Waiting for Wolves: BBW MMF Werewolf Shapeshifter Menage Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 5)

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Waiting for Wolves: BBW MMF Werewolf Shapeshifter Menage Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 5) Page 5

by Anya Nowlan

  Cooper’s low chuckle licked at his ears but he ignored it valiantly. He’d agreed with Cooper that both of them would have some one-on-one time with Claire before they overwhelmed her with their joint attention. It was just like Cooper to entice Argo to invite him along as well. But he knew damn well that their get-to -know-each-other picnic would quickly devolve into furious fucking in the middle of nature if Cooper was along as well.

  Not that the scenario didn’t sound like a perfectly delicious one.

  Later, he told himself, ignoring the siren’s call of his Alpha partner.

  “That sounds great. Cooper, do you need any help—“

  “Naw, girl. Go have fun. Have her back before ten, young man,” Cooper said sternly, waggling his finger at Argo with a wink.

  Argo snorted, a smirk crossing over his lips, and led Claire to a path that trekked deep into the forest. They walked for a short while, just hand in hand, not saying a word. It felt so damn comfortable that for a moment, Argo forgot that he didn’t actually know this woman so well. His wolf claimed to know her, but was that enough?

  They made it to a clearing with lush green grass and found shade under a single oak tree standing in the middle of it. Argo put down a blanket and they both sat down. He unpacked the basket and brought out small treats and sandwiches that he had prepared that morning.

  “I didn’t know you could cook! Why have I been the one making breakfast for the past two mornings?” Claire said with a laugh.

  “Well, we keep saying we could help… we’re not completely helpless without a woman’s touch,” Argo teased, pouring out a glass of cider for Claire. “Not that it doesn’t help.”

  Claire blushed at that, accepting her glass. He loved the sight of her pretty pink cheeks. It took all he had to keep from leaning over and kissing her right there and then, patience be damned. Even the tight knot of worry that had formed at the pit of his stomach was unraveling now that he was in Claire’s company. It wasn’t the good food or nice weather; it was all her. She made him feel like he could breathe even when the world threatened to close in around him, sucking out his energy.

  “How do you like Idaho so far?” Argo asked, trying to breathe life into the conversation so he would have something else to focus on than the rise and fall of her chest.

  “I love it! It’s so much cooler, both weather-wise and well… everything else,” Claire gushed, taking a bite out of a sandwich. “I thought I would miss Georgia horribly, but that hasn’t been the case so far. And I can’t say that I’m sad for it.”

  “Why so?” Argo asked, leaning and letting his back rest against the tree.

  That seemed to catch her off-guard and she took a moment to ponder the question. “Well, I’ve never really left Georgia. Sure, a few school trips and we went to Texas once with the family, but other than that, I’ve only known Georgia all my life. At one point, it started feeling like it wanted me there more than I wanted to be there. For some reason, I never really fit in with the rest of the crowd in Greenville. I think I always thought things could be better and progress could be made where others just saw tradition and old ways. It was frustrating.”

  “And you think you could be happy in Idaho?” Argo asked, cocking his brow a bit at her.

  “Yes,” she said, nodding slowly. “Well, I think I could. I still think it was an insane decision to write to you and even more crazy that you wrote back and that I’m here. But even if this doesn’t work out, if we’re not a match, then I’m glad I took this step. It’s making me realize that my world doesn’t have to be as small as I thought it was. That I can make it bigger if I want.”

  Claire’s smile warmed Argo’s heart. It was fantastic to see this mild-mannered, shy woman from Georgia come to him and Cooper and blossom like he knew she could. He was sure that given some time and support, she could make up for all the years she thought she had lost. Though to Argo and his wolf, she was perfect already. He couldn’t see a damn thing he would want to change about her.

  Well, maybe have her in less clothes than she was now, but that wasn’t something that should have surprised anyone.

  “I know you’re from around here and Montana, but where have you been lately? I thought you were in New York when we were exchanging letters,” Claire asked.

  “I am from around here, yes,” Argo started, scuffing a hand through his blond hair. “I left when I was a teenager. It’s a long story, but I lost my twin and I couldn’t really live with myself being here anymore. The family essentially unraveled and fell apart after that happened and we scattered, all except for my little brother Achilles, who stayed here. I spent some time, well, everywhere. I was in Costa Rica for a few years and then Ireland, staying with some distant relatives.”

  He chuckled at the memory of those crazy-ass Costa Rican wolves and their antics. He’d never met people with quite as much flavor and attitude as that group.

  “Then, when I was old enough to really try something on my own, I came back to the states. I worked odd jobs for a while, but I hit my stride as an event organizer and promotional manager. Something about dealing with screwed up stuff in my own youth really helped me figure out how to run other people’s lives, you know? How to hide some stuff from the paparazzi, how to show them exactly what they wanted… it’s a fucked up life, but I was good at it.”

  “And why did you decide to come back?”

  “I met Cooper and things just clicked. I’d been itching to get out of the business for a while. It’s stressful and doesn’t make for good personalities. I still own a company who deals with that stuff, but I’m not working actively anymore. So I started looking into how my pack was doing and what was going on and one thing led to another. After a quick visit here a few months ago and seeing that things were really going to hell, I knew I had to come back.”

  He grimaced a little, remembering the fight he had with Battle and Achilles—the crazed and wounded look in his brother’s eyes as Argo came to Battle’s aid, the man who had murdered their brother, and the pure hate that oozed from him along with the blood that marred his coat red. It twisted Argo’s insides, but he knew that what he had done had been the right thing. Now he would have to take things further.

  But not before things were settled with Cooper and Claire.

  “You sound like the opposite of me! You’ve traveled so much, Cooper and you both,” Claire said, her beautiful hazel eyes sparkling with interest.

  “We’ll take you wherever you want to go,” Argo said honestly, taking her hand in his again.

  Touching her made him buzz all over and he loved that feeling. While Cooper made him feel alive for the first time in far too many years, Claire seemed to ground him and plant his feet squarely on the ground. He’d missed that feeling of certainty, of solid footing. She made him really stop and think about the things he was doing and how they would affect the people around him. All of his spur of the moment, wild plans were getting a more defined shape and direction now and he knew that it had plenty to do with Claire being there.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, caught in the spell of her eyes. “I hope you know that.”

  He rubbed his thumb along the side of her chin, luxuriating in the feel of her soft, smooth skin against his roughness. Her lips parted a little as she gasped for breath and her tongue slipped out, wetting those plump, kissable lips of hers. Argo’s wolf growled deep within him, pushing him forward and meeting no resistance from Argo.

  He dipped his chin lower and gently caught her lips in a long, soft kiss. He nibbled at her lower lip, sucking on it a little before pushing his tongue into her mouth. With a happy sigh, she fell into the kiss and her arms wrapped around his neck. Without thinking about it, he pulled her into his lap and another sweet gasp spurred him on as his hard cock pressed against her thigh.

  Her breathing was becoming faster and that chest he’d been staring at so intently before was catching his attention again. His hands traveled up the sides of her body and when one palm brushed over her
breasts, her nipples jutting out hard through the fabric, he all but growled into her mouth.

  Claire pulled away, her lips red from being kissed so hard and her cheeks an equally as fetching hue. Her breath was coming in quick bouts and Argo swore she was the sexiest sight he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “I think we need to go home,” she said, a teasing smile on her lips.

  He couldn’t think of a single thing that would make him object to that.



  They practically ran down the road toward the little house. Claire wasn’t entirely sure what had come over her, but she knew that she should act now or forever regret it. Her body was on fire and she needed them both.

  All the good girl thoughts and decisions she had made during her life seemed like so much wasted time now. Her hand was in Argo’s as they rushed into the house, her heart pounding out of her chest.

  This is crazy. What you’re doing is crazy.

  And it was. She knew it. She’d answered a mail-order bride ad (what was this, the 1800s?!), she’d driven all the way from Georgia to Idaho, and she’d spent two damn days with these two hunky men and now she was ready and willing to fall into bed with them?!


  And she totally loved it.

  Argo slammed through the door and dropped the picnic basket haphazardly on the way. They found Cooper in the living room, spending a lazy afternoon in front of the couch.

  “What the h—” the dark-haired wolf started, but his questions were quickly shushed by Argo going to him, pulling him on his feet and kissing him long and hard.

  Claire gasped in surprise, her hand still in Argo’s as the two men kissed one another hungrily. If she’d thought she’d been aroused before, then she was practically drowning in her own juices now. Watching those two rough, strong, hard men kiss each other with such passion and knowing that there was plenty of that love about to head her way as well made her head spin.

  She let her hand slip up along Cooper’s waist and chest, feeling his solid muscles through the fabric of his shirt as it slowly scrunched up under her palm. Cooper pulled away from the kiss and shared a look with Argo, their eyes hazed over with lust. She was practically vibrating on the spot, watching them.

  Then, Cooper turned to face her and grabbed the back of her neck, kissing her now with equal desire as he had Argo. She faintly realized that Argo had pulled his shirt off and was undoing Cooper’s belt as she moaned into Cooper’s mouth, her nails raking down his chest in a feeble attempt to get all his clothes off of him right now.

  The warning klaxons were going off in full force in her head, screaming sense at her. But she ignored them. Fuck those things. For all her life, she’d been good. Now, she wanted to be bad.

  In a flurry of clothes and hands, they undressed each other. Claire thought she would pass out when she caught first glance of Argo’s cock and then Cooper’s, both impossibly large and hard, standing rigidly for her. Gingerly, her teeth sinking into her lower lip a little, she smoothed her fingertips over the jutting poles, whimpering. Cooper grabbed her by the wrist and made her latch her hand around his dick, hard, and she did the same for Argo, making both of the men groan.

  “That’s it, baby. All yours,” Cooper hissed between clenched teeth as Argo caught her in another kiss.

  Their cocks were so thick in her hands that her fingers barely met around them. Cooper’s curved slightly upwards and Argo’s was deliciously veiny, the bumps sliding under her palm as she stroked him. She was drowning in her juices, her wetness seeping through her panties. Argo had pulled off her shirt before she’d grabbed their cocks, but she was still wearing far too many clothes.

  Cooper seemed to think the same, because he reached behind her back and unclasped her bra with one hand. She let go of both of the men and her bra was torn off her chest, revealing her ample chest. Claire gasped as she was pushed back gently until she was sitting on the couch, lifting her hips so Cooper could peel off her pants and panties.

  Even she could smell the scent of her juices, and the wild looks on Argo’s and Cooper’s faces told her that they could as well. Argo’s eyes flashed golden for a second, reminding her that there was a hungry beast lurking under that cool, collected façade. His blue eyes bore through her and she reached for him, missing his mouth on hers.

  Cooper kneeled before her and roughly parted her legs, throwing her thighs over his shoulders and pulling her down toward him. She yelped, but her protests were muffled by Argo’s sweet lips. She whimpered into the kiss, her hand finding his cock again and starting to rub it with increasing need. Cooper’s tongue lapped across her pussy lips and any rational, coherent thoughts were brushed out of her at that very instant, lost under the torrent of desire and lust she felt.

  She groaned and bucked like a madwoman as Cooper’s talented tongue parted her pussy lips and swirled over her sensitive, swollen clit. He caught it between his teeth and pressed down just a little, sending shockwaves flying through her. Claire’s hand gripped Argo’s cock harder and her other hand reached for his hip, drawing him closer with one thought in mind.

  “Is that what you want, Claire?” Argo asked, his deep voice raspy in her ears.

  “Yes, please,” she moaned desperately, wanting that cock in her mouth right away.

  He grunted his approval and got on his knees on the couch, his hard cock right in her face. Claire could feel tears welling up in her eyes from the mind-blowing way Cooper was eating her out, and she wanted to give back to them both in equal measure. Her lips locked over the head of Argo’s cock and she took him into her warm, welcoming mouth.

  He was so big he made her lips stretch around him as she sucked him deeper, all the while gripping the couch as she tried to keep some semblance of self-control about her. Cooper was thrusting into her pussy with two fingers now, his strong hand spreading her wide open. Argo was pinching her aching nipples and grabbing her tits, pouring more fuel on the bad girl fantasies she had dancing around in her head.

  The desire to have them both of them inside her was overwhelming. The air sang with their need, loud growls, sighs, and gasps piercing the otherwise calm, casual afternoon. The living room had turned into a scene right out of Claire’s deepest, darkest fantasies and it was blowing her mind in more ways than one.

  She’d had boyfriends before, sure. And she’d liked having sex with them, but those awkward nights were nothing compared to what these hunks were making her feel now. She was gagging on Argo’s cock, wanting to take it in deeper, while Cooper finger-banged her into submission. It was all impossibly hot and if she didn’t know better, she’d be afraid of waking up any moment from this delicious daydream.

  Just when the pressure was becoming too much to handle, her orgasm threatening to crash over her like a brick wall, Argo and Cooper both pulled out of her. Strong hands flipped her over and shifted her body, leaving her hanging over the armrest of the couch, her toes digging into the plush carpet and her elbows on the leather seats. The leather was already damp with their sweat. Argo got behind her and she squealed as he pressed the head of his cock to her entrance, just holding it there for a moment.

  Cooper sat down in front of her. His hard cock was hovering right in her field of view, a drop of pre-cum balanced at the tip.

  “One last chance to back out,” Cooper said with a teasing grin.

  Claire looked up at him incredulously and then over her shoulder at Argo, who was grinding against her ever so slowly, coating his cock with her juices before pounding into her.

  “I don’t want to back out. I want you. Both of you,” she said in earnest.

  “Good,” Argo said with a strained chuckle.

  Argo’s grip on her hips tightened and he pushed into her, splitting her pussy around his thick cock. Claire screamed out, but her mewls were muffled by Cooper’s cock in her mouth. Like it was the air she needed to breathe, Claire sucked on Cooper’s cock while her whole body rocked back and forth as Argo plowed into her,
hard and deep.

  The world floated away. All she could feel was the deep, intense satisfaction that came with being fucked just right. Her nails raked down Cooper’s thighs and Cooper was leaning back. His ridged abs pressed against her forehead whenever Argo thrust into her so deep that she was slammed forward, but she didn’t stop blowing Cooper for a second. The way both the men growled and grunted as she satisfied them made her buzz happily all over, not to mention the intense fucking they were giving her.

  Her pussy contracted around Argo’s cock and she could feel the way Cooper was pulsing in her mouth as well. All three of them were so close to their release that she could almost touch it. The leather was slick with their sweat now and there were deep red marks on Cooper’s thighs where she clawed at him, but none of it mattered. Argo’s thrusts were becoming more and more ragged and hurried, and when he leaned in and kissed the back of her neck, catching the skin between his sharp teeth, both of them came violently.

  Claire’s throat opened in a scream as she convulsed and spasmed, the orgasm taking over her functions. Argo gasped as he pumped his load into her, and when he pulled out Claire just about screamed with protest. Cooper lifted her head a little gently and pulled out of her mouth as well, taking over Argo’s place behind her. He plunged into her sopping-wet pussy, filling the void left by Argo.

  Now, Claire was free to squeal and wail as much as she wanted, still riding the high of her release as Cooper drove her wild all over again. The last orgasm hadn’t even subsided when the tremors hit her again, brought on by the other wolf’s thick, meaty cock. It fit in so good, the slight curve hitting spots in her Argo hadn’t before, giving her a different but equally as amazing feeling.

  Cooper rutted into her, slower than Argo had. When Claire looked over her shoulder, she saw Argo and Cooper sharing a long kiss, and Argo’s hands were on Cooper’s hips, directing his thrusts. The Alpha and the Beta, both fucking her like she deserved.


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