Waiting to Breathe: Book One of the Waiting Duet

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Waiting to Breathe: Book One of the Waiting Duet Page 20

by Alyson Reynolds

  “Do you want to know the lie or the not so clean version?” I asked, laughing. Olivia smacked my chest and turned bright red. “What, you don’t want to tell them that you had—”

  “I’ll murder you,” she said, clamping her hand down over my mouth. I grinned and she shook her head. The girls went off to start looking at something called Pinterest. Fine by me, the sooner they planned this wedding, the sooner Olivia was mine forever.

  Finn pulled me to the side and told me that Christian had been kicked out of our fraternity and dropped out of SCU. To our relief we were off the hook for kicking his ass. I didn’t care either way. The frat had been fun when I was younger, but things had changed. Olivia made me realize there was more to life than partying every weekend. She made me want more for our future.


  I watched Olivia as she slept in my arms. She looked so peaceful; none of her demons chased her when she was asleep. My lips brushed along her temple and her sleepy blue eyes stared up at me.

  “I’m sorry, cupcake. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “It’s fine,” she said yawning. “Why are you still awake?”

  “I’m just watching you.”

  “That’s creepy as fuck. Don’t do that.”

  I laughed and she grinned up at me. “I like seeing you so relaxed. You don’t have the weight of the world on your shoulders when you sleep.”

  “Okay creeper, what do you want to talk about?”

  “What do you think about getting married next July?”

  “Sure, but it will be hot as Hades outside.”

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  “November. I want it to be cooler, but not cold. We can still get married on the beach and not freeze our asses off. We can wait a year and a half.”

  “I don’t want to wait a year and a half,” I pouted.

  She laughed. “So you want to get married in five months?”


  Olivia sat up and looked at me. “You want to get married in five months? Really?”

  “Yeah, I do. I would marry you tomorrow if you would do it.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Do what?” I asked stupidly.

  “Get married tomorrow.”


  “Let’s do it. Finn hasn’t left for New York yet. Cora is only in Oxford; she’ll come back if I ask her. Your mom and brothers can come down and stay at the house. We can rent a hotel room for the night. I don’t give a fuck if my parents show or not.”

  “So you want to do this tomorrow. Seriously?” I asked thinking she would come to her senses soon. “What about the big fluffy princess dress and one hundred fifty of our closest friends.”

  “They don’t matter to me, you matter to me.”

  This woman killed me. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. Cupcake, we both want to do this soon, but let’s wait. You’ve always wanted this beautiful, intimate wedding and I want to be the one to give it to you. We can plan something amazing and do it next November. You’ll move in here with me and we’ll live in sin. Take your time planning and do whatever you want.”

  She placed her hands on either side of my face and kissed me soundly. “You’re amazing Nathaniel Sterling Ford.”

  I groaned. “Really? I could beat my mom for telling you my middle name.”

  She grinned wickedly. “You love us and you know it.”

  “I do you crazy woman. Now are you sure you’re in this for the long haul?”

  “Of course, but since you’re going to make me wait to marry your ass, let’s talk more about the sinning part of this equation.”

  My lips met hers and I proceeded to show her exactly what I had planned.

  It was the first official day of summer break and in order to celebrate, Nate and I had slept in, then spent the entire afternoon in bed. It had been an amazing day, one I hoped we would recreate a lot in the future. We were lying on our sides, facing one another when he rubbed his finger down the arrow tattoos on my side.

  “What does this one mean? I don’t think I’ve ever asked you before.”

  “Have you never noticed that Finn has the same tattoo?”

  He shook his head. “He does? I never noticed before, although I don’t go around searching his body for tattoos.”

  I smiled.

  “Yeah, it’s on the opposite side of the script on his ribs. Right after we turned eighteen we got them. All arrows have different meanings to different people. Ours are kind of corny, but that’s us. We chose them for a few reasons. One they stand for the fact that we will always defend each other, and two, we are stronger together than we are alone.”

  “Who would have thought Finn was so insightful.” He shot me a gorgeous smile and I fought back a laugh.

  “He’s not, but your amazing fiancé is.”

  “I like that word. Can you say it again?”

  I smiled against his lips. “Fiancé.”

  He pulled me tight against his chest. Just as things started getting interesting our front doorbell rang. Nate groaned against my throat.

  “I’ll be right back. Stay right here. Don’t move and definitely don’t get dressed.”

  He slipped on a pair of basketball shorts and went out the door. I lay back, throwing an arm over my face. Finn’s voice filled the entryway and I smiled. There was no way Nate would get rid of him. I was pulling on a shirt when the doorbell rang a second time. Nate was grumbling under his breath whenever I walked up to open the door. He narrowed his eyes and I giggled.

  “You never listen.”

  “Go put on a shirt, hulk.”

  I opened the door and Cora stood there with a sheepish grin on her face.

  “I thought you’d already left to go back home,” I said hugging her.

  “I have to be out of the dorms by next Friday. I’m putting it off as long as possible. Finn text me and told me to get over here. I don’t think you guys were expecting anyone though,” she said, eying my yoga pants and tank top.

  “We weren’t, but come on in anyway.”

  Nate grumbled as he made his way down the hall and I laughed. The boy was bitter about leaving our bed, not that I blamed him. I stared at his ass as he walked and Cora shoved my shoulder with hers as she walked by. She grinned and I shrugged, grinning back at her.

  “I think Finn just wanted to fuck with Nate. He didn’t really give a reason for me to come over. I should have been more diligent on getting information.”

  I laughed. “No, that’s Finn being Finn. I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve talked to you. Between finals and getting back together with Nate, I’ve been a pretty awful friend.”

  She smiled. “Not at all. I’m just happy that you two figured your shit out.”

  “I’m happy that she said she would marry me,” Nate said, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed me on the cheek and walked into the living room where Finn was waiting.

  “Get your asses in here,” Finn called out.

  Cora and I shared a look, but we obliged. Finn was sprawled out over my couch and had an open beer in his hand.

  “You would think you live here,” I said, pointedly.

  “I might as well.” He put his other arm behind his head and I knocked his feet off my couch. He grinned and moved so I could sit next to him on the couch.

  “You’re in a really good mood,” Cora said, perching on the arm of the couch next to Finn. “What gives?”

  “I had the best idea.”

  We looked at him expectantly, but drama king that he is, he had to draw out the excitement.

  “Fucking tell us, Finn.” Nate broke down first to ask. It might have been because he thought he could get him out sooner though.

  “We should all go on a road trip. Think about it, this is the last summer we will all have together where we don’t have to grow up. You two graduate next year,” he said, pointing at me and Nate. “And that means you’ll have to grow the fuck up.”

  I looked at my br
other. We shared some silent twin communication that always pissed everyone else off. He wanted this, so I wanted it for him. He deserved to have some fun this summer.

  “I think we should. He’s right; this is really our last break.” I looked at Nate. “We’ll either be moving for you to go to medical school, or getting jobs.”

  Nate nodded slowly. “It could be fun.”

  “I’m in,” Cora said. “I’ll enjoy being in a car with you guys more than I’ll like being ignored by my Dad and stepmonster.”

  We all talked about where we wanted to go and when we would leave. It would have been simple to jump on a plane and go to a destination somewhere, but this would be different. Finn wanted some college memories and I would make sure he got them. Because of me he had to grow up too quickly.

  I looked over at Nate and caught him staring at me. I could stare into those gorgeous emerald green eyes forever. He kissed my forehead and I leaned back into his chest. Somehow we had made it through everything and I didn’t want to take that for granted. Nate was exactly what I needed and somehow I was lucky enough to find him when I needed him most.

  Two Months Later

  I carried the tray into the room quietly and sat it on the chair next to me as I bent down to wake up my girl. She always looked so peaceful when she slept.

  “Cupcake, I have a surprise for you.”

  She turned over, but didn’t open her eyes. “Mmmm. I smell pancakes.”

  I grinned. “Open your gorgeous eyes and take a look.”

  She cracked one eye open and saw the tray that I had loaded down for us. The smile on her face was worth the mess waiting in the kitchen for me later.

  “What’s all this for?”

  I helped her sit up.

  “We’re celebrating.”

  She tilted her head in confusion. “What?”

  “I got my MCAT scores back.”

  “Oh my gosh. Tell me!”

  I grinned. “Are you sure you want to know? Maybe I didn’t even get high enough to get into medical school.”

  She frowned and sighed in exasperation. “And maybe you did really well. Tell me Nathaniel.”

  “I got a 38.2.”

  “Nate! That’s in the top percent of what most people score on the MCATs. You haven’t even had your senior year yet. That’s amazing, babe!” She threw her arms around my neck and peppered my face with kisses. “I’m so proud of you.”

  The second half of my surprise started scratching at the bathroom door and I grinned.

  “What was that?”

  “Something I hope you like and don’t hate me for.” She narrowed her eyes and I stood up and walked to our on-suite bathroom. “I had planned to do this before we went on our trip, but it wouldn’t work for us to disappear for a month right after we got her.”

  “Her?” Olivia asked, clearly confused.

  I cracked open the door and scooped up the little bundle of energy before she could escape.

  “You got me a puppy?” She asked, excitement filling her voice.

  “I wanted us to be a family. What do you think?”

  She sat up on her knees. “I think you’re perfect, you insane man. I love you so much.”

  I grinned and put the puppy in her arms. She cooed at the little bundle of fur, then pulled me down to kiss me. Her lips brushed against mine softly.

  “Olivia, I’m going to do everything I can to make you happy, including giving you an engagement story you can tell people.” She laughed through the tears welling up in her eyes. “I love you so much. You’ve turned my life upside down in the best way possible. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes. God, yes. Kiss me now.”

  I did as the lady asked.

  Waiting to Fall

  Book Two of the Waiting Duet

  Finn Crawford never thought his life would change with one stupid dare. Or that he would make the mistake of taking things too far with his twin sister’s best friend. Now he’s fighting off an attraction he didn’t expect.

  Cora Donovan doesn’t want a relationship, especially one with the guy who’s always been there for her when she needed it most. Just being in the same room as him makes her body heat up in ways she never thought possible.

  There’s only one other thing that might stand in their way of being together if they can actually figure out how to make it work. Neither of them want to hurt Olivia, and if they broke up, that’s exactly what would happen. Sometimes it’s hard to determine if love is worth the risk.

  Coming May 16th, 2017

  Pre-Order it Now!

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  Book One in the Relentless Series

  Violet Montgomery's life is far from average. At twenty-seven, she's semi-retired from her successful acting career and has one divorce under her belt. She traded in early call times for sleeping in and travelling the world. All Violet wants is to enjoy the peace and quiet away from controlling mother and asshole ex, but when the role of a lifetime comes up for grabs she has to have it.

  Jaxon Garrett is a sexy Aussie surfer that accidentally broke into the acting scene in Hollywood. When his father

  died two years ago, he decided that going to America was the best way to get away from all the pain. He falls for Violet fast and hard, but his past makes him keep her at arm's distance. He’s been burned before and doesn’t plan on repeating the same mistakes again.

  Violet wants to keep her heart safe, but she doesn’t know how to protect it and let Jax in. Does she confront her past so she can learn to trust, or will she push him away and forget any chance of a future they might have together?

  Available Now


  Get exclusive sneak previews of FEARLESS and WAITING TO BREATHE through Alyson’s newsletter or join Alyson’s Facebook group Alyson’s Wonderland.

  The Relentless Series

  Relentless – Violet and Jaxon

  Restless – Taylor and Stephen

  Selfless – Amanda and Rhys

  Fearless – Coming Spring 2017

  Standalone Novels and Novellas

  Stolen Memories

  The Right Kind of Wrong

  Blue Christmas

  Romance writer. Wife. Mother of two. Avid reader. Queen of multitasking.

  Originally from the south, Alyson likes to incorporate what she knows into her books. She's lived not only on the east coast, but the west coast and a few places in between. Alyson loves sharing stories about her crazy family to anyone who will listen. Her guilty pleasures consist of coffee, country music, brunch, breaking the rules, and pedicures. And she will always be a daddy's girl.

  When Alyson isn't chasing around her two kiddos, she's normally writing. Or reading. Her Kindle library is out of control. Alyson writes mainly contemporary novels and novellas with a bit of new adult mixed in.

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