Naughty Bits

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Naughty Bits Page 34

by Lacy Danes

  If wolves had facial expressions I imagined David’s was a mix of confusion and indecision. He hadn’t meant to concede, I was sure of it. But that single reflexive step backward had given victory to Anthony. Of course, he could ignore his accidental retreat but the mental edge it’d given his brother and the damage it’d done to him was usually irrecoverable.

  Anthony straightened, his thick furry ears perking as though waiting for David to make it official. With a hard snort and a shake of his head, David turned and jogged over the hill, disappearing deeper into the forest. Markus hurried after his brothers.

  Anthony turned to face me and my body fought itself for the correct response. My legs bent, lowering my center of balance, ready to fight, even as my belly fluttered and my sex pulsed. Instinct, primal, powerful, pounded through my veins, craving the strongest, victorious suitor like it craved air. Instincts be damned; I wasn’t about to become a Purist no matter how much of an animal turn-on it was to see him battle for me.

  He was riding a triumphant high as he jogged toward me. I could smell his thick musk billowing before him like an intoxicating cloud. The scent surrounded me, spiked my wolf lust to mate with the proven superior. I fought it. He didn’t.

  Anthony was acting like a wolf not a man, so when I launched myself at his neck he was taken by complete surprise. I managed to graze his flesh, felt the thin scrape of his skin curl up the inside of my teeth before he dodged and shook me off.

  I’d landed on my side and pain shot through my hind leg tearing a line straight up my spine like fire on a fuse. I barked, high and sharp, half from pain and half are sult of air forced out of my lungs.

  He narrowed his eyes on me, his stance suddenly more aggressive, more determined. I had to get up, had to fight. I knew this time it wasn’t about proving a point. This time it was about taking what he wanted, taking because he could. This time it was about sex. But each twist of my body to get my feet under me sent new shards of agony through my leg.

  I wasn’t fast enough. Anthony closed the distance he’d thrown me in a heartbeat. He leapt around to my tail end, his powerful front legs clamping around my sides, his claws digging through my fur to my flesh. I’d only caught a glimpse of his little pink penis wagging out from its pouch. His hips were already pumping against me, though he missed my pussy with every thrust. Eventually, he’d find the mark.

  No. I squirmed, tried to swing my hind end out from under him, but he held on, dancing along behind me. His sharp teeth nipped at my shoulders, the back of my neck, trying to hold me still. I couldn’t get free. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard my mom barking at him. I knew she was biting his ass, tugging on his tail with her teeth. He didn’t seem to notice.

  Panic sunk through my veins like ice, freezing my brain, making me stupid. Then it hit me. There was nothing I could do to get through to him. He was a Purist at heart, just as I feared. My wants and needs meant nothing to him. I was female. He’d won me. I was going to be raped.

  White-hot pain sliced along my side and ripped through my brain with such force that for one terrifying moment I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think what had happened. A screaming yowl exploded out of me, the sound so close to human I thought for a second I’d shifted. I wrenched my head around to see blood soaking my side, turning my caramel fur brown as rust, wet and clumping.

  His claw had cut through to the meat. I fell, not even realizing he’d let me go until I felt the soft grass under my hip. Anthony shifted fast, faster than I’d ever seen anyone shift. One second he was wolf, I blinked, and he was human, naked, panting, his violet eyes wide with worry.

  “Mattie, oh God, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He drove his fingers through his mop of hair. “Damn it, this challenge bullshit is making me crazy. I thought I felt you offer and then you refused me. Hell, maybe I just wanted you to offer so badly I imagined it. I dunno. Why the fuck won’t you just choose me? Please. You’re killing me. You know I love you. I never would’ve—”

  I spun around and bit the hand he held out to me—hard. When he jerked back I took off and my pack followed. They’d been watching helpless for some time, I realized, but now I needed them, their protection, while I shifted to heal the wounds on my hip, neck and side.

  I ran through the moonlit forest, trees and brush raking through my fur, my heart thundering in my ears. Anthony’s words rolled through my brain. I hadn’t offered to him; I was sure of it. But I’d wanted to. I realized now, when I saw him drive David off I’d wanted him, then, always and forever.

  Could he be so attuned to me that he understood my thoughts better than I understood myself? Or had desperation driven him to revert to his Purist upbringing for answers? Was he a heartless, self-centered Purist, or my perfect life mate? And how the hell was I supposed to know the difference?


  “HE’S A LONE WOLF NOW. EVERYONE’S TALKING about it,” Mom said. “Apparently, after we left him last night he went straight to Big Richard and broke his ties with the pack.”

  There are three surefire ways to get information out: telephone, e-mail and tele-my-mom. “So what, that somehow makes him a better mate for me?”

  Mom snorted. “Well, yes. It proves he’s been telling the truth. Purists never break rank. Never really leave their core packs. Anthony did.”

  I shook my head, not wanting to believe and wishing I could at the same time. “It’s not just Big Richard. Anthony will never be a lone wolf with all the women he’s got offering to him. And after what he almost did last night—”

  “I know the definition of the word lone, dear,” she said, indignant. Oops. “He’s ended things with those other girls. Flatly refused each of their offers. I hear one of them, the one with the big nose and god-awful taste in clothes, I heard she threw an absolute fit when he turned her down.”

  Sheila Tully, a model who enjoyed the perks of wearing designer clothes every day, but alas would never hold a candle to me in my mother’s eyes. I loved my mom.

  “And last night…well, honey, I love you, but if you hadn’t suddenly tried to bite his head off, we’d have snuck off to give you two some privacy.”

  My jaw dropped. “Seriously? Mom, he jumped me.”

  “I know, sweetheart, but to be fair you’d invited him to enjoy your…feminine delights before.”

  My cheeks warmed. Crap. I was twenty-three, a werewolf and a liberated woman. Of course I wasn’t a virgin and my mom’s not stupid. Still. She’s my mom and hearing her refer to my feminine delights is just…shudder.

  “I think he just got a little caught up in the excitement of fighting off other suitors,” she said. “If it’d been any other time, say a few nights ago, would you have fought so hard to stop him?”

  If he’d tried to screw me in wolf form? Uh, yeah. But only long enough for us both to shift and then…Go figure, my mom was right. But was she right about everything? Was Anthony my true life mate?

  “It doesn’t matter. He was raised a Purist,” I said. “Even if he turns his back on that now, he’ll never be like Dad. I want what the two of you had. A partnership. Can someone raised as a Purist ever see a woman as an equal?”

  Mom shook her head, and made a tsk-tsk sound with her tongue. “Your father was a rare find. I don’t think there’ll ever be anyone quite like him. But then, you’re not exactly like me. And maybe, just maybe, Anthony can be for you what your father was for me. There’s only one way to find out.”

  Yeah, stick my neck out and hope no one bites it off. Won’t that be fun?

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Councilman Lynwood said from the metal ladder they’d erected at the far end of the clearing. “In exactly—” he checked his watch “—eight minutes the lunar eclipse will begin. As is tradition, the hunt lasts the duration of the eclipse while our abilities are uniquely heightened. This year we’ve got a full two hours.”

  The crowd cheered around the group of us who were naked and ready for the hunt. More than three hundred wolves running through the woo
ds after a lone deer just isn’t practical. So each pack chose their best five, which typically equated with the top five ranking members.

  There were only four of us from my pack: me, Mom, and my cousins, Glenna and Oliver. Glenna was my blood cousin; Oliver was her mate. A fluke of members being injured, pregnant or underage coincided to make us short one. We weren’t the only pack participating in the hunt with fewer hunters though.

  Plus, we were good. Real good.

  “You still pissed at me?”

  I turned from Councilman Lynwood’s speech about how an alpha member of each pack had scented the deer that morning before they’d set it loose and said, “Anthony.”

  “Wanted to stop by and wish you luck tonight,” he said, hands stuffed aw-shucks style in the front pockets of his jeans. His gaze traveled down my body and left a trail of heat in its wake. My breath shuddered but I covered with a deeper breath, waiting for his eyes to come back to mine. Nudity wasn’t normally an issue with werewolves, unless you wanted to have sex with the person and then we’re men and women like everyone else.

  “Thanks. Putting my name on the Gathering cup this year’s gonna be sweet,” I said, skillfully hiding the quiver in my voice.

  Damn, those jeans hugged his muscled legs like indigo skin. Then again the tight T-shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination either. And I had an excellent imagination. My belly fluttered, thoughts of shredding the black fabric off those hard pecs flashing through my brain.

  “Oh, right. The alpha of the pack to take down the deer gets the honor. You’d be the first woman.” His smile dimpled his cheeks. If I didn’t know better I’d think he actually looked…proud.

  “That’s the plan.” I swallowed, tasting his sweet-hay-and-all-male scent on the back of my tongue. The flavor sparked so many memories: my lips on his skin, his arms around me, his body deep inside mine. “You going out with your dad’s pack?”

  He shook his head then looked away, brows tight. “No. I, uh, I won’t hunt with a pack I can’t respect. I’m not a Purist and my dad can’t accept it. So…”

  Hope clogged my throat, made my stomach churn and flooded my sex with liquid heat. “That right?” I kept it cool.

  He looked me in the eye, his voice smooth, sincere. “I told you that already. I’m not a Purist. Never have been. Last night, Mattie, that was me being crazy-out-of-my-mind in love with you. Nothing else. I didn’t mean to hurt you and I sure as hell wouldn’t have forced you. I swear it.”

  It was my turn to look away, to hide the blush I felt warm my face. “So you really cut bonds with your dad and his pack? You’re a loner now?”

  I glanced back and caught his nod. “Yep. Not all it’s cracked up to be, though.”

  My smile flashed on reflex. “That right?”

  “Yeah.” He hiked his shoulders, hands still in his pockets. “Think I could hook up with you guys tonight?”

  Muscles across my back tensed. “Why not just take my pack, if that’s what you want? You could force me. If you’re not a Purist you’ve got nothing to lose.” Except my respect.

  “Yeah, I could force your pack to follow me. I could force you to be my mate.” He closed the distance between us, cupped my face. “But I’m asking. The decision is yours. Can I join your pack, Mattie? Will you have me?”

  My stomach flopped and fluttered. It felt like I was riding a roller coaster. “You can’t just join another pack. You—you have to be born in or mate in.”

  His hands slipped to the tops of my arms, fingers squeezing, pulling me close so my naked breasts brushed his chest. “Think you could help me out with that?”

  Tingles raced over my skin, from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet, anticipation, hope, and blind lust making me light-headed. God, it was such a risk. What if he was lying? If I just had some kind of proof, some way to know for sure.

  “You can run with us, but I’m lead. If you take down the deer it’s yours. I—I mean—the pack won’t want the credit.”

  His gaze stayed fixed on my mouth, watching me speak, his lids low, making those sultry violet eyes all the more sexy. Damn. “Got it. So I’ll follow. Act as your fifth.”

  “You’d follow me in a hunt? A woman?”

  “I’d follow you anywhere, Mattie. Because you’re a woman, the woman I love.”

  Someone sighed. “Aww…” It was my mom.

  I led my pack to win the hunt, but not alone. In wolf form, under the strange power of a dark full moon, instinct took over and everything snapped into place. Like the teeth on a gear, Anthony and I, the members of my pack, all meshed together, worked as one. Like it was meant to be.

  But the evening wasn’t over. I had a decision to make. After all, no matter how much I wished it, a woman couldn’t hold a pack on her own. Funny thing. I didn’t really want to hold it on my own anymore.

  We weren’t the only ones to take a dip in the lake after the hunt. Anthony and I had swum out near a small island for privacy. He pulled me to him, coaxing my legs around his waist under the water, kissing my neck. His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine, a delicious contrast to the cool water hugging my body, lapping at my breasts.

  His muscles tensed, his cock a hard line pressing against my ass, he rocked his hips to stroke himself against me. “I’m going out of my head here, Mattie. The Gathering’s almost over. I want you. I want you now, and forever. Tell me I’m the one or put me out of my misery.”

  I turned my lips to his ear. “I want you…inside me.”

  Anthony’s whole body shuddered around me as though my words had touch and weight. A blast of his exhaled breath bathed my neck and back. His arms tightened and he shifted, lifting me so his cock pressed against the sensitive lips of my sex. I floated down, my pussy opening over him, taking the thick round head of his cock inside my body.

  My chest tightened, trapping my breath. Sex muscles fluttered, pulsed, tried to pull him deeper. I caught my bottom lip between my teeth to muffle a moan.

  “I can’t refuse you,” he said, his hands slipping down to my ass, squeezing. “But is this all you want from me?”

  His hands pressed as he rocked into me, driving his thick shaft through the tightness of my pussy. I cried out from the suddenness of it, from the thrust of sensation that exploded through me.

  Yes. I wanted this, him, his body, his soul. I wanted Anthony as my mate. I knew it then; I’d known it since he’d asked to join us on the hunt. But I’d worried for so long, I’d allowed my fear to wall up my heart, to become a solid obstacle inside me. It weighed down on me, trapped the words in my throat like debris in a stream. I couldn’t break through. I couldn’t let go.

  “Just…just fuck me.” My voice came soft, breathy. I clung to him, my arms wrapped around his neck, my heart racing, need screaming through me to move, to ride him, to feel him slipping in and out of me.

  “Damn it, Mattie, you’re pushing me to the ragged edge,” he said, his jaw clenching as he pulled out then rammed his cock deep.

  The force of his thrust shook through my body, electric sparks flashing behind my eyes. Water splashed around us, wetting my shoulders, my face, sending waves rippling out in a fast-growing circle. Again and again his body stroked inside me, fit me perfectly, filled me up. Sweet friction sizzled along my skin, hummed through my veins, coiled low and tight in my belly. My sex muscles squeezed, milking his cock, begging for more. I held my breath, felt the climax rise, closer, closer.

  And then he stopped.

  “Is this all you want?” he asked again, his lips brushing my ear, his cock pulsing inside me.

  “I’m so—I’m so close. Please…”

  “First tell me. Is this all you want from me? A fuck? Or do you want more? Do you want what I want?” He nipped my ear and sent a quick jolt through my system that nearly undid me.

  I gasped, my senses teetering at the edge of bliss. His sweet scent filled my nose, my lungs, his warm breath and hot body drowning me, penetrating deep inside me. My mind scrambled to unders

  I couldn’t think. I could only feel. “I want…I want…Anthony!”

  Suddenly I didn’t have to think. The dam broke. Nature roared inside me, reached out from my soul like an invisible hand stretching to him. An offering. He took it, and with it went my body, tumbling over the edge. Sweet, sweet release.

  I knew the moment, the instant, his soul linked with mine and our union was sealed. Life mates. One for the other, together as one. Forever and always.

  Hot For It




  Tonight, when I craved each of those things almost more than my next breath, not a damned one of them was to be found.

  The lights in the off-strip funeral home couldn’t have been further from the clichéd glittering lights of Sin City. Already dimmed throughout my father’s afternoon showing, with night fast falling and every other visitor gone, I’d had the funeral home director take the lights even lower, as if that somehow would make it easier to accept that my father was dead. That the heart-clogging meals he’d been ingesting for fifty-plus years had finally gotten the better of him.

  Christ, how long had I been after his ass to give healthy eating a try?

  Not long or hard enough, judging by the sickening pallor of his skin and that his final breath had been drawn two days ago. Approximately one hour after I could recall laughing for the last time. Laughter I’d shared with Jack Dempsey, my best friend. The bosom buddy who’d been by my side for over two decades.

  The man who wrapped his arms around my waist now, pressing his strength against my back and reminding me that I wasn’t alone but with a guy who knew exactly what I needed tonight.


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