A Cowboy Firefighter For Christmas (Smokin' Hot Cowboys 1)

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A Cowboy Firefighter For Christmas (Smokin' Hot Cowboys 1) Page 6

by Kim Redford

  “At least you like to live dangerously.” Ruby snorted, obviously trying to hold in her laughter.

  Trey glanced at Misty, something hot glimmering in his eyes, then quickly snapped the sliding doors shut behind him.

  “Wonder who put a burr under his saddle?” Ruby cocked her head at Misty. “Doubt it was me.”

  Chapter 6

  Misty took a deep breath as she watched Trey walk away. With a backside like that, he hardly needed anything else going for him. Instead, he had plenty of everything that could set a gal ablaze.

  When he reached the dark green pickup with TOB&B painted in white on its side, he turned and started back.

  Misty opened the sliding door, wondering what he wanted to say.

  Ruby leaned out. “Keys are on the driver’s side floorboard!”

  “Thanks. I’ll get them,” he said when he reached the open door. “Now, ladies, don’t go starting fires—of any kind—without me.” He mischievously winked. “Misty, your half-naked firefighter will be back with grub real soon.”

  “What about me?” Ruby asked, humor bubbling in her voice.

  “What do naughty gals get?” He tried to look stern, but his eyes were twinkling too much for it to be effective.

  “Naughty guys, I hope. And a rack of ribs.”

  Trey laughed hard, shook his head, then sauntered back to the truck, got inside, and drove away.

  “Hot, ain’t he?” Ruby said in her raspy voice. “That Duval clan and their cousins, the Steele family, are notorious for attracting more fire than they can put out.”

  “No opinion, one way or the other.” Misty tried to sound businesslike, or at least prim and proper.

  “Hah!” Ruby pointed at the tail end of the pickup as it sped down the road. “No point fooling yourself right off the bat. Love ’em or hate ’em, there’s not a woman ever lived who didn’t have an opinion on the Duval and Steele males.”

  “I met his cousin Kent.”

  “Now there’s a heartbreaker if ever there was one.”

  “Do any of them actually get married?”

  “Guess you mean, why settle for one cow when you can milk the herd?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “’Course it is.” Ruby leaned near and lowered her voice. “Truth is, when those guys fall, they fall hard. It takes a real special woman to bring them to their knees with a diamond ring in their hands.”

  Misty sighed as she closed the door, realizing she’d appeared too interested in the local cowboys.

  “Kent and Trey haven’t been roped and hog-tied.”

  Misty chuckled at the image. “Maybe they ought to be.”

  “If you held the rope, I doubt they’d complain.”

  Misty refused to go down that dangerous road. “I’m just here for a peaceful getaway. I doubt those guys are what you might call peaceful.”

  Ruby gave a big guffaw that filled the breezeway. “Just the opposite.”

  Misty adjusted her shoulder bag, more than ready to end this conversation. She glanced down at her luggage.

  “Here I am jawing while you’re wanting your room and a bath, aren’t you?”

  “That’d be lovely. I’m afraid I’m a little smoky and smelly after the fire.”

  “I can tell you right now the folks of Wildcat Bluff County appreciate you pitching in to stop that grass fire.”

  “Glad to be of assistance.”

  “Some people would’ve gone on by. You showed a big spirit, particularly a generous Christmas spirit.”

  “You really like Christmas around here, don’t you?”

  “Nothing better.” Ruby sighed, rubbing her forehead as if in pain. “But this year? It’s not easy getting in the right frame of mind, what with the heat and drought and fires.”

  “Can’t last forever.”

  Ruby cocked her head, giving Misty the once-over. “That’s the spirit. And there’s a pretty Christmas angel for some Christmas spirit in your suite.”

  “Did Trey suggest it?”


  “He called me his Christmas angel for stopping to help.”

  “Did he now?” Ruby’s eyes glinted with interest. “Guess he’s got Christmas on his mind.”

  “Suppose so.” Misty reached down to pick up a bag.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” As Ruby started to get Misty’s other piece of luggage, the front sliding doors snapped open.

  At the sound, Misty turned around to look, expecting Trey or Kent. Instead, she saw a woman with platinum-blond hair and a big white smile to go with her tall, slim, well-maintained body. Right behind her was a man just as finely put together who obviously worked out to stay in shape. They looked to be in their forties. The woman wore a charcoal pencil skirt with a red silk blouse and black high heels. He wore creased jeans, a burgundy shirt, and brown leather boots.

  “I’d like you to meet J.P. and Charlene Gladstone. They’re antique dealers.” Ruby gestured toward Misty. “And this is Misty Reynolds. She’s here on vacation.”

  J.P. tipped his cowboy hat. “Pleased to meet you. You sure do brighten up the place.”

  “Absolutely,” Charlene agreed. “And I’m happy to have another lady’s company.”

  “Good to meet you both,” Misty said as she evaluated the couple. She bet J.P.’s expensive cowboy boots had never seen stirrups or muddy pastures and Charlene’s heels would never stand up to the challenge either. City folks, no doubt about it.

  “Any luck finding antiques?” Ruby asked.

  “We found a few things on our want list.” Charlene glanced east. “Sherman, Denison, and Bonham are always good places to look.”

  “Sounds like a fun way to make a living.” Misty decided the two appeared to be successful and savvy businesspeople.

  “Twenty years of fun,” Charlene agreed. “You just never know what nuggets of Texas history you’ll run across.”

  J.P. chuckled. “And we’re always on the lookout for the latest popular kitsch.”

  “Always,” Charlene said. “Right now we’re searching for antique Christmas angels.”

  Angels again. Misty had to smile. “Perfect season for your hunt.”

  Ruby’s gaze met Misty’s. “This time of year everybody seems to be looking for an angel.”

  J.P. shrugged. “A greenback’s a greenback, no matter how you slice it. Angels or flying pigs. We’ll search it out.” J.P chuckled as he glanced down at Misty’s luggage. “But don’t let us keep you from settling into your room. Plenty of time to chat later.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” Charlene patted her sleek, shiny hair.

  Ruby grabbed Misty’s bag, then quickly opened the door into the house. “Right this way.”

  Misty gave the couple a polite smile, picked up her luggage, and followed Ruby into a house that smelled of cedar and cinnamon.

  Ruby closed the door behind them. “That’s my suite to the left. The other three suites are on the top floor. Glad Daddy had the idea of giving everybody their own bathroom. It saved me a lot of work when I decided to open a B&B.”

  Misty passed the closed door to Ruby’s suite and entered a large living room. She caught her breath at the beauty. The ceiling soared to the roof in an A-line with a balcony behind them overlooking the area. To the right, a half-brick wall opened up to a bright, yellow kitchen that was reached by three brick steps. A redbrick fireplace cut across one corner and extended to the ceiling. Contemporary furniture with a geometric pattern on the upholstery completed the room. Yet everything was overshadowed by a huge Christmas tree that dominated the corner of the room opposite the fireplace.

  A colorful peacock with spread tail feathers perched on top of the tree in place of an angel. Ornaments in the shape of peacocks, feathers, and glass balls in turquoise, lapis, hot pink, and gold festooned the tree
. Aqua and pink bulbs glowed warmly against the green of the cedar tree.

  “That’s stunning!” Misty walked over to get a closer look. Brightly wrapped packages and colorful sacks were tucked around the tree’s base.

  “Glad you like my creation. I’m right proud. First year for it. We’re doing weddings and birthdays in the peacock theme, so why not a Christmas tree?”

  “Gorgeous.” And best of all, it didn’t remind her of traditional Christmas decorations, so Misty could enjoy it.

  “Not everybody agrees. Some folks like classic red and green. And angels.” Ruby chuckled as she waved a hand toward the mantel, where a green garland draped down the length with colorful peacocks tucked here and there.

  “Did you decorate all this yourself?”

  “When I’ve got big, brawny cowboy firefighters to come in here and help? Not likely!”

  “Looks neatly done.”

  Ruby laughed. “Not that it didn’t require a little repositioning after I shooed them out the door, but they did the hard part.”

  “I have to admit I’m having a little trouble imagining Trey and Kent hanging Christmas tree ornaments.”

  “Big tree to get in here and get set up. I needed the muscle.” Ruby adjusted a peacock ornament. “And don’t let anybody kid you. Those guys can be gentle with their hands when the occasion calls for it.”

  “Hmmm.” Misty’s mind wandered as she imagined gentle hands in all the right places.

  “You’ll see. They’re good guys. You should see them handle horses.” Ruby winked at her. “Now, let’s get you upstairs and into your room.”

  Misty followed Ruby up the steps to the expansive kitchen with light wood cabinets, white laminate countertops, and a vintage dining table and matching chairs that fit perfectly with the Mid-Century Modern architecture. She hurried to catch up as Ruby ascended a short flight of stairs to the top level.

  “I put you in the Sun Suite.” Ruby opened a door and threw it wide. “Hope you like it.”

  Misty stepped into a room with peach walls and white trim. Sunlight streamed in through two windows to cast a warm glow over everything. A bright orange spread covered the queen bed, with purple and green throw pillows added for more color. Minimalist furniture with straight lines in cherrywood made up the headboard, dresser, desk, chair, and settee. A blond-haired angel dressed in a long, white satin gown with a harp in her hands was positioned prominently on top of the desk.

  Ruby walked over and punched a button on the base of the Christmas angel. The angel’s arms moved up and down as if strumming the harp to a tinny rendition of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

  Misty felt dizzy, as if all the air in the room had suddenly been sucked out. She set down her luggage, laptop, and handbag. She quickly walked over to the settee and sat down, feeling as if she might cry. She put her hand to her mouth to stop the tears, the memories. She hadn’t been this overcome in a long time. She absolutely could not let a Christmas song thrust her back in time to the moment when her life had been turned upside down. She overrode the song in her mind with her safe words, “Be here now. Safe and sound. Be here now.”

  Ruby smiled fondly at the Christmas angel. “That song was written in 1739, if you can believe it. Now that’s the power and endurance of Christmas.” Ruby turned away from the angel. “Honey, what’s the matter?” She hurried over to Misty and put a hand on her shoulder.

  “Tired. I just need a shower—to rest.”

  “No wonder. And here I am prattling on to beat the band.” Ruby backed up. “Your closet’s behind that door. Bathroom’s behind the other. Key’s on the desk. You need anything, just holler.”

  “Thanks.” Misty glanced up in time to see Ruby shut the door behind her.

  As the song came to a blessed end, she let out a sigh of relief. There was simply too much Christmas at Twin Oaks, but she didn’t have to put up with it in her own room.

  She hurried into the bathroom and picked up a large white towel. She stalked over to the angel, grabbed the square base, and hauled the offending object to the closet. She shoved the angel into a back corner of the top shelf and carefully covered it with the towel, not leaving a bit to be seen.

  She closed the closet door with a snap and glanced around the room. No more Christmas in sight. Perfect.

  What a crazy day. She’d unpack, get a bath, and maybe take a nap. But first, she’d check in with Cindi Lou. She needed a heavy dose of the reality of her real day-to-day life in Dallas.

  Cindi Lou picked up on the first ring. “Darlin’, tell me you’re safe in Wildcat Bluff.”

  “I’m here in my room at Twin Oaks. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “Good. Took you longer to get there than I expected. Is everything fine?”

  “Yes. But—” Misty dropped onto the comfortable settee. “Are you sitting down? Have you got a Dr Pepper in hand?”

  “Always. Now, give.”

  “I put out a fire.”

  “You what?” Cindi Lou’s shock rang out loud and clear. “Are you really okay?”

  “I faced my fear and used my towels to help this cowboy firefighter put out a grass fire on my way into town.” Misty felt proud to tell her friend how strong she’d been earlier.

  “Wait. Back up. Did you say cowboy firefighter?”

  Misty chuckled, knowing her BFF only too well. “You skipped over the important stuff and went straight to the guy, didn’t you?”

  “He’s hunky, isn’t he? I can tell by the sound of your voice. Does he have a brother, cousins, friends?”

  Misty laughed harder. “I met his cousin.”


  Misty sighed, thinking back to the two cowboys standing side by side and looking like the poster boys for hotness.

  “Oh, you’ve got it bad,” Cindi Lou chortled in her booming voice. “They’re that good, huh?”

  “I don’t have it bad,” Misty said in her best prim and proper voice. “But I admit they’re eye candy on steroids.”

  “Photos. Snap a selfie with the hunks and send it to me.”

  “I doubt they’re into selfies.”

  “Now that sets my mind ablaze. What are they into? Ropes? Spurs? Big long fire hoses?”

  Misty couldn’t keep from laughing at her friend’s wonderful outrageousness. “Maybe you’d better come up here and ask them.”

  “And leave the Hub? Sure as I did, a major crisis would descend out of the blue. But thanks for the thought.” Cindi Lou loudly slurped her drink.

  “Everybody so far has been really nice and friendly.”

  “The Texas way. You know that can mean little to nothing.”

  “Or everything. At least it makes life easier.”

  “Now, remember to take care.”

  “I’ll be careful.” Misty glanced around the room, calculating safety. She was on the top floor at the far end of the hall. In case of fire, she wasn’t in an optimal position to escape. That made her feel a little uneasy, but not enough to demand another room and chance calling attention to herself and endangering her investigation.

  Cindi Lou huffed into the phone. “You heard me, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. I was thinking. Tomorrow I’ll try to find a fire extinguisher and keep it in my room.”

  “Good idea. You can’t be too careful. Now, was that grass fire arson or simply natural from the heat and drought?”

  “Don’t know yet, but it allowed me to meet Trey, Kent, and Hedy, who are all Wildcat Bluff Fire-Rescue volunteers.”

  “That’s a good start on your investigation.”

  “Anything going on there I should know about?”

  “A few nibbles, nothing more. It’s mostly quiet during the holidays, so nothing to write home about.”

  “Good.” Misty didn’t want any other distractions.

  “Remember to stay i
n touch with your Texas Timber VP contact.”

  “I will. Audrey wants an update anytime, day or night, if there’s something new to report.”

  “So do I.” Cindi Lou’s voice changed to one of concern. “If you want out of this project, just say the word. I’m serious.”

  “And miss out on cowboy firefighter selfies?”

  Cindi Lou chuckled. “I admit that’s hard to pass up.”

  “Another thing. Christmas is this town’s favorite holiday.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Outrageous decorations, music, you name it, are all over the place.” She thought how Aunt Cami would love everything about Twin Oaks except the holiday decorations.

  Cindi Lou groaned. “Are you sure you don’t want to come home right this minute?”

  Misty snorted in disdain. “Surely you jest. I’m a professional troubleshooter. I live for fires and Christmas.”

  “I get it. You’re the Lone Ranger righting wrongs. Pick up Tonto and go for it.”

  Misty chuckled. “You and your old Westerns. As a matter of fact, my Tonto is named Trey.”

  “You’re kidding me.”

  “I’m in Comanche country.”

  Cindi Lou smacked her lips loudly over the phone. “One word. Photos. Got it?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “And stay safe.”

  “Will do, Hub Mistress.”

  Misty clicked off, stood up, and set her phone on the desk. She already missed Cindi Lou’s vibrant presence. But she had a job to do and she was going to do it. She already felt a connection to Wildcat Bluff and she didn’t want to see its residents or property hurt by a dangerous predator.

  Once she had a bath, she’d set up her laptop, write up first impression notes, and start files on everyone she’d met who could have connections to the fires. Later, she’d research online. She particularly wanted to find out about local water rights. She was looking for what didn’t fit or what fit too well. She also wanted to see the fire scene at the burned Christmas tree farm and chat with folks around town. She’d adjust her investigation as information came to her, but for now, she was pleased with her start.


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