Waiting to Breathe: Book One of the Waiting Duet

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Waiting to Breathe: Book One of the Waiting Duet Page 4

by Alyson Reynolds

  Olivia was sitting in the exact spot we had for the past few classes. She looked sexy as hell. It was awesome that she didn’t feel the need to dress up for class. Plus, there was the added bonus that I got to stare at her ass in yoga pants when we walked to the Union after class.

  I waived at a few friends, and then sat down beside her. She looked over at me with a smile on her gorgeous lips. Some days it was harder than others not to just grab her and kiss her.

  “Hey, cupcake.”

  “Hey, Nate. We missed you at lunch today.”

  “I had a study group. Did you miss me?”

  “See, I start being nice and you think I want in your pants. Your ego astounds me.”

  “You’re the one talking about what’s in my pants.”

  She shook her head and a blush crept up her cheeks.

  “Holy fuck. I’m so through with this conversation.”

  I laughed and grabbed my notebook out of my bag. “I’m not that bad am I, cupcake?”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “But you owe me since I saved your life.”

  “You aren’t ever going to let that one go are you?”

  “Not likely,” I said with a grin. “So, are you still getting lost on an almost daily basis?”

  She laid her head back on the chair and mumbled, “I’m going to kill Finn.”

  Dr. Hooper came into class and I decided to let up on her for the time being. Finn had told her about Christian a few weeks ago and she seemed to be taking it surprisingly well. She hadn’t run like he thought she might, so that was a plus.

  Olivia was an enigma to me though. She always seemed happy, but every once in a while you would look at her and she seemed like she was only holding on by a thread. I wanted nothing more than for her to trust me with her secrets, but I got the fact I had to earn them.

  I watched Liv out of the corner of my eye during class. The way she wrinkled her nose as she wrote was hot. When her tongue darted out to wet her lips I had to stifle a groan. Olivia shot me a look and I held up my phone to blame it on a game I had just lost. She shook her head at me and went back to writing notes with a little smile.


  Looking across the Union I saw Cora sitting by herself on one of the good couches with a few books scattered out around her. I watched as she played on her phone, ignoring everything sitting in front of her. Since the opportunity presented itself, I wasn’t going to turn it down.

  “Cora Donovan, just the woman I wanted to see.”

  “Nathaniel Ford. I expected you to come see me, but I thought you might take another week at least.”

  I frowned at her, “Why did you think it would take me another week to come see you?”

  “In my experience guys as hot as you are normally dumb as dirt. So sue me, I was wrong.”

  I grinned at her. “I like you.”

  “Back at you.” She tilted her head and stared at me for a minute. “So Finn wouldn’t share anything about our girl?”

  “Not a fucking thing.”

  “One thing you should know, those two are joined at the hip. They will protect each other even if it means sacrificing the good of the tribe. They would probably keel over if they betrayed one another.”

  “I picked up on that.”

  She moved one of her books so I could sit down next to her.

  “So what do you want to know?”

  “Anything you’re willing to tell me. I’ve been warned already that it’s going to be an uphill battle to get Liv to trust me, but I want to try. Something tells me she’s worth it.”

  “Well that’s something if Finn told you that much. Olivia has the biggest heart out of anyone I know, but after her ex fucked her over she changed. There’s more to that story, but it’s not mine to tell. Olivia has a hard time opening up and trusting people now; she won’t even tell me everything that happened and we’ve known each other forever. I’ll warn you of this because I think you’ll listen, if you ever lie to her she’ll be done with you. Olivia won’t forgive you or give you a second chance. It won’t matter if it’s a little white lie or something to spare her feelings, she’ll cut you out of her life and not give it a second thought.”

  I sat back in my chair and looked at Cora, “Out of all the things you could have told me, why did you choose that?”

  “Because she likes you, and I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time. Don’t fuck it up, Nate.”


  My books were scattered over the table and my earbuds were shoved deep in my ears to drown out the distractions of the library, but even that didn’t stop Lila from sitting down across from me. I had hidden up in the stacks so I could get some work done without being interrupted.

  So much for that idea.

  “What’s up Lila?” I said trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

  “How’s your project coming?”

  “I’m working on it now,” I said, indicating the books in front of me.


  God this girl was dense.

  “Did you need something, because I’ve got a ton of work to get through?”

  “Oh yeah, sorry. Are you going to the party on Saturday?”

  “I live there so it’s likely I’ll make an appearance at some point.”

  She perked up at that, “Maybe we can meet up. It would be awesome to hang out again. Have some drinks if you’re up for it.”


  Anything to get you to leave me alone right now.

  “Well, I’ll see you on Saturday then.”

  She still lingered and I didn’t know what else to say to her. What the fuck did she want? I wasn’t going to whip it out and fuck her on the table.

  “Bye, Lila,” I said shoving my earbuds back in my ears. I knew I was being rude, but I really needed to study and my patience was nonexistent right now.

  Riley had called earlier and told me mom wasn’t taking her meds at all. She had holed up in her room and wasn’t doing anything to take care of herself. The conversation I’d had with her last week hadn’t helped. It was time to call my grandparents, but that move hadn’t worked out so well the last time I did that.

  My mother wanted nothing more than for me to move back in with her and take over the role my father had left with his death. I wanted to finish my degree and start living my own life. It was frustrating that she wanted me to sacrifice my time and my education because she was so damn selfish.

  I rubbed my hands over my face and let my head hang there for a minute. I jumped when someone touched my shoulder. A soft vanilla scent surrounded me and without looking, I knew who it was.

  “Hey Olivia,” I said pulling out my earbuds.

  Her hand rested lightly on my back. I was positive she could feel how tight the muscles in my shoulder were right now. The tiniest amount of stress and I was going to go Godzilla on this place.

  “Hey, I didn’t want to bother you, but you looked a little stressed. Anything I can help with?”

  Don’t ask me that.

  “No, not really. It’s just family stuff. Plus I have a huge project due in a week and I have a ton of work to get done. I’m having a hard time focusing.”

  “Well if you ever need to talk I’m here.” She tilted her head to the side. “We’re trying this friends thing right?”

  My attempt at a smile was weak, but at least I tried.

  “Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate it.”

  She hesitated a moment. Instead of annoying me like it had when Lila did it, I wished she wouldn’t leave.

  “Nate, do you mind if I sit with you? I’ll keep to myself, but the stacks kind of freak me out. I didn’t realize it until I got up here and everywhere downstairs is full.”

  I grinned and picked up a few of my books to make room for her.

  “Have a seat, cupcake. I’ll keep you safe.”

  She laughed and ducked her head. “Thanks.”

  I watched her as she pulled a few books out of her bag. Rel
uctantly, I put my earbuds back in. She smiled and did the same. We sat there for two hours. Occasionally we would look up and make eye contact, but we didn’t talk. I got more work done in those two hours than I had all week.

  The pounding bass coming from the front of the house was deafening. Cora drug me along behind her as she flirted with all of Finn’s fraternity brothers. I was trying not to fall asleep or let her make any drunken mistakes she would regret later. I had better ways to spend a Friday night, but Cora, Nate, and Finn all seemed to think it was important that I be there tonight. Finn and Nate were both oddly late for the first big party of the year, which pissed me off that I had to be there, but they didn’t. Nate seemed to be late to everything though.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket and I dug it out to see who was texting me. A grin crossed my face as I read that they were finally on their way back to the house.

  “Is that Nathaniel? Tell him to hurry the fuck up. You’re starting to drag me down, friend. You need a new babysitter.”

  “I need a babysitter? I’m going to be carrying your ass out of here. How many shots have you taken?”

  She shot me a cheeky grin and took off into yet another room full of drunken frat guys. I sighed and took off after her. An arm snaked around my waist as I passed by the front door. My body instantly tensed, but as soon as Nate’s cologne filled my senses and I relaxed against him.

  “Hey, cupcake.”

  I turned around and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. Finn stood behind him and rolled his eyes.

  “I wish you two would just give it up and tell everyone you’re together already.”

  “We definitely aren’t together,” Nate said “Believe me, if we were everyone would know it.”

  I blushed and pulled at his arm to make him go dance with me. Finn enjoyed torturing me and teasing me about Nate. It was his newest way to pass the time.

  “Oh,” I said turning back to Finn. “You’re on Cora duty.”

  “Damn it,” Finn cursed. “I’m going to end up punching someone tonight.”

  Grinning, I tugged on Nate’s arm again. He followed me into the tightly packed room and pulled me in close as he danced behind me. My arm looped behind his neck and his hands rested lightly on my hips as we followed the beat of the music. Someone bumped into me causing me to fall further back against Nate. The feeling of his erection hard against my ass set butterflies off in my stomach.

  Nate tried to take a step back, but I grabbed his waist before he could. I moved one of his arms around my stomach and his other hand fisted the hem of my short skirt. If Nate looked down, he would have a nice view of my cleavage. And I honestly hoped he did. The alcohol was making me brave. I’d had just enough to make me happy, but not enough to be sloppy. My ass rubbed against him and his face dug into my neck as he tried to muffle a moan.

  It was exhilarating to have this kind of power over a man. He was just as excited as I was. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed something as simple as flirting.

  A giggled escaped me as he tugged at my hand and led me down a hallway off of the main room. His fingers tangled in my hair as he tilted my head back to look at him. I stared into his forest green eyes and hoped he would kiss me. His eyes dipped to my lips. My hands trembled as I gripped at his wrist.

  “Tell me right now if you don’t want me to kiss you.”

  This man is a fucking saint.

  My tongue darted out to lick my lips and his eyes seared me as he watched the small movement. He groaned and his mouth captured mine. I opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue inside, tasting every inch as he held me. The kiss was heated and demanding, but Nate wasn’t pushing me any further than I was willing to go.

  Nathaniel Ford had pushed at all of my defenses until they crumbled to the ground around me. I only wanted him. Somehow he had made me trust him against all the odds. My bitchy attitude could scare away almost everyone, but not him. He had become one of my best friends without even trying. I didn’t rely on Finn and Cora as much when I was having a hard time anymore, Nate was the one I went to and I don’t know when that changed.

  I pulled back breaking the kiss and Nate’s forehead rested against mine. His hands cradled my face and my hands were still on his wrists.

  “Say something,” he pleaded.

  “I think I’m ready to start dating again.”

  A grin covered Nate’s handsome face and his dimple showed full in his cheek. We both heard someone clear their throat behind us. Finn stood leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest.

  “It’s about fucking time.”

  “Shut up, Finn,” I said while I pulled Nate’s mouth back to mine.


  I tried to focus on Dr. Hooper, but Nate was trying to distract me. He tugged the pen out of my hand and intertwined our fingers. The smile on his face was distracting enough, something about his dimple made me melt a little. When he ran the pinky of his other hand up and down my arm, little goose bumps rose where he touched me.

  “You need me to take notes, so you better stop it,” I whispered and grinned over at him. He handed my pen back, but put his arm around me and started playing with my hair.

  “I want to kiss you,” he whispered in my ear. A shiver ran up my spine. I was having a hard time ignoring him. We had kissed a lot over the weekend. He had been respectful and hadn’t pushed for anything else, but he definitely showed me that he was more than just a talented kisser.

  I tried to glare at him, but ended up cracking. He grinned and turned back towards the front of the lecture hall. Dr. Hooper dismissed class and I realized I hadn’t taken notes for the second half of class.

  “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “You suck.”

  He laughed and brushed a kiss across my forehead. “Loosen up, cupcake. I’ll get you the notes.”

  Nate grabbed my bag and for once I didn’t mind. I turned towards the door and saw two girls behind us staring at Nate. Looking back towards Nate, I saw him stretching with his arms over his head. His shirt had risen up, showing his taut and tanned stomach. The girls were smart to be staring.

  “See something you like, cupcake?”

  I blushed furiously.

  “Damn it, you couldn’t just let it go could you?”

  “Of course not.” His husky chuckle did things to me that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  We walked towards the coffee shop where Finn and Cora waited for us. It had become part of our routine to meet up after class at our favorite place on campus.

  Cora was at the counter when we walked in and I walked over to greet her while Nate went over to talk to Finn.

  “How’s it going with lover boy?”

  “Good morning to you too, Cora.”

  “I saw you two hours ago. Enough with the small talk. So are you finally going to put the guy out of my misery and go out with him?”

  “Yeah, I think so. He hasn’t asked yet, but if he does I’m going to say yes.”

  “I’m glad to finally see you moving on with your life. It’s been hard to watch you be so hard on yourself. Nate has been good for you.”

  I smiled. “It’s nice to finally feel like myself again; I’m just a new and slightly battered version. And I’ll just have some heavy baggage that comes along with the new me.”

  “Are you going to tell Nate?”

  “Are you going to tell Nate what?” he asked while he slid his arms around me.

  “Um, tell Nate we are going to the mall on Saturday afternoon,” she improvised.

  “Good, you can buy something for our date.”

  “We have a date?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You know one of those things where we go out to dinner. If you're really lucky I’ll even spring for a movie.” He grinned and my lady business got all tingly.

  “I guess I’ll go out with you since you’ve put so much thought into this whole date thing.”

  “You did tell me yo
u were ready to start dating again.”

  Cora choked back a laugh. “Yeah, I heard about that. Nice job getting caught by her brother, Nate.”

  He actually turned bright red, and I laughed as he mumbled to Cora to shut up and drink her cup of coffee. She smirked and I couldn’t help but think it was going to be a great day.

  Holy shit.

  Olivia’s lips on mine were better than any wet dream I’d ever had; even better than the kiss was the fact that she had finally agreed to go out on a date with me. I don’t know how it happened, but the second she gave in I took everything she was willing to give me. My desire to get closer to her was almost overwhelming.

  I leaned against the building waiting for her to come down from her room. Several of my friends passed by, and I said hi to them. They stared at me curiously because it was obvious I was getting antsy. Olivia was making me wait, but I knew it would be worth every second.

  When she walked out the door, she looked out into the parking lot, giving me a second to look at her without her realizing it. She had put on a little black dress that was jaw dropping. It was going to be incredibly hard not to imagine peeling her out of it later. She looked phenomenal.

  “Looking for someone, cupcake?”

  Olivia turned around and I got the full effect of the dress. The front of the dress draped and left just enough to the imagination. I needed to think about baseball, or name elements, anything to take my mind off how sexy she looked in that dress.

  “You look beautiful, cupcake.”

  A light blush covered her face and chest. I tried hard not to think about how far down that flush went.

  “You look pretty nice yourself, Nate.”

  “Ready to go?”

  She nodded. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?”

  “How about I just show you? Do you trust me?”

  I held out my hand, but her crystal blue eyes never left mine.

  “I’m starting to.”


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