Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II

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Releasing the Demons: Solarian Chronicles II Page 22

by Mallory Anderson

  “Yes, sir. Nehela is our manager, and EJ’s our producer and sound technician,” Philip said.

  “Good. They’ll definitely want to be included then. All right, that’s about it. Check your email in the next few days, and we’ll send you all the information you’ll need, and steps and information about your flight,” he said. “I think that’s about it for now, guys. I can’t wait to meet you all in person in a couple of weeks.” They hung up, and Chad and Philip looked like they were about to pass out.

  They had about two weeks, and they were working almost twelve hours a day in the studio to cut their demo with all original music. Finally, EJ locked himself in his mixing booth for six hours or more over the last three days before their trip, tweaking and mixing it until it was as close to perfect as he could get. He created a couple of CDs in case they needed them. The night before they left, everyone was at their house to get packed. They only took one suitcase per person, not knowing how long they would be there. Mickala told them if they needed anything else beyond that, they could buy it. Michelle and Travis were staying Georgia and wolf/Delling sitting until they got back.

  * * *

  They set the bags by the door, double checking to make sure everything would be ready for the morning. Their flight left at noon, but they wanted to give themselves plenty of time to get through security. They went out that night for dinner, but they were all too wired up to eat much of anything. Aiden laughed when they got back home and in the room. “You might need some Zzquil. You look a little wild around the eyes.”

  She held up a purple bottle. “I’m way ahead of you,” she said, laughing with him. Even with the medicinal help, it was still almost one in the morning before her eyes finally closed.

  They got up and got to the airport in time, and their flight to New York was uneventful. When they got off the plane and got their bags, they saw a man holding up a sign with their names. They walked up to him. “Mr. Stone?” Mickala asked.

  “Yes. You must be ‘The Demons,” he said with a smile. Chad introduced everyone, including Nehela and EJ. “It’s nice to finally meet all of you. Come on. I’ve got a car waiting outside.”

  They followed him outside, and their eyes widened to see the long stretch Hummer sitting by the curb. He laughed. “I knew there would be a lot of us, and I thought this would be a little more comfortable.”

  The driver got their bags and put them in the back as they all climbed in. As they drove into the city, Malik asked a few questions, and he seemed to be most interested in Mickala’s injury and her recovery. They could see how thrilled he was when they told him the doctors had given her the all clear the day he’d called them the first time.

  Their first stop was a hotel, and they got set up in four rooms. Mickala and Aiden took one, then Ian and Nehela, the brothers, and EJ had a room to himself. Once they put their bags up, they got back in the limo. The traffic was worse than Atlanta could ever think about being, but it was the first time for Chad and Philip, and watching their reactions was worth every minute they were stuck.

  They eventually arrived, and they all looked up at the building that held Warner Records in awe, and Malik laughed before taking them up to the top floor and into a beautiful waiting area. “If you’ll wait just a minute, Mr. Sands will be right with you.” They couldn’t even bring themselves to sit down, and they began looking at the what seemed like hundreds of albums on the walls, many of them from artists they had admired and had inspired their own music.

  Twenty Four

  A Family Reunion

  It was only five minutes before the receptionist showed them into a massive corner office, and the views were absolutely incredible. Mickala knew it would be even more stunning at night. The man behind the desk was friendly looking with a large, open smile. He was younger than Mickala had imagined, barely looking to be in his thirties. The name on his desk said ‘Ari Sands’, and his dark green eyes crinkled in corners. He stood and shook their hands. “Welcome, welcome to New York. It’s wonderful to meet all of you. Please, sit, sit.”

  They did, and Malik left the room, closing the heavy double doors behind them. “Now, as I’m sure Malik explained, you guys first came to my attention during last year’s band competition. I couldn’t believe what I had seen.” He grinned. “Although, I must say, you all look so much different now.”

  Ian laughed. “It was Halloween, and we thought we’d get in the spirit of things a little.”

  Ari grinned. “It looks like you were having a ball. So, how’d you guys all get together?”

  “It was mine and Philip’s band first,” Chad said. “Our drummer quit, and that’s when we found Ian. Then, our singer and other guitarist left, and when we couldn’t find anyone, he suggested Mickala and Aiden.”

  “How long have you guys been playing together?”

  “It’s been, what, since early or mid-September” Philip asked, and they all nodded.

  Ari’s eyes widened. “So, at the time of the competition, you’d only been playing together a few weeks? I honestly wouldn’t have thought that. You look as if you’d been playing together for years.”

  Mickala smiled. “That’s how it feels. We’re all more than friends. We’re family.”

  Ari nodded, thoughtful. “I can tell.” He leaned forward. “Okay, so to make a long story short, you had to drop out of the finals because of Mickala and Aiden being injured in an accident?” They all nodded. “I’m assuming the two of you are okay now?”

  They both nodded. “Oh, yeah. I just had a broken leg, but it’s healed fine. And Mickala just got the all clear from her doctor to go back to performing, actually on the day Mr. Stone called the first time.”

  “Outstanding,” he said with a nod. “So, not to put too fine a point on it, we want you guys here, assuming you’re still wanting to play.” They all nodded vigorously, and he grinned. “Great. We would start you out with a standard three-year, three album contract with quarterly earnings off all your profits, from album sales and concert tickets and merchandise.”

  Mickala leaned forward slightly, her eyes intent. “The album profits. Are we talking about wholesale or retail prices?”

  Ari laughed, leaning forward to match her. “I see you’ve done your research.”

  She shrugged. “I learned from my father, never go into a meeting under-prepared.”

  Ari smiled. “I like that, and it definitely sounds like something Victor Clarkson would say. I had the honor of meeting him a few times, and he was a hell of a businessman, and a hell of a person.” Mickala just smiled at him. “I’ll tell you what. I have a really, really good feeling about you, Demons, so I’ll give you the profits off the retail profits.”

  She blinked, surprised. “That’s actually very generous.”


  He leaned back in his chair, his hands folded together. “Like I said, I have a good feeling about you. I’m sure you know it’s hard to get mainstream radio to play the rock genre, but I think you guys could be the ones to bring it back out into the world.”

  She smiled. “What about expenses?”

  Ari laughed, his eyes closing. “Oh, Victor taught you well. We cover your expenses for the first year. After that, they’ll come out of your profits.”

  “Incredible,” she admitted. Chad and Philip glanced at Mickala, her background in business making her their leader at the moment.

  He pulled out seven identical contracts, and Mickala read them carefully, asking for clarification on a couple points. Finally, she nodded, satisfied. EJ asked about himself and Nehela as they signed, and Ari smiled. “Oh, you guys are already there. There’s no way I’m splitting this team up.”

  Once all The Demons had signed the many required places, they handed Ari the contracts back, and he set them aside to deal with later, and he shook their hands. “Welcome, Demons, to Warner Records. I’ll make a few calls and set you up with some studio time. I assume you have a demo with you?”

  “Of course,” EJ said.

  “Good. When you go to meet the producer, take it with you, and it’ll give him a good starting point. That’ll probably be sometime next week. So, until then, enjoy your time in New York City.”

  They all thanked him, and Malik entered the office again, and he took them back downstairs before shaking their hands. “Welcome to the family, guys. We’re glad to have you on board.” They said thank you, and he shook his head. “If you need anything, we’ve instructed the concierge at the hotel to help you in any way possible. If there’s something they can’t do, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do.”

  The limo took them back to the hotel, and the driver gave them his card. “If you guys need a lift, let me know.”

  They all met up in Chad and Philip’s room, and the cheering and hugging began going around. This was really the only thing the brothers had ever wanted, and it was finally seeming to be coming true. By now, they were all starving, so they changed clothes and walked a couple of blocks to a restaurant, then they began exploring the city. They all already knew they would need more clothes, so they did a little shopping while they were already out. Mickala and Nehela were in love with all the clothes they couldn’t get back home. The guys didn’t really care, but they had fun watching the girls get lost in silk, satin, chenille, and even leather. By the time they got back to the hotel, they were all loaded down with bags.

  That night, Mickala and Aiden were on the balcony with wine glasses, listening to the sounds of the city. “I wonder why he was so nice,” Aiden said, his voice thoughtful.

  She smiled, then giggled. “Well, it might have something to do with the fact Ari Sands was, is, my grandfather’s younger brother.” She couldn’t help but laugh again. “We just signed a recording contract with the King of Elagon. And his assistant, Malik? That’s the sole surviving member of the Stone family. The one who turned against them and joined Grandmother and Grandfather. They’ve been best friends and cohorts for longer than Mom’s been alive.”

  * * *

  Ah, so you did recognize us, a familiar voice said in her mind.

  Of course, Uncle Ari. It may have been almost a thousand years since the last time I saw you, but I still recognize your face and your voice. Is that why you were so generous with us?

  It may have been one reason, but it was mainly because I think you guys are just that damn good. I’ve seen a lot of music, and I know you’ll do well. I do have a question, however. Does Ian know he’s full Elagonian?

  Aiden saw shock flood her face, and he asked what was wrong. She held up a finger to let him know she’d talk to him in just a minute. Are you sure?

  Absolutely, Ari said confidently. Who are his parents?

  We don’t know. They were murdered when he was small, and he was raised as a demon in the demon realm, she replied.

  Does he have any siblings?

  I don’t know.

  Well, see if you can find out, little heart. What kind of demon did he think he was?

  A dragon. I mean, he has the wings and tail, and he has fire capabilities.

  She felt her uncle’s interest spike. Oh, that’s interesting. Can you find out what you can? It might be important, he said.

  I’ll do what I can and let you know, Uncle, she promised.

  Good. And will you tell Michelle I said hello and I miss her, too? I’m glad to have my family back around.

  She promised, then Ari faded, and Mickala burst out laughing. “What in the world was that all about?” Aiden asked, an eyebrow going up.

  “Ari said Ian isn’t even demon. He’s Elagonian, full Elagonian, and he seems to be really interested in who his parents are, and if he had any brothers or sisters.”

  Aiden frowned, his forehead furrowing as he thought. “He’s never mentioned any, but I’ve never asked.”

  “It shocked Ari he was a dragon.”

  “So is everyone who knows about him,” he reminded her.

  “Yeah, because they’re extremely rare, but it’s even stranger knowing Ian’s not demon at all, but Elagonian,” she said.

  “It that important?”

  “Uncle Ari said it could be. After all, dragons are the symbols of Elagon. We’ll have to ask in the morning,” she said. Eventually, they tried to go to sleep, but the events of the day had their brains racing a mile a minute.

  The next morning, Ian and Nehela came to their room for breakfast while Chad, Philip, and EJ were still asleep. “Ian?” Mickala asked a little while after they’d gotten there. “Do you remember anything about your parents?”

  He shook his head. “Not really. I was really small when they died.” She asked about brothers or sisters, and he froze, his fork halfway to his mouth. “Why?”

  She started explaining about Ari, and his relationship to her. “He told me last night that you’re not a demon at all, but a full-blooded Elagonian,” she said.

  Ian’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?”

  She nodded. “As King, he could sense if someone had the blood of his people, and how much. He said you have no demon blood at all. That’s why he was asking about them. I think Uncle Ari might know something about your family.”

  * * *

  He hesitated, obviously feeling very conflicted, then he sighed heavily, and it was full of an ancient sadness. “I had one sister, named Tianna, but I never knew about her until right before she was killed.”

  Aiden frowned. “Why didn’t you ever tell me about her?”

  “I didn’t want you to know,” Ian said. Aiden asked why, and he shook his head, his eyes closed tightly. “Because, she was killed in the last raid I ever laid my band it. I was told it was a traitor village, but it wasn’t. It was just an ordinary fishing village, and Tianna was the head priestess, and a Firestarter. Our powers weren’t that common, and her own dragon wings were a clue we were somehow related. The others in my band realized the truth, but they never told me. They wanted me to kill her, as part of the mutiny which led to me leaving the demon realm behind. I had only known about having a sister for a short time, and I never imagined it was her village we were attacking, not until it was too late.

  “By the time I under and tried to call them back, it was already over. They destroyed the village, and Tianna ended up dying in my arms. She tried to protect her people, but she recognized me as her brother, and she saw how I tried to stop what I had started.” His voice was barely a whisper by the time he finished, his hands into fists. “I could hardly live with myself, and I didn’t know you besides being the demon who didn’t kill me when he should’ve. Once we got to be friends, I couldn’t risk something happening to that friendship.”

  Aiden laid a hand on his oldest friend’s shoulder. “Did you really think I would turn against you for something that wasn’t your fault?”

  “I wasn’t willing to take that chance,” Ian admitted. “This friendship you and I have, there’s nothing I would do to mess it up, and at that particular time, it was the only thing keeping me sane.”

  “And that’s what you’ve hidden from me all of these years?” Aiden asked, and Ian nodded. “You’re my best friend, Ian. I know you well enough to know you would never hurt your own flesh and blood.”

  They saw Ian breathe in an enormous sigh of relief, his last and darkest secret out in the open. He looked at Mickala. “So, your uncle, well, your great uncle, is head of one of the top ten largest record labels in the world?”

  “Apparently. My grandparents were into horse racing, which was highly unfair. A regular horse has no chance in the world to keep up with a Delling,” she said with a laugh. “I guess Uncle Ari decided to take over the music world.” She shrugged. “Who knew?”

  “That’s crazy,” Nehela laughed. “And you think he knows something about Ian’s family?”

  “More than likely.”

  * * *

  It was later that afternoon, and Ari’s mental voice entered her head again. Hello, little heart.

  Hey, Uncle-King, she grinned.

  Were you able to find anything e
lse about Ian’s past?

  He had a sister named Tianna, but they were separated when their parents died. She died about two hundred years ago, and she was a Firestarter with dragon wings and a tail as well. She was the head priestess of a village that was attacked, Mickala explained.

  Do you guys have plans for dinner tonight? he asked, and Mickala said no. Good. I want you guys to join me. I think we’ve got some things to discuss.

  You know about Ian’s family?

  Yes, but I’ll explain everything tonight. I’ll meet you in the hotel lobby at eight. I take it Chad and Philip aren’t aware of your true natures? Mickala said they weren’t. So, it’ll be just us, then. That’s fine. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

  She told Ian about their dinner plans, and he had an expression they’d never seen before, nervousness. “What do I say? Majesty, Highness? Do I bow? No?” he asked.

  Mickala laughed. “He won’t be expecting anything like that. He did say he knows about your family, so you’ll finally have some answers.”

  Ian was strangely quiet for the rest of the day, and around seven, they began getting ready. Ari was already in the lobby, reading a newspaper, when they came down. He stood up with a grin, and he and Mickala hugged tightly. Chad and Philip were out checking the club scene, but they had EJ with them.

  When they got to the restaurant, they started out with general conversation, then Ari turned to Ian after they’d ordered. “Mickala told me your parents died, and you had a sister named Tianna, who was killed about two centuries ago?”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied.

  “Do you remember what they looked like?”

  “Just my sister,” he said. “She had black hair like I do, but she had green eyes like yours and Aiden’s.”

  Ari nodded thoughtfully, then reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a yellowed photo on paper that looked ancient, and he took a long look at it before passing it to Ian. “Is that Tianna?”


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