Some Sugar (Curvy Women Wanted Book 3)

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Some Sugar (Curvy Women Wanted Book 3) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He wanted his mark on her, and not giving anyone else chance to claim what he now considered his.

  Moving his fingers to his cock, which was still covered with her saliva, he took the tip and pressed it against her center. She gasped, sinking on his cock as he fed it into her greedy pussy. When there were a couple of inches inside her, he grabbed her hips, and then slammed all the way inside.

  “Hunter!” He really wasn’t a small guy, and he needed to learn to go easy on her. He just couldn’t help it. Her body was highly addictive.

  Reaching between her thighs, he began to stroke her clit, feeling her pussy flutter around his cock as if it had a life of his own. Slowly, he pulled out of her body, watching as his cream soaked his cock.

  Plunging inside her, he stroked in deep at the same time as teasing her clit. Her pussy tightened around him, and he knew she was near the point of no return. He kept his attention on her clit, holding her hip to keep her in place. With her on her knees it made fucking her a little easier.

  “I’m going to come,” she said.

  “Then come, baby. Come all over my cock.” Her pussy tightened around him, and he felt the rush of her cum as it flooded his cock. He continued to finger her pussy long after her orgasm ebbed away.

  Only when he was satisfied with her orgasm did he hold onto her hips and pound her pussy. She was so curvy, and with each slap of his body, he wasn’t afraid that he was going to break her.

  He loved the feel of her body against his, and as he sank deep inside her, finding his own release, Hunter knew without a doubt that he was screwed. Totally, one hundred percent screwed.

  Chapter Six

  It was only supposed to be coffee. One coffee, another apology, and then getting on with her life, ignoring the women, and knowing deep down that Hunter was helping people.

  That one cup of coffee was three weeks ago. Since then, she had seen him every single night and morning. When she wasn’t working, she was with him, and they were fucking everywhere. There was no limit to their screwing, and it was kind of scary, a little.

  They had even had sex in the ladies’ room last Friday because neither of them could wait to get home. He had been teasing her all night, and she had been doing the same, giving as good as she got. When it had been time for a break, Hunter had been waiting. He’d grabbed her, pushed her into the ladies’ room and had his way with her. Pressing her up against the door, tearing her panties from her body as he plowed his cock inside her. She’d loved it, and had screamed his name with abandon.

  Pulling out of the memory, Faith checked her mirror to make sure her hair was down, covering up the love bite on her neck. He had sucked on her neck until she came on his cock. He had refused to stop until she screamed his name.

  Satisfied that she looked fine, she climbed out of her car, and made her way toward the café where Dru had wanted to meet her.

  Dru was sitting at their usual table, and Faith stopped by to give her order of tea and a croissant.

  “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “No worries. I didn’t think you were going to turn up for a while there.”

  Removing her jacket, Faith sat down, careful not to push her hair back.

  “Is the reason you were late that hunky life coach that you’ve been telling me about?” Dru asked.

  Heat filled her cheeks. “Maybe.”

  “With that look there is no maybe about it. You go, girl. How long has this been going on now? I lost count.”

  “Three weeks. Give or take.” Three weeks of complete bliss. They lived across from each other, and he’d even started to share some of his work with her, and she complained about hers. He was also helping her to find a decent paying job that meant she didn’t have to work into the early hours of the morning.

  Meal times were also surreal. They had gone out to dinner when she was too tired to cook, otherwise he was there, watching her cook. She loved spending time with him, which was strange.

  “I see that look on your face. You look a little … weird.”

  Faith chuckled. “Great. Just what I wanted to hear.”

  Dru rolled her eyes. “I mean you look like you’re in love, which is kind of strange, all things considered.”

  “I am not in love with my neighbor. It’s sex.” She sucked in her lips as the waiter placed a cup in front of her. It wasn’t just sex.

  “Really? You’ve been crushing over this man for the past year.”

  “I have not.”

  “Please, I remember when he moved in. You had this dreamy look on your face.” Dru shrugged. “You have feelings.”

  Staring at her friend, Faith caved. “Fine, I have feelings, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to have feelings.”

  “Why not?” Dru asked. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. There is certainly something going on there, and he has feelings as well. I say go for it.”

  Faith ran her finger along the tip of her cup. “How does he look at me?”

  “You don’t know?”

  She shook her head.

  “He looks at you like he wants to eat you, honey. His gaze is on you, even when there are other women throwing themselves at him. He only ever has eyes for you. There’s something going on there, and I would say go for it.”

  “Ugh, I don’t know what to do,” she said.

  “Honey, men like Hunter don’t come along all that often. He wants you, you want him, see where it leads, and stop worrying so much. Have fun with this, and have fun with him. You never know, he may surprise you.”


  “How are you and the sexy neighbor getting on?” Paul asked, running alongside him.

  “We’re doing okay, thanks.”

  “You’ve not been around all that much. I take it things are going really good.”

  “They’re going better than good.” They rounded the park, and came to a stop as they nearly plowed into two women pushing strollers. Hunter held his hands up and moved toward a picnic table. Opening the cap of his water, he took a large gulp. Once he’d taken a drink, he let out a long breath, inhaling deeply.

  “How long have you guys been going at it?” Paul asked.

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “Seriously, going at it?”

  “What? What would you call it?”

  “Three weeks. We’ve been together for three weeks.”

  “And? Do you think you’ll keep on seeing her?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Do you like her?”

  “Of course I like her. I’m with her. I wouldn’t be with her if I didn’t like her. Screwing chicks you hate is so at high school and college level. I’m a grown-assed man.”

  Paul held his hands up. “I’m just curious. You two seem to be around each other a lot. I’m a nosy and curious guy.”

  “I like her, Paul. I really like her, and not just because we’re sleeping together. I love being near her. We don’t even have to have sex. We talk about everything.”

  “Ugh! You’re starting to sound like a really shitty chick flick movie. Soon you’ll be using me to help you show your undying love. It’s sick, twisted, and gross. I remember when you were a proper man, with balls and shit.”

  Hunter slapped him in the chest. “Come on, loser.” He stared jogging again. Glancing down at the time, he saw it was a little after two. Faith had gone to lunch with Dru, who he thought was a charming woman.

  Hunter missed Faith when he wasn’t with her, and there were times when he was with clients that he wondered what she was thinking about or doing.

  Apart from their very shaky introduction she was actually nice. She had told him she was nice, and that she wasn’t normally a bitch. He believed her, and now he knew the truth.

  Breaking into a run, they made it back to his apartment within ten minutes. He was sweating, gasping for breath, and starving. Entering his place, he went straight to the fridge, grabbing out some more bottled water.

  “So, do you love her?” Paul asked.

  “It has been thre
e weeks.”

  “You’re a guy. You know if you like a girl in that time.”

  Leaning against the kitchen counter, Hunter stared at his friend. “Yeah, I like her, a lot.”

  “You see a future with her.”

  “Yeah, I do. I really do.” Paul was his closest friend, and Hunter felt like he could talk to him about everything. “Is it too soon?”

  “I’m not the best judge of that. You’ve got to do what you want. Don’t think about anyone else. We’ll just get in the way.” Paul finished his water, heading toward the door. “I’m out of here.”

  “See you next week,” Hunter said.

  “Hunter,” Paul said, drawing his attention.

  Turning to his friend, Hunter saw that Paul hadn’t left.

  “You’re always giving people advice as a life coach. You know better than anyone what you want out of life, and how best to achieve it. Faith, you and she didn’t get off to the best start, but that doesn’t mean it can’t lead to something else.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  “I’m always here to help or as much as I can help. You should know I’m not the best guy to ask for advice.”

  Hunter burst out laughing. “Go. I can handle anything.”


  He watched his friend leave, and shook his head. His time with Faith, he didn’t want it to come to an end. In fact, thinking about it ending gutted him. The sex was out of this world. Even when they curled up together at the end of the night, he couldn’t take his hands off her, he wanted her that much.

  Rubbing at his eyes, Hunter went for a shower.

  Neither of them had spoken about love, or their feelings, or the future. He didn’t want to be the first one to bring it up, and yet, Faith didn’t talk about the future. She talked about her future away from the casino. He hated her working there, but he knew why. For the past three weeks he had been helping her trying to find somewhere new that paid a decent wage. There wasn’t anyone who would pay that kind of money.

  She earned a decent living, and he didn’t want her to give that up.

  The problem wasn’t her job. The problem was him. He was falling for her, and he didn’t know what to do.

  As a life coach, he should know the words, or how best to handle telling her his feelings. Several times over the past couple of days, he had tried and completely failed.

  Chapter Seven

  Faith couldn’t get any more embarrassed as Hunter held her hair while she vomited everything she had eaten down the toilet.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”

  Before she could say anything else, she threw up again, knowing she looked awful. The fish she had eaten yesterday was starting to make its foulness known. This was what you got for trying sushi for the first time. She should have asked how long ago it had been made, and not just gone ahead and eaten it. Ugh.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, repeating the words, which were not making her feel better at all.

  “This is horrible. You should leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She had been sent home from the casino as she had vomited all over the floor of the bar. If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, she had been flirting with Hunter, trying to ignore the sickness. Before she could do anything about the sudden onset, she had thrown up all over Hunter’s pants and shoes.

  “Ugh, this is horrible,” she said, grabbing her stomach as it twisted violently.

  “I know, baby. I know. I’ve got you.”

  “I’m not having fish again.”

  “Be pleased it’s fish,” he said.

  “Why? What else could it be?”

  “You could be pregnant.”

  She groaned. This was not pregnancy. This was food poisoning, and not a very good one either. “I’m not pregnant.”

  Faith gripped the edge of the toilet with her eyes closed.

  This was the most mortifying, humiliating thing she had ever been part of. Hunter wouldn’t leave, and even though she was thankful that he had stayed, the lady part of her wanted to weep as he had seen her like this.

  So, instead, she continued to vomit and cry at her predicament.

  “Seeing as we’re here, I think it’s time for us to talk.”

  “You want to talk right now?” she asked. Holding her hand up, she threw up more in the toilet, wondering what the hell she had eaten to do this.

  For the next minute, she vomited until she finally collapsed into a heap on the floor. Hunter flushed the toilet, and helped her to sit up on it, preparing a toothbrush for her. She took it, thankful for the minty taste.

  “So, I wanted to tell you something,” he said.


  “I like you, Faith. I like you a lot, and if you must know, I noticed you before I came asking for sugar. In fact, I used it as an excuse.”

  She frowned, watching him at the same time as brushing her teeth.

  “We’ve not said what we are, or what we’re doing, and I guess, I’m a little confused. I don’t know what we’re doing, or where this is going.”

  Again, she kept on staring at him not knowing what he wanted from her.

  “I want us to be exclusive. I like you, and you like me, and I’m thinking we could, you know, date and be together. No other men, no other women.”

  She paused. “Hold on,” she tried to say around a mouthful of minty toothpaste. Finishing off her teeth, she sat down on the closed toilet lid once again. “I’m not with anyone else.”

  “I’ve not been with another woman either.” He ran fingers through his hair, and sighed. “I suck at this. I tell all of my clients to go after what you want and not beat around the bush.”

  “What do you want, Hunter?”

  “I want you. I want us to be together. Nothing held back. I want to buy you gifts and for you to accept them. I want to give you the world without any explanation. To be there with you at night to make love to you, to fuck you, and to hold you when you’re puking your guts up. It’s what I want.”


  “No, hear me out. I know it has only been three weeks, but we’re adults, and we only live a few feet away from each other. If we piss each other off then we can go back to our apartments. I care about you, Faith. I wanted you long before I asked for sugar. Please, give me, give us a chance.”

  “Hunter!” This time she yelled his name.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  She moved quickly and opened the toilet lid, throwing up again. He was there pulling her hair out of the way, and rubbing her back.

  Great. The guy of her dreams was telling her he wanted more, and she was ruining it with vomiting.

  Finally, after another hour, a shower, brushing her teeth again, and lying in bed, she smiled up at him. “I probably look like a total wreck, but yes, I want more with you, Hunter. I want to be with you.”

  He smiled, and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her head. “You’re the first woman in my life that I’ve stuck around with, even with vomit.”

  “You’re such a charmer.”

  “Sleep, baby. Sleep, rest, and we’ll talk again soon.”

  She couldn’t help it. She was so tired, and so, she closed her eyes, falling asleep, happy.


  Hunter nursed her back to health. He loved doing it. He enjoyed taking care of her, and two weeks after she had thrown up, it was his turn. At his own apartment, she rubbed his back, and pressed a damp towel to his forehead, nursing him back to full health. He couldn’t believe that he was dying.

  “Did you have sushi?” she asked.

  “I don’t think it was your sushi. Clearly you had a sickness bug, and you’ve given it to me, only it’s ten times worse.”

  He was sure he sensed her rolling her eyes.

  “Why is yours ten times worse?” she asked. She sounded amused and comical as she pressed the damp towel to his head.

  “Because, it hurts everywhere. It’s horrible, and you’re not being nice e
nough to me.”

  She chuckled. “You’re being a baby, but that’s fine. I guess you have man sickness. Kind of like man flu but with sickness.”

  He groaned. “You’re laughing at me.”

  “A little.”

  “You’re not denying it.”

  “I’m the worst girlfriend in the world.”

  He loved her touch. “No, you’re not,” he said. He knew he was an awful patient. Even doctors hated taking care of him.

  She helped him sit onto the toilet, ran him a hot bath, and provided him with the means to brush his teeth. Once he was in the bath, he just slumped making sure she had to take care of him. He loved having her hands all over him, even if he felt shitty, and in no way capable of fucking. Damn, he wanted to fuck her, but he couldn’t. He just wanted to cry. Stupid illness. He hated being ill.

  However, he could totally get used to being sick if Faith took care of him. She ran the soap across the sponge, and began massaging it into his back.

  “Oh, Faith, I don’t feel well. I’m really, really sick.” He released a cough that sounded pathetic even to him.

  “Hunter, you will be fine. You’re not dying yet. Not on my watch. Besides, we’ve only just started dating.”

  He slunk back in the bath, feeling pathetic. “Will you promise to love me forever?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, I will. Does that make you feel better?”

  “It does. You could tell me what you thought when you first saw me.” They had been talking about their first impressions. He finally admitted that he wanted to sleep with her. Faith hadn’t admitted to anything.

  “I thought you were a very sexy, handsome guy.”

  “Did you want me?” he asked.

  Again, she rolled her eyes, which he found so cute. “Yes, I wanted you. You know I did. I told you.”

  “I forget.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re not the kind of guy who just forgets. You like me to tell you constantly exactly how I feel.”

  “It’s part of my training. I need to know everything that goes on in your head.”

  She laughed this time. “You’re using your life coaching thing against me. Fine, fine, you want to know what I’m thinking, I’ll tell you.” She washed over his chest, moving down his body toward his very poorly dick. She didn’t stop, and she moved down one leg, missing him altogether. “I thought you were sexy, and you were in my very special secret fantasies. I think you also wore a uniform. Like a fireman. Did I tell you that as a life coach, I think you’re a little boring?”


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