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Lethal Lasagna

Page 18

by Rhonda Gibson

  A few moments later he returned, his face colorless. “I’m calling the Sheriff.”


  Lethal Lasagna

  Chapter 24

  Sheriff Trucker arrived with Detective Howard right behind him. The sheriff is a young man with bright red hair and a toothy smile. Both men hurried to the bedroom. While they were gone, Brandon went to the kitchen and made an ice pack using a plastic baggie.

  “That is some mess you have back there,” the Sheriff commented when he came back.

  I wondered where the detective was but didn’t ask. My head hurt too badly. “I guess I should go look for myself.” The room began to spin as I tried to push off the couch. I felt my body sway.

  “Sit down.” Brandon pulled me back. “We need to get you to a hospital.” He applied the ice pack to the back of my head once more.

  “We will, Mr. Harvest. But first I need to ask a couple of quick questions.” He pulled out a notebook similar to the one Detective Howard carries.

  I closed my eyes and tried to will away the pain in my wrist and hand.

  “Ms. Parker?”

  So much for willing away the pain. I reopened my eyes. “Yes?”

  “I know you don’t feel well, but I have to ask. How did this happen?” His pen was poised above the paper. He smiled encouragingly.

  I sighed. “I came home from church. Went to my room. Tried to turn on the light, it didn’t work. Took a step into my room and slipped and fell.”

  He wrote as fast as I spoke. I think we were both trying to get this over with as soon as possible.

  “Good. How do you think all that blood and those dead animals got into your room?”

  I sat up straighter. “What dead animals? All I saw was one dead chicken, and I’m not sure how it got in there.”

  “Um, hum.” He made more notes.

  Careful not to make my head hurt any worse than it already did, I turned to look at Brandon. “What’s he talking about?”

  “You didn’t see all the blood and stuff in there?” The sheriff hooked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate my bedroom.

  I ignored him and continued to look into Brandon’s concerned brown eyes. He spoke to me as if I were a child. “The chicken was right in the doorway; that’s why you fell. There are other things in there and blood all over the walls. It looks like a slaughter house.”

  I continued to stare at Brandon. Who would do such a thing? And how had they gotten into the house? I had opened the backdoor with my key.

  Someone cleared his throat. Sure it was the sheriff. I moved my head slowly to face him. Detective Howard had joined us. I hadn’t heard him enter the room. This scared me. Was I losing my hearing as well as my mind?

  Detective Howard knelt in front of me. He took my left hand in both of his and said slowly and softly. “Claire, you have to answer our questions. We need to stop the guy who did this, and we need your help to do it.”

  Now I knew I was losing it. Mean old Detective Howard was being nice and seemed to care. This couldn’t be right. I leaned forward and whispered, “Who are you and what have you done to the tough guy I’m used to?”

  He whispered back. “I’m serious.”

  I removed my hand from his and sat up, still confused but willing to help. My gaze settled on the sheriff who looked as befuddled as I felt. “What was the question again?”

  In a slow steady voice he asked. “Did you see the mess in there?”

  “No. The lights didn’t work. I slipped and fell. When I woke up, I turned around and went to the hallway. That’s where I turned on the light and saw this,” I indicated with my left hand the front of my dress and my legs, “gunk on me.”

  Detective Howard looked to the sheriff. “The lights are working now.”

  Brandon spoke up. “I put the light bulb back in.”

  Both men turned on him. “Would you repeat that?” the detective asked.

  “Claire came to me looking like this and hurt. I got her settled in here and then went to see what had tripped her. The room was pitch black. I found a flashlight in the hall pantry, and when I realized that the light bulb was lying on her bedside table, I reinserted it. Right after that, I called you guys.”

  The detective shook his head and stared at the floor, the sheriff sighed and asked. “Did you think to use something besides your hand to touch the light bulb?”

  “No sir.”

  I couldn’t see his face but knew by the sound of his voice Brandon was calling himself everything bad in the books. To take the focus off him, I asked. “How soon can I clean up my room?”

  “Not for awhile. I’m going to call in a team to dust for finger prints,” the sheriff answered.

  Then he fired off a question of his own. “How do you suppose this person got inside the house?”

  “I don’t know. The back door was locked when I came home.”

  Brandon cleared his throat. “The front door was locked, too.”

  “Check the windows. If someone came in that way, we’ll find out.” Detective Howard motioned one of his men into action.

  At this time of night, I doubted they’d find any thing and decided to give up on my poor trampled flower beds. He gave orders for another man to look around inside.

  “I have one more question, and then I’ll let you go.” The Sheriff said. “Who would do this to you?”

  Again I was dumbfounded. Who would do this? As far as I knew, I didn’t have any enemies, and I don’t think I’ve ruffled enough feathers to justify this kind of retaliation. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  “I think you should know that the perpetrator left you a message.” He had my attention.

  “And what did it say? Did he leave a note? Can you get prints off it?” I asked.

  Once more, Detective Howard interrupted. But, instead of his usual no-nonsense voice he used his kind, one. “It’s in blood on your bedroom wall.”

  My voice cracked. “In blood?”

  “I’m afraid so. Whoever did this wrote. Mind your own business.” His normally steely blue eyes were now pools of concern.

  “You think it has something to do with Mitzi, don’t you?”

  He nodded. “I’m afraid so. I tried to get you to stay out of the investigation. I just wish you had heeded my warnings.”

  Everyone sat quietly. Now I wish I’d listened to him, too. I felt stinging in my eyes. Twin tears trickled down my cheeks.

  “Gentlemen, I’d like to take her to the hospital now.” There was no doubt that Brandon meant business this time. “You can follow us, if you want to and ask all the questions you need once a doctor has seen her.”

  Both policemen stood. “We’re done here for now.”


  The next afternoon, I was released from the hospital. The hand wasn’t broken but badly sprained. The head wound wasn’t anything to be concerned about. I had aches and pains all over but other than a headache and a sore wrist, I’d been given a clean bill of health.

  Megan drove me home. As we pulled into the driveway, she protested again. “Mom, I don’t like you staying here after what happened.”

  “I’m fine, Sweetie. Whoever did this wanted to leave a message, not hurt me.”

  “Sure, and kids who go trick or treating do it so that they can give the candy to children starving in Africa.” She parked the car and jumped out before I had a chance to retort.

  What could I have said to that anyway?

  She helped me from the car. “I see Greg and Brandon are already here.”

  I’d wondered where Brandon had disappeared to after Megan’s arrival at the hospital the previous night but hadn’t asked. “It would appear so.” I walked to the fence to pet Sprocket.

  He licked my good hand and looked up at me with big sad eyes. “I know Sprocket, I promised a nice long walk. But as you can tell, my body guard isn’t going to allow it to happen today.” I knelt down and whispered. “I’ll ditch the warden tomorrow, and we’ll go, I promise.”

Sprocket barked and licked me again. I stood and proceeded to the back door.

  Megan patted his head, too, and then followed. Before we got too far, she called to the dog. “Promises were made to be broken, Sprocket old boy.”

  That ’ s what you think, young lady. I entered the house with attitude. My daughter was not going to tell me what I could and couldn’t do.

  Brandon gave me a big hug as I entered the bright kitchen. His arms felt warm and secure. He smelled of sunshine and wood. “Welcome, home.”

  I leaned back and smiled. “Thanks.” His warm eyes eased away a little of the concern I’d had about returning to the house. I didn’t want to stay with anyone else and knew home would be the only place I’d be allowed to stay, alone. Thanks to his comfort, I knew I’d made the right decision.

  Megan accepted Greg’s hug, too. She laughed. “Wow, I should come home with mom more often.”

  It was time to show my family I could take care of myself. I pulled out of Brandon’s arms and said, “I’d like to see my room now.”

  “Are you sure?” Brandon asked.

  Megan moved from her husband’s embrace. “Mom, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  I didn’t give a rats foot what my daughter thought was a good idea or not. I was going to see that room…and that was that, as they say. “I’m a full grown woman, Megan. I can handle it.” I headed toward the hallway.

  Brandon caught up with me. “It’s not pretty.”

  “Maybe not, but I have to face it.” I continued on, grateful he continued behind me.

  The door stood before me. I inhaled and opened it. The stench wasn’t as bad as it had been the night before. Yellow tape barred us from entry.

  Still, I looked. I’d expected to see little animal corpses all about the room, but only saw the blood on the floor and walls. I turned to ask Brandon about them.

  He answered before I could voice the question. “The police took the rats and chicken. They were taking them to the lab for testing.”

  “Rats and chickens?” I wrinkled my nose.

  “Four rats and one chicken.” He corrected.

  My gaze moved back to the room. Blood saturated my carpet and walls.

  “What are they testing them for?”

  He shrugged. “No idea. They don’t exactly offer information to people who have already tampered with evidence.”

  I hugged him around the waist. His arm came around my shoulders. Instead of bringing more attention to the fact that he might have accidentally removed fingerprints from the crime scene, I asked. “How am I going to clean this up?”

  “We’ll help you.” Megan leaned her head on Greg’s shoulder. They had followed us and stood beside me.

  Brandon rested his chin on the top of my head. “I’ll help, too.” His breath shifted through my hair.

  I leaned against him. “Thanks. I appreciate the help.” It felt good to have someone to lean on. I knew we probably should talk about what had happened last night at the church but for right now, I was content to forget the whole thing ever happened.

  “We’ll need the okay from the police first. But we should be able to get in there tomorrow,” Brandon said. His hand stroked my arm, sending shivers up my spine and into my hair.

  “Until then, would you like to see your new room?” Greg asked, turning Megan toward the guest room.

  Reluctantly, Brandon and I parted. We followed Greg and Megan into the guest room. A pretty pink rose quilt covered the bed. My flower prints from the other bedroom now covered the walls. It looked almost the same as my old bedroom did, only now smaller.

  “It’s beautiful.” I smiled.

  Megan hugged me. “I’m glad you like it, I had to move it all while the police were here. But since they had an emergency pop up, I got permission to move your clothes in here later.” I started to protest but she continued. “The doctor said for you to take it easy for the rest of the weekend.”

  Brandon took my left hand and gently pulled me from the room. “In that case, come along. I have another surprise for you.” He continued until we got to the living room. His body had been blocking my view but when he stepped to the side, I saw a brand new wooden rocking chair.

  “It’s beautiful.” I walked over and sat down. The seat felt soft and cool. I’d barely settled into it when a knocking started at the back door.

  For a brief moment, my heart jumped with fear. Then I realized that whoever destroyed my bedroom wouldn’t knock on the door to get in. Only then did I realize I needed to go to my heavenly Father with this fear. Before, I’d been aware of it but had not felt it seep into my bones like it did now.

  Megan headed toward the sound. “I’ll get it.”

  “Brandon, this is a wonderful piece of workmanship. Thanks.” My voice shook. I suddenly felt tired and worn out.

  “Hey, look who’s here,” Megan said, leading Gloria into the room.

  Gloria rushed forward and hugged me. “Oh Claire, I am so sorry. When Megan called, I decided I’d stay a couple of days with you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  What did one say? No, please don’t stay! I already have two people staying with me already? What?

  Megan saved me, “If you’re going to stay, then I may go home tonight. But, if you get tired or need to leave let me know, I’ll be right back to take care of Mom.”

  Okay, maybe “saved” wasn’t the right word. How old did she think I was? “I don’t need anyone to take care of me, Megan. I’ve been taking care of myself for fifty-two years!”

  “Uh-oh. Megan, I think it’s time we go. You’ve upset your mother, and that’s the last thing she needs now.” Greg opened the front door.

  Megan came over and hugged me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  Had I overreacted? She was simply trying to help. “Me, too. I think I’m just over tired.” I returned her hug and then faked a yawn.

  “Well, that’s understandable. How about we move you over to the couch? Maybe you can take a little nap.” Gloria headed down the hallway. “I’ll go get a lightweight blanket.

  “Mom, I’ll call tomorrow.” Megan promised as Greg shoved her toward the door.

  Greg waved and said. “Get some rest. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Thanks. I will.” I sighed as they left.

  Brandon held out a hand. I put my good hand in his and allowed him to pull me to my feet. “I’m glad you like the chair, but I have to agree with Gloria, you need to get some rest.” He walked with me to the couch and watched as I lay down.

  Gloria hurried back into the room carrying a blanket and pillow. She pushed the pillow under my head and snapped the spread open and let it drift over me. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “I wish I had my book.” I realized the book I’d been reading was still in the bedroom. “But, that’s not possible.”

  “Why not?” Brandon asked, slipping into the chair I’d just vacated. He pushed one of my throw pillows behind him.

  “It’s in the bedroom.”

  “Well, don’t you have another book somewhere around here we can get you?” Gloria asked, sitting down beside me.

  I remembered the books I’d bought at the flea market.

  “There is a pink bag by the back door. Will you bring that to me?”

  “Sure.” She hopped up and was gone in a flash.

  Brandon stood. He leaned over me and kissed my forehead. “I’m going to go, too. I’ll see you tomorrow. Try to get some rest.”

  I jerked to attention. “You’re leaving?” I hated the way my voice squeaked with fear.

  “Just to the porch. If you need me, I’m a yell away, you call out.”

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his warm lips on my brow. “I will,” Came out as a sigh.

  “Bye.” He stood. The sound of the front screen closing alerted me to the fact that he’d left the room.

  I opened my eyes. What was I going to do about Brandon and these feelings he evoked in me?

  “Is he gone?” Gloria asked, coming back into the room with my bag.

  I grinned. “Yep, he’s gone. But only to the porch.”

  “Good.” She handed me the bag and said. “I hear you promised a certain animal outside a walk. Would you like for me to take him now or in the morning? Or would you prefer to walk him yourself?”


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