought of his neighbor, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. He couldn’t get enough of her. She was so fucking beautiful, and he wanted her. Even with her bitchy attitude, he wanted her. He wanted to bend her over a bed and spank her nice plump ass for all of her naughtiness.

  Instead, he climbed out of his shower, dried off his body, and got ready for work. He wasn’t conventional in his approach to helping people. He believed in breaking away from the mold of a sofa and talking.

  He was hands-on, and believed in helping constantly. His home was his sanctuary, and he was always careful. The women and men he helped, he made sure were not at risk of thinking there was going to be something more. He avoided relationships as he had yet to find the right woman.

  Thinking about Faith, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a chance with her. They had gotten off on the wrong foot, but there was a fine line between hate and lust. Just the thought made him exceedingly happy.

  He would have to go over there this evening and say thank you for the rolls. Already there was a chance of something more, and he was happy about that, more than happy.

  Chapter Three

  “I handed my neighbor some rolls,” Faith said, talking to her friend Dru. They both worked at the casino. Dru worked the tables, helping men gamble. She had abundant cleavage on show, and her face was made up heavily. They were completely different, and yet had found a kind of solidarity in their work. While she was curvy, Dru was slender with large tits.

  “This is the guy that is the horn dog, right?”

  “Actually, I completely misjudged him. He’s not a horn dog at all.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. I’m not kidding. He’s a life coach.”

  “Holy shit. Is he a bad one?” Dru asked.

  “Nope. He’s a good one. Award-winning, and most sought after as well. I was mean to him, and I told him no to sugar, and I’ve been a bitch.”

  “You’ve been a bitch. Sweetie, there’s not a horrible bone in your body.”

  “Yeah, well, I was mean, and I was horrible, and I feel really bad. I shouldn’t have said some of the things I said. It wasn’t me. I just saw stuff and assumed, and ugh, now I feel so bad, and so guilty.” It was why she had spent most of the morning baking him some more rolls. Her shift started today at twelve, and she had wanted to get some overtime in as well.

  Being at home all day, trying to find work was harder than just coming to work. Besides, in between serving customers and helping out the girls on the tables, she could always check the internet on her cell phone.

  “Is he good-looking?”

  “Yeah, he is.” She couldn’t deny that Hunter was good-looking. He was, and she had even fantasized about him herself. She was embarrassed by that as well. Even when she had thought the worst of him, she had still found him attractive.

  “I see that hungry look in your eye. You should totally beg for forgiveness and you know, offer to suck his cock.”

  Faith rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to try and sleep with my neighbor.”

  “You have not been with anyone in a long time. You ever thought that it might be a little dusty down there?”

  “Ew, gross. My bits are fine, and dust-free.” Faith rolled her eyes again, laughing. “You’re insane.”

  “Well, we’ve got to get out there and work our asses off.” Dru stood, pushing some hair out of her face. “See you later for coffee?”

  “You got it.”

  Getting up from her seat, Faith made her way out onto the main floor of the casino, and walked toward the bar. The idea in the casino was for her to walk around, taking drink orders, creating a tab that a very nice, burly security guard would then get them to pay at the end of the night. The largest tab she had started was over five thousand dollars, and that was for champagne and other drinks for the night. The customer had tried to blame her for spilling stuff. Fortunately, the casino had security footage. The guy had to pay up, and she was able to keep her job.

  Spending the next twelve hours on her feet didn’t sound like a good idea, but it was going to be something she had to do. I’ll find a new job soon.

  She could have a job by tomorrow but not one that paid this well. For the first three hours, she just walked around with her tray. No one paid her any attention. By the fourth hour, she had several customers making orders. She would take them to the bar where the barman of the evening would run the tab.

  Faith was so immersed in her work that she didn’t even see Hunter until he spoke.

  “You work in a casino, or is this where you stop at night?” Hunter asked.

  She spun around where she was waiting at the bar
for another order to fill. “Hunter?” She looked around, wondering what he was doing here. “I, er, I work here. I’m a waitress.”

  “So this is why you stay out at night.”

  “You got me. I work here all the time.”

  He stepped closer, and she couldn’t help her racing heart as he seemed to breathe her in.

  Something was happening between them, and she didn’t know what.

  “The rolls were beautiful.”

  “Good. I’m glad you liked them.” Her mouth was dry. “Are you here with a client?”

  “No. I’m here with the guys. I never allow them back to my place to party.” He chuckled. “Believe it or not, I didn’t want you to hate me or to get the wrong impression.”

  She groaned. “I did anyway, right?”

  “Just a little bit. Besides, we’re starting over. You’ll see I’m an awesome neighbor.”

  Faith had the feeling that he was.

  “Faith, your order’s up.”

  “Thanks.” She grabbed her tray. “Enjoy your evening, Hunter.”

  Even as she moved away, she was sure she felt his gaze on her back. When she looked toward him, it was to find him looking at her.

  Her pussy flooded with warmth, and she berated herself.

  You were a bitch.

  There’s no way anything is going to happen.

  Keep on working.


  “Isn’t that chick your neighbor?” Paul asked.

  “You spent ten minutes with her last night. How could you not know her?”

  He shrugged. “It’s not my problem to remember chicks. I knew I recognized her. She looks rather prim.”

  Hunter watched as she moved between each person. There were groups of friends gambling and then individual ones. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her ass looked like heaven, and all he wanted to do was bend her over the nearest surface and fuck her senseless.

  “Who are we talking about here?” Ben asked.

  “No one,” Hunter said.

  “Hunter’s staked his claim on a woman.” Paul spoke up, pointing toward Faith. “See the curvy babe there with the brown hair pulled back? He wants her.”

  “Shut up.” Hunter slapped his hand down on Paul’s hand, stopping him from pointing. “How old are you?”

  “How old are you? Why aren’t you talking to her, huh?”

  “She’s working.”

  “For a life coach, you suck. You want her. Go and do some chasing.”

  “She hates me.”

  “No. She hates what she thought about you. You changed that, right?” Paul asked.

  “I’m not following you,” Ben said.

  “Go, talk to her. You know you want to.”

  “I’d rather talk to her than hang out with you bunch of losers.” Hunter left the group and went straight toward Faith, who was once again back at the bar. She smiled at him as he approached.

  “This is becoming a habit. Twice in one day.”

  “I’m an addict.”

  She chuckled. “I feel really bad about everything. Really, I do.”

  “No worries. I imagine if a bunch of men were leaving your apartment, I’d think something bad.”

  “Like what?”

  “A dominatrix who has just told their pets they were no good,” he said.

  She laughed. “Wow, I wouldn’t have thought that. Good one. It was just a handful of women, and I was exaggerating.” She shrugged. “Again, I can’t say sorry enough.”

  “How about dinner?” he asked.


  “When you finish. You, me, dinner? We can get to know each other. What do you say?”

  He watched as she licked her lips, and he knew what he wanted to do with those lips.

  “Sure. Why not? I’d love to have dinner with you. I finish at midnight. Will that be a problem?”

  “You left early this morning? Do you not sleep?” he asked.

  “I’m a light sleeper, and I like to work.” She shrugged.

  “No boyfriend?”

  “Nope. Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked, looking at him beneath her lashes.

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  Silence fell between them, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Something was happening between them, and he didn’t know what.

  He leaned a little closer, looking at those plump lips.

  “Faith, order’s up.”

  She pulled back. “That’s me.” She had her tray, and turned to leave.

  Once again, he was graced with the curves of her ass, and damn, it was a fine ass.

  Paul passed her, giving her a smile.

  “I thought you were with the guys.”

  “I was, and then I wanted to see if you’d suck at this. You’re doing all right at the moment.” Paul slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Don’t wait around for me. I’m going to be taking her out for dinner.”

  “Do you think that is wise?”

  “It can’t be any worse than other shit I’ve gotten up to. It’s just dinner.”

  “You say that now,” Paul said, laughing. “I’m rooting for you, seriously, I am. It has been too long since you put yourself out there.”

  “I have a woman regularly.”

  Paul rolled his eyes. “You and I both know that it’s not the same thing. You’re dedicated to your work, and that is not a bad thing.”

  Hunter didn’t want to get into that kind of debate. His work meant everything to him, and that wasn’t going to stop.

  Sitting back in his chair, he lifted a can of soda to his lips, and watched as Faith made the rounds. Every now and again a huge bouncer kind of guy moved toward her. The guy would deal with whoever he was talking to, and then leave.

  She would walk back to the bar and smile at Hunter as she made the orders. After the first thirty minutes, Paul had enough, and tugged him away from watching her. Hunter made sure he played at tables that she frequented.

  He was already feeling bad, and all he wanted to do was stare at her. He was sick.


  You wanted to fuck her.

  You wanted a taste of your neighbor that you’d been denying yourself.

  Hunter had held back for one reason and another, and he was done. He was tired of waiting, tired of only yearning. Tonight, he was going to have his little neighbor, and he was going to make sure the only sounds she knew how to scream were his name and her begging for more.

  Chapter Four

  By the time her shift finished, Faith was exhausted, hungry, and excited. She made sure Dru got a cab home as she wasn’t heartless enough to ditch her friend.

  But you’d be a bitch to a neighbor you didn’t know.

  She really hated how she behaved. It sucked, and she wanted to make it up to him, and of course show him that she wasn’t a horrible person. She didn’t know if she was going to succeed, but the prospect of dinner and conversation was too tempting to deny.

  Don’t forget the way he looked at you.

  You want to see how far that look goes.

  Cutting off that thought, Faith left the staff room. She hadn’t changed as she’d not brought any other clothes with her. “I hope this is okay,” she said, finding Hunter waiting for her at the main entrance.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She smiled. “You’re sweet. I know I don’t look great.”

  “So why the prim and proper look?” he asked. “It’s a casino? I’d expect, you know, something far more revealing.”

  Glancing down at her dress, she shrugged. “I guess they assume customers want their waitresses to look … reasonable. I don’t know. I dress how they tell me to.”

  “You’re dressed as not to distract attention from the table. You don’t take their minds away from the game. They make more money, and they order drinks by telling you yes, and what to order, but they don’t pay attention.”

  “Very true.”

  He held out his arm. “Come on, let’s go and get you some dinne

  “Yes, please. I’m starving.”

  She didn’t have to wait for long as there was a restaurant just across the street.

  “What if they don’t have a table free?”

  “They do. I called ahead and arranged a table.”

  Hunter was right. The moment they walked in, the maître d’ seated them at a table. It was a sweet table, romantic and cute.

  A waiter came to them, offering the wine menu.

  “I have my car,” she said. She had been going to give Dru a lift home, which was why she made sure her friend got a cab.

  “Good. You’re the only one. I was thinking of taking a cab home. Do you mind driving?” he asked.

  “Not at all,” she said.

  “We’ll take two waters,” Hunter said.

  The waiter left.

  “You can have a wine or a beer if you want.”

  “I don’t drink alone.” He watched her.

  “What is it?” she asked. Did she have something on her face? A stain on her shirt?

  “Nothing. You’re still feeling bad about what happened, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Ugh, can we not talk about what a total ass I was?” She covered her face. “I was so embarrassed.”

  “What about me? You thought I was calling you a prostitute. Let’s say we both had the wrong assessment.”

  “You thought I was…” She looked around the room to make sure no one was paying them any attention. “A prostitute?”

  “I don’t know. It was that, or you had a really lousy boyfriend who made you do the walk of shame. It amazes me our assumptions, doesn’t it you?”

  She sighed. “I was wrong. I just put crying women, and you know, I was wrong to assume, and even worse to have called you out, and not even given you some sugar. I’m not usually such a horrible neighbor.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t always have a good track record with women. I’ve gotten around. It has been a long time since I’ve been in a relationship.”


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