Future Past (Gift of the Ancients Book 2)

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Future Past (Gift of the Ancients Book 2) Page 11

by Bianca D’Arc

  “You! You can’t do this to me!” he screamed at her, but she felt like something bigger and more powerful than any of them was guiding her actions. “The war isn’t over. It’ll never be over! The Destroyer will eat you alive. All of you! She will have your powers for her own. You cannot stand in the face of her supremacy.”

  “Bullshit,” Hal swore, moving to Jeff’s side and looking down at the prisoner. “We stopped you here, and we will stop you wherever we find you. Your time is over.” Hal looked up at the men pushing the gurney and gave the signal for them to go. “Move out. He’s going to a cell, and nowhere else.”

  “He’s not much danger now,” Commander Kinkaid said to the men, coming around the gurney as it moved forward. He stood in front of Rose, blocking her view of the prisoner, which she considered a favor, since she wasn’t sure she could take much more of his wild eyes and crazy talk. “Miss Kitsapolous? I’m Commander Kinkaid.” The commander held out his hand for a shake.

  She felt a little tingle of power from the man as their hands touched, but he felt clean. Good. Somehow…magical?

  She shook her head. It had been a long, stressful day. Her mind was playing tricks on her. Although…

  “I’ve never seen that done before, ma’am, and I was wondering if that’s a skill you’ve always had, or is it something new?” Kinkaid asked.

  “You mean…?” She was finding it hard to put into words. “The thing I just said? To be honest, I’m not sure what that was about. It felt like something was speaking through me.”

  Kinkaid frowned a bit. “Has that happened to you before?”

  “Occasionally, but not often. Usually, it’s when something vitally important is at stake. Do you know what those words did here?” She was really curious about what she’d felt happen. Something. Something had definitely happened, but she wasn’t sure exactly what.

  “You froze him in his human form,” Kinkaid said simply, keeping his voice pitched lower so that only Hal, Jeff and she could hear.

  “I did what now?” She gave the commander a skeptical look.

  “Come now, Miss Kitsapolous. You saw his eyes. You heard the voice. That man is a shapeshifter.”

  Kinkaid didn’t look insane. But…he had to be wrong. Didn’t he?

  “Um…” Rose didn’t know what to say to that.

  “Jeeves here told the captain about the sniffing activity you’ve noticed in the past. While it’s not common knowledge, you are already part of a world in which you seem to have very little true knowledge. That needs to change if you’re going to be a warrior for Light.” Kinkaid seemed so earnest. She wanted to believe he was nuts, but his words held a ring of truth, and his manner was very convincing. “I wasn’t told much about this unit before you all descended on the island, but I’m beginning to understand why you were placed here. Captain, I’d like to meet with you and these two tomorrow after breakfast. There are some harsh truths that need to be spoken, and decisions made. For now, I’ll take charge of the prisoner. I know how to deal with his kind.”

  “We’ll need to question him,” Hal put in, somewhat disrespectfully, but the commander let it pass.

  “Son, he will be questioned, but not by the likes of us. When supernatural powers are involved, it takes specialist help, which luckily, we have. I’ll report back to Admiral Morrow tonight, and tomorrow, we’ll have our little powwow. Don’t worry. This isn’t my first rodeo.” The commander sent Rose a smile then walked out the door after the gurney.

  Hal gave Rose a puzzled look but didn’t say anything. He just shook his head then headed into the room behind her to reunite with Casey. That left Jeff with Rose as the hallway cleared out. The rest of the unit was going about their business, securing things and helping make sure the prisoner was well guarded, but they left Jeff alone with Rose, which was all that mattered to her at the moment.

  Jeff simply opened has arms, and Rose stepped into his embrace. Where she’d wanted to be for hours.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, rocking her gently from side to side.

  “I’m fine, now,” she told him. “But I was scared, Jeff. Really scared.”

  “I know. But you worked through the fear and did what you had to do, regardless. That’s bravery, sweet Rosie, and I couldn’t admire you more.” His words were low, his praise genuine. It touched her heart.

  “You’re the brave one, fighting that man. I’m so glad you’re all right.” She pushed back to look at him. “You are okay, right?

  Jeff decided Rosie didn’t need to hear about his aches and pains, though his wrist still hurt like a son of a bitch. He was pretty sure it wasn’t broken, though, because he could still move it, and the pain was lessening. The bruises would color up tomorrow if they weren’t already turning black and blue right now, but they were nothing. He would walk through fire—literally—to keep her safe. She was that important to him.

  Suddenly, he couldn’t hold his feelings in anymore. Too much had happened. Too much might still happen. He wanted to tell her how much he cared for her before anything else interfered.

  “I love you, Rosie,” he whispered, looking deep into her eyes. They widened as she heard his words.

  “You do?”

  Jeff swallowed against the dryness in his throat. She’d been brave. Now, it was his turn.

  “I do,” he assured her. “I truly do.”

  Her smile lit the universe. “I love you, too.” She laughed, and he felt a smile stretch his own lips. “I know it’s crazy. We’ve only just met, but my feelings… They’re strong, and they’re real. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  “Me neither,” he told her, grinning like a fool as she caught him after his leap of faith.

  A noise in the distance made him check their surroundings. They were alone for the moment, but that would change if they stayed in the middle of the main hallway.

  “The rest of the guys can handle things from here,” he said quickly, knowing they would cover for him. “Let’s go someplace else.” He meant someplace private, and from the twinkle in her eyes, she fully understood his intent.

  Jeff took her hand and they nearly jogged down the hallways that led to her quarters.

  Chapter Eleven

  The first time they made love was hard and fast. So fast it nearly took the top of Rose’s head off as her climax hit almost without warning. Jeff rolled them on the bed so that she draped over him like a living blanket as their breathing went from rapid to more reasonable.

  His hand stroking her back felt so good. He was so warm and delicious beneath her. Rose felt her interest perking up again. That first climax had just taken the edge off, but she was still hungry for more, she found, once she’d had a chance to catch her breath.

  She rubbed against him, discovering the hardness against her inner thigh that meant he was feeling the same. Rose smiled, licking his throat, enjoying the saltiness of his skin as he groaned.

  “Ready for more?” His voice rumbled through his chest and against her body, even as his rough tone caressed her ears.

  “You know it,” she replied, squirming around, searching for what she wanted.

  He reached downward and made things easier, positioning himself for her. She slid downward and took him inside. Yes. That’s what she wanted. That’s what she needed. Him. Only him. Forever.

  Shocked a little by her own thoughts, Rose stilled for a moment, but then, Jeff touched her clit, and she was off and running. Riding him like a jockey, heading for the finish line. She rose up on her elbows, then her hands, using any leverage she could to make the contact between their bodies even more intense.

  It didn’t take long. Not when she was able to control the motion. She cried out and shuddered on top of him, coming hard. Then, it was his turn.

  Jeff rolled them over again, but instead of taking the position they had before, with him on top and her on her back, he changed things up. He flipped her then lifted her to her knees, putting her ass up in the air as he moved behind. Doggy style had its
advantages. Rose gathered a pillow to her and leaned up on her elbows as he began ramming into her from behind.

  She cried out again, making another climax that was even higher than the one just past. She hadn’t known her body was capable of such pleasure…until Jeff. Each time she was with him, she learned something new about herself. About him. About the limits and reaches of pleasure.

  This time was no different. She came again—this time, with him as he stiffened and probed deep within her, coming hard. When he was finally spent, he repositioned them like spoons, cuddling her as one hand absently stroked her hip.

  “I don’t ever want this to end,” he whispered near her ear.

  “Me neither,” she agreed, feeling tingly at the hint of forever in his words.

  He was silent a moment, then he moved, levering himself upward in the bed. She rolled over onto her back so she could look up at him, meeting his gaze. His beautiful blue eyes were so serious.

  “Do you mean it?” he asked. She didn’t need clarification. She suddenly knew he was, indeed, talking about something more permanent between them.

  “I do,” she said, unconsciously echoing the words she really wanted to say in a much more formal setting. He seemed to understand. Jeff smiled, his eyes nearly glowing with happiness.

  “I’ll want to hear you say that again, in front of a priest. And wearing something besides your beautiful smile,” he teased.

  “I will, if you’d just ask me, already!” she replied, sitting up in the bed as he slid off the side. She moved to sit on the side of the bed as he knelt before her.

  “Sweet, sweet, Rosie, will you marry me?

  She flung herself into his arms, and they ended up on the floor. Thank goodness, it had been newly carpeted as part of Casey’s redecorating scheme.

  “Yes!” she whispered into his ear as she hugged him tight. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “I love you so much, Rosie. You’ve brought meaning to my life and helped make sense of the changes. I want you with me, forever, the way I see you in my dreams,” he admitted, making her heart leap.

  “Dreams?” she asked, moving back slightly to look into his eyes. “Or visions?”

  “Both,” he confirmed, taking her breath away. “My daydreams of the future and my visions of what will come,” he added before joining his lips to hers in the sweetest kiss she had ever known.

  He’d seen them together in his visions. He’d come for her because he’d foreseen their love, their passion, their future. Rose had never been happier in her life, and she suspected that sensation would return to her many times as the years passed, with Jeff by her side.

  She was a lucky, blessed, fortunate girl.


  The next morning, Hal accompanied Jeff and Rose to the base commander’s office. Commander Lester Kinkaid was ready for them and got right down to business.

  “As I said last night, I wasn’t sure why your unit was assigned here at first, but I’ve since had a long discussion with Admiral Morrow, and he’s cleared up a few things. First, I must remind you that you are all under obligation not to reveal or discuss anything you may learn while on this base—ever. If that was not already made clear to your men, Captain Haliwell, I expect you’ll be certain the message is received. That also includes you, Miss Kitsapolous. The employment contract you signed yesterday with Dr. Holbrook contains that language, in case you don’t remember, or didn’t read it closely enough.”

  Rose nodded. “I read it, and I understand.”

  “Good. Now, you need to know that I’ve been briefed on what happened to your unit in the ancient city of Babylon,” Kinkaid began.

  Rose saw Hal’s reaction to that news, though he tried to hide it. He was concerned. Apparently, the things that had happened to him and his men were not things he wanted just anyone to know.

  “I know this isn’t common knowledge, nor should it be, but Admiral Morrow felt I needed to know so we could work together. He also cleared me to make you aware of the special nature of this installation and the people who live and work here.” It was Kinkaid’s turn to frown. “That’s not something I do lightly, so you may consider us even, once you hear what I have to say.”

  Hal kept silent, as did Jeff and Rose. Whatever the commander was about to tell them, it was his story to tell, and he was still in charge. Rose might not be military, but she understood chain of command. She didn’t want to get on Kinkaid’s bad side. From what she’d seen last night and this morning, he was a very capable man who didn’t suffer fools gladly. Or, maybe, she was just imagining that last bit because of his gruff manner. She hadn’t seen him mad at anyone, so she supposed she ought to keep a more open mind.

  “The thing is, every person on this base has some extrasensory ability.” Kinkaid dropped that verbal bomb and let silence reign for a moment.

  So much for that open mind thing, Rose thought carefully to herself. This guy just had to be nuts. Then again… It would explain a lot.

  “So, there are more like us, sir?” Hal asked, better able to control his surprise than Rose would be in his shoes.

  Kinkaid shook his head. “Not exactly like your unit, Captain. There are other…shall we say, supernatural…abilities in play. Some of the personnel assigned here are shapeshifters of one kind or another. Some have mixed ancestry that allows them to access what you might call magic. I oversee their development and utilization, but the operatives on this base are either highly specialized solo operatives or background personnel that support the others in the field. Knowing this, you’ll probably soon realize, if it hasn’t occurred to you already, that there are entire Special Forces units made up of shapeshifters. You’ve probably crossed paths with some of them on past ops.”

  Rose felt a shiver down her spine, and a sudden knowing overtook her. It happened sometimes. She felt compelled to speak of what she saw, regardless of military protocol. She thought maybe her gift would help cut through some of the questions and disbelief she was feeling, so she went with her instincts.

  “I see you, Commander,” she said, drawing the attention of the men. “You and a…big sea lion?”

  “Seal,” Kinkaid corrected her, coughing slightly. “I’m a selkie.”

  “Like in the Irish legends?” she asked, her eyes still unfocused as she received impressions. “But that’s not all. There’s a lion, too. A massive lion with a dark mane.”

  Kinkaid whistled between his teeth. “I can see it would be hard to keep secrets from you, ma’am. I’m a rarity in the shifter world. I have two animal spirits. I can be either the lion or the seal. It’s not common, and it’s why Morrow put me in charge here. I have unique perspective on land and sea.” Kinkaid looked from Rose to Jeff, as if wanting some reaction.

  Jeff finally shook his head, just slightly. “Apologies, sir, but this is hard to believe,” he finally said in a low, troubled voice.

  Commander Kinkaid stood and went over to the door of his office. “I know. Which is why I’ve asked one of my Clan mates to give you a demonstration.” The commander opened the door, and a five-hundred-pound lion strolled into the room, calm as you please.

  Jeff and Hal both jumped to their feet. Jeff stood in a ready position, directly in front of Rose, protecting her. It was sweet, but she had to lean around him in her seat to see the magnificent beast that seemed amused by Jeff’s actions, if Rose was any judge. Kinkaid was just shaking his head.

  “Stand down,” Kinkaid advised, but neither Hal nor Jeff relaxed their stance. “This is Liam. My son. Show ‘em, son.”

  What little Rose could see of the lion around Jeff’s back started to shimmer, and an intense tingling sensation seemed to flow through her body from the cat’s direction. A shimmering cloud of smoke appeared, and then, a moment later, it resolved into the shape of a man. A very big man. A very naked man.

  The commander tossed the newcomer a beach towel that had been lying on a side table. It was dark blue terrycloth with a Navy logo on it, and big enough to wrap around the man’s trim
waist a couple of times. He covered up and leaned against the doorjamb, one hip cocked at a jaunty angle. Hal seemed to relax a bit, but Jeff’s stance didn’t change. He was still wound tight, taking in this new—astounding—information.

  Rose pushed her chair back and stood, putting her hand on Jeff’s tense shoulder as she moved to stand next to him. She felt her way in this new situation, letting her instincts guide her. She sensed no hostility from this Liam, nor had she sensed anything dangerous from the big cat he had, incredibly, just been. She looked at the bare-chested man and smiled as best she could.

  “That was quite an entrance. I’m Rose,” she introduced herself.

  The man smiled, his tawny eyes focusing on her, his expression amused. “Liam Kinkaid,” he said, reaching out his hand. She took it for a friendly shake and was immediately hit with a vision.

  “Danger surrounds you,” she said, as the man let go of her hand. The image didn’t weaken in her mind’s eye. It grew stronger. “A woman in black. An enemy steeped in evil. Beware. They are hunting you both.”


  The question came from the commander, not his son. Rose took a look around the vision before it faded, for clues as to timing.

  “When the moon is full and there is a sprinkling of snow on the ground. In a pine forest. Massive pines. Like Giant Sequoia, or something. I’ve never seen anything like them. One especially magical tree that is taller than any tree I’ve ever seen. It dominates the forest. It will shelter you, if you let it. Evil cannot penetrate its ancient aura. Snow dusts its branches as it falls, but there’s not much on the ground. A first snowfall? Full moon high in the sky. A huge owl in a nearby tree, watching. No other landmarks, sorry.” Even as she spoke, the vision faded. “That’s all.”

  “You’re a seer,” Liam said, his expression bemused.

  Well, that answered one of the questions in her mind. Apparently, not everyone on the island had been told about her abilities.


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