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Join Page 5

by Viola Grace

  Brigs sighed. “She is not going to give up on that, is she?”

  “Nope. You are the one for her son. The only one on the planet who can keep him safe. There have been kidnapping attempts, bribery and two ransom attacks on his siblings. He was the core of all of it, and he just wants to be somewhere where he can work his talent until it blossoms.”

  “And I am his gateway to somewhere safe. Got it. What else do you know about him?”

  “He has training as a first aide medic, likes looking at the stars and is fascinated by your hair. He has no objection to being second mate.”

  She groaned and rubbed her forehead. “I am not trying to start a collection.”

  He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Too bad. You are a matriarch now.”

  Brigeet noted that he was lowering the skimmer and gliding over a large body of water. The shuttle came into view on top of a hill, on an island, in the centre of the open bay. “Wow, this is really well situated.”

  “Thank you. I know my world and I know exactly what we need. This will be the initial base and able to support a maximum of thirty Guardians. We have a water table, a waste-disposal system and supply drops provided by the local communities.”

  “Now, all we need is a building.”

  He grinned. “Leave that to me.”

  He settled them next to the shuttle and helped her out of the vehicle. Her dress was a little tight around the knees, so her normal jump and run style wasn’t appropriate.

  He grabbed her waist and twirled her around. “You have no idea how often I have dreamed of this moment.”

  She grabbed his shoulders as he lowered her. “I have to say, I never imagined this. I am not complaining, but I have no idea what happens next.”

  He brought her in for a kiss, and he murmured against her lips. “You only have to let life happen. Good or bad, it takes care of itself. You just have to direct it where you want it to go. Now, where do you want your bedroom? The base will grow outward from that point.”

  It took two days before the initial kernel of the base had been generated. Solos kept stopping for nookie breaks.

  When they had a kitchen and living room, as well as three bedrooms, he stopped for the day, leaning heavily on her and coming to a rest on the metal structure that doubled as a couch.

  “I think that is it for tonight. I am exhausted.” He smiled and pulled her against him.

  “Good. I am getting chafed.”

  He laughed and nuzzled her neck. “What did you get done today?”

  “More final contracts were set up, I worked on the design of the base, but why do we need separate bedrooms?”

  “For when you are with another of your bond mates. We each need our personal space.”

  She leaned up and patted his chest. “You are really fine with me picking another bond mate?”

  “Of course. You are a strong woman; matriarchs will be throwing their sons and grandsons at you. You can have as many as you can support, and with my dowry, you can afford up to five, when you add what Tweliak is offering, you can double that.”

  She winced. “I have no idea what I will do with two of you, let alone any more than that.” Brigs shook her head.

  “You will understand once you have been here longer. You will spend your time with us all in rotation. The other males will have their own rooms, but they are mainly coming to you for protection. If you choose, you can release them to another female that you consider to be more suitable. In the meantime, they can take shelter under your social standing as head of the Guardian Project-Jaluum.”

  Brigs sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. “This is confusing for me.”

  “I know; moments like this will have to be engaged in behind closed doors once our teammates arrive. You being in a less-than-authoritarian posture will be unacceptable.”

  “I am going to screw that up.”

  “I know, but since you are the head of the base and an alien, you will be given more leeway than a local woman.”

  She snorted and enjoyed the moment of silence that would soon be all too uncommon.

  Solos strained above her, his muscles tight and his face caught in a grimace. The glass above her head flowed as he pulled the dome together. It was the observatory that would allow the light-dependant talents to charge and give those who enjoyed stargazing an outlet when the large telescope came in.

  A secondary dome would be installed later, after Solos had recharged. He was exhausted after pulling the stone out of the island and shaping the metal ingots that the local mines had supplied.

  When the clouds formed over the surface of the base and Solos came through the side door, Brigs pulled muffins out of the heater.

  “Well, we are successful; there is a functioning kitchen and you have just plugged the gaping hole in the roof. This is an actual base.”

  She pulled out a bottle of wine that Ideera had provided. “I believe that this has earned a toast.”

  He got two glasses and nearly dropped them.

  Brigs caught him and settled him on one of the kitchen stools that he had crafted. She carefully removed the glasses from his grip and she set them on the counter. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, but I can hardly wait until Urgan gets here tomorrow. I believe I could use a good healer and a rubdown.”

  Brigeet groaned and stretched. “You are not the only one. The amount of documentation that I have had to wade through for all the supplies we need are mind numbing. You have provided the structure, but the practice room by itself could eat an entire year’s budget. I am tapping into my savings for bedding and textiles.”

  She poured the wine and handed him a muffin. It contained his favourite ingredients. Cured meat, cheese and mushrooms. It was a bacon and cheese omelette, alien style, in a muffin format.

  He went from pale blue to sky blue as he ate. She was relieved. This was a lot of work for one man, and he was trying to make the most of each private moment. He had to be exhausted.

  Brigs moved behind him and rubbed at his shoulders, using her knuckles to work out the tension. His exhaustion went bone deep, so this could only sooth him so far. When he nodded with fatigue, she put his arm over her shoulder and walked him to their bedroom.

  She eased him into bed and stripped off his uniform, tucking him into the bedding before taking his suit and hanging it in the refresher. It had his scent all over it along with stone and dust from his work.

  The laundry facilities were also up and running, but she wasn’t up for doing his delicates. Tomorrow, her Guardians began to arrive, and for the time being, they were bringing their own bedding.

  It was an embarrassment to her that the mattresses were not ready yet, but she had gotten a lot done in a week, including a dishwashing roster. Everyone was equal.

  She skinned out of her bodysuit and ran herself through the sonic shower. Clean and exhausted, she joined her bond mate in their bed.

  Even in his sleep, he rolled toward her and wrapped around her. Brigs smiled and relaxed against him, letting his warmth unknot her back.

  Tomorrow, everything would change.

  Chapter Eight

  Brigs was wearing her formal uniform with the embroidered, sleeveless robe. This occasion called for it.

  An emergency drop from Yacaro had eased her mind. Uniforms with specific adaptations for the variety of talents had appeared in a box that was delivered from the spaceport.

  The shuttle landed and the recruits emerged one by one. Kardu, Urgan and Deniali were the first ones out. Mishka, Ranyo and Lefari came out after. Lefari was a surprise, but when the news of Brigs taking a bond mate circulated, he suddenly became available. Apparently, mating with a son of Ideera Landik meant that Brigs was worthy to protect their men.

  When all six of her charges and her mate were standing in front of her, she raised her head. “Welcome one and all to the first Jaluum Guardian base. Here, you will find that you are able to use
your skills unfettered by prying eyes. Mishka, use the waters around to practice; Lefari, there is a stone outcropping where you can practice fire. Ranyo, the grounds are yours to play with. Urgan, you are our healer. Every bruise, cut, ding and crack should be checked out if you are up for it.”

  Urgan grinned and bowed low.

  “Kardu, we have set up pressure plates in the practice room, and you can blast them all day and they can take the hit. I want you to practice variety in your pressure waves, and finally, but not least, Deniali, I want you to bring the storms in the dome set aside for that purpose. There are water tanks lining the edges and drainage has been arranged for when you bring the rain. If you follow me, I will give you a tour and then show you to your quarters.”

  The gathered assembly bowed as one.

  “Oh, how silly of me. Solos is responsible for crafting the structure we are about to enter. As he is already a Guardian, please offer my first mate all due respect.” She smiled politely and turned her back, walking into the entry spoke of the base.

  They were off to a very good start.

  One month after they had assembled, they were officially available for duty. Brigs was manning the com unit when the call came in.

  A major firestorm was approaching a farming area. It was spreading rapidly, and they needed help. It was time for the first Guardian mission but not all of them could be included.

  “Kardu, Deniali, Mishka and Solos. Suit up. You have a mission.”

  Two minutes later, they stumbled into her office, fastening their battle suits. Solos paused. “Where are we going?”

  “The information is being transferred to the skimmer. We need to get you in the air. There have been no casualties as of yet, but that might not remain the case. There is a wildfire moving across the land and heading into farming areas. You are going to take care of that fire, now go.”

  They left, and Solos winked at her as he headed out.

  She blew him a kiss and told the local authorities that the Guardians were on the way.

  With her mate in the air, she sat back and watched their progress toward the fire. Urgan came up behind her and rubbed her shoulders. By Jaluum standards, they were engaged.

  Urgan had the room on her left, Solos had the room on her right, but Solos had built a connecting door.

  “Why didn’t you send me with them?”

  He worked at the knot that always came up on her left shoulder.

  “You are second wave in any emergency. Ranyo and you can be dispatched when the fire is out. He can grow whatever will grow as fast as he can to restore the area.”

  “Why not Lefari?”

  “He has not yet learned to call fire, only to start it. He is working on summoning, but I will save that for a building fire, not a wildfire that could consume him.”

  Urgan’s massage was not of the healing nature, simply direct pressure.

  Brigs groaned. “Your grandmother called.”

  Urgan paused. “Did she?”

  “Yes. Are you sure you want to be my bond mate?”

  “I am. Are you willing?” He was unsure.

  “I am. The ceremony is set to occur in two days. I even have my gown already.”

  He pressed a kiss to her neck. “Good. I am looking forward to our first night together.”

  She shivered. “Have you and Solos been exchanging notes?”

  Urgan pressed another kiss to her neck and flicked his tongue across her skin. “I have no idea what you are referring to. It would be very unethical for him to do so before we are bonded.”

  She put her hand on his forehead and pushed. “Knock it off. I have to monitor our team.”

  “Yes, Matriarch.” His lips twitched as he left her office.

  Lefari came in a moment later. “I just heard that this case involves fire, why am I not there?”

  With her headset firmly on, Brigs turned to face the young man. “Can you catch five miles of fire, smoke and superheated air?”

  Lefari blinked. “No, not yet.”

  “Then, you would want to be sent in to die?”

  Lefari shook his head. “Of course not. It is just…”

  “That this is your element and you wanted to go on the first mission?”

  “It sounds stupid when you put it like that.”

  “It is.” She sighed and extended her hand. It was a matriarch calming technique.

  He clutched at her hand and slowed his breathing.

  “I am responsible for your safety. I will not put any of my Guardians at risk in unsuitable situations. You will be patient. The first building fire we are called for will be yours.”

  She smiled and felt his hand tighten on hers. He breathed deeply and calmed down just in time for her to release him and turn to the monitors as her team arrived on scene.

  It was amazing to find out that Jaluum men could be calmed by female pheromones. Solos was usually a rough sleeper, but when he was with her, he slept the night through. She was more powerful than the average female.

  Finally, she was beginning to understand why she had been placed here. She was a living sedative for this species.

  Solos was on the com. “We are near the fire. Where are we going, Brigs?”

  She enlarged the area on the screen. “Five hundred metres north, there is an underground stream. Mishka can bring it to the surface and Deniali can make it rain. While they are prepping, Kardu should use a wide blast to deprive the fire of oxygen, and you should stand by to create a fire shelter if necessary.”

  “Done. Solid plan, Brigs.”

  “Good. Go. The fire is getting closer.”

  He chuckled.

  Brigs spent the next two hours with her back tense and her ears listening to every command, expletive and whooshing of flames that came through the com system.

  “Fire is out. We are coming home.” Solos made the announcement, and the crowd gathered in Brigs’ office burst into applause and hugs.

  Brigs remained at her desk, notifying local law enforcement and the farmers. When she was done, she pushed through her other charges and headed for the deck.

  The others followed her, and when the team arrived, she crooked her fingers at a tired Solos. When he walked up to her, she slid her hand behind his neck and pulled his head to hers. The kiss was wild, and they were both breathing heavily when they parted.

  “Well done, Solos.” Her breath came out on a whisper.

  “Good plan, Brigs. I told you, you would do well.”

  “I am just glad you are all safe.”

  She applauded her charges, and they grinned, covered with soot, dirt, grass and slick damp.

  “Time to go inside and debrief. I need a blow-by-blow account of your activities, Lefari made dinner, and it looks like you worked up an appetite.”

  The second team went forward and congratulated the first. Together, everyone went inside and sat around the long table. Brigs took her place at the head with Solos on her right and Urgan on the left. Lefari served dinner and Brigeet got the details of the event.

  Her headset recorded all information, and she enjoyed the blended work of the team dynamic. A few events indicated that they had a problem getting off the ground, but Solos was a good team leader, and he had bullied them with the threat of disappointing their new matriarch.

  She looked out at the sea of earnest expressions and realised that she was indeed their matriarch. She was in charge of the base, the team and their lives. They would live or die depending on her logical assessment of the situation.

  Sure. No pressure.

  Chapter Nine

  The second mate ceremony was the same as the first, but her clothing was lighter. She wore a light Grecian-style blue gown, white crystal headdress and she held Solos’s hand on the way to the magistrate.

  She took Urgan’s hand and held it while she signed, but the moment that she was done, she took Solos’s again. He held her hand while she and Urgan kissed for the first
time. Tweliak administered the touch of tears, and Urgan kissed Brigs again.

  Urgan’s hand heated up as they kissed, sending tingles through her.

  Tweliak cackled and pounded her cane on the floor. “Dinner at my place. My grandson is yours, Matriarch Alass.”

  She nodded and hauled both of her men through the crowd that only half-heartedly tried to stop them. Urgan’s family held any of the greedy folks at bay. They wanted him safely in the custody of his new matriarch.

  The Guardians were all in attendance. Two skimmers had been pressed into duty for the event, and Solos took off with their bond group, Deniali and Kardu.

  The others were right behind them.

  The Guardian base was not a secret. It could easily be seen from the sky. They cruised up on it and landed neatly.

  Brigs and Urgan headed to her room with Solos. He kissed her softly at the doorway and shook Urgan’s hand. “Welcome to the family, Urgan Alass.”

  “Thank you, Solos. It is an honour.”

  The two men had their moment, and Brigs got bored and wandered into her bedroom.

  Urgan scuttled in after her and closed the door.

  She laughed. “Lock it, please.”

  He darted back to the door and flicked the lock.

  As his matriarch, she was expected to lead him, so she started without him. She pulled her headpiece off and set it aside. Pin by pin, she released her hair until it tumbled around her.

  He was staring at her with rapt attention. “You are lovely.”

  “You don’t mind the split facial colour?”

  Urgan came toward her and cupped her face in his hands. “I caused it, so of course, I don’t mind. When my grandmother told me she was eager to give me to you, I was delighted. You are beautiful.”


  “Not flattery, truth. I have seen ugly in others, and it does not burn in you.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  She leaned up and tried to take over, but his hands moved over her, loosening her clothing and letting the gown slip to her feet. His tunic fought her hands, but he parted from her for a moment and stripped.


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