Darque Wants

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Darque Wants Page 30

by Diana Steele

  In the bathroom Anna stripped off her clothes and placed the plastic basket full of bathing supplies on the tile floor of the shower stalls. The third shower on the left was the shower of choice as it seemed to have the hottest water. She carefully dialed in the knobs with the correct combination and waited for the steam to arrive. As the water rained down and the steam rose towards the ceiling, Anna stepped under the stream and closed her eyes. The heat sank into her skin and quickly washed away the chilling numbness that had consumed her. The change was more than she could handle. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the blue tile wall as her tears streamed down her cheeks and got lost in the raining shower. As she stood there motionless, she remembered the sound of Connor's voice.

  “You're very special, Anna,” she remembered him saying on the night they actually met for the first time. He had said it again the night he took her. And God, how he had taken her. Anna remembered it vividly as it had played out in her dreams so many times. But nothing had prepared her for the intensity of real life. Her body had been stripped by the other women and laid down on the altar. Her hands and ankles bound in thick leather straps. The memory of the course leather wrapped tightly around her wrists made Anna's clit tingle. With her head still leaning against the wall and her eyes closed, Anna's hand slipped down over her belly button and across her pelvis. She pictured it in her mind. The stranger’s eyes were on her bare exposed body as the two women spread her legs wide and bound them in the straps. The exposure alone had made her drip. She remembered aching as the wetness rolled down between the cheeks of her ass before the bonds were even tied. Even though she had always been a very modest even shy girl, it had thrilled her to be exposed so openly like that. As the water poured over her in the shower, Anna's fingers pushed their way between her swollen lips and pressed firmly to her now pulsing clit.

  “Fuck!” she whimpered and then bit her lower lip between her teeth. Anna's legs wobbled slightly with the first few circles that her fingers made around her tiny nub. She clamped her eyes and leaned into the shower wall as she started to work herself vigorously. The images of the night before swelling in her mind until nothing else would fit. She remembered Connor between her legs, his mouth and how amazing it felt to have his tongue flicking out over her lips. Anna's legs stiffened as her fingers spun faster and faster circles wildly maneuvering over the thundering pulse of her clit. The water of the shower had started to cool but she didn't notice at all. A pale blue light emanated from her skin, and the heat flowing from the surface of her body caused the water to steam up and drift away. Her legs jerked as the memory of Connor's cock spreading her lips filled her mind. Her fingers worked to keep pace with her growing lust. Anna grabbed the edge of the stall wall tightly to keep herself from slipping to the floor. Her teeth still gnashed at her lip, her hips bucked against her fingers as they pressed hard to her body and worked frantically with her building need.

  “Unnnnn!” Anna groaned out as her body shook. The bathroom lights flickered over head but she didn't notice as she rode the waves of pleasure that were swelling inside her. The aura, like tiny fingers of intense blue flames, surrounded her body and lapped off her into the steamy air of the room. She quivered violently as her knees buckled, and she fell slightly into the stall wall. The light fixtures flashed as sparks sprang out and rained down into the showers streaming flow. The pipe fitting on the sinks began to vibrate and groan along with the sounds that were now flowing from Anna's open mouth. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt, something inside Anna broke free, and her body burst into convulsions. “Fuck!” She cried out as her orgasm shattered her. She collapsed to the tile floor as the sink pipes behind her burst and the room flooded quickly. The light fixtures exploded in a final burst of glowing sparks that spilled down over Anna's writhing body. As she lay on the floor, her empty core throbbing and her legs shaking, the entire dorm fell into darkness.

  Anna was laying on the floor as her body cooled. Now the shower water rained down like winter sleet. The cold drops striking against her steaming flesh like tiny knives. As the emergency lights flickered to life overhead, her eyes managed to open as she tried to take in her surroundings. As she looked across the bathroom she saw the devastation. The sinks had burst, and the flood was too much for the clogged drain in the floor to process. Her body was laying in a three-inch pool as she tried to recover her senses. Just then she noticed him standing there beyond the stall opening. She was too exhausted to jump and simply gazed up into his eyes.

  “Anna, you're going to have to learn to control it,” he said as he looked down over her naked body. Anna thought for a moment she should try to cover herself, but she simply just didn't care anymore.

  “The whole campus could walk in and have a peek,” she thought to herself, and then quickly let the thought slide by as her skin started to tingle again. She just looked up at him. She looked into those eyes that had once made her so nervous and afraid, and she felt nothing but longing.


  “Come on, baby girl. You can't stay here like this,” he said as he draped a towel over her and knelt beside her. Slipping his arms under her legs and around her back, he easily lifted her from the tile. Anna leaned into his chest, too weak to struggle, too weak to do much of anything. She just wanted to be in his arms.

  “He called me baby girl,” she thought as she snuggled into him, a warm sense of pride washing over her. As he lifted her, he moved effortlessly across the room as if her weight was nothing at all to him. As he passed by the emergency light, it turned off leaving the entrance to the hallway dark. He carried her down the hall toward her room. As his steps drew them near another light, it faded into darkness so that none of the other people in the dorm seemed to notice a tall man carrying a naked woman down the middle of the hallway. They all seemed to be caught up in the frantic celebration of the power outage anyway. He reached her room. The door simply opened before him as he walked through and laid her down on the bed.

  “My pendant!” Anna said, suddenly realizing she didn't have it as she tried to rise up off the bed despite her body's complaints.

  “Hush,” Connor said as he drew the blankets off Kat's bed and walked towards her. Anna's body instantly fell limp and she dropped into the pillows. Connor laid the blankets over her naked body and tucked them around her. “I have it here, little one.” he said as he pulled the silver chain from his pocket and slipped it around her neck. Anna grabbed hold of the pendant and gripped it to her chest as she reach out toward him with the other hand.

  “Don't go!” she pleaded meekly as she took his hand. Connor looked down at her, her wet hair sticking to her face and he smiled. He stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed. He took hold of her body wrapped tightly in the blankets and moved her to his side. He seemed to manipulate her body effortlessly. Anna rolled over and draped herself across his chest and snuggled into him tightly. “Mmmm, thank you.”

  “Just rest, Anna,” Connor said as he wrapped his arms around her. The closeness of him made her feel safe, a feeling she was desperate for. “I'm going to tell you a story so just lay still and listen.”

  “Ok,” Anna said as she held close to him. She was starting to love his commanding presence and would have done anything he wanted. “Anything he wants,” she thought to herself as her body began to shed its chill more rapidly.

  “Hush, Anna,” he said again as his hand stroked her back. “Try and stay calm. You've already done enough damage for one night.” There was something to this command he seemed so fond of. When she heard it roll off his tongue, it vibrated through her like the soft thump of a bass guitar, and every muscle in her body instantly relaxed. She instantly calmed down, and the heat settled between her thighs again.

  “A thousand years ago,” he began as she lay on his chest. “There was a beautiful woman. She lived by the sea in Connacht, Ireland. Her father was a powerful sorcerer named Talisin. The woman's name was Ceridwen. She had pale skin that glimmered like moonlight and flowing bla
ck hair that swept around her like the waves of the ocean around the rocks of the shore.” His words sounded like music, and the constant vibrations that emanated from his chest soothed Anna. She felt as if she might actually be asleep and dreaming as she listened to his bedtime story.

  “Bedtime story?” she thought to herself. Something about this seemed familiar, and she wondered if she had heard this all before.

  “Talisin and the King were very good friends and often spent hours together discussing the magic of the natural world. But Talisin had a secret he kept from even the King. The sorcerer was an immortal spirit who had seen a beautiful woman bathing in the forest pool in the moonlight and fallen madly in love with her. He sacrificed his immortality so that he could take human form and woo the beautiful woman. Once a mortal man, he found the woman and made her his wife. But what Talisin had not known was that it had been a trap. The beautiful woman had been a nymph that was sent to seduce him by another spirit named Lug. But the nymph fell in love with Talisin and told him of the deceit. The two had fled to the far side of Ireland to escape Lug. There they lived by the sea together and were very happy. The nymph bore Talisin a beautiful daughter. And when she was born and took her first breath, the night sky burst into blue flames, and the fabric between the worlds opened up so that all the spirits might gaze upon the beauty of the child. But the flames caught the attention of Lug and exposed Talisin’s hiding place. No longer content with simply killing Talisin, Lug sent evil spirits to kidnap the nymph. In his dungeon, Lug tortured the nymph until she bore him a daughter as well. When the child took its first breath, the sky erupted in a burst of red flames that burned the fabric of the night and allowed the evils spirits of all the worlds to spill onto the earth. The nymph, wrought with pain and sorrow, sacrificed her life to seal the fabric and save the world.”

  “Lug was furious and vowed to reopen the fabric and destroy the world using the power of both the nymph’s daughters combined. But Talisin had once again moved and hidden his daughter. Having sacrificed his immortality for love, he was growing old. When he realized his time on the earth was ending, he took his friend the King into the forest and told this tale. He asked the King to marry Ceridwen so that he would know she would be kept safe. The King, who had always been in love with Ceridwen, agreed and made her his Queen. When Lug discovered that Ceridwen had been made Queen, he sent an army to destroy the kingdom and bring Ceridwen to him. He sent his own daughter, Arwin, to lead the attack along with his most devoted hunters. Arwin laid waste to the kingdom and destroyed everything in her path. Her personal hatred of Ceridwen led her to go against her father's wishes. She killed Ceridwen rather than returning her to Lug. As the King lay dying he called his personal guard, made up of the sons of his most loyal houses. He entrusted them with protecting the heir to the throne. To give them the power to protect his daughter, the King used a vial of magic blood Talisin had left upon his death. He poured the potion into his glass and filled it with the last drops Ceridwen's blood and then his own and commanded the guards to drink it. The potion gave them special abilities but also bound them to the King’s bloodline for eternity. All descendants of the great houses of Connacht are bound to marry and protect the descendants of Ceridwen, or they will perish. But the potion bound them so they could not tell the heirs, they had to choose to surrender to the guardians willingly.”

  “Perish?” Anna thought to herself as she listened. She thought back to the night she was taken by Connor. On the bed that had always been where she saw Kat in her dreams was the lifeless body of one of the strangers. “This fairy tale bullshit can't be real?”

  “But seeing the potion,” Connor continued as he pulled Anna tighter to quell her restlessness. “Arwin's hatred got the best of her, and she spilled her own blood into the cup to curse the heirs of Ceridwen. Their magic was bound by the curse to their lust, which the power of Arwin's hatred multiplied so that the heirs would be controlled by it and fall victim to their desires as Arwin herself had.”

  “Multiplied their lust?” Anna thought about the way her dreams had built in their intensity until she was so horny she would have jumped anyone who stood still long enough. But something about the “fall victim” line made her tremble inside. She forced her face tighter to Connors chest and shivered. Sensing her concern, Connor pulled the blanket up over Anna's shoulder and picked up the towel from the bed. He wrapped it around her still wet hair and pulled her back to him closely.

  “The story is almost over, Anna,” he said as he reassured her. “Then you can sleep. I will stay tonight to watch over you.” Connor held her tight and went back to his tale. “After the battle was over, the lords of Lug’s army returned Arwin's body and the cup that held the potion to him. Lug was furious that the heads of his most loyal houses had failed him and not brought Ceridwen to him, but when he saw the body of his own daughter, his fury was overwhelming. He took the cup which still held a few drops of the potion and with his magic made it full again. He forced the sons of the lords who failed him to drink from the cup and bound them to the same fate as the protectors of the heir. They would have the same abilities to hunt down the heirs as the guardians had been gifted to protect them. They would also be motivated by the need to seduce and marry an heir or perish. But he added a drop of his own blood to the cup as well. The anger and hatred that flowed through his veins poisoned the potion, freeing the hunters to be as cruel towards the heirs as they desired. And so for a thousand years, the great houses have hunted and battled over the heirs of Ceridwen and the throne of Connacht. If the heir on the throne is a bride of the Guardians, then the fabric between the worlds is protected. If the heir on the throne is a bride of the Hunters, then the fabric between the worlds is torn, and evil spills into the world.”

  “Sleep now, Anna,” Connor said and he leaned his head down and kissed the top of her forehead. Anna felt her body ease. She melted into him and quickly fell asleep as she tried to hold on to the pieces of his story. But it was no use. She was fast asleep before the tale had sunk in. Connor's eye stayed fixed on the night sky beyond the window as he held her tightly to his chest.


  Anna slept peacefully for the first time since she could really recall. Connor had stayed, and she was still in his arms when she woke early in the morning. As her eyes cleared and she saw him, feeling the warmth of his closeness, the strange story he had told last night was the furthest thing from her mind. She was a newlywed after all. That is if she understood this all. As she stirred in his arms, Connor brushed the hair back from her face.

  “Good morning,” she said lifting her head from his chest. “Oh God. I bet I have the worst morning breath,” she thought to herself. Connor didn't seem to notice as he lifted her chin and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her lips. The gentleness of it made the little girl inside her shiver. It was also a contrast to the images she had in her mind of him. The cool dark stranger standing in the shadows watching over her. Or the firmly sculpted man hovering between her thighs as she lay bound to the stone altar.

  “Hush,” his voice came softly. “You don't want to get things fired up again so soon,” he said stroking her hair back behind her ears. “They have only just fixed the lights in the building, and the bathroom is still taped off.

  “Shit!” Anna piped out as the memory of the events in the shower came flooding back into her mind. “Ok, whatever the hell is going on is insane.” She protested, “And on top of it all, I really have to pee!” She pulled herself from Connor and slipped off the bed. As the blanket fell away another realization came to her. She was stark naked. She stood frozen, her pale skin marked with intricate sleep lines that made her look like a porcelain road map. Her skin began to flush with embarrassment as Connors eyes studied the map like a man lost in the wilderness. She could see that the calm cool persona he projected wasn't always the real person inside the dark black suit. She watched as the bulge in his pants grew quickly. The motion of it lurking just under the thick black cloth made
her body react. She felt flush now, not from the embarrassment of being exposed, but from the memory of their wedding night. The memory of that hard cock and how it felt as it forced its way inside her.

  “Anna, hush!” His voice came a bit firmer as he rose from the bed. “I mean it. You have to calm down.” He tried to adjust his now stiff cock without being entirely obvious. “This isn't a safe place, and you haven't learned how to control your power.” He marched across the room and snatched up a robe from the dresser. He came up behind her and wrapped it around her.

  “Calm down,” Anna huffed. “What the hell does he mean calm down? I'm on fire!” She thought to herself as she jerked the robe and wrapped it around herself with a decidedly angry motion.

  “Come on,” he said grabbing a pile of her clothes up from the floor and tucking them under his arm. “You can use the bathroom downstairs, and then we will go somewhere safe.” They stepped out the door into the hallway. The daylight seemed to have a different effect on Connor. He was less comfortable, not that Anna would have ever labeled him as a relaxed kind of guy. Also, unlike being in the cover of the shadows that the night made abundant, he was actually noticeable to the other people drifting through the hall. One of the girls on her hall was sitting at her desk with her door open as usual. She instantly stopped her work and locked eyes on Conner as he moved into the hallway. Anna's eye slimmed into a spiteful line as she cast a glare at the girl.


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