Darque Wants

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Darque Wants Page 55

by Diana Steele


  Please don’t be stupid and kill yourself. This book is a work of FICTION. Do not try any new sexual practice that you find in this book. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY. Enjoy.

  Chapter 1

  The morning of the festival dawns cold and bright. The sun’s rays are making their first appearance and Dorian has already been hard at work in his workshop making last minute preparations and reviewing the plan in his head. His head is near exploding from the anger brought on by Faith’s revelation yesterday. How could she continue to brush him off and dismiss their obvious connection? Faith’s inability to see or acknowledge how he feels about her is beginning to wear on him.

  Back in the house, Faith is stirring and preparing for the day. She stands in front of the mirror examining the changes in her appearance and her tumultuous emotions compared to a few days before when she first arrived in 1881. Her face seems fuller and she thinks she might have some curves now, running her hands down her body to feel the difference. Inside she finds that she is a little nervous. This must be what “butterflies in your stomach means”. Remembering their passionate lovemaking, she blushes slightly and wonders how she got here. Thinking back on what she said to Dorian yesterday, she wonders if she really wants to leave or if she is just shutting down as she always does when a man shows interest in her. Either way she needs to find some way to heal the hurt she has caused.

  “Are you ready to review the plan for tonight,” Dorian asks her when he comes back into the house.

  “What, no good morning,” Faith tries lightly to break the obvious tension between them. But Dorian just moves right along.

  “First, we will need to greet the hosts.”

  “And who are they?” Dorian completely misses my attempt at humor.

  “They are my very good friends the Moore’s. William was my childhood friend and we share a love for inventing and building. His wife Constance is a lovely woman and I daresay you will like her, even if you don’t like me.” Faith knows then how much she has hurt. She’s not sure how she can fix this one.

  “So what happens after we greet your friends?”

  “You will make your way to the young ladies with your dance card and wait for dance partners.”

  “Do you think they will come?”

  “Yes, I forget that you have never been in a small town before. We have a shortage of available, eligible young women. You will be in high demand.”

  “And you think that Lucas will be first in line?”

  “No, I forget that you haven’t lived here for very long. Lucas will wait for the right moment. The moment he feels will remind everyone in the room who is really in control. Most likely he will bide his time and make an overture that will push someone else out. You will need to gather the information we require and get an invitation to his home.”

  “How do you expect me to do all of that?”

  “I’m sure you will come up with something.” With that, Dorian heads upstairs to start preparing for the evening. Faith is left in the study to wonder if he will ever be affectionate with her again. It leaves her feeling a bit cold to think that he may not. Mulling this over she picks up her ensemble for the evening and heads upstairs as well.

  “Will you help me dress, Dorian?” She waits shyly at the door hoping he will say yes. He pauses his own preparations.

  “Yes, bring it over here.” While Faith was hoping this would melt his cold exterior, it is not to be. Dorian manages to help her dress without making any real contact. Dorian is shaking inside. He wants to give her another chance but is fearful he is not strong enough to withstand another disappointment. He catches sight of her in the mirror and is reminded anew of just how beautiful she is, the fresh air, clean water and real food have transformed her from the gaunt young lady that came through the time machine to a healthy one with roses in her cheeks. Yes, this period seems to suit her very well. He cannot fathom how she survived in 2081; it must have been quite dreadful indeed.

  With all of the preparations completed and Faith turned out in her best, they make their way downstairs. Faith catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror in the study and falters for a moment. For the first time she sees, what Dorian and every man must see in her, the natural beauty of a strong woman who knows her own mind. With renewed confidence, she squares her shoulders and follows Dorian into the evening air.

  Chapter 2

  Walking up to, the barn there is already a great number of people in attendance. There is music drifting out to them coupled with the sound of dozens or pairs of feet dancing away. Faith turns to Dorian smiling in a moment of pure bliss wanting to share it with him, but he still has his emotions closed up still.

  “Can we try to have fun tonight? I know we have things we need to do tonight, but will you dance at least one dance with me?”

  “Yes,” Dorian says. “I will be sure to get a spot on your dance card.” With that they both make their way into the party.

  “William & Constance, this is my cousin, Faith, I told you about from New York,” William says introducing Faith to the couple.

  “Welcome, Faith. I hope you are finding Durango to your liking. I’m sure our little town is nothing like your big city, but we do know how to have a good time.”

  “Good evening, Mrs. Moore. Thank you so much for having us. The decorations are exquisite.”

  “Oh my dear, please call me Constance. We are all friends here and I we will be great friends I’m sure. Dorian can be such a bore sometimes you will surely want to come for a visit every now and then while you are here. Now let’s get you a dance card, come with me.” Dorian is sure to put his name about half way down her dance card. He believes Lucas will make his first advance around that time. Constance takes Faith at the crook of her arm and gets her settle with the other young women.

  “She is quite exquisite Dorian. Where ever did you find her,” William asks Dorian with an arched eyebrow.

  “Why whatever do you mean old friend?”

  “I know for fact that you have no cousins, you can’t fool me. And anyone with eyes can see that you are smitten with the girl.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yes, now tell me what in the world is going on?”

  “Not here, we will have to discuss that at another time. Do you have any new projects you are working on?” Dorian knows that asking William about his work is the fastest way to derail this line of questioning. This time though, William ignores the question.

  “Have you discovered any more information regarding the mysterious circumstances of your father’s death?” Dorian is taken aback by the question and remains silent for a moment. He glances around to make sure Faith has made it to where she needs to be and that Lucas is in attendance. He spots him in the far corner positively salivating over the line of young women. Faith catches Lucas’s eye immediately. Good, Dorian thinks. You will be singing like a canary by midnight. This may be easier than they thought.

  “No,” Dorian replies. “But I am working on a solution for our little problem we have been having in town. It was fortuitous that our parents built their homes and livelihoods so far out of the town limits. Otherwise, we would be just as mindless as the rest of the town. I know it is a power move for Lucas but I am glad that we are still able to have our annual celebrations.”

  “Wait, what are you planning? Did you say you had a solution? This is the first I have heard of it,” William says with a slightly disappointed tone.

  “Don’t worry, you will have your part to play I’m sure before it is all said and done. For now it is all up to Faith.”

  “That seems like an a
wful lot to ask of the girl. Do you think she is up for it?”

  “Oh yes, I believe she will do just fine,” Dorian says with an edge in his voice. Faith is immediately claimed by her first dance partner as the music begins and the party really gets underway. Not surprisingly, her dance card filled up quite quickly. Faith adapts admirably to each new dance partner and pride swells in Dorian watching her glide around the floor.

  “She is a very accomplished dancer Dorian,” William remarks.

  “Yes she is, she learns very quickly.”

  “So tell me now, where did she come from?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me. There are too many ears around right now. Can we table the discussion for now and I swear that I will reveal all in good time?”

  “Now let’s enjoy this party you have put together. Go dance with your beautiful wife.”

  “I think I will.” Straightening his vest William struts across the room to take his wife by the hand and swirls into the reel currently being played. Dorian looks to see who Faith is dancing with, a local boy who is just grinning from ear to ear like he can’t believe his luck. At the end of the dance, Dorian steps to Faith to claim his dance. As the music begins he looks into her eyes for the first time since yesterday.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he says.

  “Why thank you. You look quite dashing yourself. I hoped that you would claim your dance.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it. Now we just have to wait and see if Lucas feels the same way.” Dorian doesn’t see Lucas moving through the dance party to make his way to them.

  “May I cut in?” Lucas asks in his deep silky southern baritone. He moves in to take Dorian’s place without waiting for a response. He is impeccably dressed, standing out among the men with his well-tailored suit and jacket. He looks as if he was going to a fancy dinner party instead of a barn dance. While the other young women may be swooning over him, Faith is not overly impressed.

  “I believe you are the most beautiful woman here tonight. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” He feigns ignorance, but Faith is sure that he knows exactly who she is.

  “My name is Miss Blackburn to you.” She quips back, somewhat smartly.

  “I was hoping we could be friends Miss Blackburn may I not know your first name? Do you know who I am?”

  “Yes, you are Mr. Lucas Snakewood.”

  “Good well then I don’t have to explain that I always obtain what I set my mind too,” he says as he spins her expertly across the floor. Faith is beginning to relax in his arms as they move about the room, a perfectly matched pair to the casual observer.

  “And what is it that you want from me Lucas?” Faith asks somewhat coyly.

  “That remains to be seen, but I would like the opportunity to know you more intimately than just as a dance partner. You are a delightful partner by the way.”

  “Thank you for the kind compliment.”

  “Oh no, that is a statement of fact. I do not idly hand out compliments my dear.”

  “I see, well I suppose after a few turns around the dance floor we could step out to the garden to become better acquainted.” Dorian has been watching this exchange and has started to feel the swell of jealously blossoming in his chest. An unknown emotion to him, he is unable to quell the thoughts running through his head. Without thinking, he goes to couple and roughly displaces Lucas. Lucas maintains his decorum and elegantly retreats from the swirl of dancing couples.

  “What are you doing Dorian? I had him right where we wanted him.” Faith spits angrily at Dorian. Dorian seems to come out of his haze of jealousy.

  “I apologize, I don’t know what got into me. I saw him with you and you seemed to be so happy being in his arms, I couldn’t abide by that. I had to do something.”

  “Well you did something alright and you may have cost us this opportunity. I will have to go apologize for you and see if I can salvage the situation. I am pleased to know that you feel that strongly for me, but next time control yourself!”

  “Now go find someone to dance with or talk to William while I work on our target.” Dorian departs rather doggedly and engages himself elsewhere. Faith makes her way to Lucas.

  “You will have to excuse my cousin Lucas, he was not quite himself. Would you like to dance again?”

  “My dear, of course. I assure you that a man of lesser quality than my own self would completely forget himself where you are involved. Men can quite lose their heads I’m afraid when they find a beautiful woman to be object of their lust, however misplaced those impulses are.” Faith titters with laughter and leads him out to the dance floor once more for a lively reel.

  “Shall we go out to the garden and partake in the refreshing night air? I find that it is quite stifling in here at the moment.”

  “I would be delighted,” Faith replies. On the way out Lucas gets them some refreshments and hands one to Faith smiling at her like he is a predator that has finally gotten his prey where he wants them. Funny enough she feels the same way.

  “So what is it that makes you such a force to be reckoned with in this town?” She asks after they have moved away from the party.

  “Why it’s my good looks and debonair charm of course.” Faith laughs throwing her head back exposing her neck. He steps closer and places his hand on her back. She acts coy and playfully turns away.

  “I would like to see where you rule your little kingdom from and how the better-half lives.”

  “I would most assuredly enjoy showing you everything about my Durango, but first I think you will need to show a little more sincerity toward me.”

  “How can I show you that?”

  “You can start by telling me your first name.”

  “It is Faith.”

  “Ah, Faith. Such a delicate yet strong name. I have a feeling it accurately describes you my dear. Do you have a rebellious spirit I wonder?” He says with a look on his face that clearly suggests she will have to show that she does in order to get where she wants to go. Forgetting for a moment that she is in 1881, Faith presses herself as close as she can to him. Lapsing into her previous promiscuity filled frame of mind, Faith finds the perfect words to say to get Lucas intrigued.

  “I assure you that I am every bit a rebellious spirit. You have to experience me to find out exactly rebellious I can be.” Lucas grasps her chin while kissing her somewhat roughly in response to her fiery declaration. Faiths body responds like a livewire. The past day and a half has left her emotionally empty and Lucas immediately seems to fill the void she has been feeling with Dorian. Struggling to keep her hands to herself, she responds to his advances in kind exploring his mouth expertly with her tongue.

  Dorian glimpses the couple through the open doorway and immediately begins to move toward them. Faith catches his eye over Lucas’s shoulder and motions him to stop. Dorian does so reluctantly. Faith breaks their kiss with a smile.

  “I haven’t received that kind of affection in some time. I know that decorum would want me to slap you or get one of my menfolk, but mostly I just want to kiss you again and melt into your arms.”

  “Would you like to come to my home tomorrow for luncheon? It would be a pleasure to show you one of the most beautiful houses in all of Durango. Perhaps we can become acquainted away from prying eyes. Faith wonders if he knows Dorian has been watching them all night, she dismisses the idea and returns her attention to Lucas.

  “That would be delightful.”

  “I will have my newest acquisition pick you up.”

  “What is it?” Faith asks curiously.

  “You will see tomorrow. It is quite an ingenious contraption. I know you will like it.”

  “Until tomorrow then Mr. Lucas Snakewood.” Faith takes her leave from Lucas and spends the rest of the night dancing every dance. She steps out to take the dance with Dorian, but Lucas cuts in and forces Dorian out. Dorian leaves in a mood and waits outside for the party to be over.

  “I thought we had said goodnight, Lucas.

  “We did, but I decided that I wanted the last dance with the most beautiful creature in all of Durango.” Faith playfully gets away after the music ends promising to see him tomorrow.

  “Goodbye Constance, thank you for the lovely evening. We had a wonderful time.” Faith says as she catches Constance on her way out to Dorian.

  “Oh I’m so glad you were able to attend. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Don’t forget to come visit anytime.”

  “I won’t,” Faith says with a warm smile. She goes out then to find Dorian hoping he hasn’t left her to walk home alone. He is leaning against the fence waiting for her.

  “Well I think that was a productive evening. We got what we needed from Lucas.”

  “I am not sure you needed to be so excited to be with him. You were acting inappropriately. Thankfully you were outside where no one could see you.”

  “Well regardless of how you feel about it, I enjoyed myself and I got the job down. We are having luncheon together tomorrow at the Manor.” Faith says triumphantly. They walk home in silence after that.

  “Will you help me undress?” Faith asks quietly once they get upstairs.

  “Yes, I will but I still think that you didn’t need to be so forward with him.”

  “How else was I supposed to get him to play along and do what we wanted him to do?”

  “I don’t know, but you didn’t have to act like such a whore.” At that Faith slaps him full across the face. Her reaction surprises her just as much as it does Dorian who goes quiet immediately. He finishes undoing the laces of her corset roughly and stalks out of the room without saying another word. Faith finishes undressing and crawls mournfully into bed. She thought that tonight would be a new beginning for them, but once again she feels like she has managed to foul things up.

  Chapter 3

  “Are we going to be able to talk to each other like adults this morning?” Faith asks as she comes into the kitchen. Not receiving any answer from Dorian who is sitting resolutely at the table she heads outside to collect the eggs for the day. Dorian wants to talk to her but the shame he feels over last night seems to block everything else out. He doesn’t know how to apologize for something that he thinks is unforgivable. The rest of the morning is quiet around the house as the pair keep their distance from each other. When it comes time for her to leave for the manor, Faith has gotten tired of what she believes to be childish behavior on Dorian’s part and tries one more time to talk to him.


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