Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II

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Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II Page 18

by Mallory Anderson

  Finally, she had it narrowed down to three, and she wrote their contact numbers so she could call them in the morning. Healer Jones had removed most of the wires, and now, all she had was her IV so she could get up and move around. By the time the sun rose, she was walking around the room with only a slight limp, the single crutch propped up in the corner. Around 6:30, a Healer came into check on her, and it surprised her to see her still awake.

  Mickala smiled. “I believe I’ve slept enough for a while. I don’t think anybody can say I haven’t gotten my rest. But, I have a question.”

  “Of course, your Highness,” she said. “What can I do?”

  “Is there anyway I can please, please take a shower?”

  The Healing Assistant laughed at the pleading note in her voice. “Of course, Princess.”

  She unhooked the IV, then showed her where everything was. “There’s also a chair in there for you to sit down in you don’t think your leg will hold you.”

  The hot water felt like heaven against her skin, and even though her leg was fine, she spun the chair around and sat down, leaning forward so the water was hitting her squarely on her back. When she got out, she started drying off, but frowned deeply at the bones she felt sticking out under her skin. The same Healer Assistant came in with a clean gown, then re-hooked the IV when Mickala got back in the bed. “If there’s anything else you need, Princess, just push the button.”

  “I think I’m all right, Healer. Thank you.”

  She hadn’t been back in bed for maybe ten minutes before Aiden silently came in, obviously thinking she would be asleep. He spent a few minutes with her, wanting to stay out of school, but she told him to go on, knowing she would be on the phone most of the morning.

  * * *

  When he left, she began calling the three contractors she’d decided on, and she set up meetings with them in the hospital room for that afternoon. She asked for them to bring their portfolios so she could see examples of their previous work. Before they arrived, however, around ten, Victor’s attorneys came by, bringing a copy of his Last Will and Testament. She already knew he had left everything to her while also having taken care of Gary and a few others who’d been with him since the beginning. Not only did he leave everything to her, along to Clarkson, Inc., but he had also set up a trust fund for her worth almost three hundred million dollars that she could access once she turned eighteen.

  She signed all the paperwork, assuming control of the multi-billion dollar business that was Clarkson, Inc. Gary was with them, but he stood at her side, making sure they knew his position. As soon as she signed the last document, he took her hand. “I know this is such a terrible time for you, Mickala, but I just wanted to let you know, I’m here for you, no matter what,” he said. They all shook her hand solemnly, and as soon as they all left, she took a deep breath to keep the tears at bay, then let it out slowly.

  Finally, around eleven, she took a nap, feeling more mentally fatigued than anything else. When she woke up, it was almost 12:30, and she was meeting the first contractor in an hour and a half. She called EJ’s phone to ask if he could bring her some clothes and some makeup so she wouldn’t look so pale. “Yeah, of course. What size do I need to get?”

  She almost said four, but then she thought about the boniness she’d felt in the bathroom. “I guess you’d better make it a two,” she replied. “And a medium or a small shirt.”

  “No problem. I’m on my way,” he said, and she thanked him before hanging up.

  He was there about thirty minutes later, and he had a Cato’s and a Sephora bag in his hand. “Thank you so much,” she said, then kicked him out so a Healing Assistant could help her get dressed, then got her into a pair of anti-slip socks. Instead of getting back in the bed, however, she ate her lunch in the chair, then asked if they could bring another one, and they were more than happy to oblige.

  EJ perched on the side of the bed, smiling as the first contractor came, and she began the meetings. She had learned more than just a little living with Victor, who had been a brilliant business executive. She’d been right by his side from the beginning of his success, and she knew how to ask the right questions in order to get the answers she wanted.


  A New Beginning

  She met with all three contractors, but she was extremely pleased with the third one, David Callahan. He seemed to be very calm, and extremely sensible. EJ excused himself as his cell phone rang, and Mickala nodded. “Now, I’ve been told they have already cleared the building site of debris, and the septic system is already in place. EJ, the man who just left, is living in an apartment over the garage which is apparently still standing,” she explained, and the man nodded.

  He had a large portfolio, holding scans of all his blueprints, and photos of his completed work. She was beyond impressed at his attention to the smallest details. “I have a question. Is there any way you combine several elements from different plans? Say, if I wanted one’s master bath with another’s living room, and another kitchen?”

  “Of, of course. I drew these plans, so combining several different elements wouldn’t be a problem,” he replied with a shake of his head. “Just circle which parts you want, and if you see any changes you’d like to make within each part, write them down, and I’ll have them drawn up in a week, maybe two, and I’ll bring them by and see what you think.”

  “That sounds perfect,” she sighed.

  “Did the gas leak happen from the storm?” he asked quietly as she began circling and making notes.

  She looked up with a frown. “What storm?”

  “You must not remember because of the accident,” he said. She’d told him she was in the hospital because of an accident, but there had been a gas leak in the house, and it had killed her father along with the house being destroyed. “They say it was one of the single worst storms in history, and it came out of nowhere. It dropped the strongest tornado ever recorded, and it went right through downtown Atlanta. The winds were over four hundred miles an hour, and it was almost two miles wide.”

  She felt her heart jump to her throat, and she went pale, even under her makeup as dread clench her chest with icy fingers. He thought she was just tired, and she quickly finished up her ideas, but she was only paying attention with half her mind. “Wonderful, Miss. Clarkson,” he said, looking over everything. “I don’t see anything that should be a problem, and I’ll get started on it right away. I’ll call you as soon as I’m finished to get your approval.”

  Her voice was a distracted whisper. “That sounds great. Thanks so much.”

  He left, and she immediately jumped for her computer. Firing it up, she opened Google. “Atlanta tornado, December 21st.” The results were almost instant, and her hand went to her mouth as she saw the pictures and read the words no one had wanted her to see yet.

  EJ walked back in, putting his phone back in his pocket, and he saw her paleness, the tears in her eyes as she stared at the screen. “Mickala?” She didn’t answer him, and he looked over her shoulder, then swore mentally when he saw what she was looking at. His whole tone changed. “Mickala…”

  She finally looked up at him, and he saw the self-loathing in her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We didn’t want to upset you, Micka,” he said, taking her hand. “We weren’t sure what kind of shape you would be in when you woke up.”

  “I’ve never, never lost control like before,” she said. “Not even close. Five hundred dead, two thousand injured? Demons don’t do that kind of damage to humans in two or three years, and I killed them all in less than an hour. And the children? What the hell did I do?” she asked, tears running down her face.

  “Mickala, it’s not your fault. You did what you had to do to kill to Xiden. You had no choice, or he would’ve killed you.”

  She shook her head, closing the laptop and pushing it away. “It doesn’t matter what you say, EJ. Those people were my responsibility, and I failed them. Those kids had their entire li
ves ahead of them.” She shook her head again, violently. “I’m no better than those I fight.”

  EJ just sighed, not surprised. She was reacting exactly how they thought she would. She was still quiet and thoughtful when the others came in after school. “What’s wrong?” Ian asked.

  EJ sighed, shaking his head. “She found out about the storm. Of course, she blames herself, and I already know nothing we say is going to make her hate herself any less right now.”

  * * *

  Aiden’s mouth fell open as she easily got up and walked to the window, which thankfully overlooked a massive park. She moved with barely a limp, considering she’d been struggling to hobble around with a crutch the night before. She just stared out the window for a long time, looking out onto the street below them, the lights from the skyline seemingly dimmer than before. They knew it would be a long time before she stopped blaming herself. Finally, she just sighed, a hand on the glass. “I’m so ready to get out of here.”

  Nehela smiled, having been released the earlier that day with a clean bill of health. “You’ve only been awake for less than twenty-four hours.”

  She laughed quietly, turning away from the window with a sigh and a slight head shake. “And I’ve still been here too long.”

  They released her two days later, and she could walk around almost completely normal, her limp from the braces only slightly noticeable. She had to wear a back brace almost twenty-four seven, but she could wear it under her clothes, so it was only really obvious when she bent down or turned from side to side. As soon as they let her out, she and Aiden went straight to the Clarkson Hotel in downtown Atlanta, which had suffered some damage in the storm, but had quickly been repaired.

  Immediately, they had set her up in the penthouse apartment, high on the thirty-eighth floor. It was massive, with an enormous bedroom and master bathroom, a large living room, a dining room, full kitchen, a huge patio, and a massive closet. Once they’d gotten their keys to the room, they went to one of the local shopping centers so Mickala could some clothes and stuff, then they went out to eat. Aiden was going to bring the rest of his stuff from EJ’s later.

  Once Aiden had gotten his belongings, and they’d gotten everything somewhat situated, he made Mickala a steaming back in the huge tub, the jets bubbling furiously, and she settled back, her long hair piled high on her head, and with a sigh, her eyes closed.

  She didn’t realize she’d gone to sleep until a tap on the door caused her to jerk, startled. She shook her head, trying to clear out some of the cobwebs, blinking furiously. “Yeah?”

  She heard the amusement in Aiden’s chuckle. “You went to sleep, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I guess I did,” she said. “What time is it?”

  “It’s 12:30 in the morning. You’ve been in there almost three hours.”

  “Damn,” she said to herself. She tried to get out of the tub, but her knee wasn’t willing to cooperate with her.

  Aiden heard the water splashing in the tub. “You need some help?”

  “Ugh, I really hate to say this, but yes,” she said in a low mutter. He came in with his eyes mostly closed, and she laughed. “Really, Aiden? How in the world do you expect to help me with your eyes closed? It’s like the blind leading the crippled, and that won’t end well for either of us.” He heard her own amusement. “I mean, you are nine hundred years old. I highly doubt I would be the first naked woman you’ve ever seen. Besides, I’ve been married in several of my previous lives, sometimes multiple times if I was lucky to live long enough, so you wouldn’t be the first man to see me naked.”

  He laughed. “You have a point, I suppose.” He opened his eyes, and he swore silently as he saw her fully for the first time. Even with her lost weight, she was still stunning. He bent over, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he easily lifted her out of the tub. “Do you think you can stand now?” he asked, his voice a low whisper.

  “I think so. The water was getting cool, and it just locked up a little,” she replied, her voice as soft as his.

  He reluctantly set her on her feet, but he kept an arm around her for support as she reached for a towel to dry off, and she wrapped it around her as they went back into the bedroom. He handed her a nightgown, but she set it aside, her eyes locked on his, then she pulled his head down to hers to kiss him. It was several seconds before he pulled back, his chest heaving, and she let the towel fall to the floor, and he pulled her against him, his hands gentle as they traced the contours of her body.

  “I’m not going to lie, Mickala. I’ve been imagining you like this since we met in Miami,” he whispered, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

  She gave a low laugh, her fingers unbuttoning his shirt, and she kissed his chest where his skin was exposed. “I’ve wanted this so many times,” she admitted with a shake of her head. “But it never seemed to be right time. I was always healing from something, or was on the edge from something coming.” She reached for the last button, then brushed the shirt off his broad shoulders and stepped even closer to him. One arm went around his neck as she kissed him again, her other hand trailing down his chest and stomach. Her slow smile caused his heart to race. “But now? Everything’s going to be okay, and there’s just us.”

  “What about your back?” he asked.

  She shook her head, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “It’ll be fine.”

  * * *

  That was all he needed to hear, and he gently picked her up again to lay her on the bed, and she heard the change jingling in his pockets as his jeans hit the floor. His long, lean body stretched out beside her, but it was only a few minutes before he was covering her, urgent but gentle, not wanting to hurt her back. It was at her urging he sped up, and it amazed them at how well they fit together, just like two pieces of the same puzzle. Their eyes met, and he seemed to get lost in hers as she kissed him again, her fingers winding through his long hair, holding him to her.

  She arched up against him, her back, knee and ankle all but forgotten, and she felt as if she were flying, all her thoughts on the demon, the man, above her, and how he was making her feel. Their bodies were slick with sweat, and her hands moved to the sides of the bed, clutching the sheets in her fists as they continued to move together. Her head went back, her eyes closed, as both their bodies shuddered together, and he groaned into her shoulder before collapsing onto his side. They were both struggling to catch their breath, then Mickala curled up against his side, tilting her head to meet his eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “No pain at all,” she said.

  He smiled, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, then her mouth. “I love you, Mickala.”

  She grinned, pressing her lips against his shoulder. “I love you, too. I just wish I could tell you exactly how much you mean to me.”

  “Are you still playing hooky in the morning?” he asked, his thumb tracing her bottom lip, then trailed down her jaw and her throat.

  Her eyes closed, then she nodded, her voice husky. “I figured one more day wouldn’t hurt. It is Friday, after all, and I need to get back used to being outside a hospital.”

  He nodded. “I think I might join you.”

  She laughed, a hand on his chest, then he felt her light breath giving him goosebumps. “You wouldn’t have anything planned, would you?”

  He smiled, kissing her. “Nothing but this,” he replied, then exhaled. “I’ve missed this so much, just laying with you, your voice, the way you feel in my arms.”

  She had laid back on her side, and her response was a sleepy murmur. Then, her deep, steady breathing told him she was sound asleep. Slowly and silently, he slipped out of bed and put a pair of shorts on, then stood out on the balcony, leaning against the railing and watching the early morning bustle far below him. He heard a low whisper, and he turned to look at the woman still asleep, a serene smile on her face. He walked over, brushing back a few strands of hair which had fallen in front of her face, and she whispered his name, her hand reac
hing across the bed.

  He took her hand and clasped it. I will always be here for you, Mickala. No matter who or what else comes this way, I will always be at your side. Until this world stops turning, and even beyond, you will hold my heart and soul in your hands as your very own. A few minutes later, he laid back down, gathering her to his chest, and her arm went around his waist. In less than two minutes, he was asleep as well.

  She woke up the next morning to her cell phone ringing, and she was it was almost ten in the morning. It was David Callahan, the contractor. “Hello, Miss. Clarkson. This is David Callahan. I just wanted to let you know I’ve finished your designs, and I wanted to get your approval so I can get my teams started.”

  She sat up, the sheets pooling around her waist. “Really? Already? I thought you said a week.”

  “I know, but once I got started, I couldn’t seem to stop,” he replied with a laugh. “It happens every once in a while. I guess I just hated the thought of you getting out of the hospital and having nowhere to go.”

  Mickala smiled. “Bless you, Mr. Callahan. I’m staying at the Clarkson downtown, and they’re taking amazing care of me. Can you meet me here? I’m on the thirty-eighth floor.”

  “Absolutely. I can be there in about thirty minutes.”

  “Perfect. I can’t wait,” Mickala said, then got up when they hung up the phone. Her knee had eased up, but she still put the brace on over her jeans, and the back brace went on under her loose blouse.

  * * *

  Aiden had gotten up, and while he’d already ordered room service, he called back down and added additional coffee to it when she told him David was on his way. He helped her into a chair, then propped her leg up on a small ottoman before getting their room service. He handed her a plate and orange juice, and she smiled up at him “You’re going to spoil me.”


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