The Lady's Hand

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The Lady's Hand Page 8

by Bobbi Smith

  "I want a child."

  "You what?" Now she really was shocked. "I don't understand."

  "It's simple really," he went on coolly. "Neither one of us is disposed to marriage. I think it's the one thing we have in common, but no matter how I feel about that venerable institution, I have always wanted children. So my offer to you is this we'll marry, I'll claim access to our marriage bed until you are with child, after which I won't bother you again. You will bear the child for me, and once the baby is born, you will be free to go, your debt to me paid in full."

  "You're crazy...." She was staring at him in total disbelief. He sounded so cold, so unbelievably callous, that she didn't know what to say.

  "Hardly, my dear Brandy; I'm merely practical. I feel it's quite a bargain. I shall never have to worry about being trapped into marriage again and I will have a child. You will have your debts paid in full, and when the time comes for you to leave, I'll make certain that you are provided for. It wouldn't do for the mother of my child to be gambling on a steamboat anymore. What do you say? Do we have a deal?"

  "Why are you so set against marriage that you would plan something like this?" She was staring at him, trying to come to grips with his proposition. "You want a child, yet you don't want a mother for that child. I don't understand."

  "It doesn't matter to me whether you understand or not. If you agree to my terms, once the child is born, it will be mine and you will be free to go."

  Silence reigned. Brandy's mind was racing, her thoughts in turmoil. She couldn't believe that this man would so heartlessly make such a cold-blooded arrangement.

  "Well?" Rafe pressed.

  "You're serious about this? You wouldn't rather take the money I've got now and let me pay you the rest over time?"

  "You heard my offer. Take it or..."

  "Or what?" She came back at him, frantically searching for a way to escape what he had planned for her. It was impossible. She knew how special the mother-child relationship was, and she knew in her heart that if by chance she did conceive and bear him a child, she could never leave it. Yet, what alternative did she have but to agree? She was trapped.

  "Do I really have to spell it out for you? Suffice it to say, people who don't pay their debts suffer the consequences."

  "You wouldn't dare." Her voice was a horrified whisper.

  "There's much I would dare, Brandy. Now, you've heard the terms of my offer. What's your answer?"

  "I need time..." she agonized.

  "I want your answer now." Rafe chafed at her reaction. Of all the women in the world he could have proposed to, he'd picked her, and now he had to blackmail her into marrying him! "If you walk out that door, I rescind the offer. Do you agree to the marriage or not? If so, arrangements can be made while we're in St. Louis. If you do not, then..."

  Brandy knew there was no escaping the consequences of her actions. She lifted her gaze to him, the look in her eyes cold and disdainful. She wanted to defy him, to tell him that she had no intention of accepting his horrible proposal. Marry him, have his baby and then leave.. .The idea was abhorrent to her. As she stared at Rafe, she couldn't imagine what kind of life he'd led that would lead him to think that any woman could desert her own flesh and blood. She wondered if he had a heart.

  "You're serious about this."

  "I've never been more serious." There was granite in his tone. "Do you agree to the deal or not?"

  Brandy was stricken. "I agree..." she began.

  Rafe did not allow himself to smile as he quickly said, "Wise choice, my dear fiancee."

  She raised her chin slightly in defiance. "I'm not through yet." Her voice was clipped, indicating her barely contained fury. "I agree as long as you consent to my terms."

  He lifted one eyebrow mockingly. "I hardly think you're in any position to dictate terms to me."

  Brandy refused to grovel. He might have trapped her, but he would not defeat her. She looked him straight in the eye with a daring she wasn't feeling. "I agree to your terms but only on one condition..."

  "And that is?"

  "That you allow my mother to accompany me and to live with us during the duration of our 'agreement.'"

  "Ah, your mother again. How could I have forgotten?" His expression was totally devoid of emotion as he answered her. "I don't care what you do with your mother as long as I never have to deal with her."

  "There will be room for her in your home?"

  "I think it's safe to say that we can find a room for her."

  "Then I agree to your terms."

  Only now did he allow himself a triumphant smile. "Good. As my intended, I expect you to conduct yourself as a lady at all times from now on."

  Brandy stiffened at his insulting words. "I have always acted the lady."

  "From here on out, there will be no more acting. Now, you're going to become one."

  "You bastard!" Her temper flared out of control. All her life she'd been treated as someone less than quality. No matter that she had fought hard to live a clean life. It would have been far easier to sell herself in a brothel or work in a tavern than to do what she did, yet she was constantly condemned for her choice. She raised her hand to slap him.

  Rafe saw the explosion of fury in her and anticipated her move. He snared her wrist and dragged her against him. "This is hardly the way to treat your intended, my dear."

  "You...!" Brandy was pinned against the hardmuscled width of his chest as she glared up at him. Never before had she been so defeated and helpless before a man, and she didn't like it. She didn't like it at all.

  "Ah, ah, ah," he scolded sarcastically. "Lesson number one will be in learning to control your temper. It would behoove you to be nice to me."

  «WhYT ?"

  "Because I can make your life a living hell if I want to.

  "It already is."

  Rafe stared down at her, his eyes boring into hers, seeing the resentment and hatred there. He felt a twinge of regret, but dismissed it. He had not wanted her devotion or her affection. Any emotional involvement would make things too complicated. All he wanted from her was a child. After that she would be free to go.

  Still, as Rafe held her pinned against him, he remembered the kiss she had given him the other night and felt a stirring of desire within him. He knew it would be no hardship availing himself of their marriage bed. He lowered his head, intending to kiss her, wanting to taste her sweetness again.

  Brandy read his mind and quickly broke free. "Sir, if I am to be a lady, then I must become one, not merely act like one in public. I hardly think a good Southern girl would be caught in her fiance's room unchaperoned. Do you?"

  Thwarted by her quick thinking, he found himself chuckling in spite of himself. After all, it had been her spirit and courage that had impressed him from the start. "You're absolutely right, Brandy, my love," he said in his most courtly way, giving her a slight mocking bow. "Oh...there is one other thing I want you to keep in mind."

  "What?" Her gaze was hard and suspicious upon him.

  "I want everyone to think ours is a love match. Remember that."

  She shot him a withering look. "I am feeling a bit weary after all this excitement. I think it's best if I go back to my room and rest for a while. It's not every day that a lady is swept off her feet by such a romantic proposal."

  He ignored the bite of her words as he grinned at her. "Allow me to escort you to your cabin, my sweet."

  "It's not necessary." She was piqued by the fact that he was laughing at her. She found absolutely nothing funny about their situation.

  "But I insist, darling."

  Brandy knew this was one argument she couldn't win. "Then I would be delighted to have your company, sir." She used her most affected manner and accent.

  Rafe opened the door and then offered her his arm as they started from the room.

  "You'll join me for dinner this evening?" It was a statement, not an invitation.

  "Of course." Brandy was tempted to ask if there was any way sh
e could avoid it, but already knew the answer. She had lost her soul to the devil, and the devil was Rafe Marchand.

  She shivered as she took his arm and felt the power there. He was a man to be reckoned with. Though her expression didn't falter, her spirits sank as she wondered how she would ever go through with the bargain she'd just made. Somehow, she had to find a way to earn enough money to pay him back in full before the time came.

  They did not speak as they made their way to her cabin.

  "Until tonight," Rafe said as he left Brandy at her door.


  Brandy was emotionally numb as she closed and locked the door behind her. She realized as she did it just how foolish it was to lock the door against Rafe. There would be no keeping him out of her life. He had just taken it over. There could be no hiding from him. He owned her, body and soul.

  Exhaustion claimed Brandy. She lay down on her bed fully dressed and fell into a fitful sleep. She did not dream, and when she awoke in the afternoon, she did not feel rested.

  Rafe met Marc on deck. The children were off playing with Louise, and that gave them time to talk.

  "Did Brandy meet with you today?"

  "Yes. I spoke with her this morning and everything is settled."

  "I'm surprised she had that much money, judging from the things she said the other day."

  "She didn't."

  "You let her off?" Marc was surprised.

  "Not exactly. We've come to an agreement of sorts."

  "What kind of agreement?" Marc asked shrewdly. He could always tell when Rafe was trying to keep something from him.

  "Brandy and I have decided to get married."

  "You what?" Marc could not have been more surprised. He stared at his friend as if he were seeing him for the first time in his life. "You're getting married? Why?"

  Rafe was surprised that he didn't want to tell his best friend the details of his upcoming nuptials. "Suffice it to say that she's a beautiful woman. I proposed. She accepted. We're going to be married in St. Louis."

  Marc shook his head in disbelief. "You're getting married...?" he repeated, staring at Rafe suspiciously. Then suddenly Marc started laughing. "You took my advice! For once in your life, you listened to me! Congratulations, Rafe. You couldn't have picked a better woman. I think the two of you will live happily ever after." He clapped Rafe on the back. "Let's go have a drink to celebrate."

  "Don't say anything to anyone else yet. Brandy and I still have details to discuss."

  "It's enough that I know. Come on. I'm buying!"

  The men's saloon was relatively deserted, and they settled in at a table in the back that would afford them privacy as they talked.

  "Have you thought this through yet?"

  "I've given it all the thought it needs. After that little scene with the Demers family the other night, I realized I had to do something. It's one thing to get married of your own choice. It's another to be black mailed into it. It was pretty unnerving to find myself cornered that way."

  "You were very lucky. If it hadn't been for Brandy-"

  "Precisely, and that's what made me realize I had to take some action to make sure it never happened again."

  "So you proposed."

  "That's right."

  "And she said yes without hesitation?"

  "She did have a few concerns...."

  "Such as?" Marc knew it was getting interesting now.

  "Her mother."

  "What about her mother?"

  "Brandy wants her to live with us."

  "And?" Marc wondered how Rafe had handled that one, feeling as he did about mothers.

  "And I agreed."

  "You surprise me. I would never have dreamed you'd go for marriage, let alone acquiring a live-in mother-in-law, too."

  Rafe's expression hardened as he explained harshly, "I told her it was fine with me as long as I didn't have to deal with her. There's plenty of room at Bellerive. I shouldn't have to be bothered by the old woman."

  "Does Brandy know about Bellerive?"

  "No, we really haven't gotten that far."

  "So, she basically knows nothing about you except that she's marrying you?"

  Rafe grinned. "I guess I'm so overwhelmingly wonderful that she didn't care about the rest."

  "Right," Marc drawled. "How are you going to handle all this? How are you planning to pull this off? Is she going to keep gambling until we get to St. Louis?"

  "No. I think after last night, she's officially out of business."

  "There won't be many happy customers in the bar tonight."

  "That's not my problem. I can't have my fiancee gambling in a saloon every night."

  "But that's who she is," Marc pointed out maddeningly.

  "That's not who she's going to be. You said yourself that first night that she could bluff her way through society. Well, now she's going to get the chance, but I don't want her to be bluffing. I want to transform her into a lady who will fit right in at Bellerive. I think it's safe to assume that not everyone has heard of Miss Brandy on the Pride. Once she's established as my wife, I'm sure she'll be accepted."

  "Even so, you're going to have to do something about her wardrobe. And what about manners and decorum? If you want her to fit right in without question, you're going to have to make sure she can handle any social occasion with ease."

  "Any suggestions?" Rafe hadn't thought this far ahead. He was just glad that he'd gotten Brandy to agree to his plan. A year from now, if everything went well, he'd have a son or daughter and be free to do exactly as he wanted again not too bad a deal, considering.

  "She needs someone who can tutor her about all that."

  "What's wrong with us?" Rafe suggested.

  Marc gave him a pained look. "What do we know about all that female stuff like entertaining company and running a home? She needs a woman's influ ence, the kind of training young girls get at a finishing school."

  "Well, she's got about two weeks to learn everything before we have to go back."

  Marc frowned. "Bluffing her way through a party is one thing. Living a whole new way of life is another. You know, Jennette went to an exclusive school in St. Louis. We might be able to find someone there who can help us."

  "Let's look into it as soon as we dock." Rafe was beginning to realize how complicated this was going to be.

  "There is one other thing...."

  "What else?" Rafe sounded irritated.

  "Brandy's going to need a chaperone, or at least some kind of companion, until you're married. It wouldn't do for her to be compromised before the wedding."

  "You're beginning to sound like we're talking about Merrie."

  Marc laughed. "Believe me, if this was Merrie's wedding we were planning, I wouldn't let you within ten miles of her without a chaperone until the wedding day."

  "You don't trust me with your daughter's virtue?"

  "I don't know a sane man who would, so I'm appointing myself Brandy's protector. If you want her to be a lady, you must treat her like a lady."

  "My experience with ladies hasn't been all that wonderful, but if you insist I play the gentleman, I will."

  "I'm proud of you. I know it won't be easy for you." Marc laughed.

  "I'll make the effort."

  "Are you all right? What happened?" Ben asked worriedly as Brandy answered his knock at her cabin door. He had been thinking about her constantly since she'd left him to go speak to Marchand, and he wanted to make sure she was all right. As he stared down at her now, he couldn't tell by her guarded expression how she was.

  "I'm fine," she answered, agonizing momentarily over what to say to Ben. She knew she had to tell him what had happened-or at least part of it.

  "Why don't I believe that?"

  "Come on in. I'll tell you all about it."

  She held the door wide, and he went to sit at her small table and chair.

  "Did he agree to terms to let you pay him off?"

  "Not really."

  "I don't un

  "We did come to an agreement of sorts." At Ben's expectant look, she went on, not waiting for him to ask more questions. "I was going to tell you this a little later. Rafe and I..." She paused to swallow. "Rafe and I are going to be married when we reach St. Louis."

  "You're what?" he bellowed. "I know you practically owed the man your soul, but this is ridiculous. We could have paid him off a little at a time."

  "Now don't be furious.... I agreed to this." She tried to calm her friend. "It was my decision."

  "But why, Brandy? I've never heard you say much about the man, and now you're going to marry him! Do you love him?"

  She gazed at her friend, seeing the very real concern in his expression. "I don't know. All I know is that if I agreed to marry him, my debt would be canceled. So I agreed."

  "He forced you into it."

  "What other choice did I have? I owed him. It was a debt of honor."

  "But did you owe him your life?"

  "I'm not sacrificing myself"

  "You might very well be. We don't even know the man. Who knows what he's really like?" Ben was very worried.

  "I've seen him with Marc LeFevre's children. Any man who is kind to children can't be all bad. It'll be all right."

  "How can you be sure?" He didn't want to think that she'd been forced to sell herself.

  "Because he's even agreed to let my mother come live with us."

  "He has?" Ben was taken aback by this news. It did improve his thoughts about Marchand, but the whole thing was happening much too fast to suit him.

  "Yes, he has. And you know, it could have been far worse. He could have asked me to be his mistress or something."

  "He'd have been arriving at the gates of hell if he had," Ben declared, anger surging through him at the thought.

  Brandy went to Ben and hugged him. "You are such a good friend to me."

  When she moved away from him, there were tears in her eyes. Ben was her only friend, the only one she could count on. Otherwise, with her mother so far away, she was alone in the world. Still, she couldn't tell him everything. She couldn't tell him how Marchand wanted her to bear him a child and then leave. It was too terrible even to consider, let alone talk about.


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