Love All Out - Part 4 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 4 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 2

by Ward, Alice

  I breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up in my seat. “You have no idea how grateful I am I don’t have to worry about things at home right now,” I said. “The doctors said that Daddy will have to be here for at least a week. I’d like to stay with him as much as possible.”

  Matt let out a long yawn and I remembered that he’d had just as long of a weekend as I had. He and Lucas stayed behind in Baltimore to pack our things after Renee called to tell me about the barn break-in. As soon as they landed in Colorado, they sped to the ranch to see what was happening with the horses. When they arrived, Dallas told them about Daddy. Matt slowed down long enough to pack some of my clothes and essentials, and then hauled ass to Denver to hold my hand.

  “You’re a good friend,” I said again. I took the warm cardboard mug from between my knees and offered it to him. “You should have gotten a cup for yourself,” I said as he gulped it down.

  “I didn’t get tired until I stopped moving,” he said. “And speaking of tired, I know you have to be exhausted.”

  “I don’t know what I am,” I confessed. “A hot mess is probably the best description.” I threw another glance to the clock and twirled a strand of hair around my finger.

  “Watching the clock isn’t going to help anything,” Matt advised.

  “The doctor said it could take between two and five hours. I expected to at least have an update by now.”

  He squeezed my hand and held it in his lap. “It will take as long as it takes,” he said softly. “I know you want an update, but it’s more important for the doctors and nurses to focus on Cole right now. I promise this will all be over soon and everything will be fine.”

  That’s almost exactly what James said this morning. God, how many emotions can a person feel in one day?

  My cell phone chimed and I pulled it off of a charger I’d borrowed from the nurses’ station. I looked down and saw James’s face next to a text message.

  “Are you okay? It’s killing me that I can’t take care of you right now.”

  I looked across the room and gave him a sad smile. I loved him for reaching out, but I ached for more meaningful contact. When James held me in his arms I felt like nothing could hurt me, and I needed to feel that safety. I glanced at the clock again and typed out my reply.

  “I’m trying to be okay. I know you have to stay with your mom… are you mad at me too?”

  I hit send and then silenced my phone in the hopes that no one would realize we were texting from across the room. I looked up and watch James’s face soften as he read the message. He met my eyes and ever so slightly shook his head. He turned his attention back to his phone just as Dr. Gulley stepped into the waiting room.

  She was still in her operating scrubs, her curly red hair peeking out from the back of her cap. Renee, Matt, and I immediately jumped to our feet and James followed a few seconds behind. Renee and I bombarded the petite doctor with questions as we all moved to the center of the waiting room.

  “Is he okay?” I asked anxiously.

  “Did he… survive?” Renee gasped, her hand clenched to her mouth in worry.

  Dr. Gulley smiled, her green eyes lit with triumph. “Yes, he survived. The artery pumping to his left ventricle was almost completely blocked. I took a small vessel from his left leg and bypassed the blockage. He’ll be sore and he’ll need to take it easy for a while, but his recovery time will be much shorter than traditional open heart surgery. I’d like him to rest tomorrow, but I’d like him to start taking short walks the day after. The faster he’s up on his feet, the better his outcome will be.”

  “When can we see him?” Renee and I asked simultaneously. My voice was full of relief, while hers was filled with panic.

  Dr. Gulley put a comforting hand on Renee’s shoulder. “Cole is still in recovery, but he’s been assigned a room. I’ve arranged for a nurse to take you there. When Cole’s awake, we’ll bring him up.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Gulley,” I said, shaking the doctor’s hand.

  “It was my pleasure,” she said. “I’ll be in to check on Cole before I leave for the night. Tomorrow, we’ll all go over the rules for his new heart healthy lifestyle. I hope you’re all ready for a brand new diet. The patient has a much higher chance of sticking to it if the whole family participates.”

  “We’ll do whatever we have to,” I quickly assured her. James nodded and I turned to Renee. She was staring at the doctor, her wide eyes twinkling with hesitant excitement.

  “So… he’s really going to be okay?” she asked.

  Dr. Gulley gave her a wide grin. “He’s going to be fine. I’m going to put him on some medication to help keep new blockages from forming. He’ll have to have regular checkups and make some lifestyle changes, but I have no reason to believe he won’t make a full recovery.”

  Tears of relief welled out of Renee’s eyes and she leaned back against James’s chest. Laughter mixed with her sobs as she tried to brush away her tears. “Oh my God, I can’t believe it. I don’t remember the last time I was so terrified. Thank you so much, Dr. Gulley.”

  “You’re more than welcome,” the doctor replied, shaking her hand. A tall, slender nurse with jet black hair appeared at Dr. Gulley’s left.

  “This is Lydia, she’s going to take you to Cole’s room. I’m afraid it’s hospital policy that only one of you will be allowed to spend the night.”

  “That’s fine, the rest of us can get a hotel,” James quickly assured her. Renee stood up straight and I knew she was steeling herself to argue with me about which one of us would stay at the hospital. All that mattered to me was that Daddy was going to be okay.

  “Renee, why don’t you stay tonight?” I suggested without looking at her. “I’m sure that’s what Daddy would want.”

  I saw her body relax out of the corner of my eye. “Thank you, Willow. What time do visiting hours start tomorrow?” she asked, turning back to the doctor.

  “Lydia will explain everything to you while she takes you to the room,” Dr. Gulley patiently replied. She looked down at her watch and up again. “I should be getting back to Cole. I’ll see you all this evening.”

  “Thanks again, Dr. Gulley,” Renee said. The doctor nodded and then turned and left the room. Lydia stepped into her place and offered us all a kind smile.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to Mr. Rogers’ room.”

  She turned and we silently followed her out of the waiting room.


  “You’re sure you’re okay, Daddy?” I asked again. It was early Monday morning and I was perched on the edge of Daddy’s hospital bed. He smiled back at me with more color in his cheeks than I’d seen in days.

  “I’m sore and tired,” he said. “But Dr. Gulley said that’s normal. I can’t say that I love my new diet, but it’s better than winding up here again. I’m so sorry for putting you all through this,” he finished, looking sheepish.

  “You have nothing to apologize for,” I insisted, grasping his hand. “And it’s our new diet.”

  Renee nodded from the recliner next to Daddy’s bed. She still hadn’t looked at me, but Daddy didn’t seem to sense that anything was wrong. “I should be apologizing to you,” she said. “I thought I was spoiling you, cooking all of your favorite meals. If I’d known…” Renee brought a hand to her mouth and looked down, tears flowing from her eyes yet again. I felt bad for her, so I decided to extend an olive branch.

  “It took a lot longer than a few months for Daddy’s artery to clog. This isn’t your fault, Renee,” I said softly.

  “Of course it’s not,” Daddy agreed.

  “Well, no more red meat and shortening in my kitchen,” Renee said firmly. “Dr. Gulley arranged for me to meet with one of the hospital nutritionists. From now on—”

  She was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. It swung slightly open and Matt peaked in.

  “Up for one more visitor?” he asked Daddy.

  “Absolutely,” Daddy replied with a grin. “I ca
n’t thank you enough for coming all the way up here, Matt,” he continued as Matt stepped into the room. “I know your being here made this much easier for Willow.”

  “Nothing could have kept me away, Cole,” Matt said. He sat down on a rigid hospital chair and crossed his legs. “And Willow was a trooper through the whole thing. She was worried, but she was also decisive and confident you’d pull through.”

  Daddy bared his teeth in a proud smile. “I was surprised when I woke up here instead of Durango. Dr. Gulley explained everything this morning. Willow did exactly what I would have done if I’d been awake.”

  Renee cringed but Daddy didn’t notice. I’d felt confident that Daddy would be happy with my decision, but having him confirm it was like having a large weight lifted off of my shoulders. I’d done what I had to do, and Renee would have to find a way to get over it.

  “So how long are you stuck here?” Matt asked. He uncrossed and recrossed his legs and I wondered what else he had on his mind.

  “I’ll get to go home next Monday… earlier, if I’m lucky,” Daddy replied. “Though I don’t expect all of you to stick around that long.”

  Matt nodded. “Actually, that’s one of the reasons I stopped by. If you don’t mind, I need to speak with Willow privately for a minute. We can just step out into the hall.”

  “I can tell something’s bothering you, Matt,” Daddy said. “If something’s happened back home… something about Bradley, perhaps? I’d like to know about it. You don’t have to worry about upsetting me.”

  Matt blushed and sat up a little straighter. “I’m sorry… I thought it would be best not to add to your stress right now… considering…”

  Daddy raised one eyebrow. “Considering I had a heart attack right after my best friend’s son attacked our home?” His lighthearted tone didn’t reflect the severity of his words.

  “Yeah,” Matt said with a matter of fact nod. “Considering that.”

  “I need to be in the loop on what’s happening,” Daddy firmly declared. “So was I right? Did you need to talk to Willow about the Bradley situation?”

  Matt nodded. “The prosecuting attorney’s office has been calling our office line in the barn. Lucas explained your health situation and gave them my number. Bradley was arraigned this morning. He was charged with two counts of animal cruelty and… petty theft.” The last two words came out in a frustrated sigh.

  “Petty theft!” I demanded. “Thunder is worth a quarter of a million dollars, easy. That’s not petty theft.”

  “I know,” Matt agreed with a shrug. “But with both of us gone, there was no one to testify to the value of the horses. I called the prosecutor after I talked to Lucas. He said we can amend the charges, but he’ll need to meet with us and see proof of Thunder’s value.”

  I sighed. “Great, that’s just what I need to be worried about right now. But I guess I don’t really have a choice. As soon as we get home, I’ll pull Thunder’s paperwork and take it down to the DA’s office. Whatever it takes to keep Bradley in jail.”

  Matt wrinkled his nose and shifted in his seat.

  “What is it?” I asked, sensing something else was wrong.

  “Bradley’s already out on bail.”

  “What?” Renee gasped. “Why in the world would the judge agree to that?”

  “Because he was only charged with misdemeanors,” I answered. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Of course he’s already been let out on bail.”

  “Pumpkin, why don’t you and Matt go home?” Daddy suggested.

  “I can’t leave you here!” I insisted. I was shocked that he’d even suggested it.

  “There’s no reason not to,” he replied. “You’ve done all you can do for me here, pumpkin. You made sure I got the care I needed, and I appreciate that. But honestly, now that I’m on the mend, I’d feel better if you were at home keeping an eye on things. Especially if Bradley’s running loose again.”

  I chewed on my lower lip, considering his words. Deep down, I knew Daddy was right. There was nothing I could do at the hospital, but plenty I could take care of at the ranch.

  “Okay,” I finally agreed. “I’ll ride home with Matt. I just need to go back to the hotel and grab my things.”

  “James is already taking care of that,” Matt announced. “He’s packing your stuff and checking out of our room. He wants to leave his truck here for Renee, so I thought we’d all ride home together.”

  As if on cue, the door opened and James stepped into the room. “Hey there Cole,” he said with a smile. “You’re looking much better this morning.”

  “Thanks, James,” Daddy said. “And thank you for keeping your wits when I collapsed. Every doctor I’ve spoken to has mentioned how fortunate I am that you remembered to give me aspirin.”

  Renee beamed up at her son. “You are incredibly calm in crisis. I don’t want to think about how things might have turned out if you hadn’t been there.”

  James looked embarrassed by their gratitude. “I just did what had to be done,” he said with a modest shrug. He looked back and forth between me and Matt. “So… do we have a plan?” he asked, nervously shuffling his feet.

  “Yes,” Daddy replied. “The three of you are going to go home today and make sure Bradley Miller gets charged with the right crime. I trust you’ll also keep an eye on Willow for me? I hate the idea of her being alone in the house with everything that’s going on.”

  James’s shoulders relaxed as he realized Daddy knew everything that was happening. “I won’t let anything happen to Willow,” he promised. “And I’ll make sure the ranch runs smoothly while you’re gone.”

  “Thank you, James,” Daddy said. “Knowing that you’re holding down the fort makes it much easier for me to relax. Now, the three of you get on the road. I don’t want you to get stuck in lunch traffic trying to get out of the city.”

  “You’re kicking us out?” I teased as I rose to my feet.

  “Yes, I am,” he replied firmly, trying to look stern. “Call us when you get home so we know you’re safe. And keep me posted on your meeting with the DA.”

  I gave Daddy a gentle hug, careful not to put any pressure on his chest. I kissed him on the cheek and then shared a tense embrace with Renee while James and Matt shook Daddy’s hand.

  “Love you, Daddy,” I called over my shoulder as we left the room.

  “Love you too, pumpkin. Drive safe.”

  The door swung shut behind us and I reluctantly followed James and Matt down the hallway.


  The next evening, I was waiting on James’s couch when he stepped in to his cabin. A roast was cooking in the oven and I was halfway through a bottle of red wine.

  “Willow, what are you doing here?” he asked as he brushed the bottoms of his boots against the doormat. “I’ve been by the barns and the main house, looking for you.” He took off his straw Stetson and hung it on the wall.

  “I couldn’t stay in the house,” I explained. “It feels so empty and sad without Daddy there.”

  The night before, I’d attempted to sleep in my own bed. Instead, I’d laid awake all night thinking about all of the drama that had engulfed my life.

  “That’s completely understandable,” he said. “And you know you’re always welcome here… something smells good,” he added as he poured himself a glass of wine.

  “I tossed a roast in the oven. We’re also having mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, and cobbler.”

  James smiled. “One last forbidden meal before we start Cole’s diet?”

  “Something like that,” I said, smiling back.

  “How long until it’s ready?”

  I glanced at my phone. “About twenty minutes. I just popped the biscuits in the oven.”

  “Perfect,” James announced. He took a long drink of his wine and set the glass on the coffee table. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I raised a curious eyebrow. “A surprise? What is it?”

  “Put your shoes on and come see
,” he laughed.

  I slid my feet into my tennis shoes and quickly tied the laces. “Where are we going?” I asked as we stepped out onto the porch.

  “Nowhere,” James said. He lifted his arm and moved to wrap it around my shoulders, but stopped himself before we touched. His eyes darted around, looking for other ranch workers. Since Daddy collapsed, we hadn’t talked about going public with our relationship. I was grateful that he wasn’t pushing it, but I knew we couldn’t put off the conversation much longer.

  “The surprise is in my truck,” he explained as he continued on down the steps. “Part of it, at least. I’ve already set up some of the gear in your barn.” He opened the passenger door of Daddy’s truck and pulled out a small pet carrier.

  “No!” I squealed in excitement, hoping this wasn’t a joke. “Did you… really?” I gushed as he set the carrier on the ground. I rushed over as he opened the metal gate and a tiny white powder puff tumbled out onto the grass.

  “I got us a puppy… the ranch, I mean,” James said, and rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.

  I dropped to my knees and the puppy rushed into my lap. He brushed his head against my hand and rolled over onto his back. I rubbed his belly and looked up at James.

  “What were you thinking?”

  “You don’t like him?” he asked nervously.

  “I love him! What is he?” I asked as the puppy rolled over, bounced to his feet, and licked my face.

  “He’s an Australian Shepherd,” James said. “A cattle dog. They’re great for protecting livestock and I thought, with everything that’s been going on around here…”

  “He’s exactly what we needed!” I finished, already in love with the little fuzz ball. “What’s his name?”

  “He doesn’t have one yet. I thought you should do the honors,” James said, scratching behind the puppy’s ears. “I figured we could all love him, but he’ll be your guard dog. He’ll keep you safer than any security system. I didn’t know how Cole feels about animals in the house, but I figured if nothing else, he could live in your barn.”


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