Strip Search (Too Hot Too Handle, #3)

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Strip Search (Too Hot Too Handle, #3) Page 7

by Valentine, Aubree

  Turning to my dresser instead, I pull out a well-worn Marines shirt and a pair of boxers to hand to her. “I’ll wait in the hallway. Let me know when you’re done.”

  Molly takes the clothes from my outstretched hand nods.

  The two minutes or less that it takes her to slip into my clothes does nothing to quell the pure rage burning in my veins. I’m still fuming when she opens the door up.

  “It was Lola.” She doesn’t even give me a chance to speak, no doubt knowing now is not the time to test my patience. “I stood up for one of the other girls. I stopped her from taking a swing at Roxy. She got one up on me though.”

  “You’re done,” I say through gritted teeth. “Fuck this whole thing. You’re through.”

  “Cole. I swear to fucking God, I’m not doing this with you again. I’m staying. Roxy needs a friend, someone to watch her back. Right now, that person is me. I’m not backing down, and I can promise you, it’ll be the last damn time the bitch every lays a finger on me.”

  “She’s going to pay for this,” I assure Molly.

  “She will, but you’ll let it play out first. Because that’s part of the plan. We already know she’s a vital part of this scheme. This had to happen. It’ll make the inevitable takedown that much sweeter.”

  “I’m not happy, Mol.”

  “Me either,” she sighs. “Care to explain why I woke up in your bed?”

  A smile plays at the corner of my lips. “Nice diversion. You fell asleep in the car,” I say as I push her wet hair behind her ears. “It’s a privilege no one else has ever had.”



  Cole’s confession tugs at my heart. Part of me so desperately wants to believe that in spite of it all, maybe things are shifting. I know that all of his attention at The Landing Strip was supposed to be for show, but it doesn’t feel that way.

  “I’m going to shower and change clothes. You alright in here alone?”

  “I can go. Or sleep on the couch,” I offer.

  Ask me to stay. I plead silently.

  He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and laughs. “Not happening. TV remote is on the nightstand if you want it. I’ll be quick.”

  Cole grabs a pair of shorts and locks himself in the bathroom while I climb back in his bed and turn the tv on. As promised he’s not gone long. When the door opens, steam bellows out along with the fresh scent of his body wash and mint. He stays silent, and he flips off the bedroom light and settles in beside me.

  “You good?” he askes gruffly, as he not so subtly tucks his arm under my head.

  Taking his cue, I snuggle closer and hope that I’m not reading this whole situation wrong. “Yep, you?”

  “Perfect.” He looks down on me with a grin.

  We settle into a comfortable silence together for a few moments before his arm shifts, and he pulls me closer to his warm body. My eyes drift closed, and I fall asleep in the coziness of his embrace.

  The next morning, I wake up to daylight peeking through the curtains and the sound of rain on the windows. It takes a second for me to gather myself but when I do, I’m surprised – if not a bit disappointed to find Cole’s side of the bed is cold and I’m alone.

  The clock on the nightstand tells me that I still have time before I need to report to work, plenty of time. But realization sets in. I’m going to be doing one hell of a walk of shame if I don’t make it to my place and put on something a little more appropriate than Cole’s clothes or my club attire.

  Slipping out of Cole’s bed, I make quick work of handling my business in the bathroom and then take off in search of him.

  The upstairs is quiet, so I follow the hallway and make my way down to the main floor. To my right at the bottom of the steps, I find the kitchen and I'm greeted by two shirtless men with food on the counter and coffee.

  Cody spots me first and lets out a fool on belly laugh. “Oh, this is great. Good morning! Sleep well?”

  Cole spins around from where he’s pouring another cup of coffee and flashes me a breathtaking smile that has my tongue tied in knots.

  “Ignore him.” He rolls his eyes at his brother and comes over to greet me, coffee cup in hand.

  “Hi,” I whisper breathlessly as he gives me a peck on the cheek. Behind his back, Cody gives me two thumbs up then scurries away before Cole catches him.

  “Breakfast is on the counter. I think we should have time for you to swing by your place and change clothes.” Cole pushes the cup of coffee into my hands.

  He steps away and goes back to his plate like this is the most normal thing in the world. Meanwhile, I feel like I’m stuck in the twilight zone.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Three weeks later...

  I can’t believe I’m about to do this.

  “Harmony, you’re up in five,” Lola’s voice echoes in the tiny dressing room that I’m currently sharing with seven other strippers that are on rotation tonight. Her ugly sneer makes my already nervous stomach flop.

  The tiny booty shorts and tied up shirt I have on left little to the imagination. The lingerie underneath? Leaves even less. Cole has no idea that for the last three weeks I’ve been rehearsing dance moves three nights a week, and shadowing Candy, one night a week. How I’ve managed to get this by him is no small miracle. One that I know I’ll pay dearly for when he finds out. Which he will. Tonight.

  Dallas said this was the best diversion to keep Roxy safe. I trusted him but, Roxy hasn’t shown up for work lately, and he refuses to tell me why. I’m not buying his claim that he has no clue what happened to her. I hope for his sake that he’s gotten her out of this hell hole and she’s out of harm's way. Otherwise, there is a good chance that I’ll castrate Dallas in the process.

  “You sure you don’t want a hit?” Candy asks, pulling me from my thoughts as she extends the rolled-up bill to me.

  I shake my head. “No, thanks.” I take a drink from my water bottle instead.

  Either Lola is really stupid, or she thinks I’ll turn. Putting me with Candy, played right into our hands too. She convinced me to have lunch with her this week. On my way to our meeting spot, I got a clear view of her dealer, something she didn’t even bother to hide when I pulled up. With the knowledge from Candy that he was the supplier for the whole club, the guys have had a field day compiling evidence. I can only hope this will be over soon.

  “I’m telling you, it makes it easier to get out there and do it.” With a wipe of her nose, she says, “Showtime.” Giving me a wink and a slap on the ass before pushing me out the door. “I’ll be right out there on the floor serving drinks and watching you!” she calls behind me.

  In the hallway, the bass vibrates around me as I make my way to the stage.

  It’s too late to back out now. In less than sixty seconds I’m going to step out onto that platform and bare my soul to a room full of disgusting and horny men. Tears threaten to fall, and for a moment I almost run the other way. I don’t know how these other ladies can do this. Scratch that, I do know how, and I know, I’m not one of them.

  Before I can completely fall apart, another thought distracts me.

  Cole’s face pops into my head. I can do this.

  It’s time Cole got a taste of his own medicine. I’ll step out there on the stage and pretend I’m performing a private show, just for him. He thinks I’m too innocent? Too pure? I’ll show him how that I’m none of those things. Maybe then, he’ll change his mind about us once and for all.

  Fuck. I’ve lost my damn mind. The shot of Fireball from a little bit ago has gone to my head, and not in a good way. My voice of reason has clearly made a bargain with the devil. Getting a dig in on Cole is not worth this humiliation.

  Especially not when the last three weeks have been a mix of chaos, stress, and progress; even where the two of us are concerned.

  The minute the music starts, and I walk out – I know that I’m going to wish I had taken option two and let Dallas stage my death and put me
into Witness Protection because of Cole’s reaction alone.

  He is not going to see any reason why this was the best option, nor will he find any humor in my thought that it may attract him to speed things up between us.

  The track volume lowers slightly, and the MC’s voice blasts over the speakers. “Alright, alright, alright, tonight we’ve got a very special attraction for you. Gentleman, I hope you're ready for her Inaugural performance. You’ve seen her around, working the floor. Now give it up for...HARMONY!”

  Jason Aldean’s She’s Country begins to play, and I take that first step into the spotlight.

  Something feels off immediately.

  My eyes roam the crowd, and the first thing I notice is that Cole’s not in his usual spot. He should be here by now. I felt safe that my place in the lineup tonight would happen after he arrived.

  Nerves continue to churn in my stomach while I try to maintain the count in my head and work through the routine like I’ve rehearsed while I scan the room again hoping to find him.


  He’s not here.

  My gut is screaming at me that this is all wrong.

  I contemplate running off stage and hope like hell that Dallas can quickly save me somehow, but then, I spot Cole coming into the room. His eyes immediately lock on mine as I untie the shirt I’m wearing and shimmy it down my arms before flinging it to the edge of the stage.

  Among the catcalls and whistles, he stops dead in his tracks, and suddenly I feel empowered.

  Somewhere a switch flips.

  The way he’s looking at me. The mix of desire and anger spurs me on. Earlier nerves are completely gone as I reach for the button on the tiny denim shorts and pop it loose to the sound of whoops from my audience.

  When my thumbs tuck into the sides of my shorts, Cole begins moving again. A man on a mission, in my direction. The two bouncers in front of the stage try to stop him, but he muscles his way past.

  Great security we’ve got working this place. I think to myself.

  Next thing I know, Cole has scooped me up in his arms as he stomps backstage. I can feel the anger radiating off him as he grabs one of the robes from the rack that the strippers use to cover up after a performance. Tossing it over me, he continues to stomp down the hall with me in his arms.

  I’m pretty sure, this is bad. Very bad.

  It’s dark, and I’m trying to let my eyes adjust from being nearly blinded by stage lights when I hear a door slam shut behind us and then he sets me down on my feet. The robe he tossed over me, falls to the floor leaving me in the barely there sheer bra and the unbuttoned shorts that I never had the change to take off.

  “What. The. Fuck. Was. That?” he bellows at me.

  I want to respond, but the only thought running through my mind right now is how incredibly sexy he is when he’s angry.

  Unhappy with my lack of response, Cole begins pacing the room. “Goddamnit, Molly, answer me. What the fuck were you doing out there?”

  “Stripping.” I finally find my voice. “You wanted a dirty girl. I can be that for you.” I’m clearly still running on an adrenaline high, and my common sense has not returned. “That was all for you.” I give him a saucy wink.

  His pupils dilate and his nostrils flare. “You’re telling me, you stepped out on that stage tonight to prove a point to me?”



  “Mayyyybe,” Molly answers coyly, testing my patience even further.

  Walking into The Landing Strip, and finding Molly up on the stage, was the very last thing I thought I’d encounter tonight. We’ve talked about this scenario until I’m blue in the face. I thought she wouldn’t be stepping foot on that stage and I’m furious that she didn’t bother to mention it.

  Today has been one pile of shit after another, which resulted in me walking in ten minutes later than normal. I was already dreading coming in here and witnessing another night of assholes touching what should be mine. Finding her up on the stage has me ready to rip heads off everyone involved. The thought of her exposing herself to a room full of horny, greedy, and grimy assholes has me seeing red.

  That’s not my only problem – jealousy, something I’m too familiar with had reared its ugly head too. The primal need to claim her as mine rages inside of me.

  Looking at her standing before me, her rosy nipples hardened to their peaks behind the skimpiest bra she could find, has my dick ready to explode from my jeans.

  I know I should walk away, or at the very least, tell her to cover up with the robe I threw over her a few minutes ago. I promised her brother I wouldn’t touch her. That I would keep her safe. But, when her hands touch me, I know I can’t hold back anymore. Every ounce of resolve I’ve had, for the last four years, since she came to work for me, has gone so far out the window that I know I’ll never recover it.

  She did this...because of me.

  “You want this, Molly?” I question her, my voice firm – my brain screaming for her to say yes.

  “I want you. All of you, Cole.”

  I shouldn’t do this.

  There is no coming back from what I’m about to do.

  “You want me to fuck you? Right here? In a dimly lit room, in the back of a seedy strip club?”

  Her hands trace down my ribs and dance along the waistband of my slacks before she cups my length through the fabric. “Yes. I want you to own me.” Her need and desire echos off every word.

  The pendulum swing that occurred when I held her in my arms all those nights ago proved one thing to me. That she – was worth the man I want to be for her.

  I’ve had to avoid her for the last few days until I could tie up every loose end, including Jade. A woman whose memory has no place here, in this room with Molly and I.

  I swallow hard the war between good and evil running rampant in my head.

  When Molly begins to slide her hand up and down my shaft, the last piece of my resolve snaps. I take her face in my hands and press my lips to her as I back her against the closed door. Everything about this is primal, needy, and consuming. In the back of my mind, I know she deserves more than this side of me. She deserves for me to take it slow. To savor her. And I will, later. Because I know, one taste will never be enough. But right now, I need to give in to the need that is destroying us both.

  Her hands grab on to my arms as I pin her against the door and shift my focus from her fuckable mouth to feast on her tits. Pulling away from the paper thin fabric, I flick my tongue over the buds and suck on them. The sounds coming from her mouth, have my hips grinding against her. I feel like a fucking teenager all over again.

  I need to be inside her because I’ll be damned if I’m about to cum in my pants.

  Reaching between us, I push down her already loosened shorts while she fumbles with my belt buckle. When I look down, my cock pulses at the sight of the tiny scrap of fabric that leaves nothing to hide. Ignoring the head in my pants, I take her hands off of me, and I hit my knees before tossing her legs over my shoulders. With one tug, I’m ripping the thong from her body and slipping my tongue between her legs. Her hands thread in my hair and pull tightly, spurring me on as I take my first taste of heaven.

  Slipping my two fingers inside her wet center, I continue licking and nipping at her sensitive flesh until she’s screaming my name and coming all over my face.

  Now. Now I can give in to what we both really want. I quickly stand and adjust her legs around my hips, working my pants down just enough to free my dick, before running my length against her. Lining myself up perfectly, I pause and look at her one more time.

  “Last chance,” I growl against her lips. She kisses me back eagerly while grinding against me desperately. “I need to hear you say it. Tell me.”

  “Yes. Cole. Yes. Please,” Molly begs and fuck if it’s not the sexy damn thing I’ve ever heard. It’s even better than any fantasy I’ve ever imagined.

  “Yes, what? What do you want?”

  “Fuck me, Cole.”

/>   One quick thrust. Her head falls forward, and she whimpers as she bites into my shoulder. I’m met with the slightest resistance as I bury myself in her heat. “Molly,” my voice cracks. I’m going to fucking regret this. A part of me already does.

  “Don’t,” she pleads, and I can feel a single teardrop hit my skin. “I want this.” To prove her point she uses her arms as leverage, pushing up before lowering herself down on top of my cock again.

  She’s so fucking tight.

  “Shit,” I hiss as she moves again. I should do something, maybe move us to the table, let her ride me. I twitch inside her at the thought and she groans.

  Grinding against me, she begs me again to fuck her, and I give in. With her hands pinned above her head, I slam into her as she screams my name. I’m out of control. It’s hard and fast as I race toward my release. Every time she says my name, I fall further and further.

  Slipping my free hand between us I stroke her clit as her head swings from side to side against the door, begging for something only I can give her right now. I can feel her pussy clamp down around me as her body trembles.

  “HOLY FUCK, OH GOD!” Molly screams, her legs tugging me even closer to her. The bite of the Glock holstered against my back while I fuck her only adds to this twisted fantasy. “COLE!”

  She uses me to ride out her orgasm, literally, as my balls tighten. Realizing nearly too late that I’ve forgotten the condom, I pull out and fist my cock – spurting my load all over her stomach, the white ropes marking her as mine. Once and for all.

  I’m so blinded by my own orgasm that I almost miss the pink on my dick. My heart leaps into my throat, and a primal growl escapes me. Stepping back, I look at her leaning against the door with her feet on the floor now. My cum still running down her pale skin. Counting to ten, I pull up my pants and reach in my pocket for the white handkerchief I carry and hand it to her.

  “You...” the words feel like cotton in my mouth. “You...were a virgin?” I don’t know why I’m asking. I already know. I want to be mad. I probably should be. If I had known...

  Fuck that.


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