Love All Out - Part 4 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 4 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 7

by Ward, Alice

The Spencer’s were an old Kentucky family that had been revered in the racing industry since the nineteen sixties. In six decades, they’d produced eighteen Kentucky Derby winners, eleven of which went on to win Preakness Stakes. And they were interested in my horses.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Spencer. I’d shake your hand, but as you can see, I’m a bit of a mess right now. I’m sorry, but none of my horses are for sale,” I said firmly.

  “That’s what I’ve heard,” he replied undeterred. “That’s why I flew out here instead of calling you. Everything has a price, and I’ve been told that I’m much more persuasive in person,” he winked at me and I blushed against my will. I looked away and told him again that my horses weren’t for sale.

  “Well… could I at least have a look at them?” he asked. “I mean, I came all this way…” he raised an eyebrow and gave me an innocent smile.

  I met his eye again and stared a little too long before clearing my throat and replying. “Sure… I mean, letting you look at them won’t hurt anything. You can see what you’re going to be up against in a couple of years,” I added with a cocky smile of my own.

  “Is that so?” he asked as he followed me into the barn. “So the foals are already spoken for… may I ask who bought them?”

  “No one bought them. I’ll be racing them myself,” I said as I led him to Buttercup’s stall. “This is Thunder’s filly. And across the way is his colt,” I added, pointing at Blaze.

  “May I?” he asked, his hand on the stall latch.

  “Be my guest,” I replied, giving him a permissive wave.

  He walked into Buttercup’s stall and offered her his hand to sniff. She studied him for a few moments, licked his fingers, and he approached her.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said as he ran his hands over her leg muscles. The moment he reached her ankle, she lifted her hoof.

  “How much work have you done with her?” Colby asked as he rose to his feet.

  “They’ve both been handled every day since they were born,” I replied proudly.

  He nodded but didn’t reply. He left Buttercup’s stall and stepped into Blaze’s.

  “Are either of these foals out of Mondo’s dam?” he asked as he performed the same examination on the colt.

  “No,” I told him. “Calliope is retired. Glory is Blaze’s dam,” I said, pointing at the mare. “And Clementine, the bay two stalls down, is Buttercup’s mom.”

  “Do you mind if I take a closer look at them?” he asked.

  “Knock yourself out, but you’re just wasting your time. The foals aren’t for sale,” I said for the third time.

  “I’d still like to look over your stock,” he said as he left Blaze’s stall. “I’m very interested in purchasing one of your future productions. I’d like a horse sired by Thunder, specifically. I’d settle for a stud service, but I’m trying to add new blood to my program. What I’d really prefer is a colt.”

  I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “That’s surprising. Forgive my candor, but I know how much money you’re family’s worth. Why don’t you just buy a stud service from Mondo? Thunder’s a champion, but Mondo’s the one who’s famous.”

  “Yes, Mondo’s the one who’s famous. But he’s also unproven. My family earned its piles of money by making smart business decisions. And jumping on the bandwagon while Link Jackson whores out Mondo’s stud services is the last thing I’m interested in. Thunder’s already shown that he produces champions. And I want one of them.” He pulled a checkbook from his back pocket and I opened my mouth to protest. He held up a hand to silence me.

  “I understand that if Mondo takes the crown, Thunder’s foals become more valuable. I’m willing to pay top price. Just name it.”

  God, he’s never going to quit.

  I put my hands on my hips and stared at him defiantly. “Listen, Colby, I appreciate your interest… more than you probably realize. It’s flattering that you’re so interested in my program. But the future breedings aren’t for sale either.”

  “You’re closing his bloodline?” he asked with a frown.

  I nodded back at him. “I’m sorry, but you’ve made this trip for nothing.”

  His jaw clenched and I could tell that he was holding his tongue.

  Yep… he doesn’t hear no often.

  Colby stared down the barn and his eyes fell on Locomotion. He approached the stall, a single eyebrow raised in curiosity.

  “Who is this? He’s a beauty… I don’t know if I’m interested in his colts, but I’d certainly like to have a look at them as they arrive.” He stepped into the stall and studied the horse.

  “This is Locomotion. His breedings aren’t for sale either,” I replied. “Though I’d certainly be happy to send you some pictures as his babies arrive. I expect them to be real showstoppers.”

  Colby’s mouth fell open and he stared back at me in shock. “You’re creating your own bloodline,” he finally said. I couldn’t tell if he was more impressed or annoyed.

  “Yes, I am,” I replied, my voice radiating with confidence.

  He glanced around the barn again. “That takes decades, Willow. And you don’t have enough stock,” he challenged me, his voice full of doubt.

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’m young, and I have plenty of race winnings to spend on an expansion,” I said smugly.

  He stepped out of the stall and looked down at me, showing me his perfect teeth. “I like you, Willow Rogers. You’re a feisty one. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and kicking your ass on the track,” he said as I led him to the front of the barn.

  “I’m looking forward to doing the same,” I quipped. “The ass kicking part, I mean,” I finished with a teasing smile. I walked him outside and he leaned against the driver’s door.

  “I heard about your father,” he said, looking down at me. “I’m glad he’s recovering well. I hope his recent illness won’t keep you from New York next week.”

  “I’m still thinking about it,” I confessed. “I was supposed to fly out on Thursday, but I may wait until Saturday and make it a day trip.”

  “That would be a very long day,” he said. “And you deserve to enjoy yourself. My family has a place in the Hamptons.”

  Of course you do…

  “We’re flying up on Wednesday,” he continued. “I’d love for you to join us. We’ve hired drivers to take us to the city and back on Saturday.”

  “If I do go, I’ll be with a group,” I explained. “But thank you for the offer.”

  I was flattered by the invitation, but I didn’t trust Colby’s intentions. I didn’t know if he was interested in me, or interested in being seen with me on race day.

  “Well if nothing else, find me at the park. I’d love to be the first one to buy you a drink after Mondo wins.” Before I realized what was happening, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

  “I’ll see you soon, Willow,” he said as he climbed into his truck. He turned the steering wheel towards the house, made a u-turn, and ambled down the driveway.

  He has some balls, kissing me like that. And he’s so hot… but he’s not James. OH SHIT.

  I recovered from the shock of the kiss and looked up at the house to find James standing on the porch, his arms folded across his chest. I had no idea how long he’d been standing there or what he’d seen. I raced to the porch to explain myself.

  “Dinner’s ready,” he said as I started up the steps. “Mom sent me to find you, but I didn’t want to interrupt your date.” His shoulders were tense and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  “That wasn’t what it looked like,” I said quickly. “That was Colby Spencer. His family owns a racing program in Kentucky. He was interested in the horses.”

  “He was interested in a lot more than that,” James snapped. “And you seemed to be enjoying it.”

  I opened my mouth to argue and Renee stepped out onto the porch.

  “There you are,” she said with a hurried smile. “If you want your dinner ho
t, you better get in here.”

  Damn it, I just need a few more minutes. I have to make him understand. If he stews on it for the next hour, it will only get worse.

  “Sorry, Mom,” James replied. He moved past me and stepped into the house. I had no choice but to follow and hope for the best.


  I stood on the porch of James’s cabin, pounding on the door. “James… I know you’re in there. I watched you walk home, remember?”

  My knocks went completely ignored. James had barely said a word during dinner. He told our parents that he had a headache and excused himself the moment Renee cleared the dishes. I was desperate to explain myself, so I grabbed a bottle of Advil from the cabinet and told Daddy and Renee I was going to check on him.

  “I know where Daddy keeps the spare key,” I warned as I knocked again. “One way or another, you’re going to talk to me.”

  The door swung open and James greeted me with a glare. “I don’t think we should talk right now, Willow,” he said through a clenched jaw.

  I pushed past him and walked into the living room. “We have to,” I insisted. “You completely misunderstood what happened in front of the barn. That was Colby Spencer, his family owns…”

  “I know who he is,” James growled, slamming the door. And it was pretty clear what he was doing here.”

  I was too upset to sit down, so I paced the room while James leaned against the wall. “He came to look at the horses,” I told him again. “As soon as he showed up, I told him that nothing was for sale. He still wanted to see them. I couldn’t be rude. I gave him a tour of the barn and explained that my program is closed. We talked about Belmont for a few minutes and then… he just kissed me.” I left out the part where Colby had invited me to stay with his family in the Hamptons. That detail wasn’t going to help my case.

  James stared back at me, his eyes cold. “You didn’t give him any reason to think you wanted him to kiss you?”

  “Of course I didn’t. I love you,” I reminded him. “I was polite, but I didn’t flirt with him. And it’s not like I could tell him ‘sorry, I have a boyfriend’.”

  “Yeah, because heaven forbid that news gets out,” he snorted.

  I threw my arms in the air in frustration. “You know why we’re still keeping this a secret.”

  “I thought I did,” he replied. “But now, I’m starting to wonder. Maybe you don’t want to tell anyone because you want to keep your options open a little longer.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  Where the fuck does he get off…

  “I’m sorry but if I remember correctly, I’m not the one who may be having a child with someone else,” I bellowed, my face hot with rage. I crossed the room and stood directly in front of him with my hand on my hips. “I also seem to remember finding Katelyn wrapped around you at that rodeo. So you don’t get to throw a fit because some guy kissed me on the fucking cheek,” I finished, poking him in the chest.

  James wrapped his hand around mine with a tight grip. He stared at me, his eyes suddenly sad instead of angry.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. He dropped my hand and looked away. “I know none of this has been easy. And I know most of that has been my fault.” He massaged his temples with his palms and moved towards the recliner.

  “When I saw you with Colby, I was furious as hell. I can’t remember ever feeling so jealous. But over dinner, I had another thought.”

  I sat in front of him on the coffee table and crossed my legs. “What was the second thought?”

  James sighed and stared out the window. “I thought I can’t blame you if you want something less complicated. Let’s face it, Willow. There will always be a good reason to keep our relationship a secret. First it was racing season, then Cole’s heart attack, now Katelyn. I’m absolutely sure that baby isn’t mine, but as soon as this crisis clears up there’s bound to be another one. And if you were with someone like Colby…”

  “I love you, James,” I said quickly. I took his hand and he met my gaze.

  “I love you too, Willow,” he replied, his dark eyes full of sadness. “But I’m not sure that’s enough anymore. And I know if that paternity test comes back positive, it will be the end for us.”

  It was my turn to sigh because I couldn’t argue with him. I still wasn’t sure that James and I could have a future if Katelyn had his baby. I stared at him and saw the same despair I felt radiating from his face.

  “I know you’re sure you’re not the father. But have you thought about what you’ll do if you’re wrong? How would you raise a baby with Katelyn and still be with me? And how the hell would we explain ourselves to the kid once it gets old enough to understand that most people don’t date their step-siblings. Have you thought about any of this?” I asked.

  “I haven’t thought much about it,” he replied. “Because I know it’s not my baby. But all of those questions you just asked have easy answers. If the baby is mine, I will be there for it. I’ll pay child support, get visitation, and treat Katelyn with respect. But I don’t want to be with her, Willow. And when the baby is old enough to start asking questions, I’ll give honest answers. But if the test is positive and you’re not ready, I’ll understand that too. All I want is for you to be happy, Willow.”

  It was a good answer, but I wasn’t satisfied. Mainly because I wasn’t sure I was ready to be a part of a child’s life. I felt much more equipped to be an aunt than a stepmother. But then, I stared into James’s eyes and imagined them on a tiny, squishy face. I remembered how wonderful he’d been with Jase and Josie and thought about what it might feel like to watch him with his own child. I realized then that wasn’t something I wanted to miss.

  “I love you, James,” I said again. “And I can’t imagine my life without you. You don’t have to worry about Colby Spencer or anyone else. In fact, while I was talking to him, all I could think about was you… he was charming, he was attractive… but he wasn’t you. And you’re the only man for me.” I crawled into James’s lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

  “I’m sorry I threw such a fit about Colby,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I love you so much and the sight of him with his lips on you was more than I could take. If the parents hadn’t been home, I’d have marched down there and told him exactly where he could stick his lips.”

  “We’ll probably see him in New York next week. If you’d like to stake your claim then, be my guest,” I said. I nuzzled my face to his neck and planted a soft kiss on his jaw.

  He pulled away and stared at me with a wide grin. “Do you mean that? Because I’d love to.”

  I nodded. “Your mom and I had a long talk at lunch the other day. She kept going on and on about how much she wants us to be a happy family. I felt so damned guilty I almost told her about us right there in the restaurant. She said she loves me and wants to show me what it’s like to have a mother. She’s getting too attached to the idea of me as her stepdaughter. She needs to start seeing me as her…” I couldn’t say the word out loud.

  “Her what?” James asked, his eyebrow pointed in amusement.

  “You know what.” I blushed. “I mean… we haven’t exactly talked about the distant future… but…”

  “I know,” he agreed. “I was just teasing you. But since we’re talking about it now, I agree with you. Mom needs to stop thinking of you as her stepdaughter and learn to see you as her daughter-in-law.”

  “So you’ve thought about it?” I asked. My heart beat quickened with excitement.

  Oh my God, if I could go back in time a few years and tell my high school self about this…

  “Of course I’ve thought about it,” James replied. “From the moment I realized I was in love with you, I knew that it had to be all or nothing. We can’t exactly break up and get away from each other, given our circumstances. I’m in this for the long haul, Willow.”

  “Because you’re stuck with me anyway?” I teased.

  “Because you are the most beautiful, a
mazing woman I’ve ever met,” he replied, his voice soft but serious. He pulled the neck of my t-shirt over my shoulder and kissed my collarbone.

  “Because when you walk into a room, the whole world stops in the best possible way,” he continued, his mouth moving up my neck.

  “Because when you look at me, I feel like I could conquer the world. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way, Willow. Not until I met you. And I never want to let you go.” He kissed me and I tasted my salty sweat on his lips.

  “God, I must smell awful,” I said, pulling away. “I was in the pasture all afternoon. I should have taken a shower before I came over.”

  “You’re not that bad,” James assured me with a smile. “What were the parents doing when you left the house?”

  “Daddy was pretty tired. Your mom was doing the dishes and then I think they were going to bed… why?”

  “I was just wondering if they’d notice you’re not back yet. Sounds like they won’t, so how about I run you a bubble bath?” he suggested, squeezing my ass cheek.

  I raised my eyebrows. “A bubble bath?”

  “I picked some up the other day,” he confessed. “I was hoping we’d get a chance to enjoy it together.”

  “I could go for that,” I agreed, feeling my body already beginning to stir. I climbed out of James’s lap and he stood.

  “There’s a bottle of Pinot in the fridge. Why don’t you pour us each a glass and meet me in here?” he suggested as he walked into the bathroom.

  “I can do that,” I called after him.

  I heard the bath water rumble through the pipes as I opened the refrigerator and retrieved the wine. I popped the cork and filled two plastic cups before racing to join James in the bathroom.

  The room was dim, with soft candlelight flickering across the walls. James was already in the tub, his body covered in thick, jasmine scented bubbles. I handed James his wine and sat mine down on the edge of the bath before pulling off my clothes. James watched me undress, his eyes smoldering with desire. He offered me a hand and I stepped into the small, narrow tub.

  “Settle down in front of me and I’ll give you a massage,” he directed.


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